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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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count me in, I will put the thread crochet bears aside to do this one! Now to figure the color I want. hummmmmmmmm Will look in my mighty stash.....or go buy more! lol Love to have a new reason to buy more yarn! looking forward to starting. When will the CAL start, have any idea??? Since we are all (almost) waiting on our patterns. Only been here a couple days, not sure how things go yet.


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Thank you Gleda, I thought maybe there would be chat or progress posts. I suppose I will catch up with how things work. I still have to wait on the book so I won't be getting to it this week.

I posted on the other thread, .....patterns wanted......if anyone has all the corrections for the herschners blue ribbin book if they would please share them. With so many of us getting the book it would sure be nice to get our hands on the corrections.

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Forines - sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope he gets better soon. Im glad to hear that you are much better now too.

Thanks for that info on where to get the pattern I will ring them up today and see if they still have it.

I love the colors you used for yours. Its beautiful.

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Thank you Gleda, I thought maybe there would be chat or progress posts. I suppose I will catch up with how things work. I still have to wait on the book so I won't be getting to it this week.

I posted on the other thread, .....patterns wanted......if anyone has all the corrections for the herschners blue ribbin book if they would please share them. With so many of us getting the book it would sure be nice to get our hands on the corrections.



Peni: Oh, yes, there will be lots of posts on progress! My point was there is no strict start/finish date. I'm not sure I'll be able to start this week myself even though I have the book and the yarn. :hook

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Here are all of the corrections for the book:


GARDEN ROWS, page 5:


Round 5: Ch 2, (counts as first hdc), *3 sc in next ch-3 sp, hdc in next st, (hdc, 2 dc) in next ch-3 sp, (2 tr, ch 3, 2 tr) in next st, (corner made); (2 dc, hdc) in next ch-3 sp, ** hdc in next st; rep from * around, ending last rep at **; join with sl st to top of beg ch-2; fasten off.


The end of Round 7 should be 24 cl (not 36) – 6 on each of 4 sides.


The Horizontal Strip should read:

Join MC in any corner ch-3 sp with sl st, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each dc across to next corner ch-3 sp,




Panel 1: at the end of Rows 2-4 should read: change to MC in last st of last row.


PINWHEEL, page 22:


Under Pattern Stitches:

Beg tr-cl: says pull through all 4 lps on hook – should be; pull through all 3 lps on hook.


Rnd 12 says – sc in next 7 sc – should be: sc in next 10 sc.





Rnd 2 says: color B, should be color MC.


Round 4 says: color B; should be MC .

Round 5 says: color C should be color B (multi)






Row 1: (rs) With rs facing, join B in sc 2 sts before any Wedge tip with sl st, ch 1; sc in same sc; ch 1, sk next 2sc, *(dc in next 3 sc, ch 1, sk next sc)7 times, (cl, ch 2, cl) in next sc, (point) (ch 1, sk next sc, dc in next 3 sc)6 times, ** sk next 4 sc, tr in next sc (joining), sk next 4 sc; (dc in next 3 sc, ch 1, sk next sc)6 times, (cl, ch 2, cl) in next sc (point),

(Ch 1, sk next sc, dc in next 3 sc)7 times, ch 1, sk next 2 sc, sl st in next 2 sc.


Row 10: do not turn.




ROW 4: Ch 4, turn; (cl in next ch-1 sp, ch 1)3 times, (cl, ch 2, cl) in ch-2 sp, ch 1, (cl in next ch-1 sp, ch 1) twice, cl in next ch-1 sp, cl, dc in 3rd ch of beg ch-4, change to A; fasten off MC.


ROW 5: With A, ch 4, turn; (cl in next ch-1 sp, ch 1) 4 times, (cl, ch 2, cl) in ch-2 sp, ch 1, (cl in next ch-1 sp, ch 1) 3 times, cl in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, dc in 3rd ch of beg ch-4.




