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Lost It.......big Time!!!

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Okay.....I have completely gone off the deep end. In the last 6 months I have rediscovered my love of crochet, completely giving up knitting, cross stitch, tatting and reading ( I actually could fill completely a small library with books ) along with all unnecessary housework....re: cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. Not only am I obssessive/compulsive when it comes to hooking, but I also must suffer from adult attention deficit dissorder because while crocheting, I am thinking about being on the computer and while on the computer I cannot quit feeling guilty that I am not hooking.

Today I must have really lost it tho. I have now more patterns than I can finish in 2 lifetimes.....but today I spent most of my waking hours on the computer looking up Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Hispanic websites for new patterns. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????

Even if I found patterns, and believe me I did, unless they had graphs, and most did not, I am up the creek without a paddle. I am not multilingual. HELLO I am 52, blonde and have ms.....I am lucky to speak ENGLISH most days.

I just want to know if I am alone out here or do I have companionship.

Should I see a professional or just try to deal with this on my own???:think :think :think

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I actually find myself crocheting while on the computer than thinking about what cleaning I should be doing and what I should be cooking and then when I am cooking I am actually thinking about what patterns I need to finish and at the end of the day I never feel like i have done enough. I have thought about teaching my kids(that don't aready)crochet to crochet as a subject in school. I have actually crochet in my sleep and more and once I have woke up hook in hard wrapped in yarn


I need help

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Don't give it another thought. I cycle through my various hobbies. I just came off a 2 year quilting cycle. The worst part of that it is, I still have to finish quilting a quilt for my grandson.


As far as patterns are concerned, look on it this way -- books go out of print and web pages are taken down so you need to get the patterns you like now because they may not be there later.

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I think of it as a normal hobby....there is nothing wrong with collecting patterns, yarn, hooks, whatever. It's what inspires you and keeps you going. At least it keeps you out of trouble :eek . Some people collect stamps, some collect dolls, or toy cars. We collect what we enjoy the most......patterns, yarn and hooks. In other words Supplies for the art of Crochet.

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Well I can't say that I cycle through hobbies the way you do, but I do go through spells where I don't even so much as look at a hook or a skein of yarn for a while. I think you could probably class it as "crochet burn out."


But, like you, there are times when I eat, sleep, and breathe crochet. I think I've been on the longest crocheting streak of my life lately. (Not really having any friends and being a SAHM with more time on my hands now that the kids are all in school all day long probably has a lot to do with that.) I've put the hook down for a few weeks, but then I pick it right back up again.


Unfortunately, I'm a perfectionist. (I blame Grandma for teaching me THAT particular trait!) For me, that means that I can't truly relax unless all of my household chores are done. Luckily, I'm not a perfectionist to the extent where everything has to be white-glove clean (I'd never even SLEEP if I tried to do THAT!), but it has to be a certain level of clean before I can relax. And since crocheting is my form of relaxation... well... 'nuff said, methinks.


Like you, though, I have a collection of patterns that I couldn't possibly get through in a lifetime. My thinking is that I just have to save it, because I might want to do it sometime in the future. You know... JUST... IN... CASE. :lol God knows if that'll ever actually HAPPEN, but like I learned in Girl Scouts, I have to be PREPARED. ;)

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:hugHey...at least it's not fattening!:clap:rofl That's why we love this site isn't it? We all are in this together. I too have more patterns than I'll ever use! Still looking for more too.:blush Gotta go work on one of my afghans!:lol Lavenia
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I am right there with ya!!!! I am actually crocheting a pair of baby booties while reading posts on the 'Ville!!!

:juggle:hyper Can you say multi-tasking LOL


I am suppose to be doing laundry for my hubby and my kids fed themselves dinner...

no...I'm not obsessed with crochet and the'Ville... :loco:compute:hook

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lol happened to me too when we first got the internet in our house. lol

I have always crocheted my whole life but not in this excess lol lol lol

and that was 7 years ago lol lmbo



OH NO!!!!!!!:think :think :think 7 years ago?


Well, at least now I know what my future holds!!!!:hook :hook

And ya'll are right, it could be worse. I gave up all my vices (with the exception of an occasional cigarette) when diagnosed with ms. So I guess I better just sit back, count my blessings, and enjoy the heck out of this!!!:manyheart :manyheart

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have you tried Babelfish to translate the sites? and wanna share the links to some cool patterns?


Oh yes.......I did not bookmark anything today. Just did a simple google search for the different websites (Russian, Japanese, etc.) then spent the entire day clicking on links and looking. I have been crocheting for most of my life, so reading charts comes easy for me. But even with the babelfish translations most of the other stuff looks like gobbledegook!!:lol

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You are being assimilated. Resistance is futile. Speaking of Star Trek, wouldn't it be nice to have your own replicator to make all the yarns we desire?


Don't worry, it's not mad to be in love with crocheting. As the Chesire Cat said "We're all mad here". My family understands that I go through streaks of just crocheting and not doing anything else. They know it won't last too long and that I'll be back to my old self in no time.


Now excuse me, I have to ask Scottie (hubby) to beam me up over to Walmart for some baby yarn for my new nephew. :mdust


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I have actually crochet in my sleep and more and once I have woke up hook in hard wrapped in yarn


I need help

:rofl :rofl

I run into the same problem my thoughts just crochet. And as for the non english sites look for a translation program there must be a free one out there somewhere. All good bad habits must be supported.

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As my hubby says "at least its not the casino"

LOL I'm sure there are much worse addictions out there... now only if I had a program that would type as I spoke so I don't have to put down the hook.... or typing one handed.... I know I'll teach the dog to type!

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Are we related??!! :rofl


Quite possibly......I am from the upstate of South Carolina. And you know what they say.......some folks marry their own up there!!!!:rofl :rofl :rofl

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