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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hello everyone. The flight to Iowa was smooth and problem free aside from the fact that I overslept. I carefully set the clock and the alarm on Thursday night, but forgot to turn the alarm on! I woke up 10 minutes after I had planned to leave for the airport. I dressed, finished putting the last few things in the suitcases and was out the door in 12 minutes. I really wasn't sure if I was all put together or not. Made to the airport with time to spare in spite of oversleeping. Even had time to eat a breakfast croissant before the plane boarded.


We've been yakking ever since. She's shown me how to make cards with her scrapbooking materials. I won a prize as the person using the most creativity, when I came up with a 4th of July card using only Christmas stamps. Ayden is at his dad's place this weekend, so we've been having lots of quality time together. We'll be going to pick up Ayden in a little bit and then I get lots of time with him too. He has two more days of school left before summer vacation.


After church today we went to the Amana Colonies for lunch and them spent time at a quilt shop there browsing through their fabrics. I came home with batiks for Rosie and Oriental fabric for me. Lovely pieces that I haven't seen in the shops near where I live. And Joy found pieces to go in her stash and had fun watching me dither over which things to get and how much of each thing. And I watched her dither over her choices. (She's been quilting much longer than I have.)


Hope everyone has a great rest of the day. :hug:hug:hug


Oh, and the theme for this week's card is "Red, White, and Blue."

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Linda- it's great to hear from you- It sounds like you and Joy are having an awesome time together!!!! I can hear the happiness in your voice :manyheart


Judy- I think that Mother Nature is listening to you:yes- It is supposed to be much cooler and low humidity tomorrow! They also canceled the tornado watch:whew I was a little anxious about that! I've had the Verona Starbucks decaf and the regular --can't really tell the difference. Verona is my favorite Starbucks coffee!!


So glad to hear that my memory did serve me correctly on the card theme for this week- Red/White/Blue! And that everyone else's sc V squares are also curling. I was starting to wonder if it was me or just the SC stitch:lol

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Oh, Linda, you must have nearly freaked out getting up so late! Good thing you had already gotten everything ready!!

It's nice, too, being able to spend time with Joy before Ayden comes home.:c9


Judy- I think that Mother Nature is listening to you:yes- It is supposed to be much cooler and low humidity tomorrow! They also canceled the tornado watch:whew I was a little anxious about that! I've had the Verona Starbucks decaf and the regular --can't really tell the difference. Verona is my favorite Starbucks coffee!!

You know, all this talk of decaf...well, my youngest bother, who is a big coffee drinker has switched to decaf.

I think it's time...:think It's certainly better for you.

ANd I DO love my Verona...


Lissa, see what you started?:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Time to close for the night. Have a good one, my friends.


...Oh...I finished the graph ghan for my friend, and

I think my hubby is questioning my sanity:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Hello everyone. The flight to Iowa was smooth and problem free aside from the fact that I overslept. I carefully set the clock and the alarm on Thursday night, but forgot to turn the alarm on! I woke up 10 minutes after I had planned to leave for the airport. I dressed, finished putting the last few things in the suitcases and was out the door in 12 minutes. I really wasn't sure if I was all put together or not. Made to the airport with time to spare in spite of oversleeping. Even had time to eat a breakfast croissant before the plane boarded.


We've been yakking ever since. She's shown me how to make cards with her scrapbooking materials. I won a prize as the person using the most creativity, when I came up with a 4th of July card using only Christmas stamps. Ayden is at his dad's place this weekend, so we've been having lots of quality time together. We'll be going to pick up Ayden in a little bit and then I get lots of time with him too. He has two more days of school left before summer vacation.


After church today we went to the Amana Colonies for lunch and them spent time at a quilt shop there browsing through their fabrics. I came home with batiks for Rosie and Oriental fabric for me. Lovely pieces that I haven't seen in the shops near where I live. And Joy found pieces to go in her stash and had fun watching me dither over which things to get and how much of each thing. And I watched her dither over her choices. (She's been quilting much longer than I have.)


Hope everyone has a great rest of the day. :hug:hug:hug


Oh, and the theme for this week's card is "Red, White, and Blue."


