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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Joy- if you hang around in here enough,you'll probably be crocheting more often --we kinda have the habit of getting people involved in lots of projects !

Oh I don't need any more projects! While I only have one crochet project going at the moment, I've got lots of other projects going in other crafts. This thread has already given me plenty of ideas for more quilts and I've already got 3 WIPs plus fabric for 4 WIMs. I'll probably add Around the World to the list when I come across the right fabric.


In case you haven't guessed, I've been making all of the cards that I've been sending to my Pen Pal. I'm actually planning to give handmade cards as the majority of my Christmas gifts this year, so I've been enjoying your themes as inspiration for more cards. I'm making 4 for each theme, one which gets sent to my pen and the remaining three go into the Christmas Gift stack.


The one saving grace is that I prefer to crochet with thread, so as long as the majority of the projects in here are yarn it'll help to keep my crochet WIPs under control.

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Good morning!

Marisa- They said Perkins has a strained R knee and my opinion is he won't be able to play on Thursday night- that is not good news for the Celtics- they need his presence in the center! Oh, well, we'll see who is the grittier team on Thursday night! Forgot to say, I love what you decided to have for dinner!!!


Linda- Sorry to hear that John's Not happy with the way his job has been going. Nothing worse than going to a job every day where you aren't happy. Can't wait to see some of the fabrics you got.


Joy- That is a great idea making extra cards and starting your christmas cards early! Maybe on photo friday you could post a pic of a few of them that you made!!


Lissa- Hope that you were able to get some relief from the pharmacist with those chigger bites. I can't imagine the itching agony!!!




To everyone- Have a wonderful "Hump Day"! I won't be back till much later (if at all) tonight. Going to a minor league game after work.

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Hey gang

Getting a late start today,so not totally with it yet .


I'm kinda sluggish ,so not even with it enough to reply to all the posts I missed last night ! Sure looks like it was busy ,though .


I watched H ***Kitchen for 2 hours last night,so it took up most of my evening ,and didnt get a chance to come back in and post .


I hope you all have a great day today ,and time to work on whatever project you want to .I'm still on my new granny afghan ,and it's going well and very simple to follow ,which is a good thing . I've not been in the mood to take on anything TAXING to my last brain cells I have left,so the easier the better for me .


Well, off I go-- havent even gotten bathed or dressed yet, so I am on slow gear today . I also need to do some cleaning today .( YIPPEE) ,and may take some of you ladie's ideas and toss something in the crockpot for tonite. I rarely use mine, but should use it more often,since it's handy-dandy . Toss something in,and wa-la ! By suppertime, you have something in there to eat .

I'm not sure yet what I wanna toss in -- maybe chicken ? I'll see what we have in the freezer that is in the front. Our freezer is so jammed with stuff that if you open it, stuff falls out on your feet(which by the way,hurts like heck ) .


Ok,off to get busy and get some things accomplished today .Will check in later -

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Hey all,


I'm up way too early, but have the first soccer game of the day on for World Cup...we have to be on an 8:00 a.m. boat this morning as I have to go to the dentist to finally get my crown...which means we'll be gone probably most of the day. After my appointment, we'll go see my dad and then maybe some shopping before we get home...


Hope you all have a good day.

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Good morning, House mates!:hook


I decided againt the cereal and went with cake and ice cream for dinner!!! :lol I had a piece of pound cake left from my punch bowl cake and had some black cherry vanilla ice cream in the freezer. Now I'm feeling a little better! :DSounds like a good fix for the no dinner problem to me;)


Phillies are losing but at least closed the gap a bit; however, I know I'm outnumbered in here for yankee fans vs phillie fans ------ GO PHILS :cheer :cheer :cheer

Yankees ROCK:devil:lol


Judy - here's the pic of my panel. I just feel like it looks a little choppy, but I guess that's natural since I don't think you can really get a completely smooth transition with yarn. The pics looked a little blurry on the camera so I hope they're ok on here.

It looks similar to my color changes...if you look at the Suki ghan, first panel (can't find the link right now) or this ghan I made for DS, you may see the jagged edges I had...and any graph ghan on my blog is the same. Oooops....just tried and I can't click on the link to make it bigger...at least I couldn't. Doign sc you can't avoid the jagged look, though by playing with where you place the yarn it can sometimes be minimized.


Dh made steak, baked potatoes and a salad for dinner. I guess he went grocery shopping today. It was very good. He even bought a bottle of wine to go with it!