One-Fan Panel

Row 3 should say: K 3, (K1, yo) 10 times, K 3: 27 sts.


Two-Fan Panel

Row 3 should say: K 3, (K 1, yo) 10 times, K 7, (K 1, yo) 10 times, K 4. 54 sts.




The pattern repeat in Row 10 is 8 stitches – sk next 3 sts, tr in next st, working in front of tr just made, tr in 3 sk sts = 4 sts + sk next st, tr in next 3 sts. Working behind 3 tr just made, tr in sk st = 4 sts, for a total of 8 sts. 8 x 23.5 = 188 sts plus the ch-4 at the beginning and one tr at the end = 190 sts.

Row 9 will end with 191 sts. To correct this, at the end of Row 9, work 2 sc together. Then in Row 12 work 2 sc in the first stitch, to return to 191 sts.


DIAMONDS & RINGS, page 62:



Rnd 1: (RS with rs facing and working in bk lps only, join MC in any dc of first ring with sl st, ch 3. (counts as dc)


*To join half ring, place half ring under first full ring, (yo, insert hook into bk lp only of next st on full ring, then insert hook between the 13th and 14th dc of the half ring, yo, draw up lp (3 lps on hook) yo, and draw through all 3 lps.


In this same joining st (of the full ring and the half ring) – work (3 dc, hdc) – corner made.

In bk lp only of full ring only, work hdc in next st, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next st. Insert free end of the half ring through the full ring, so first dc of the half ring is on top of the next sts of full ring. To join this end, (yo, insert hook between first and second dc of the half ring, then insert hook into bk lp only of the next st of the full ring, yo, draw up lp, (3 lps on hook) yo, and draw through all 3 lps on hook. Work (3 dc, hdc) in this same joining st (of half ring and full ring) – corner made.

In full ring only, in bk lp only work hdc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next st, dc in next st.

**In next ring (second ring) work sc in next 3 sts,

In next ring work dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next st, dc in next st. Repeat from ** across to the last ring.

In the last ring hdc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next st. Repeat from * for second end and up the second side to the beginning full ring. In this ring count back the last 6 sts; in first st work dc, hdc in next st, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next st, sl st in top of beginning ch-3. Fasten off.


You will have 7 sts in side of each MC ring and 3 sts in side of each A ring. Including the corner sts (one on each end) you will have a total of 248 sts.


NOTE: Beg working in rows.

Row 1: (rs) With rs facing, join MC in bottom right corner with sl st, ch 3, working bk lps only, work 224 dc evenly across to next corner. This will mean decreasing 24 sts evenly across the side. Fasten off. (225 dc)




Assembly sequence does not match the picture ---

Should be Tree, snowflake, candy cane, star, tree, star, candy cane, snowflake, tree.


HEAVENLY LOVE, page 108:


Heart Panel Chart Row 50 should be deleted, so there will be an even spacing of 2 rows between each pair of hearts. This will make the Heart Panel only 214 rows; when the Angel Panel is 215 rows. But this difference can be eased in during assembly.


GIRAFFES, page 110:


Rows 2-8 say: sc in each sc across to last 2 sc; working in both lps, sc in last 5 sc;


Should say: sc in each sc across to last 2 sc; working in both lps, sc in last 2 sc;


GIRAFFES BABY AFGHAN, pages 112 and 113:


There are two stitches missing in the body of the each giraffe.

In row 44, stitch #68 and stitch #70 should be shaded gray for the LDC.

This will match the giraffes in the upper row.


On page 112 the upper diamond pattern should be moved up one row, to begin on Row 120.


SPOTS & STRIPES, page 126:


Row 19: P 6, sl 1, K 2 tog, psso,* P7, rep bet *’s once, P6 – (21 sts)




FILET HEARTS, page 130:


The number of chains in the beginning should be 184, not 185.


In this filet pattern, each square of the chart equals 2 sts;

either 2 dc or a ch 1 & 1 dc.