I am so glad you're having a great time...and congrats on winning a prize for your card...too cool. I'm a little envious of your weekend activities...

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Hi Ladies!

Tab, I hope there's nothing to serious going on with hubby. It has to be scary. Please come in here and vent or talk or whatever you need. Don't keep it all bottled up. I've done that once and my doctor told me I was headed to be one sick girl if I didn't do something so please come and share. We all care! :hug


Cindy, Aaron is a beautiful baby! The shrug is beautiful! How old are the boys? My son married a lady with 3 kids. The girl was 9, the boys 7 and 6. The 6 yr old bonded with grandpa. The kids loved coming here. They got to go fishing. I miss those days. Hubby's daughter has 2 kids but we'e never seen much of them. Now we have 4 teenagers and 1 almost so grandparents aren't cool. So I grab ever minute I can with the 3 younger ones.


Linda, It sounds like you and Joy are having a great time.


I'm going to go crochet. I hope everyone has a nice evening!

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Hi everyone! I logged in hours ago and am just now able to post. One of our neighbors called an ambulance for their child...just learned he is okay and played outside in our 100+ degree heat too long. We have their other little one until they get home. Gee, I need some toys around here. :lol


Forgive me for not keeping up with everyone. :manyheart


Cyndy ~ Aaron is just adorable! :c9 Your shrug is sooo pretty and I love the color you chose. :yarn


Tabby ~ I hope your DH is better soon. :hug You guys have had so much to deal with and always know we are here for you. :yes


Tam ~ Your shrug is wonderful! I hope Michael is better. :hug


Judy ~ Your new table and chairs are perfect! I made the animals ghan for Luke (from Book 4) and loved the pattern. I agree with Sherri that they wouldn't show up well in a dark color yarn. Can't wait to see what you decide to do!


Linda ~ Yay for fabric shopping with Joy. :D Enjoy every minute of your trip. :manyheart


I hope you all have had a good weekend. Both of our central ac units are just humming away - very hot way too early here. :yes Gracie played in her wading pool yesterday...I'll try to post pics soon.

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Good evening housemates,


The hockey game is just beginning - GO FLYERS :yay:clap:cheer (joanne ;) )


Yes the card theme is red, white, and blue....I will have to pick up mine tomorrow.


I hit periods of rain off and on during my drive back and when it was on, it was ON....like doing 45-50 on the turnpike :( I just took my time.


As for the coffee discussion, I don't mind decaf...when I was in chiro school, I gave up caffeine completely when I wasn't sleeping at night :( Tossed and turned for about 2 weeks before my dad asked about coffee and soda :think So switched all to decaf. I don't drink much soda, but get caffeine free when possible. And have since switched back to regular coffee in the morning, but if I have a cup in the afternoon, it's still decaf.


Lissa - Good luck with giving up the caffeine, I didn't find it that hard when I did years ago, but it all depends on how ok your are with it. I knew it was something I had to do to get some normal sleep back into my life, which was a good motivator :lol


Joanne - Hockey is on!!! :clap A friend of my picked the Flyers with the bookie so now I'm cheering even harder. And, am cheering for the Celtics over the Lakers :D:cheer Congrats getting the pool open, that's always a big job I remember from when we had one while I was growing up :yay


Sherri - WTG with your exercise and knitting!!! :yay Don't you wish you could do both ;) I've tried my elliptical while crocheting :eek it didn't work so well :lol So I stick to reading while on that thing ;)


Cindy - Aaron is absolutely adorable!!! :yay The shrug turned out great, and I love the color you used!!! :D


LeAnna - Glad to hear the Relay sale went well :clap How much more do you have to go on the Tree of Life afghan, I can't wait to see the finished product?!


Linda - Wow!!! I've definitely done that with my alarm in the past....horrible! :( But, you did well making up for lost time :clap Are you still away, or using Joy's computer? How did your mom like her quilt?


Judy - WTG with your lapghan and finishing that border :clap:yay


I'm waiting, my town does fireworks tonight!!! The first summer I lived here....I was crazy scared because I didn't know it was fireworks, and who does a huge fireworks show a whole month before July 4th? :think I thought we were being attacked!!!! But, now I know better :rofl They should be starting soon.