Yummy!!! Can I borrow him;)

Good luck with the cardi! No wearables for me...no patience to work the gauge....:P

The one saving grace is that I prefer to crochet with thread, so as long as the majority of the projects in here are yarn it'll help to keep my crochet WIPs under control.

Hmmmm...I think I may have some great links for thread work:think:devil


Hey all,


I'm up way too early, but have the first soccer game of the day on for World Cup...we have to be on an 8:00 a.m. boat this morning as I have to go to the dentist to finally get my crown...which means we'll be gone probably most of the day. After my appointment, we'll go see my dad and then maybe some shopping before we get home...


Hope you all have a good day.

I wish you luck at the dentist, hon:hug:hug


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Thanks Judy...


And a shout out to Cindy (Gardner) your summer card went in the mail yesterday...


JulieKay, what's the card theme for next week?

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Oh I don't need any more projects! While I only have one crochet project going at the moment, I've got lots of other projects going in other crafts. This thread has already given me plenty of ideas for more quilts and I've already got 3 WIPs plus fabric for 4 WIMs. I'll probably add Around the World to the list when I come across the right fabric.


In case you haven't guessed, I've been making all of the cards that I've been sending to my Pen Pal. I'm actually planning to give handmade cards as the majority of my Christmas gifts this year, so I've been enjoying your themes as inspiration for more cards. I'm making 4 for each theme, one which gets sent to my pen and the remaining three go into the Christmas Gift stack.


The one saving grace is that I prefer to crochet with thread, so as long as the majority of the projects in here are yarn it'll help to keep my crochet WIPs under control.


And the cards are just gorgeous!

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Judy, that is beautiful. WOW!!! I love all your graph ghans. I don't have the patience for that.


Good morning everyone. At least for now the skies are clear and blue. They are calling for more storms later today, however. :sigh It reached 95* yesterday. That's only one degree away from a new record high. :eek That's too high for this early in the summer.


Not sure what I'll be working on today. :think I'd like to do the last bit of finishing on some of my projects that just need tails hidden and to be washed. I think. Or I could finish the crocheting on my shawl (it's on the last side now) or finish the two scarves that I started during the May Crochet for Charity CAL (they're both about 2/3 done) or I could start back up on on the ripple WIP (it's about 1/2 done.) Too many choices. Dither, dither, dither. Or I could start something new. :devil


More later.

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Judy, that is beautiful. WOW!!! I love all your graph ghans. I don't have the patience for that. Thanks...my DS uses it in his office...and DH helped me design it. I'm not sure of the patience angle, though: I have almost none when it comes to making wearables:lol...Cindy is amazing with those!


Good morning everyone. At least for now the skies are clear and blue. They are calling for more storms later today, however. :sigh It reached 95* yesterday. That's only one degree away from a new record high. :eek That's too high for this early in the summer.

And we've been having a couple of days of cooler than normal weather....to change in a day or two, though.

Not sure what I'll be working on today. :think I'd like to do the last bit of finishing on some of my projects that just need tails hidden and to be washed. I think. Or I could finish the crocheting on my shawl (it's on the last side now) or finish the two scarves that I started during the May Crochet for Charity CAL (they're both about 2/3 done) or I could start back up on on the ripple WIP (it's about 1/2 done.) Too many choices. Dither, dither, dither. Or I could start something new. :devil


More later.

Happy finishing! I'll be attaching my last saltines so I can get this ATW blanket to it's new home:hook

We're waiting for carpet cleaner this morning as well as the new LR furniture to be delivered.


On a sad note, watching NJ news and a NJ State Trooper has been shot...no news, no captures yet, but helicopters, etc are out there. There'll be a statement coming soon. That doesn't sound good. I'm afraid we may have our 2nd trooper death in a week.:(

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Just catching up on the past few posts since I was in here. That's one of the reasons this group is so nice, each person seems to be interested in doing certain types of crafts and is good at them. The ones that aren't good at THAT ,may be good in another area,so it's nice to see the talent others have .I know I have no patience for sewing ,couldnt do a graph-afghan to save my life,and I agree with Jude on the wearable crocheted items-- there are very few of them that seem to go well for me. I've made a few baby sweaters and booties,but would much rather do afghans --a huge square ... much easier than all the right -sized pieces and putting them all together into something .. not so good at that .


That's what makes life so interesting --everyone is different and likes doing different things,which makes life more fun. It'd be a pretty boring place if we all liked the color yellow, all liked making afghans, all had a goldfish for a pet, all thought Conway Twitty was the world's best singer .


