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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I took pictures of the fabrics I bought on vacation. The first three are going in the same quilt, but not sure about the rest. They'll go in my stash with the rest of my oriental fabrics.

Those fabrics look yummy, especially the blue and green in photo #5


I finished the 36 inch ATW...technically I don't think it really is an ATW, but only a version because of how it's made in blocks, and not continuous rounds.
Can't wait to see the photos.



Diane, you're welcome. Here's the link for the layout I'm attempting. You should be able to scroll through to see pics of all the squares.




Nope, I guess not. Will have to figure out how to link the whole album.


The layout looks really nice. Are all the blocks solid colors or did you make any 2 color blocks?



Diane, There was a lady in Texas who did card embroidery and did some bookmarks to. I'll look and see if I brought anything home with me and take a pic if I did and show you. She had a thick book and said she would show us next winter to do it.

I would love to see these.




Nope. I have thought about combining my tatting with my card making, but haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
I love tatting. Have tried it several times but all I do is manage to get knots. I tried with a tatting shuttle and also tried with cro-tat books and hooks from Annie's Attic. Just couldn't get the hang of it. I have much admiration for those that can tat.


Weather was windy today, blew my deck furniture about 20 ft away. I did finish my rr and worked alittle on a knitted scarf that I have been avoiding for awhile. Spent some time on :ebaylooking for patterns. Found a really neat book, 40 Fabulous Afghans. Lots of saltine patterns. There were several listings for the same book. One listing got into a bidding war and the book sold for approx $23, I managed to buy it from one of the other listings and it was only $6. :devil


It's tea time, then bed time. Late night crew over and out. See you all in the a.m.

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Early morning crew checking in!


The ball game was fun last night- and Judy, the rain held out! It was actually kind of nice having it be cloudy instead of full on sun! I didn't stay for the whole game- but the Somerset Patriots won- 4-2 - we had a good time!


Linda the fabrics are beautiful- I can't wait to see the creations you will make!!!


Judy- that ghan is so pretty! I was listening to the Yankee game on my drive home from the ball game and they were losing 6-2. How did it end up?


I don't have time to respond to everyone right now- and I raced through the posts. Just not enough time right now to get all caught up, but I will tonight!


Hope everyone has a splendiferous day and I'll cya on the flip side!

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Morning. :)


A trip to the post office, laundry, and mowing are on my list of activities today. Hope you guys have more fun planned in yours.


Diane-I used cornmeal/gold and lt raspberry/magenta for the two color blocks. The yellows with the smaller scale patterns and the pinks for the larger. It's slow going with crocheting the edging but the blocks definitely need it to help with the around the world design. I'm not quite ready to take a picture yet. Hopefully by next week.

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Morning gang.

Sounds like everyone has been keeping busy this week .I've been working on my Grannyghan and started a different ripple last night with my yarn I got last week at reunion .I probably shouldnt start another thing while I have one going,because I'm not good at working on multiple things, but I wanted to get something going with that yarn as well as the Granny one .


Not much more news on this end. No answers about the last tests ...pretty discouraging .


I hope all of you have a good day today ,nice weather, your work day goes quickly, and you get to spend some time doing something you like to do !


Tomorrow is Photo Friday,so if you have any updates on projects, tomorrow is the day !


Will stop in later again -

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I woke up a little later than I would have like this morning :( Now just having my coffee while checking. After this cup will go get on the elliptical, but not sure how that will go this morning becasue one of my thighs is really sore!! Hopefully I will not be running late so I can take the motorcycle to work today....it's been a while since they haven't called for rain! :) Not much else here this morning.


Diane - WTG getting your book for only $6 :cheer


Joanne - I was glad to hear the rain held out for you :clap


Sherri - I hope you get everything done that's on your list for today. :D


Julie - I can't wait to see a pic of how far you've come on your grannyghan for photo friday...it sounds like that's your fav to work on out of all your WIP's :think:lol

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:sun Good Morning Family..........

I have a small favor......

I will test Michael in an hour or so for his protein levels... if the tests are good ... we will be starting a weaning off the meds. So please if you would... say a little prayer for good test results!

I have alot of crocheting ahead of me today... need to get some things caught up. I'll be able to crochet later this evening too at the boys baseball games.

okay.... off to catch up and get a coffee refill.......

check back in later:hug




Hello House,


Father's Day coming up. Always a tough one for me. My Pop died on Father's Day. Also my Grandad (30 years earlier). So I try to celebrate with happy memories.


Well, I need to go water and swap the laundry from washer to dryer to bedroom to fold. Hope you all have a good rest of the day. TTYL

:hug:hug:hugoh sweetie.......... I know your pain!

I lost my daddy Father's day of 2005 and it still hurts. My life hasnt and never will be the same without him. I miss him so much!


Oh, Tammy, that's wonderful news! Congratulations!


I took pictures of the fabrics I bought on vacation. The first three are going in the same quilt, but not sure about the rest. They'll go in my stash with the rest of my oriental fabrics.




