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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Thanks busy_bee! :D:hug

I just got back into our house after weeding with my mom and big sis. It is so hot out there!:hot:sun It's great coming back into air conditioning! :lol

teakaycee, I like your yarn! I love browns and blues like that! :D I think I may have that same yarn, but I'm not totally sure.....:D Very nice picture BTW! :yes


Well, time to get back to my knitting!:yes:knit This is my first large project, and I'm knitting! I can't believe it! :lol





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Welcome, C4J!

There are a bunch of use here at different skill levels of knitting. I'm a real beginner.


Hi Judy. Glad your son was able to help. But you know...now I'm just picturing you in a sparkly get-up of red and purple. :devil

Hmmm....that sounds nice.:lol

I am slightly color blind, you know - subtle shades of greens, grays and purples often defeat me. At least with my fav bright colors I can't go wrong:lol


I went through stash and came up with some variegated I had set aside for RRs...so will use some of those.

I dropped some of the cake off with Rosie and John this morning and she was ripping out a seam where she had sewed a border on backwards. It seems to go with the art. :lol

Sounds like what we do when attaching saltines:lol:lol:lol

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Back to reading Stephen King's book: On Writing. Now I know how he got his strange ideas for his stories!


Later, gals

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Of course, you can join the house. Welcome! :welcome We knit, we gab, we crochet, we gab, we quilt, we gab, we do all sorts of thing in here.
Linda, bakers should always do a taste test. :yes How or where do you pin your quilts? Floor? Mattress? /quote]

Absolutely, we have to do taste test.


At the moment I've got the quilt to be on the kitchen counter. I've tried the dining room table, but I end up with a sore back there. This seems to be working better. I can stand up straighter. The main problem is that I miss-measured the batting and it's too short both lengthwise and sideways. I'm in the process of basting about 8 - 10 extra inches of batting onto it in both directions. :blush Kim's sitting on one of the counter stools laughing at me. :P Oh, well, it just has to hold it in place until I get it pinned and sewn together, then the stitching will keep it in place. :yes


I dropped some of the cake off with Rosie and John this morning and she was ripping out a seam where she had sewed a border on backwards. It seems to go with the art. :lol


It's hard to wrestle with that much fabric, isn't it? Neither my table or counter would be large enough for the job. The floor is hard to get up from and then there's making sure that it's clean first. Haven't tried it yet, but I read somewhere (blog hopping) to strip the bed and pin baste the quilt on the bare mattress. Still might be a height issue though.

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Hi Ladies. :) I can't believe my last post was Friday :eek...lots going on and no computer for 2 days! I was all ready to start shopping, but a very techie friend seems to have cured it for now. :lol He reminded me to "back up, back up..." and after this I will be much better about that. :yes


Haven't read all the posts yet, but hope to by tomorrow. My ripple of many colors is growing slowly, but it's easy to see why Lucy's (Attic 24)patterns are so popular. I love it!


Have a wonderful evening, everyone. :manyheart

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Hi C4J --

Of course, you can join. Everyone is welcome ,so we'd love to include you. I'm sure you will get a warm welcome from everyone .This is a great group of ladies .


So how far along are you on the dress,and what color is it ? Is it an online pattern so we can see what it looks like ?


I'm not a very good knitter. Beginner would be the best term for me, but we do have some very good knitters in the House if you have any questions.


You are also welcome to take part in our Variegated squares game if you have the interest or time .


Thanks for joining !

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Hi Mary !

Long time, no see ! I'm sure you are really busy with summertime and a new grandbaby to top it off. Whenever you have time to stop in we'll be here .



Good going , Linda-- the quilt sounds like something that would take some patience -- something I have in VERY small amounts . You'll get it done though . I have faith is your skills .

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What's your favorite King book ? I have only read a few of his really early ones .I have a cousin who collects all his first editions, and has some that are autographed. She has also sent me photos of his house (just the outside ) . He is her absolute favorite writer .


I like listening to his interviews -- he just seems like a regular old guy,not stuck up or anything , just NICE .

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Hi JulieKay! I'm not that far along yet. I'm making a sweater(cardigan?). It's a pattern out of the book, Knitting Loves Crochet. It's going to be all white I think. :D I'm a beginner also, but a friend of mom wanted me to try a sweater for her. I'm just making a test one in white for me. :D I've learned a few more knit stitches, and I relearned the Purl stitch. :) What is the Varigated squares game?


Thanks every one for the warm welcome! :manyheart


:hugs to all!



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Good evening housemates....


:welcome c4j, the more the merrier :lol


Sorry ladies, I didn't take notes bc I'm kind of in a hurry, but wanted to check in. I'm having some friends over to watch the last American Idol tonight and I just got settled in from work so need to get a quick shower. I may check back in later.


I think it was Tab not feeling well...hope your day got better.


I love Cindy's shawl and know someone that might want to make it, but like you it's not really something I would wear myself :(


Linda - it was me that asked about the batting and as long as the frosting tasted good, it doesn't matter that it was runny :yes


Cheeria and Judy - glad your wrists and back are feeling better...respectively ;)


Tab - nice to hear from you and pretty yarn (that was you with the pic right?....I especially appreciate the :coffee ) ;)



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Hi Ladies. :) I can't believe my last post was Friday :eek...lots going on and no computer for 2 days! I was all ready to start shopping, but a very techie friend seems to have cured it for now. :lol He reminded me to "back up, back up..." and after this I will be much better about that. :yes


Haven't read all the posts yet, but hope to by tomorrow. My ripple of many colors is growing slowly, but it's easy to see why Lucy's (Attic 24)patterns are so popular. I love it!


