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2 pairs of thread gloves sz 30 & 80


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aren't these just adorable! did you use a pattern? i love the models spotted nail polish too :lol size 80 thread is very challenging, you've done an amazing job!

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I can see those being a "thing" for teenegers! They are wonderful. I have all boys but I can see their girl friends wearing something like that daily. :D Great job.

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Size 80 thread? Your dedication to this project is only eclipsed by the absolute beauty of the finished product. They are beautiful! You should be very proud of yourself! We are! :nworthy

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They remind me of the mitts that my great something great grandmother is wearing in a daguerrotype made sometime in the 1850-60's.


I don't have a scan of the daguerrotype.. my sister keeps promising one.. but when I was looking up spelling.. I found this link... and look, the lady is wearing lace mitts. Not nearly as fancy as yours, but lace mitts all the same. How cool is that?



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  • 4 weeks later...

yes, please tell where you found the pattern. I've never tried size 80 thread. But this would be a real adventure. Just would need someone with lovely little hands and a sense of fun to give them to. You would have to like playing dress up to go out. They look like some from an old picture I have also from the 1800s.

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