Thanks sweetie!!

that is some serios awesome fabric!!!! I love your quilts!


Tam, I'm glad Michael is better! He's too cute at the stove, too - I started teaching our son to cook very early on, and he's very good when he has time. Lots of creativity.


About that State Trooper here in NJ: he commited suicide.:( He was 35, with a wife and kids in the next town over from us. She must be beside herself....

Oh, how awful! When you hear about the randomness of those things it breaks your heart....:(

Thank you sweetie! Michael sure likes to do "big boy" things! Later that day he cooked steaks for his brothers. :U


Oh bless that families heart!!!!

Praying for them! :(



Good evening ladies,


Tam - Michael sure is a cutie! :yes

:D Thanks... I think so too!



Hi Everyone!


Tam, Great news on Michael and a nice pic of him cooking. Glad your starting to feel better to. .

Thanks so much hon!!!!

And thank you for my sweet RW&B card. I love getting fun mail from a friend! :U Sure made a good start to my day!






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Good morning, House mates!


Hi, Marisa, Jules, Marlene, Cindy, Sheila, LeAnna, Sherri, Diane, Linda, Joy and everyone my poor brain may have missed...and oh, TABBY...where art thou??


Judy, that's awful about the state trooper. Somehow it seems even worse than being killed in the line of duty.

That's just what I said to Phil yesterday - the family is always going to feel like a cloud is following them. I hope they get help dealing with this - but I'm sure they will. The troopers and all law enforcement are tight knit families.


Hi, Judy. Mom loved the quilt. She already had it on the bed in the guest room when we got there. The RR I made her a couple years ago was on the couch, and the filet crochet piece was on display, too.

Oh, that's wonderful! I was hoping...:hook

Judianne, my heart goes out to the family of the NJ trooper who was shot. As you may have heard, last fall and winter we had 5 officers shot and killed, 4 of them were in a coffee shop in Lakewood where MyThunderbird lives and 1 was in Seattle...I had blue lights on (as did several area residents) in their honor for months...

I remember that...and how angry we were at the shooter...it was horrible....

I thought that today would be the last day at the dentist until I made an appointment for a cleaning next...but noooo, have to see yet another specialist and have some jawbone removed to make room for the flipping crown...arg. I'm thinking now that I'll have at least 3 more appointments...I'm so frustrated...but honestly, it's necessary...I'm not upset with the dentist, just the situation.

Dental work is so tedious and painful. I hope it's all over quickly:hug:hug:hug:hug

One listing got into a bidding war and the book sold for approx $23, I managed to buy it from one of the other listings and it was only $6. :devil


The ball game was fun last night- and Judy, the rain held out! It was actually kind of nice having it be cloudy instead of full on sun! I didn't stay for the whole game- but the Somerset Patriots won- 4-2 - we had a good time!

I'm glad the weather cooperated for the Somerset game!! I've heard that the stadium is really a nice one.

Judy- that ghan is so pretty!Thanks....that was done a couple of years ago...I thought Marisa would get a kick out of it, given that they're in the same profession. DS takes good care of it and uses it for his patients if they get chilly while lying on the table for treatments. His rooms are very cold, and being part of the WOW Gym building he has no control over that.

I was listening to the Yankee game on my drive home from the ball game and they were losing 6-2. How did it end up? 6-3 loss...I'm guessing you heard by the time you read this...


Hope everyone has a splendiferous day and I'll cya on the flip side!

Hope youre goes well, too.:)

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New to the site today, still trying to get it all together. I love to crochet and do designer picture afghans by graph. Any one else here doing this type of crocheting?


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Good Morning Ladies!


Sherri, The layout looks really nice. Can't wait to see a pic of yours.


Joanne and Cindy have a nice day at work.


Diane, Congrats on getting the book for 6.00.


Tam, Prayers for Michael. Glad you liked your card. It is nice getting fun mail.


Sonsuray, Welcome to the ville! I have done one graph ghan, but nothing like that. Looks like alot of bobbins.


Laundry is on the schedule for today. Suppose to start getting hot for a few days so need to get it out of the way. Also going to clean windows.

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Some do, some don't, but either way they are very fast working. I came up with working these over 20 years ago. They became my favorite hand work, and just keep going with them. It's quite hard to keep up with sales requests once they are seen, but since they are so easy I can usually finish one in less than a weeks time if they are the more easy to do.

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Morning everyone, I got a late start this morning, I was tired and went to bed early and got up late. :think I had a wonderful time with my grandson, he was excited also to be with Grandma. When he seen me he ran into my arms and yell out, "grandma, grandma" I tell you he melts my heart. :lol I didn't go back and read any posts yet for I need to get moving and get the laundry done, a few bills paid and the food shopping done then I'll be back later. I had to frog a few rows from my ripple yesterday to find an error for my count was off now I'm back on mark. I'm learning to be patient with my crocheting and not fling it in a corner when I'm up against a cross road. :hook:hook


Tam - I will keep Michael in my prayers.


