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How much time do you spending hooking?

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How much time per day does everyone spend on their crocheting?


I ask this because I myself spend a good 2 to 3 hours most days crocheting, yet I don't get a lot done by comparison to the other people on this forum?


I notice this especially in the CAL's...so many people are finishing afghans in a week! How on earth does that happen? Perhaps I do all my afghans too big or something?


I'm just curious?

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I crocheting doilies, and it take me few weeks to finish large dioly.

I'm crocheting for about 1 our per day, and at weekends about 2-3 hours.


I can't imagine how anyone can complete one afghan in a week, maybe thay crochet all day long.....

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Rt now I crochet maybe a hr..if more time comes then woohoo!!

I have been doing only scarf's lately..need to find my groove again for other things..

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I usually crochet every evening for a couple hours....I take a small project to work and I crochet on my lunch break.....and on weekends approx. 3-6 hours each day....depends on whats going on. :hook

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I go in spurts. (Now remember, I'm a SAHM [read: Domestic Goddes :lol], so I have flexibility in my schedule.)


I'll crochet a little in the morning, then a little more right after the kids get home from school, then usually from like 7 p.m. 'till I go to bed. But even then it's not constant crocheting. I take breaks here and there. I check out the 'ville (which I have logged on, even if I'm not actually cruising through it), I get a drink, I get something for the kids, etc. (The kids don't go to bed 'till 9.)


I'd say I probably crochet at least 2 hours a day in total, maybe more.

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I crochet whenever the kids let me. I'm a SAHM with a 3 yo and a school age one. So off and on throughout the day. I also do most of my crocheting at night when I'm watching tv. I also do alot during "quiet time" when my 3 yo lays down and reads.

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I crochet probably 2 to 3 hrs a day. I make it a point to take some with me when ever I take my MIL for any appointment, including Hair appt.'s (ha ha). A couple of years ago, I made a couple of afghans, each done in about a week. I have to admit though, that I pretty much crocheted all day when I made them.

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I am also a sahm, so for me I crochet between alot of other things. Between laundry, food prep, helping with homework,household chores, band functions (my son and daughter both play tuba) and also between time surfing the net. I would say usually a couple of hours a day. Not quick either, but some projects go quicker than others, I am working on a scarf that has really been less than two weeks but at the same time I have been removing viruses and problems from this computer, doing my taxes, taking care of an elderly neighbors cat while she is in the hospital, babysitting, going to the hospital to see that neighbor not to mention all the usual things here, lol I am lucky to have any time to crochet.

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I have been reading all your posts about how much time you spend, quite a variety. I also am one who has the time and doesn't crochet fast, so I don't get all that much done. I also find that I have to put the crochet down for breaks as well or I get burned out on the project I'm making.


I guess on average I spend 5 hours a day crocheting. I do have one question though, how does one crochet AND surf the net too? I've tried, honestly, it just doesn't seem to work well for me.



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I'm a sort of SAHM, my office is just down the hall in my apartment building. Although starting March 1st, I'm being demoted to full time SAHM status again since we're getting a new super. In the mornings, I check the 'Ville and my emails with my first coffee, then I start my daily routine. I take crochet breaks while I'm cleaning, on my afternoon's off work, I crochet for 2 hours while my youngest DD is at kindergarten, then I pick up the girls and crochet for another hour until it's time to make dinner. After dinner, I do puzzles and play games with my youngest until it's time for her bath and bedtime. Then I read her two stories and crochet until my bedtime. Although whenever I'm in the office, I always have my crocheting with me. Some days are so slow, I can crochet for a good 6 hours with no interuption.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I could crochet for 10 hours in one weekend day, but my shoulder and elbow would be screaming. I had tendinitis once and did not do well on the prednisone, so now I'm more careful not to overdo it. I surf the Ville at work (sshh) and my full time job cuts into my crocheting time, but it helps support my addiction.

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I spend about 2 hours a day crocheting, even on weekends. I always think that I'll have all this time on the weekends and by the time I clean the house, grocery shop and whatever else I do, which now I can't think of, I still only manage 2 hours a day on the weekends, maybe 3. On top of that, I'm slow too so I do not get a lot accomplished and I tend to get overwhelmed with all the other projects that come up that I want to do.


What I want to know is, does anyone's husband get annoyed that you crochet (in his mind too much)? I ask because this is a new hobby for me and my husband is annoyed that I am not paying more attention to him.:P

I don't think that I'm really paying less attention. But, for example, last night we were watching TV and I was crocheting. I can't watch tv and crochet at the same time but I am there listening. He got annoyed becausing I wasn't watching the TV with him. Silly isn't it?

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i spend a good 3-4 hours crocheting but i also think we may seem to crochet in our sleep to get things done in no time. maybe its my :cats maybe they are helping me finish my projects i know one likes to play yarn hockey around the living room with my ball that is still attached to my project so it gets frogged for me wether i want it to or not. gotta love the furrbabies

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My crochet time is incredibly sporadic! I crochet in the car, waiting rooms, piano lessons, basketball practice and games (I got made fun of last night because I was standing watching my DS basketball game and crocheting at the same time--it was a granny square so I didn't need to look at my hands too much)...and at night watching tv when we are at home. In all I try to get in at least 2hrs a day. :hook

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On a NORMAL day, I would say I crochet 3 hours, HOWEVER it hasn't been normal lately, with this bout of bad weather and my Rhematiod Arthritis, so, I am resorted to sorting patterns and such, browsing this site, until my hands can hold a hook again.

REMEMBER when some folks post works done, like me, lol, I MAY have had it as a WIP for a bit and just desided to finish it up...so it may look like I did it fast, BUT some folks can crochet with the speed of lightening, and maybe in my younger years I was able to, but as I age, so do my hands...

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Rarely - in the morning before going to work, maybe a half hour if I get up early.


During lunch - sometimes for about 45 minutes.


At night - usually two hours, but not every night.


Weekends - at least 2-3 hours each day.


Wish I could do more, but everything else interfers!

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I'm probably the wrong one to ask because I've been divorced 10 years and I can now enjoy crocheting whenever I want and as late as I want. He insisted on watching crummy shows and sports and I would crochet, knit, read or whatever to keep from going bonkers from boredom. Maybe if you offer to make something for him, he'll be more tolerant.

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I'm amazed at the amount of time some of you spend crocheting! I'm so envious.


My husband does get jealous occassionally at the time I spend crocheting. He likes to lay on the couch with his head in my lap, which can't be done when I'm crocheting, so he gets all upset. :)

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