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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi House, It has been a good Sunday. I'm cooking a Prime Rib Roast and I had no idea that it took a few hours to cook. We were hungry and couldn't wait for it to finish cooking so we end up ordering chinese food. We will eat the planned sunday dinner tomorrow. It do have my house smelling good. MMMMmmmmm


Sorry I haven't been on but today is my DD birtyhday and yesterday the women of the family surprise her by dropping by her house. We had pizza and a good time talking and laughing. While I was over there I did get to do some knitting on the baby blanket. After that I went to Macy for I love shopping for clothes. I was out of the house mostly all day so it was a great day for me. :cheer:cheer

It is my plan for this week to work on my knitted baby blanket, make more half granny squares and to try to finish the shawl that I put on the back burner. I'm really anxious to start a new project but I'm trying to hold out until I at least finish the shawl and knitted baby afghan.


Diane - pretty afghan, I love the colors. I never tried "I love that yarn", but I have heard so many good things about it - I'm Jealous. :lol One of these days I will order some. I"m glad that your Mom is okay.


Linda - there is a shawl that have been sitting on the back burner for a few weeks that I will be working on also. It is called "Elegant Simplicity Shawl" from the Lion Brand site. The yarn that is used in the pattern is a little pricey but for once I decided to use the call for yarn.


Julie and Judy Hi. :clap


Have a great evening group, candy and ice cream has been on my mind so as I watch TV tonigfht I will have some. :yay

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Hi, Cheeria! Sounds like you've had a good day.:)


We don't use salt either-It really does make a difference not using salt in controlling blood pressure!:)

Yup....to help that cause I drank a lot of water after dinner....:lol

Another good day here. Yankees won!! DH and I went out for pizza to a local pizza place and now we are home and watching the Devils hockey game- tied 1-1


Hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing Sunday!!

A Yankee win makes my day anytime....:yay


Too cool to walk by the water today, so we didn't get out as we would have liked, but it was still a good day.


CU all tomorrow:hug:manyheart

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Good Evening Everyone,


Cheeria, your roast will taste even better tomorrow than it would have today anyway...after it has time to absorb all that flavor ;) It was meant to be that way.


I'm just getting ready to sit and work on my covers. I did finish a different WIP today, which was just something small :)

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Hi, everyone. My brain is fried. I have spent hours trying to get the printer up and running with no success. I've hit a roadblock and can't seem to get around it. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. :sigh This is one project that isn't going to get done this weekend.


John called and the wedding was wonderful. And Michael and Laurel loved the flannelghan. Hooray!


I am giving up on the computer for today. I'm going to go crochet and watch some movies. I'm frustrated. :sigh

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Hi, everyone. My brain is fried. I have spent hours trying to get the printer up and running with no success. I've hit a roadblock and can't seem to get around it. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. :sigh This is one project that isn't going to get done this weekend.


John called and the wedding was wonderful. And Michael and Laurel loved the flannelghan. Hooray!


I am giving up on the computer for today. I'm going to go crochet and watch some movies. I'm frustrated. :sigh

Linda...did you use the disc to install the printer into the computer? There should only be 2 wires (unless it's also a fax) but one to connect to the computer (probably by usb) and the power cord. Most computers now a days will recongnize it when you plug it up, but if not put in the disc and run the set up. If you've done all this and are still having problems....what is the problem coming up? I might be able to help you out. :think

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Linda, sorry about the computer troubles. I'm totally clueless about all that sort of thing.


I went out for an hour long walk in the woods today. I'm hoping that it will help me sleep better than I have been. My back is bugging me now, so I'll be taking something to help me sleep tonight. I haven't been sleeping well recently, so its time I took something. (I try to avoid taking sleeping meds, since I don't want to become dependent on them)


I did manage a few rows on the baby blanket today, but not as many as I had hoped.


Good night everyone.

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Hi Ladies...I'm still here. :lol My DSL has been messed up for days and they actually sent someone today (I guess they got tired of me calling several times a day ;)). DH is grilling and saw two neighbors and theirs has been out, too...AT&T must have finally gotten the message. :yes


Anyway, I'll catch up tomorrow. I've missed you all. :hug:manyheart

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Cindy~ hope you sleep well tonight and that your back is better.

Mary~ hope they fix your DSL quick! Grilling sounds yummy!