BBL :hug

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Hey gang

Second checkin of the day -went to run some errands, then headed home. Looks like it's gonna downpour here,but I don't know if we are supposed to get rain or not .


SONSURAY - Welcome ,I hope you enjoy yourself here . Your patterns are beautiful . I have no patience with something that would require a lot of concentration,change of colors, etc . My poor old brain couldnt do it ,but I sure admire your work,and others who can do them. They really are works of art .


Sounds like everyone else is having a regular old ho-hum day too .



TAB -- where you been, old pal ? Haven't seen hide nor hair of you in a few days. Maybe that "New Aunt" title has been keeping you occupied !

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Morning Cheeria --


I know what you mean about those grandbabies -- they are real treasures .



Tam --

hoping the testing goes well today and things are back on track with your boy. He looks like a REALLY good boy ... Some kids, you just look at them and see the kindness in their eyes, and he has that . You are truly blessed .

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I am here, I am here....:fame:lol


No Auntie duties busying me, haven't even seen her yet. :( Just tired and stressed lately.


Joanne~Received your summer card today....thank you. :manyheart Your summer card will go out on Saturday, sorry so late in the week.

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Tabby, we worry about you...please come by and visit...at least so we can give you some :hugs and :manyhearts


Off to hook a bit...

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New to the site today, still trying to get it all together. I love to crochet and do designer picture afghans by graph. Any one else here doing this type of crocheting?

:hi Hi, Sonsuray. Welcome to Crochetville and to Our House CAL. :welcome

Some do, some don't, but either way they are very fast working. I came up with working these over 20 years ago. They became my favorite hand work, and just keep going with them. It's quite hard to keep up with sales requests once they are seen, but since they are so easy I can usually finish one in less than a weeks time if they are the more easy to do.

One in less than a week! WOW!!!! You are FAST!!!


A quiet morning here so far. Some sun and some clouds. I think it's calling for showers or thunderstorms again today. And, of course, lots more heat. Kim and I will be staying in where it's cool.


Lissa, your summer card will be going out tomorrow.


Hope everyone has a great day everyone.

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:waving Good morning All

Great news Tam so glad that Michael is doing good.

Beautiful fabric Linda T!

:hi........ Good Morning back at ya!


Good Morning Ladies!


Tam, Prayers for Michael. Glad you liked your card. It is nice getting fun mail.


Laundry is on the schedule for today. Suppose to start getting hot for a few days so need to get it out of the way. Also going to clean windows.

Thanks hon! Yes.. I liked my card very much!

laundry today too. its beautiful out... so its on the clothes line! :U


Leaving for work and will be back later tonight,

Tam - Prayers for Michael :hug :hug


Thanks sweetie!!! :hug



Morning everyone, I got a late start this morning, I was tired and went to bed early and got up late. :think I had a wonderful time with my grandson, he was excited also to be with Grandma. When he seen me he ran into my arms and yell out, "grandma, grandma" I tell you he melts my heart. :lol I didn't go back and read any posts yet for I need to get moving and get the laundry done, a few bills paid and the food shopping done then I'll be back later. I had to frog a few rows from my ripple yesterday to find an error for my count was off now I'm back on mark. I'm learning to be patient with my crocheting and not fling it in a corner when I'm up against a cross road. :hook:hook


Tam - I will keep Michael in my prayers.


BBL :hug

Oh... how I understand that melting feeling from a grandbaby!!

I'm so glad you had fun with him!!!

thank you for your prayers for Michael!




Tam --

hoping the testing goes well today and things are back on track with your boy. He looks like a REALLY good boy ... Some kids, you just look at them and see the kindness in their eyes, and he has that . You are truly blessed .

Thanks sweetie! I'll let you all know how it goes!

aww.. he REALLY is a REALLY good boy! I tell him all the time that he is my little super hero!


Tam~Good thoughts and prayers for Michael.....hope all goes well with the testing.

BBL....going to eat my burger. :D

Thank you sweetie!

YUM.... I want a burger!






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Yesterday when Maya and I were at the store her eye caught key chains and picked out a flip flop key chain. She wanted me to buy it and I said no I could make her one. I have a pattern for one from www.crochetsal.com/FlipFlopKeyChain.html

Has anyone made this before?

I'm kind of confused after doing the the first 4 rounds and finishing off. It says to repeat directions twice more for bottom and center piece. Wondering if I repeat the 4 rounds or the last round. If anyone can help Maya and I will both be happy! I'm going to see if crochetsal is her user name and if she is around here. bbl

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Hi Marlene

I went to look at the pattern. I have never made this before ,so it's just a guess, but it actually sounds like you make 3 "bottom" pieces ,then layer them together .

That's the ways the pattern sounds to me anyhow .


Hope someone else maybe has done it and can help you more,but it sounds to me like you make 3 of the bottom piece .

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:hi! Good Afternoon All! :manyheart

Wow, I haven't been here for awhile! I'm still working on my sweater, and no where near being done! :) I'm laso working on detangling my box of yarn that's one big mess!:lol

I'll try to get a pic of my sweater up soon! :)



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