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I can't believe this happened!!!!

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Today I went to my local Michael's with my three kids in tow just to browse. I had just purchased some yarn from the Wal Mart which is located in the same shopping center, so I was just planning to look. Anyway, in the yarn aisle, there was a lady looking at the yarn too and she asked if I was a knitter also. I said, " No, I crochet." The look on her face immediately changed and she said, "Oh, a crocheter." I then pointed to the beautiful poncho my dd was wearing and said,"yes a crocheter and a darn good one I think." Well this lady as smug as she could be looked closer at the poncho (which I made from some Red Heart that my dd picked out herself since the poncho was for her and it made her feel special that she chose the yarn) and she said, "It's a wonder what you crocheters can do with acrylics, I don't dare use the stuff." :angry Well, I was floored and since my little ones were with, I just bit my tongue and said, "Yes, we crocheters are talented enough to pull it off. I guess knitters aren't that versatile!!!!!! Then I walked off. I have nothing against knitters just rude ignorant people. I could not believe she actually said those things to me. I've read on this forum about the encounters some of yall have had with others like her and couldn't believe what I was reading! Now I know this really happens. I just don't understand the big deal over knitting v crochet. Both take talent and both are beautiful crafts. I'm still in a tizzy over this! :( Well, I just wanted to vent to people who would understand. Jessica

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what a schmuck that woman was!


You had a good comeback tho...might have to remember that the next time I get insulted by a knitting yarn snob.


I'd have asked what she was doing in Michaels...they dont sell the "good stuff" like Noro there...maybe she was slumming?


Maybe she was just there to insult anyone who dared to buy a skein of Red Heart?

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What a completely classless person to say those things to you - especially in front of a child who was so proud to have chosen the yarn for her poncho... I'm proud of you for keeping your cool:devil as I don't know if I would have been so gracious!

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oh, I hate this! As someone who loves both crochet and knitting, I have experienced this kind of snobbery. A lot, not all, of knitter's seem to be fiber snobs, and some will admidt it as such. They only buy yarn from the local yarn shop(LYS) and such websites. Well, I agree that the yarn is nice and I like to use it too, but I just can't afford a lot of it, and I'm sorry, I love Red Heart Yarn! I remember that I was once in the LYS , and someone called and asked if they carried Red Heart. The sales people laughed after they had hung up the phone. They especially seem to dislike anything that has to do with Lion Brand, patterns, yarn, whatever.


What's sad is that one of the hosts, of a podcast that I listen to, said that they used to knit in acrylic yarn until they found out that it was considered yucky in the knitting world. I thought "what a shame. That person was perfectly happy with it until they let themselves be swayed by the snobs!"


I just finished a jumper for my daughter knitted in Red Heart. I feel like a closet knitter, because I use acrylics sometimes. As for crochet, I have yet to come across a fiber snob. The crochet community seems to more at ease, overall. I'm not trying to spread negativity or anything, just sharing what I know. I still love the fiber snobs. I can understand what they prefer, it's just that some of them are uncouth towards all things crochet.

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I have to say, I have heard of this kind of snobbery on forums, but don't seem to find that to be too much of a problem in Australia, well, in my area anyway.


I can't believe someone was so rude to you, over something trivial really. Some people are really beyond words.

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I don't understand that attitude. I knit and crochet and don't see why either talent would be put down. It's a lot of work whichever craft you're doing. The only difference is the look you want in the end project. I'm glad you had such a good comeback for her.

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I'm appalled .. my best friend is a knitter .. I'm a crocheter ... she knits for me .. and I crochet for her ... we both love LionBrand and use it alot ... I'm grateful for her ... I'm really sorry that you had such a bad experience ... I guess her mother didn't raise her properly enough to respect others. That's a shame.. isn't it?

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I'm so sorry to hear that you had to endure the likes of that shrew with your kids along, especially your daughter since her poncho was the target of the woman's jeers. I admire you for remaining as calm as you did. Had it been me, I can't guarantee that I wouldn't have made a remark about how she would look awfully funny trying to walk with her knitting needles protruding from her... well, never mind. You get the picture. I just despise people who think they are better than others. They say what goes around, comes around. I would just love to be there when people like her get theirs, if for no other reason than just to snicker audibly.