To write Row 2 more specifically:

[For block one]

Ch 3, (this equals the beginning dc - but is not one of the dcs for the chart)

dc in next 36 dc, (this is 2dc for each square of the chart - work one dc in each dc)

[For block two]

(ch 1, sk next dc, dc in next dc)this should be 18 times for the 18 squares of the chart - [not 19]

[For block three]

dc in next 36 dc,

[block four]

(ch 1, sk next dc, dc in next dc)18 times

[block five]

dc in next 36 dc.


Row 19: Ch 4, sk next dc, dc in next dc, (ch 1, sk next dc, dc in next dc)17 times; *(ch 1, dc in next dc)18 times; (ch 1, sk next dc, dc in next dc)18 times; rep from * once.

Row 20: With next color ch 4, dc in next dc, (ch 1, dc in next dc)17 times; *(dc in next ch-1 sp, dc in next dc)18 times; (ch 1, dc in next dc)18 times; rep from * once.

Continue on, following the chart.





Row 10: Step 2: Yo, and pull through 1 lp on hook, (yo and pull through 2 lps on hook) 4 times, change to MC, (yo and pull through 2 lps on hook) 5 times, ch 1, (yo and pull through 2 lps on hook) 10 times.


Row 11: Step 2: is the same; after changing color, (yo and pull through 2 lps on hook) 5 times.

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WOW that is beautiful! I really want to make this but will have to wait for awhile since I have so many other things going and can't afford the pattern right now but hopefully I'll get to join you guys in a few months. I'll be looking forward to seeing everybodies progress in here.

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wow!!! thanks for the corrections sheet!! can't wait to get my book...3 weeks wait!!!! maybe i will go look at colors tomorrow.....this is my first cal and i am quite excited about it...happy new year everyone!!!

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lol grammypat make two, you're so brave =)


I am going to be attempting this in Peaches N Cream cotton yarn. The colors are going to be winterberry, williamsburg blue, lt blue, mauve, and ecru. I hope they are okay for colors and I'm REALLY nervous about using cotton yarn but I've been dying to do it and this was just as good an excuse as any.....


-MiztrezzLyn, I'm thinking you must be familiar with cotton yarn or you wouldn't want to use it.... but, on the other hand maybe you aren't. Excuse me if you already know this, but just checking to make sure it comes out as you planned. Cotton yarn loses color, and can bleed onto each other. When washed I have to stretch each dishcloth vertically or they will come out very wide and short, which I would imagine would also be the case of anything/an afghan that was made with it.

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Thank you Mudpie for the corrections...... got them safely saved away.....can't hardly wait to get started on the CAL.


GLEDA...Thank you, I think I understand now. I love to see pictures of progress and finished projects. Now trying to be patient while waiting on book!!

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I am chomping at the bit to start this!!! The more I look at the Rose/Pink/Gray/Cream yarns I have the more I am thinking it should be these colors. I need to find a variegated that will work with it. Looks like another trip to the Yarn store. Is there a good place to get yarn on line? The choices in my area are not that great and I am not going to Houston until next week.:think

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I got my yarn!!! I decided on the greeens. Lt Sage, Dk Sage, Aspen, and instead of cream I chose Buff, like an Aran color and the variegated has the greens and beige and brown. I am so waiting for my book to come!!

But in the meantime I am almost done with my other afghan so Hubby will not have a fit about 5 projects going at once:cheer

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Oh.. I may have to hunt up that book and make this afghan. It will have to wait a few weeks though as I really must get done what I am working on before getting stuff for something new. In the meantime I will watch as you all progress.

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I posted earlier what colors I'm using, but I forgot a color! :eek So today I went to the store and hemmed and hawed over that fifth color. :think Again, I'm using Caron cream, RH Med Thyme, RH Frosty Green, RH Aspen Print and I selected RH Warm Brown as my fifth color. Now that I have all five colors sitting side by side, I'm hoping there's enough of a contrast between the Frosty Green and the Aspen Print. What do you all think? :help

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