Have a good night everyone!

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Linda...did you use the disc to install the printer into the computer? There should only be 2 wires (unless it's also a fax) but one to connect to the computer (probably by usb) and the power cord. Most computers now a days will recongnize it when you plug it up, but if not put in the disc and run the set up. If you've done all this and are still having problems....what is the problem coming up? I might be able to help you out. :think

Thanks, Marisa. It's a combination printer/scanner/fax/copier. When I try to hook it up to the wireless it gets stuck at the "enter password" section. Stuck at the same place with the disc. The disc won't let me continue until the printer gets past this point. And when I tried to hook it up via a cable it got stuck here too. I'm too tired to fight with it any more tonight. I'll try the big User's Guide tomorrow since the Quick Setup Guide isn't helping.


On a happier note, I am now 2/3 done with the back section of the shawl. At least something is working right. :lol :lol :lol

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Morning House Mates!


Julie- I'll be thinking of you this morning and sending positive thoughts your way for a good Dr. appointment.


Judy- I agree- any day the Yanks win is a good day- they are in 1st place right now!!


Linda- Hoping that you have better luck today with the printer- I'm not much help on that front, but I can imagine how frustrating it is! Good thing you had some crochet to fall back on- and that is awesome that you are already 2/3 done!!!


Tammy- Hope you had a great day. How did Patrick's team do?


Marisa- Congrats to your Flyers- I must admit, hard as it is, that the Flyers played better than the Devils- the only one on the Devils who had a good game was Brodeur!


Mary- Grilling sounds yummy- and hoping that the DSL is up and running!


Cheeria- Your roast is going to taste awesome tonight- enjoy it!!


Cindy- A walk in the woods sounds lovely. Did you sleep well?


Tralee, Diane, LeAnna, Sheila and anyone else I may have missed-hope the rest of your Sunday was good.


Off to get ready for work!- My DD in Boston is off today- Today is the Boston Marathon and Patriots Day so businesses close for the holiday. Lucky her!

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Good morning everyone. I slept well, and my back feels a lot better.

I am on call for work. That means I'm earning $2 an hour sitting here in my PJ's and if I get called in I will be paid time and a half. Last time I was on call, I got called in before 9 AM. Still, I got to sleep until 7 which is a good thing.


Hope everyone has a great day. If I don't get called into work, I'll be checking in on and off today.

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Thanks, Marisa. It's a combination printer/scanner/fax/copier. When I try to hook it up to the wireless it gets stuck at the "enter password" section. Stuck at the same place with the disc. The disc won't let me continue until the printer gets past this point. And when I tried to hook it up via a cable it got stuck here too. I'm too tired to fight with it any more tonight. I'll try the big User's Guide tomorrow since the Quick Setup Guide isn't helping.


On a happier note, I am now 2/3 done with the back section of the shawl. At least something is working right. :lol :lol :lol


If your hooking everything up to wireless....you need the WEP code to use your wireless, that's basically your security so your neighbors can't hook into yours.


Go to you control panel and find your network (network and internet or network sharing)


Then "manage wireless networks"


Right click on yours and choose "properties"


There should be a security tab at the top, click that


It should list the type of security you have (should be WEP) and the password will not appear, but right below the password you can click an option to show the characters, click that and you should have your password.


It will be something completely crazy...random letters and numbers so write it down. Then put that in where your printer is asking for it.


Let me know how it goes and if you have any questions during the day you can email me at mpancheridc@yahoo.com, it comes to my phone so I'll get it much quicker than I'll be back here.


I have windows 7 and I'm not sure what you're working with, but should be pretty much the same.

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Good morning, Hosemates...

BTW: Jules has a morning appointment today - not sure if she'll be here before she has to leave the house or not.


Hi, everyone. My brain is fried. I have spent hours trying to get the printer up and running with no success. I've hit a roadblock and can't seem to get around it. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. :sigh This is one project that isn't going to get done this weekend.


John called and the wedding was wonderful. And Michael and Laurel loved the flannelghan. Hooray!


I am giving up on the computer for today. I'm going to go crochet and watch some movies. I'm frustrated. :sigh

Computers - supposed to be such a wonderful tool for our lives - have turned out to be such a time drain, haven't they?