I'm going to finish the v square I started earlier while I watch the hockey game.



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Hi House family today DD and baby went home from the hospital and I brought my grandson home to them. Now they are together as a family. I stayed for awhile fed the new baby and then came home and got into my PJ and into my bed for I'm tired. My grandson got up at 5:30 AM this morning. 5:30 AM ??????? :lol He was hungry, thirsty and wet so I changed his Pampie (Pamper), gave him half a donut and his cup after he was finish I held him and we went back to sleep. 5:30 AM and my eyes didn't want to open. :lol:lol Now my fun begin, back to the routine of my life. I have a 1/2 finish v square to complete, plus other items I'm working on. I will check in on the little family in a day or so. I'm so glad that it was re-mention what the theme for this week is for there are many posts that I haven't read.


Cindy - he is so cute and that shrug is beautiful, I like the color and the pattern


Joann - pretty v squares and I like the colors you are using for your granny ghan


Tabitha - Sorry to hear about your DH and I will keep him in my prayers that everything will turn out okay :hug


Linda - it sounds like you are having a great time.


Julie - I've been thinking about you and I hope you had fun, can't wait to hear all about it.


To the rest of the house sorry if I left anyone out for I just did a quick skim over the posts but this week everything should be back to normal any how I'm praying for that. I'm going to climb back into my bed now talk to you all tomorrow. :hug:hug

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Wow, busy in here since I visited earlier today. Thanks for the nice words about Aaron (we think he's pretty special too!!), and DD's shrug.

As for planning the yarn, that was just a lucky accident.


Thanks for letting me know about the card theme.


Linda, sounds like you are having a wonderful time with Joy. How long are you going to be there?


Marlene, my grandsons are 5, 3,2 and newborn. Yes it's a busy household!

Dh and I and the two oldest boys had a great time walking in the woods today. If only we could bottle some of that energy!


Lissa, good luck with giving up caffeine. If you've made it through 24 hours, I think you'll do okay. I know I drink too much caffeine, but I don't think I could give it up. I get the worst headaches if I don't have any. I do try to avoid it later on in the day though.

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The Flyers really stink when they're not home :( :( :( One period to go :eek:think


Anyways, here's a pic of the v square I did today :clap I was iffy on the yarn, but like how the square turned out, better than the yarn itself looked :yes


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Hi, again. We picked up Ayden about 6:00 tonight. Joe tried to ignore me and I got ornery and decided not to let him get away with it. I stepped directly in front of him and said, "Hi, Joe," at which point he said, "Hi." We stopped at Joy's mother-in-law's house on the way home so we got a chance to visit for a bit, too. Ayden was throwing rocks in the little pool in the backyard and managed to fall in and get himself thoroughly wet. So he had to be dried off and get into dry clothes before we headed back.


Once he was in bed Joy and I went back to visiting. I'm using Ayden's computer at the moment. He went straight to sleep after his bath. And he has grown several inches in the last year. Still has that unbelievably adorable grin and is still a chatterbox. We're going to get professional pictures taken again this year. That's on the agenda for Wednesday. Mom is scheduled to get her quilt tomorrow. We'll be going out to see her on Friday and coming back on Saturday. I fly back home next Sunday afternoon. The time is flying by.


More later.

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The Flyers really stink when they're not home :( :( :( One period to go :eek:think


Anyways, here's a pic of the v square I did today :clap I was iffy on the yarn, but like how the square turned out, better than the yarn itself looked :yes

Poor Flyers....:cry....:sigh....:cry


Your square is gorgeous.

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Good evening housemates,


The hockey game is just beginning - GO FLYERS :yay:clap:cheer (joanne ;) )


Yes the card theme is red, white, and blue....I will have to pick up mine tomorrow.


I hit periods of rain off and on during my drive back and when it was on, it was ON....like doing 45-50 on the turnpike :( I just took my time.


