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Ouchie.........whaaaaaaaaaaaa : (

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May I cry to my fellow Villagers? I am in soo much pain this morning, and I am SOOOOOOO Close to finishing my Westie Tapestry bag, that a GRACIOUS member here graphed for me, but I CAN NOT crochet!! It hurts too bad!! I have tried and tried, but then I end up messing up my stitch count because of the pain...woooooo is me :(

No one is home for me to cry to, so I put on a pot of tea, and thought I would enjoy it, and leaf through all my WANNA be projects folder....what is a girl to do? I put my Biofreeze on my wrists, but now they smell up, so I will have to wait it out, until the storm goes and my joints cooperate, it is -1 here WITHOUT the wind chill...boooo hooo..and fresh snow...blah

K, I am done, I will go off into my own little world now. I do have a couple of e-mails to reply to...and then amybe even a nap is in order.....:think

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:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug i hear you joann, its awful being in so much pain that you can't crochet. i have been there myself and i for one want to say awww me sorry, wish you lived close would put some voltaren on you and see if it helped. dang it take it easy my friend think of your goodies i am packing today and sending on their way:hook:hook:hook:hook hugs girl
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I know how you feel .... dealing with pain at this end too. All I see is the hook is there longing its friend Mr. Yarn and all they do is shout across the room..... "What's the matter we want to play and there you are the one who introduced us...now you won't let us play!!!" :hook:hook

Somedays they are really loud - especially when your wrists are shouting not right now!!!! LOL

Hope you mend soon!!! And then everyone can play together

I think its time to start a pile of future WIPS!!! :devil

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You're in my prayers JoAnn. I really do know how you feel and it just plain sux! What I do when it hurt really bad and I can still use my hands is a mindless repetitve pattern (like a rectangular granny gahn.


Take care of you and heal.

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I just had the same problem and I know exactly how you feel! I dealt with it by organizing my patterns, prioritizing my WIMS, I blocked a doily that I had been lazy with, I did some sewing projects, yarn "window shopping", pattern hunting, etc. While not crocheting, it was still crochet related and it helped a little bit :) You will be crocheting again before you know it!

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Thank you all!! Big Villager hug :ghug , it didnt get any better, and I was so upset, MAYBE tommorow, but its back to work, provided I can get there, we have quiet the WINTER weather here. Thank you all for the good wishes!! I am going to read a book I got from my RR tonight, if my eyes will work..lol

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I feel your pain. I have wrist bands that have magnets in them. They seem to help, but when it rains here, I have a lot of pain.

The DH has threatened to tape the magnets to my wrist and knees with duct tape. The man is quite the comedian.:lol

Anyway, when I can't stand it, I grab a good book and a cup of coffee or tea.

Hope you are feeling better soon, and I hope the winter goes away.:hook

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I know how you feel. Last spring I had real bad shoulder pain from tendinitus aggrivated by taking the antibiotic levaquin. Yet did i stop crocheting? of course not! Well, eventually I took a break for quite along time, and wala the pain went away. Then i started crocheting again in earnest and my wrist started to feel like I broke it. After awhile it got used to my crocheting demands, but it was suggested I get a wrist brace to crochet with. It is an addiction I swear once you get going on it. If it's not crocheting its looking at patterns for future projects, or trolling the crochet groups ect. I got the knitting bug a bit know too, making something for my daughter. I have four projects going right now, and about 3 sitting dormant. What do they call those, UFO"S ? :hug

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i hear you joann, its awful being in so much pain that you can't crochet. i have been there myself and i for one want to say awww me sorry, wish you lived close would put some voltaren on you and see if it helped.


I had to look up voltaren as a skin gel as I have never heard of it before. I have actually taken the pill form of Voltaren and had no idea that this was made into a skin medication. I will have to try this soon! I have arthritis and fibromyalgia so this might help me-at least I hope so! Thanks for the info!


Hope you (and anyone else who might be hurting) feel better soon!

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I'm sorry Joann! I had the same problem last spring. It's important that you rest your hand thoroughly. I ended up in a splint for three months!!!:eek

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Well, today is no better, so I suppose I wil "organize" patterns again before I have to go to work. Sitting here looking at the weather, temp is -3 without the wind chill, -15 with wind chill....brrrrrr, no wonder a gal can't move her fingers.

Thank you all, I will rest me fingers, and hopefully some warming weather will be on its way, or a new bottle of ibuprophen..lol


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