I'm glad your FG was appreciated so much...but not surprised;)


Hi Ladies...I'm still here. :lol My DSL has been messed up for days and they actually sent someone today (I guess they got tired of me calling several times a day ;)). DH is grilling and saw two neighbors and theirs has been out, too...AT&T must have finally gotten the message. :yes


Anyway, I'll catch up tomorrow. I've missed you all. :hug:manyheart

Boy - when my puter is out just for a vouple of hours I get antsy! I hope it's all fixed - and for good!


Good morning everyone. I slept well, and my back feels a lot better.

I am on call for work. That means I'm earning $2 an hour sitting here in my PJ's and if I get called in I will be paid time and a half. Last time I was on call, I got called in before 9 AM. Still, I got to sleep until 7 which is a good thing.


Hope everyone has a great day. If I don't get called into work, I'll be checking in on and off today.

That's good news on all counts! Not everyone can sit on standby....temperments are so different.

I hope you have a good day!

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Morning house, I just want to say hi to everyone before I run out to the laundry and wash comforters and blankets. I'm taking my crocheting with me and I usually treat myself to pizza while I'm there.


Cindy - I'm so glad that you got some rest last night and that you are feeling better, I was praying that you get a good night sleep. :hug


Julie - here's postive thoughts that all went well at the doctor's appointment, so keep a positive thought flowing. :manyheart


Linda - I hope today that your printer problems will get solve but at least you got 2/3 of your shawl done. Wow you are a fast crocheter. :crocheting


Mary - I love grill food and I know it tasted yummy.


To the rest of the house have a great crocheting or knitting day. :hug

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Good morning housemates! I went out to supper last night at an Italian restaurant. I had Grecian Calamari, a bowl of Broccoli cheese soup, and a slice of Chocolate Mousse cake. And it was all yummy. :manyheart


It's a little overcast here today, but still nice. I'm not sure what all I'm doing today, but I still have some things to do on the list before John and Kim get home this evening. Laundry and changing the bedding and stuff like that. And trying out the info from Marisa on the printer, too. I've got my fingers crossed that it will work.


More later. Hope everyone has a great day. :hug

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Hi Housemates!

Everyones projects are gorgeous! Some lovely colors.

Diane glad your Mom isn't hurt to badly.

Cindy glad your feeling better, hope your back gets better to.

Julie hope your doctor appt goes good for you.

We had a great time at the wedding. Maya didn't wear her summer dress her Mom bought for her to wear. We had snow showers so I put pants on her. I didn't finish the second sweater either. Got to the sleeves and it isn't looking good. I used ww yarn and it calls for baby or sport yarn and it is to bulky, I think. I'm going to look I think I have some pink baby type yarn in a tote in the garage and see if it will work out better than the ww.

I need to get some things done here and start a load of laundry. Hope everyone has a nice day.

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Haven't been called into work yet....



Cindy - I'm so glad that you got some rest last night and that you are feeling better, I was praying that you get a good night sleep. :hug




Aww thanks, Cheeria!


DD talked me into going to the Vera Bradley outlet sale next weekend, so I registered us for that this morning. I went last year, and didn't really feel like going this again, but dd really wants to go. She has her college graduation that weekend too.


I did about 10 inches on a basketweave baby afghan this morning. Its easy, but it really moves slowly, and it uses a lot of yarn. I had a pound of light green yarn that I received in an ROAK package, but after doing 12 row, I could see that it wouldn't be enough. The pattern called for two pounds of yarn, so I figured if I made mine a lot smaller, one pound would work, but I don't think it will, and rather than crocheting further and then having to frog a half finished blanket, I decided to add a white section in the center of the blanket.

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Cindy, that was quick thinking, putting a white stripe in the middle of the blanket...I'm looking forward to a picture!


I haven't done a bit of hooking yet....chores, etc took priority. I took Sparkie for a walk, too. Now I need to water the new plants outside. Laundry is in the dryer and we're waiting for Terminex.

I need a break....:lol



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Hi, ladies!


Still no hooking today...but good news: the area I thought was termite damage, isn't ---- now I just need to find a carpenter to fix the door fram and replace the seal on the bottom of the door!

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Hi, ladies!


Still no hooking today...but good news: the area I thought was termite damage, isn't ---- now I just need to find a carpenter to fix the door fram and replace the seal on the bottom of the door!

