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Grrr...DIY Knit One Purl Two

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I was just watching "Knit One, Purl Two" on the DIY channel. Once again, knitters say biting remarks about crocheters! This is really a pet peeve of mine.


They commented about the time the guest came into the Host's shop and asked for help with a "dreadful" crochet project, and how the host saved her by making her knit it instead, and how knitting is so much better...


I am happy to say that knitting is wonderful, and so is crocheting. Knitting is better for some projects, and crochet is better for others. However, too often I hear comments from knitters that totally slam crocheters.


This really irks me. I turned the show off immediately. I felt they were rude.


Did anyone else see that?




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maybe it's time for an LYS Blacklist. Which shops treat crocheters like 4th class citizens. If you don't want my money; you won't get my money


Why not start the list and notify the owners that the list has been created and they can get off the list... should they wish to do so. This really does need someone with internet savvy though.


A write in campaign against this show would likely have some effect. Maybe it is time for our voices and pocketbooks to be heard

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I didn't see the show, but... I participate in a knitting forum, too, and am frustrated by the attitudes displayed by some of the knitters. That is partly, but not entirely, why I picked up my hooks again. I do love knitting and have learned tons from the forum. I would appreciate more respect, however, from those few who denigrate crochet. Each craft has its own strengths and weaknesses. Why should one be elevated above the other?

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Wow! I had no idea there was so much antipathy between the two until I discovered all these internet forums for yarning! Until a couple months ago, I was a closet crocheter LOL! I had no idea that there were groups like this, or events for fiber arts, etc. I've had a good 2007 so far, finding folks with the same obsession!


And LYS owners dissing on the hook? Talk about bad business tactics!!


I do both and love both, though I do usually lean more towards the hooking end of things :). It really depends on what look I'm going for, but I'm not picky.

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I didn't even make it that far into the show; the host/yarn store owner grated on my nerves, even before she started insulting crocheters. Maybe it was because she was talking about newbies needing to drop loads of cash her $9 a pair (!!) needles, and $50 worth of Berroco yarn for their very first project.


I've never understood the enmity between certain crocheters and knitters (don't forget, it does go both ways). We all get enough grief from non-crafters, so why do we need to hate on each other?

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again - it's the same thing I say regarding food snobs: If it takes you $9 needles and expensive yarn to make something nice (or filet mingon and the freshest fresh picked produce to make a good meal), then you just aren't that good.


Someone with real talent can use cheap yarn and a stick and make something worth looking at (or the nasty bits and an old carrot and onion to make a great stew).


Those of us in between can make do with middle of the road stuff and come up with a good quality end product.


NO beginner in ANY craft should start with top of the line supplies. I would never trust anyone saying a newbie should spend $$$ to learn something new.


A REAL knitter/crochet/cook/artist/whatever would gladly give over their old stuff they don't use anymore and share knowledge.

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Here here Tiga! I'm with you.


I'm so tired of these knitting snobs. It really puts me off. I'm a novice knitter, and would love to learn how to do more, but I get really annoyed at the attitude of some people.


I personally read a Brittish magazine called, Knit Today. It has great features on yarn and normally has at least one crochet project in it. I was reading the letters page of this magazine to find some knitter complaining that too much of the mag is dedicated to crochet! What the!!! This mag normally has about 20 patterns, one being crochet and this woman had the hide to complain.


Granted, in Australia, crocheting isn't as big as knitting, but that's no reason for anyone to pick on us dedicated crocheters!

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I saw that episode today too:eek and was just about to post something about it...you would think if she knew how to crochet too, the lady wouldn't be knocking crocheting...both crafts are lovely in their own individual ways...I think it's terrible to compare them like that!

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:cheer Ladies, I dont want to start the war of the needles but arent some of you saying the same about knitters as some knitters say about crocheters?

I do both and for 50 squillion years and I dont understand why anyone should think that one is better than the other, just because they do one and not the other.

I also belong to a Knitters Forum and the very same thing is said, in reverse on there.

Crochet snobs and all that.....

I do agree though that it is not necessary to be rude about either, on a programme going out on TV, for millions of people to see and hear.

I think it just shows that that particular person is rude, not all knitters.

The only time I saw Knit one Purl two, I was not impressed but for a different reason.

I did not see much knitting happening and it seemed like a very long infomercial for the shop owned by the Presenter.

I do admit that I have only ever seem one episode but it did not make me keen to watch again.

Maybe it is just us Kiwis who dont care whether you knit or crochet, just so long as you are enjoying what you do.

Life is too short to be snobby about anything.

"Let Knitters and Crocheters unite for a better world."

Have fun.


PS, I have Grey hair and I do pretend to be insulted when people talk, in a bad way, about Grey Hair. Usually a very indignant "So, what is wrong with Grey hair then?" :devil

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While there may be similar feelings on both sides, I think the scale of negative attitudes is primarily with the knitters.


Never once have I been insulted for knitting by a crocheter, but I have been insulted twice for crocheting by knitters.


Just look around on line, some of the knitting shops don't even mention crochet anywhere, and some don't even have hooks. Both the lys in my area are put off somewhat by crochet - can't get an afghan hook or split ring markers in either place.

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Whenever I've gone into the two local yarn stores here in Omaha, I've been treated somewhat rudely because I crochet and I ask about crochet patterns and hooks. Granted, one store is ruder than the other.


Because of how I've been treated in those stores, I tend to prefer shopping at Hobby Lobby or Joann's for my yarn. I've been to the least rude yarn store a few times to buy things like a yarn winder and buttons.