As for the coffee discussion, I don't mind decaf...when I was in chiro school, I gave up caffeine completely when I wasn't sleeping at night :( Tossed and turned for about 2 weeks before my dad asked about coffee and soda :think So switched all to decaf. I don't drink much soda, but get caffeine free when possible. And have since switched back to regular coffee in the morning, but if I have a cup in the afternoon, it's still decaf.


Lissa - Good luck with giving up the caffeine, I didn't find it that hard when I did years ago, but it all depends on how ok your are with it. I knew it was something I had to do to get some normal sleep back into my life, which was a good motivator :lol


Joanne - Hockey is on!!! :clap A friend of my picked the Flyers with the bookie so now I'm cheering even harder. And, am cheering for the Celtics over the Lakers :D:cheer Congrats getting the pool open, that's always a big job I remember from when we had one while I was growing up :yay


Sherri - WTG with your exercise and knitting!!! :yay Don't you wish you could do both ;) I've tried my elliptical while crocheting :eek it didn't work so well :lol So I stick to reading while on that thing ;)


Cindy - Aaron is absolutely adorable!!! :yay The shrug turned out great, and I love the color you used!!! :D


LeAnna - Glad to hear the Relay sale went well :clap How much more do you have to go on the Tree of Life afghan, I can't wait to see the finished product?!


Linda - Wow!!! I've definitely done that with my alarm in the past....horrible! :( But, you did well making up for lost time :clap Are you still away, or using Joy's computer? How did your mom like her quilt?


Judy - WTG with your lapghan and finishing that border :clap:yay


I'm waiting, my town does fireworks tonight!!! The first summer I lived here....I was crazy scared because I didn't know it was fireworks, and who does a huge fireworks show a whole month before July 4th? :think I thought we were being attacked!!!! But, now I know better :rofl They should be starting soon.


I'm going to finish the v square I started earlier while I watch the hockey game.




I am half way through the second tree panel...and then of course I have the border to do...

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Good morning Housemates and welcome to Monday!


Linda- It sure sounds like you are having a good time on your visit- I hope that your Mom LOVES the quilt you made her!


Marisa- Sorry that the first game you actually got to see on TV didn't go your way- but I am happy that the Blackhawks won! That V Square is awesome- I love the way the bright colors in the SC turned out and the 'pattern' it made! I have seen that yarn and it would not be my choice for yarn, but after seeing it stitched up I think it is pretty cool!!


Cheeria- Glad to hear that DD and grandbaby are home and that you are going to get "back to normal". I hope you got a good nights rest! I chuckled when I read your post about getting up @ 5:30! I get up by then every day, even on weekends. It's like I have an internal alarm clock or something!!


Cindy- I'm with you on the caffeine- I would have massive headaches if I quit. But I have taken to slowing it down in the afternoon and try to drink decaf in the evening. The walk in the woods with the grandsons sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon.


Julie- I'm hoping all went well at the reunion and that when I return from work, I'll find a nice post from you telling us all about it!!


Judy- I can't wait to see pics of the finished ghan! You really turn things out quickly!! I finished another granny square last evening- so 2 more to be joined after work then work on another.


Tabitha- Hope that DH isn't in too much pain today.


Tammy, Mary, Wanda, Marlene, Sheila, LeAnna, and everyone- have a great Monday!


Off to get ready for work.

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The Flyers really stink when they're not home :( :( :( One period to go :eek:think


Anyways, here's a pic of the v square I did today :clap I was iffy on the yarn, but like how the square turned out, better than the yarn itself looked :yes

The square looks neat, kind of like there is a shaded "X" in the center of it.

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Good Morning All. :)


Marisa, nice V. square


Hope everyone has a nice start to the week. I was up before the sun today and now it's time to get busy. I have 5 squares left to knit on the Learn to Knit afghan. I'm hoping to get them all done by this weekend. It just depends on how many more "new" things are left to learn.


Well...I'm off and running.

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Good morning everyone. I'm supposed to work today, but I got the first four hours off. Even if they don't need me to work later on today, I will have to go in this afternoon, because my yearly evaluation is scheduled for today.


In the meantime, I guess I can do the laundry I was planning to do tonight, and maybe run some errands.

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