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Gah, some people. There is a purpose for every yarn. As much as I love working with wool and other natural fibers, my charity work needs to be sturdy and machine washable as well as non allergenic, so that means acrylic. Why make something that will be ruined the first time a hospital washes it with other laundry?

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I both knit and crochet but I have never had anyone say such mean things. I mean what was she doing in there if she was too posh for acrylics lol. silly woman she is. Mabey she could never get the hand of crochet and has to stick with knitting and it has left her with issues. Don`t waste another thought on this woman. Give my acrylics anyday at least when you finish working on it you know it can be washed without it turning into a bundle of felt.

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I am sorry :hug that you have had such a rude encounter, it also baffles me when I hear about this rivalry between knitting and crocheting.....I just don't get it:think ! But you kept your cool and handled it beautifully..........a great role model in front of your daughter!:yes Some people are just clueless.....and just between you and me, it isn't us!:lol :lol Have a great day, you deserve it!

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I can't believe how rude some people can be! Crochetting or Knitting takes talent. I havent had that problem in our LYS. Otherwise I wouldnt return there. Sorry to hear about your encounter at Michael's. (one of my favorite stores) :(


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You know I had that happen at the recent Hobby Lobby yarn sale. Of course, the two gals weren't quite as rude as the one you encountered. They just sort of looked down their nose at me but I was kind of offended. I think crochet got a bad rap as being tacky in the 70s and we're still living it down :lol Some folks really don't realize how far our art has come these days :hook

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I just bit my tongue and said, "Yes, we crocheters are talented enough to pull it off. I guess knitters aren't that versatile!!!!!!

Well, I must say that I think you handled it well - I love your final response to her. Sorry she was rude to you, but you should be proud of how you handled yourself.


I haven't ran across anyone like that. I crochet and knit (more crochet though - I'm fairly new to knitting). I have found that at a couple of LYS, they have about 100 knitting books to 1 crochet book - they've helped if I asked about crochet but they say they mostly carry knitting supplies. :think


I love Red Heart yarn too. In fact, I mostly use Red Heart or Lion Brand yarns - they are versatile, easy to work with and the price is reasonable.

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That is just terrible what happened to you :(


I have knitted since I was a little girl and learnt croheting a couple of years ago.


I feel ashamed for knitting when I hear stories like this:yes

I love crocheting and I really am so impressed by all the beautiful stuff you crochet:manyheart and so thankful for all the help I get from you:hug

Crocheters is just the most friendly and helpsom people I know:hook

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Good for you with your quick "clean" comeback. I probably would have gone more the route of not so nice.


If she was a knitter, in Michael's, looking at acrylic yarn....hmmm, maybe she was wanting to try crocheting because of all the fun she heard we have!


I took knitting lessons at a LYS once (they cater to knitting) - the lessons weren't very good as I can't knit, but they never once looked down on anyone that crocheted. I was just getting back into crocheting then and also wanted to knit as I heard that was what everyone was doing. Now, I know better, everyone is crocheting. I still want to learn to knit, but I think crocheting will always be first. They didn't even say anything when they found out I was buying yarn to crochet with - they were very helpful and I didn't feel at all like they were just doing it to get the sale. I will have to stop in there again soon and see if it is still the same friendly place (it's not close to where I live).

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It's hard when faced with that kind of attitude from people. You did a perfect job of replying to her. At one of my local LYS - one of the salespeople even said that crocheters are often left out of things and she felt bad about that. Although I occasionally frequent a LYS- there are 4 in about a 30 minute ride. I mostly frequent ACMoore or Michaels - joy a new one opened closer to me. At ACMoore I have joined a local WarmUP America and we have both crocheters and knitters. TammyG

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What a completely classless person to say those things to you - especially in front of a child who was so proud to have chosen the yarn for her poncho... I'm proud of you for keeping your cool:devil as I don't know if I would have been so gracious!


I feel the same way. Why is there such a negative response to crochet? I just don't get it. I have always heard "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". And I have lived by that.


That lady was very rude. You were very gracious!



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