The really rude yarn store I pretty much refuse to enter anymore because of how horribly I was treated there. (wore a crochet vest into the store, and they insulted me saying that it would have looked better if it had not been made out of acrylic) I was about to buy about $80 worth of yarn until they got rude. They ruined the experience for me.


Karma is taking care of the rude yarn store tho...the hospital that owns the land that store is on has decided to expand the hospital, so they're making all the businesses in that little strip mall vacate so they can tear down the buildings so they can add on the additions to the hospital.

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i knit and crochet, and i find it funny how people who only knit seem to totally suck at crochet. i watch knitty gritty on the diy network, and sometimes they'll do like a single crochet border on a project, and they'll show you how to do it, and they do it sooo slow and carefully, like it's rocket science!! and they always say something like "i know this is a little difficult, but you get the hang of it." they rarely mention that it's actually a crochet stitch. so the only reason they bash crochet is because they are crochet impaired =D

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Its so silly how some knitters are snobby about crochet, I both knit and crochet but I prefer crochet as I can see my work growing, but I don`t hate knitters. I have crochet many beautiful things and knit some mediocre things and the crocheting seems to get the more oooh`s and ahh`s than my knitting. but still people will say oh you are knitting when i have one hook in my hand and no knitting needles in site lol. call it ignorance and rise above the people who say that crocheting is bad carry on crocheting i say, If a wool shop made me feel bad about crocheting something I would not go there again. There is a lovely wool shop by me and every now and then i will go in and splurge the woman who owns it is a knitter but she always gives me the greatest respect when I am spending my money. we all have our crafts and the end results are great whether you are crocheting or knitting. I go to a knitting group on a wednesday afternoon and take my crocheting I havent come across anyone who was less than positive about my crocheting, I have even tought some of them how to crochet lol. and again i have stared in wonder at how fast some of the women can knit then had to explain how I am impressed and not just being rude. I would boycott watching the programme and hope it is taken off the air.

take care all sian xxxxx

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Can't we all learn to get along? One craft is not superior over the other. It's whatever you can do. It's your own preferences, abiltiy, likes and dislikes, and many other things that determine if you crochet only, knit only or both skills.


I'm in a group that is made of three crocheters and three knitters. We never dis each other's craft. The crocheters have tried a couple of knitted projects and found that it is not for us. We all just get along wonderfully and make things for charity.


I wish one craft would not think it is better than another. Take it as a gift from above that you can even do a wonderful thing like crochet or knit.


As for being on a television show knocking crocheters, that is just wrong. And what's bad is nobody said anything to our defense. Sad. :yes It's just a kind of ignorance.



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I keep thinking that there should be an easy "click here to send an email to the show" location. I bet if the producers got 11,000 letters complaining and threatening to undertake a boycott, they would be a little smarter in what they offer and in the choice of guests.


This whole concept is completely outside my ken. I just don't get it! why would anyone, having seen a crocheted tablecloth, turn up a nose? You have to be brain dead not to see the beauty in crochet.


I wish I could understand the deficiency in knitters (of which I are one :wlol) that makes them act this way.

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I don't get it, either.


I'm just learning to knit, b/c after I taught myself to crochet, I realized that for some things, crochet just isn't going to work - drapey summer sweaters, thin socks or anything I want to be lightweight but not made of thread, for instance.


On the other hand, there are some things that it's just impractical to knit when you know how to crochet - super warm hats and sweaters (why double knit when you can crochet?), big afghans, and how could I live without granny squares???


Other things, like purses and scarves, it doesn't matter. Sometimes the yarn will tell you what it wants done with it - I decided to learn to knit when a ball of novelty yarn refused to be crocheted into the scarf I wanted it to be. And I discovered that when you knit with RHSS "Monet", it looks totally different, so I'm going to knit a tote with it one day to go with my crocheted hook case! Same colors, totally different appearance.


I would never bash knitting or knitters; I will bash snobs of all sorts, though! It's silly and pointless.


But, some people, no matter what their hobby, be it handicrafts, cooking or woodworking or being president of the PTA, have to feel 'better'' than everyone else. They were the leaders of the cliques in middle school and they were the Queen Bees in high school.


They've just never grown up out of that mentality, sadly.


Those of us who can get along with everyone should, well, not feel sorry for them, but just realize where they are coming from, I guess.


And not shop at their yarn stores, lol!

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I can knit a little, and actually learned it first. A freind taught me how to crochet, well I watched what she was doing and copied her. I love the knitted sweaters, but they wouldn't come out right. Now my MIL knitted, so she would knit the pattern, and I would edge it in a crocheted edging, something lacy and we worked well together. Mama always ohh and ahhed over my stuff as I did hers. I even made a few crocheted pieces she took back to Greece for my neices there. It was very nice and we worked well together and made some beautiful things.

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I agree that it is mostly the knitters doing the nasties. In fact, I have been insulted twice by lys owners when I was buying some crocheting patterns. One did it by talking to another customer in the store, criticizing crocheting at length. The other wouldn't order a hook for me, even prepaid! She only carried a couple sizes, and I needed a different size. It was in her catalog, and the girl working for her said it would be no problem, but the owner was "not interested."


Neither store dissed me directly to my face, but the result was the same. I won't shop at either any longer.


When I went to the next lys, I was afraid to mention crocheting! Later, I brought in a project with me to show them before I ordered something. She LOVED it and was so helpful. Now, SHE gets my business. $$$




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This topic has come up before and someone pointed out that the LYS should LOOOOVE crocheters because we use up 30% more yarn per project than knitters.... and FAST too! and people who say stuff looks better knit than crocheted haven't seen MY knitting, lol

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