Have a wonderful evening, everyone. :manyheart

I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of the ripple!! You have me so very tempted...but there are so many patterns and so little time, it seems.:P


What's your favorite King book ? I have only read a few of his really early ones .I have a cousin who collects all his first editions, and has some that are autographed. She has also sent me photos of his house (just the outside ) . He is her absolute favorite writer .


I like listening to his interviews -- he just seems like a regular old guy,not stuck up or anything , just NICE .

I'm laughing at parts of this book, esp when he tells stories of the trouble his older brother helped get him into when they were very young. I'd never read a SK book before I picked up "Under the Dome" (his latest). I had a great discount and I think - but can't be sure - that it was Sherri who recommended it. I enjoyed it, even with the rough parts. It had been a long time since I read I book I couldn't put down for long.

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Evening house, OMG it was so hot out today. My daughter and grandbaby came by to pick me up for lunch but we didn't stay out long the heat was to much for her pregnant state. I did get to hug and get and give a lot of kissess to my grandbaby. Boy it was so good to see him. He wanted to come in with me to take a nap but I had to tell him he had to go with his mommy to take care of her. LOL He is such a little bitty thing but he say ok grandma like a big boy. LOL I didn't get a chance to go to the Lys as plan for a ball of varigrated yarn but I did find a ball of yarn in my stash that will fit in. (I hope) :lol:lol:lol


crochet 4Jesus - :welcome to Our House


Tabitha - Hope you feel better soon


Judy - Hope your hands, wrists and fingers feel better, I hate for them to hurt and taking a break from crocheting do help


Tam - I like the blue/brown varigated yarn and the way you picture it.


Mary- Hi there :cheer How's your new grandbaby.


I will be crocheting my square and working on the baby knitted blanket this evening. It's nice and cool in my home I hope the summer don't be this hot. We had our dinner and the kitchen is clean up so I'm really thinking of putting on my pj's and cooling out with my crocheting and knitting. Matter of fact I"m going to do that now. Have a great evening house mates. :hug

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Cindy- thanks for the answer about the yarn. I'm not familiar with that type . Is it like Caron SS or more like the pounders ?

I LOVE buying purses .

Julie, its similar to the Simply soft in terms of weight and it has a bit of a sheen to it.


As for purses...I love purses. However, I'm trying hard to make do with the 20 or so that I have in my closet. No new ones for at least a year (or 6 months.....)

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Can I join the House? :D I'm working on a knitted Cardigan! :D My very first big project.......:)



I'm just a beginner knitter, and I'm so slow that I can't see myself ever tackling a cardigan, not even a baby sized one! Looking forward to seeing your progress.

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Hi Housemates!


Just a quick fly-by to say hi to all- I ran out of the vareigeted yarn i was using this morning- so it will be used for another case.- It was also 9 inches- so I think the next one I try will be 23 sc across- and see if that measures 8 inches!


But I'm taking a break from it tonight- I got up at 4:30 this morning, couldn't fall back to sleep so I think I'm going to just watch the Yankees and go to bed early- I'll have to check the final score in the morning!


Hope everyone has a great evening!

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Hi, Marisa. I couldn't remember for sure who asked the question, so guessed. And since Julie is always full of questions, I picked on her. :lol:lol:lol I'm adding more batting to the second side now. When that's done and it's pinned on that side, I'm giving up and going downstairs.


I got a little crocheted on my shawl this afternoon, but not much. The quilt has been getting most of the attention. And this month's charity weekend starts tomorrow, too. I found some yarn that I think will work well for the scarves I have in mind for that. There always seems to be six different things demanding my attention it seems. :lol:hook:lol:hook:lol

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I am feeling better now, but still tired. I think it is because I had counseling this a.m. and I tend to have a lot of anxiety the rest of the day. :yes I did work a bit on the mokey this p.m. and have fully finished the cocoon and hat (sewing and all). All I have left is the tail and they want a light brown oval on the tummy. I also want to make a bonus banana toy if I get motivated enough. :hook


Than you for the well wishes. I will hopefully stay more caught up with ya'll tomorrow.....off to bed early. Night. :manyheart

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Hi C4J --


Would you mind if I shorten your name to CJ ?


Anyhow, good luck with your knitted cardigan-- we'll all like to see it when you get it done . We have Photo Fridays in here, which is when you can show the photos of what you are working on,or what you completed this past week .


The Variegated Game is something new we just started . The way it works is this :

You make 8 inch sc squares out of any VARIEGATED yarn . You can make as many or as few as you want .

For each square you make, we will put your name in the bucket for a drawing .Whoever gets their name drawn is the one who wins all the squares that everyone made .

So, the more you make, the better chance you could win .

Then you can either keep the squares to make your own afghan, or donate them to the charity of your choice .

If you want to take part all you need to do is make 8 inch sc squares from any variegated yarn .

The deadline for this is June 10th .

You are welcome to join if you want, but don't have to --:)

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I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of the ripple!! You have me so very tempted...but there are so many patterns and so little time, it seems.:P


I'm laughing at parts of this book, esp when he tells stories of the trouble his older brother helped get him into when they were very young. I'd never read a SK book before I picked up "Under the Dome" (his latest). I had a great discount and I think - but can't be sure - that it was Sherri who recommended it. I enjoyed it, even with the rough parts. It had been a long time since I read I book I couldn't put down for long.


Yep, 'twas me. I've read most of his works. :yes

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