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and the hook ran away with the sock monster

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Do you guys have the same trouble...you consistenly buy 1 certain hook size because each one keeps disapperaing?

I swear I have probaly bought (and made) over a dozen size G hooks in a few years and EACH always disappears. never to be found. :think funny part is I rememeber what each and everyone looked like and have not found them to date.

(sigh) time to make another quick so I can finish this WIP tonight.:thair:bang:rant

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Have you checked your furniture? My couch loves to eat mine:yes

lol you know in the last 5 years we have moved 4 times and before that I had the same G hook my mom bought me when I was little, it made it thru the first move but that was never to be found again. So in all our moves NONE were found anywhere.

Now we dont plan on moving for he next 30 years so I bet those darn things will never ever show up lol.

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This is so funny. I've lost both my F and G hooks in our sofa. Since it's one of those leather ones, you can't lift the cushions up to find them. I pushed it away from the wall to see if they fell through to the floor, but no luck. Fortunately, my sister had given me a second set of hooks, although one of those has disappeared as well. :think

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Just as soon as I finish the row I'm working on, I'm going to go check to be sure I know where all of mine are. Way to inspire the ol' paranoia, folks ;-)

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Don't know why but I haven't lost any hooks so far. I was in a thrift store last week and in the craft section were crochet hooks for 59 cents each. I bought six hooks in different sizes. At the present time I do have plenty of hooks.




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I don't lose them...but...I noticed that boye makes all different colors...it would have been nice if they color coded them. I was working with a green J hook....I put the project awa away...picked it up a few weeks later...and grabbed the green hook out of my pouch...turns out I have a couple of green hooks and the second one is a K...pretty close in size ya know?

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I find my hooks in the couch, in the dog crate, in the sheets and blankets of my bed (I crochet in bed while we are watching tv at night) under the seats of the car in my desk drawer at work and one recently turned up in the cat's litter box, clean but there just the same. I have at least two of the smaller size hooks because i can't find or can't remember if I have that size. Oh well at least this way I always have the size the kids want for their projects without leaving me without the hook I need.


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I'm constantly losing my hooks. :blush Sometimes I crochet on the couch or standing up near the couch, and sometimes I crochet in bed, and sometimes I crochet outside on my porch. Don't ask me why I found some hooks in my car, since I restrict crocheting to three places.:lol


Therefore, whether I need the hooks or not, I buy more when they're on sale or when I see them at thrift stores. As a result, I probably have about 100 hooks, some of which I'll probably never use.

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I lose one, go buy a replacement, then find the original. I think I have 4 I hooks!:lol We feel your pain needles.:yes


P.S. I love your stuff on etsy! Especially the :yarn ! Very Pretty!

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I am forever losing hooks, I know I have bought at least two sets of small steel hooks, and then 2 sets of g thru k hooks, and I have hooks all the way up to gant Q and S hooks. Do you think I can find half of them. It doesn't help that my DD on again off again learning to crochet. My problem is I don't have just one place to store them. Some things are in my home office, some are in my bedroom, and the rest are in the guess bedroom. I have notions all over the house. I guess I need to get organized and put everything into one room. :lol

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I think there must be some sort of cosmic 'G' hook conspiracy :) I have purchased three complete sets of hooks, and not one of them is still complete. And it does seem to be the G hook that disappears first... and I don't even use that one much. I have about 3 'H' hooks. My L hook is also among the missing.


I have no excuse.. I live alone and don't have any pets. Must be gremlins!:lol



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I think all of your missing G hooks have migrated to my house. :heehee I have never conciously purchased a G hook (most of my hooks are "inherited"), yet tonight, in a desperate search for an H, I counted 7 yes, 7 G hooks!:think


Luckily, I found an H...but only one!

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I think all of your missing G hooks have migrated to my house. :heehee I have never conciously purchased a G hook (most of my hooks are "inherited"), yet tonight, in a desperate search for an H, I counted 7 yes, 7 G hooks!:think


Luckily, I found an H...but only one!

Oh is that too funny Catie bug. lol yup I think you have um all.:think:hook

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Every time I go to the mall, I buy yarn and a hook to fill in the 45 minutes it takes the bus to get me home. I don't seem to have all that many hooks considering how many I have picked up here and there.


Still, it is amazing to me how many of them sneak into bags of yarn late at night. I find them when I want to use the yarn... happened just yesterday.... no really, I wouldn't leave a hook in a bag of yarn... who is snickering in that back row there?

:wlol :wlol :wlol :wlol :wlol

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