Maybe that's what they meant when they said Variety is the spice of life ?


Anyone know who said that ?

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Card Category for the last week of June is :


any card with a BIRD on it .


* This is MUCH harder than I thought it'd be . I had to search for quite awhile to find one,so good luck all !


( I thought it'd be an easy one to find ).



So,you have from now til end of June to get your cards sent in case you may be behind ... Next category will be announced sometime next week, and will not start until July 1st ..


If anyone hasn't been sending or receiving cards, please PM me so I know . If you would like to step out or if someone new wants to join, let me know by PM and I'll see what I can do to juggle things around .


I am enjoying this- it's nice to get a card in the mail. Like today : 2 bills, but one card from Marisa,so it kinda makes your day a little better !:)

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:hugMorning House, just a short note to say that my grandson came to stay with me for the day so that his mother can rest up a bit. I have a fun day planned for him starting with a trip to the book store than McDonald's. I miss my little grandson and was glad to see him so I'll be back later.

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Good morning ladies,


i was running late this morning after making bfast so i'm at work now, which means i'm on my phone so please excuse any text-like abbreviations, spelling errors or grammar errors :lol


the morning is moving along slowly and im about to start working on narratives :(


joy - making xmas cards is a great idea :yes


joanne - have fun at the game tonight :) i enjoy the minor leagues too.


cindy - have fun running your errands, i hope u get alot done :cheer


julie - wow, u get ur mail early! glad u liked the card :D if u use the crockpot, let me give u a tip.....dont forget to plug it in!!! :rofl


leanna - i hope ur dentist appt goes well and the theme for next weeks card i believe is something with a bird on it :yes


judy - its ok for u to cheer on ur yankees, i'll still like ya anyway ;):lol thanks for the info about the color changes, it was really helpful :yes urs is gorgeous and of course i love it :) and wow, 2nd state trooper in a week....sounds like philly now :(


sherri - good luck getting ur errands taken care of #cheer


linda - happy crafting with whatever u decide to work on today :)


ok ladies, i really have to get to work, im just being lazy today and am trying to procrastinate!!! :lol

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Bird, got it!


Thanks for the good wishes on today's dental appointment.


First soccer game of the day was Honderus vs. Chile...ended with Chile winning 1 to 0. Now Spain is playing against Switzerland, but the score is still nil-nil...

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Hi Cheeria-have a good day with your grandson,as I know you will !



Marisa- thanks for the crockpot tip-- I could have easily done the same thing,and probably have at one time or another. It's plugged in,so it's good to go .



Tab-bet you cannot wait to hold that new babe --it'll be a treat to have a baby girl in the family ,won't it ??

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Tabby ~ Miss Lilly Gail is precious! I know you can't wait to hold her. :c9 Our favorite neighbors are expecting their little girl any day now. They are in their late 20's and this is their first.


I think it's time to find my crockpot, too. :yes The oven adds so much heat to the house and we're hovering around 100* every day lately. :( One of my favorite things to do is to use chicken pieces (with bone/skin or without) and pour a jar of Pace's (salsa) over them. Let them cook away and it's delicious! The sauce is great over rice.


I'm off to do some shopping for Father's Day. We're having 8 or 9 here for a picnic lunch (probably indoors)...Luke will be here, too. :manyheart


Have a wonderful day, everyone. :yes

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Okay, my stepmom had to go sneak a peek and here is a pic of my brother and baby Lilly Gail. :manyheart


beautiful baby!! congrats to all of the new little one!

:waving good morning all ..Hope you all have a good day!

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Hi again!


Mary, I love your idea for cooking chicken in th ecrock pot! How long do chicken pieces take to cook (boneless)? I've only used mine once since I bought it!

I use my Foreman grill more than I ever thought I would, though.


Tabby, you're going to be your niece's fav grown up - I have a feeling you're going to spoil her with beautiful little girly things:)


Cheeria, have fun with yur GS today!


Jules, I hope you enjoy a rip-roaring, hooking day!

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Well, I'm done for the day!

The carpet in our sitting/dining area is cleaned...and the 2 young men (one of whom I've known most of his life) manhandled our old living room set to the garage for us. The volunteer firefighter across the street has some of his peeps coming over this week to bring the old set over to their "house":)

As the carpet was being finished the new furniture was delivered (for another room, tg!) and now we're done.

I think that was a day's worth of activity, what with everything needing to be cleared out, brought back in...etc.

Just need ot make potato salad and then I can get back to my ATW.



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