That's good news, Judy.


No crocheting for me yet either, but the list of things to do is getting shorter. So maybe soon.

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Judy, so glad it wasn't termites!


I ended up not having to work today. Guess that means I'll have to cook dinner. Dh only cooks when I work. He's in for a surprise..he's going to be grilling pork chops. (I don't grill!)


I spent much of the day crocheting the basket weave baby blanket. It's more than half done and it ended up having two white stripes in it. I am hoping that I have enough green yarn to do a row of the border in green.

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Happy Monday, everyone. Oh my...I have missed so much. :lol I love seeing all the activity at Our House, unless I miss a few days. :wink The pictures are all just wonderful!


Linda ~ Your flannelghan is lovely! Congratulations on the new computer and I hope you figure out the printer soon. Can't wait to see your next shawl. :hook


Marisa ~ The club covers turned out great. :clap And the hat is very cute. :yes


Tralee ~ The baby booties are adorable and I love the pattern! :c9


Sheila ~ Beautiful job on the baby dress. You all are inspiring me to try some wearables. :)


Tam ~ I love your colors for the Spool of Thread ghan. Your hook case an chicken pot holder are wonderful, too!


Joanne ~ Your large Granny ghan is lovely. Yay for all your new yarn. :yarn I use I Love This Yarn as much as possible and have combined it with RHSS in the quilt ghans - it washes just fine. :)


Julie ~ Your castle ghan is growing so quickly! :clap How is Mr. Cam feeling?


Diane ~ Wow! Another gorgeous afghan! :yes You are so talented and your color choices are always perfect. :hook I'm glad your Mom is okay. :manyheart


Judy ~ Beautiful pictures! Your Stars and Moon afghan is going to be just adorable. You have a beautiful yard...we enjoy ours, too. This winter sure did some damage and we still have lots of things to "re-do.":)


Hi Leanna ~ I hope your root canal wasn't too bad. :hug When is trip to bring DH home?


Hi to Cindy, Cheeria and Marlene...and anyone I may have missed. :manyheart

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Good Afternoon to my Housemates, :clap


Just dropping in between races. Denny Hamlin won the first race, have about 1/2 an hour before the second race. I managed to get 2 strips of a 9 strip afghan done. I already had 5 done so just 2 more to go but I think I am going to be 1 skein short. :eek It is a varigated color and I always run short, you'd think I would have learned by now....I should always buy 1 extra, if I don't need it, it is great to add to the stash. :yes


Mary~you are right, this House moves pretty fast. Miss a day or 2 and you are way behind.


Thanks everyone for the kind concern about my Mom. She has a very good sense of humor and in her words, is a tough old bird. You know the saying, only the good die young......well my sis and I kid Mom that she must have been really, really bad, because she will be 95 in 2 weeks. When she turned 75, to celebrate her birthday, unbeknownst (sp ??) to us, she made a rock 'n roll video. Yup, pink hair, leather jacket, Madonna gloves, played the electric guitar...."It's my party and i"ll cry if I want too", even had a young, studly groopie sunbathing in the back yard. We (her kids) were all shocked. Well, for her 80th, she topped that. This time she did a rap video, in the park, in a hoodie, boom box on her shoulder, then sat down on a picnic table and flashed gang signs while she rapped. What a hoot!! She has provided us with a lifetime of entertainment!!


Cindy~good save on that afghan. Additional stripes sure help.


Jules~hope the dr. appt. goes well. Positive thoughts for you.:hug


Linda~chocolate mousse cake :D yumm yumm.


Weather today is a little overcast but windy. Wild mustard is starting to bloom so it will probably have DH sinus in a mess. Thank goodness for Clariton D.


Dinner tonight will be Arroz con Camarrones y Pollo. Rice, shrimp, chicken. So good.


This is quick, gotta get ready for 2nd race. Make a cuppa tea, potty break, etc. You know the drill.


Will check in later. Hope you all have a great Monday. :hook

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Diane, your mom sounds like she'll be the topic of conversation for many generations to come!:lol


Hi, Mary:hug


Cindy, how are your wrists and your injured hand? That's alot of crocheting!

I can't crochet for as many hours as I used to without my wrists hurting. Need to get back to knitting - that doesn't cause me any problems...yet:lol

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