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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Everyone did great this week :D

The stash busters score was higher than the stash accumulator :yarn:hook

I had a great week I hope to continue doing so into next week. Also done with the blueberry ghan 2 more rows :yay

This will be going to Project Rest Assured, I will post pictures when complete :yes

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okay.........so today I finished 2 skeins while working on my RR = +4


and 2 balls while working on baby bibs = +2


but I just got back from Wal-Mart and bought 5 skeins = -10


so that puts me at -2 and its only the beginning of the week, I better get to bustin' :devil

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I did do well last week, only because I had time off work....this week wont be so great unless i dig thru the stash and find small skeins to bust!


Congrats to all! have a great week!

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Last night (after post) I finished a skein and a ball +3. My mom found sh. dusk at A C Moore and got one for me. Do I have to count it if I take it next week? I'm getting lots of 8-10 inch scraps from stash busting. Should I save them (fringe maybe?) or toss them? What would you do with it?

Ellie 13

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Last night (after post) I finished a skein and a ball +3. My mom found sh. dusk at A C Moore and got one for me. Do I have to count it if I take it next week? I'm getting lots of 8-10 inch scraps from stash busting. Should I save them (fringe maybe?) or toss them? What would you do with it?

Ellie 13


Ellie, I'd save a few for stitch markers, but then I'd toss the rest.



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Would you believe my modem died yesterday (it's a whole 3 months old, after all, time for it to die :think)> Which I discovered when I got on to post my score. Sorry, Krystal, but I gained a whole +10 this week, good enough for me to show! I used up 3 little skeins less than 2 ounces each, boy, was that nice, one large skein, and 2 small leftover balls. Good on me!

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YAY!! I'm starting the week out with a bang, I got +5 and FINISHED oldest DD's ghan I've been working on!!! WOO HOO!! It's only the 2nd afghan I've ever been able to make myself finish. I'll post a pic later on after I sew in the ends. I'm so excited!

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Finished up the blueberry ghan....pics are coming soon

Also worked on baby bibs today with cotton yarn

So +6 for me today....siggy updated

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I used up 4 small balls last night. I've decided that I will make granny squares of all my scraps, then I have them for swaps or for a scrap granny blanket.

Used up half a skein that for some reason made it into the scrap box. +1 for that. So last nights efforts gave me a +5

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I used 2 skeins of cotton tots on my new nephews afghan. So that's a +4 to start out the day. I'm hoping for another 2 skeins before the day ends!! Off to change my score!

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Well I finally finished the afghan for my grandpa for Christmas.....too many squares to put together and WAY too many ends to weave in, but it's done whew......and I made one more skein into a ball so +1 for me :clap.

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Golly Gee Willackers!!! I can't seem to stay caught up with this CAl anymore. I had a total of negative 7 last week. Better than how I started out though which was negative 16 or 18 or something. So, I made some progress. BUT I didn't get it posted in time on Saturday. Life is just too busy sometimes. Uggg. Anyways, I have now accumulated 3 points for this week. YAY!!! POSISITIVE. I can't believe it! And now that life is slowing down a bit, maybe I can stay caught up...what do you think??? (does life ever really slow down???)

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I added another 12 skeins to the Crochetville box before sending it off & used 9 partials last night starting a 3 strand uglyghan for my doggie :lol

+33 for now... it's TOO dang hot to work with yarn tonight, I'm gonna see if I can't pick out a threadie from one'a the new books I got today.

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I busted some big stash yesterday! First, I used another skein of yarn on the bright lime green and orange toddler blanket I'm making for Project Linus. Then, I sent my SP her reveal package, with 12.5 skeins of yarn, for a grand total so far for the week of +27! See, I can move in the right direction. :lol

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I busted 1 ball on little squares for +1. But I'm going to have to buy a couple skeins to do my graph ghan soon. I've been trying to hold off till the last moment. :) and I have a friend holding 2 skeins for me I'll probably get from her this week so it will go down hill fast :lol

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Well, I gifted two skeins to my Secret Pal, so that starts me at +4. I'm really hoping to get my quarterly living allowance any day now so I can order holiday presents yarn!!

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I finished off 12 balls working on my scrapghan last night :bow


I had -2 so that puts me at +10 for the week so far :yay

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Monday I used up 2 small balls of white, 1 small ball of blue, 1 small ball of cream and 2 small balls of pink making psp cases and ipod covers.

So thats +6 so far this week


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