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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I've been slacking a little bit on the crochet....but I have been sewing....good thing I don't lose points for fabric and patterns.....Well, I used up two more balls on my scrapghan so +2 for me!! I'm focussing on summer clothes right now.....I've gained weight (ugh :thumbdown:yuck:cry:thair:sigh ) over the winter, so I'm making a buncg of clothes to wear......I crocheted one tank top last week and I'm going to crochet another one and sew a few more. Then, if the weather ever gets nice again, I will have some clothes that actually fit!! :clap

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Hi Stashbusters, Just wanted to let you know that I have decided to drop out of this group. I have busted most of my stash :clap :clap and just have too many things going on right now. I will still be stopping by to see how everyone else is doing and I will still be active on the other threads.


Thank you all for helping me get rid of my extra supply of yarn. Who knows, if it starts growing again, I may be back!

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This isn't until the first week in May, but for once I thought ahead. We'll be away at a wedding the week before and then my dd's 5th b-day is that week.


In anycase, I've been stash busting to do these quickie gifts. The kids helped a LOT in picking both pattern and yarn (story here)


First a shawl for one teacher 1.5 skeins = 3 pts



And a scarf for another teacher 0.5 skein = 1 pt




we're still working on the mittens for teacher #3

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I've been doing pretty good this week. Although a lot slower then the last two weeks. Haven't been posting everyday, but I've done a lot of more stashbusting with those lovely lovely scrapghans. My kitten, Amber, has adopted the newest one. I'll have to take a picture of the chubs sleeping on it. She gets possessive whenever I pick it up to work on it.


But just to update a bit before I change the signature, I've done 5 more balls and 1 skein today! I'm sure I'll have a lovely score to post by the end of Thursday. I will be at the hospital most of the day waiting for my roommate to get out of surgery. She's having a cyst removed from her wrist and I am driving her home.

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Went out to Michaels today to pick up something specific. Now, while I was there I mozied over to the yarn section. I had two skeins of yarn in my hand. Guess What?!!!!!!


:cheerI PUT THEM BACK!!:cheer

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Well AC Moore was having a 20% off all yarn sale, and I needed to pick up 2 skeins to finish 2 blankets and some yarn for a baby blanket. I ended up buying 6 skeins for -12, but 2 of them happen to be from the 1lb mill end bags. One of the skeins looks like a football its so big!


Hopefully I'll rack some points up these next few days and at least get out of the negatives and maybe even finish a few projects.

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Well, stashbusting is going VERY slowly this week.....I've only used 1 ball since the last time I posted (+1), but I'm working on another skein of the same yarn now, so hope fully I will have some more points later tonight.

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I've been working on a pillow cover to match my 3SUB - I went through 20 balls of yarn yesterday! I want to make another one too, I probably won't do that much today, I've gotta go to the other house, and help pack GG things.

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It was a light rain when I got to the library, now it's SNOWING!!!

I made a dress for the doll and a pig for a Chinese friend (year of the pig). She wants me to make a moose. Does anyone have a stuffed moose pattern? I made afghans for my sisters when they turned 45. My brother was reminded he'll be 45 in Oct. so he asked "do I get one too?" Could be a great stash buster :cheer (he's large) if I have enough yarn. LOL. Hope I don't need to buy any.

Ellie 13

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And more stash used. 3 balls and four hats made! Yahoo! 3 more points this week. And after last week, with only one, this week is going great!



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