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How young is too young? =) (Few Images)

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My son is 18 months old and always wants to play with my crochet hooks and stuff. Tonight I let him play with one of my plastic larger hooks so that I could work on some of my crochet in a little peace.


I looked up and he was pretending to crochet, I think I almost died from the cuteness lol (course I'm his mother so I think most everything he does is adorable) I was able to get some pictures of it. I hope no one minds my posting it. I just thought it was too cute and thought it'd be a good thing to post here =)


It actually kept him busy for a whole 15 minutes, which is pretty amazing for him lol


Here they are. I hope they are not too big =x









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way too cute!!! I let my 3 year old pretend to crochet so she'll let me be too, and my 5 year old can make a chain, but that's about it, but it's nice. I can picture us in like 6 years, all sitting around crocheting... ahhh, what a nice dream!

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How sweet!! :) When I'm nursing my 8 month old, he always grabs for the yarn, and plays with it in his fingers. My husband says he's too young to crochet, so I'll wait to teach him lol. That is sooo cute! What a great smile! He really seems like a happy boy. Good job!


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Just adorable, and of course us mom's are supposed to take all those adorable little pictures. I think I must have hundreds. In a blink of an eye they are all grown up. It is great that he takes an intrest in that crochet hook, soon before you know it he'll want you to teach him and you two will be crocheting together ;)



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That makes me think of my son who is 19 months. Just yesterday he picked up one of my crochet hooks and was trying to work it into one of my finished squares. He is fascinated by my big plastic ones. I hope he will crochet one day...it is good for their hand eye coordination and it is supposed to be good for the brain. Hey I need all the help I can get for myself since I am running after him all the time. Crocheting keeps me sane.

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My older DD (6 yrs old) chains like a fiend and my younger DD (2 yrs old) loves to play with my hooks and tape measure...I finally just gave her my M, N & P hooks and replaced them cause if she didn't have them in her hands she was very upset LOL!!! And then she kept playing with one of my tape measures, so I know it's probably stretched out, so I just gave it to her.....I think she first really showed an interest in the hooks when she was about 16-18 months old...and she's been really good with them so far....the only thing that can get a little irksome is when I'm crochetting (which is all the time cause she's really good about letting me hook while she plays), sometimes she'll come up to me and try to work her hook into my yarn...not usually a problem, unless she's being really rough LOL!! I definately see the 3 of us sitting and chatting and crafting together when they're older...actually, I see the 3 of us, along with my mom and MIL sitting & chatting & crafting together LOL!! It's so wonderful to see that they're really interested in our crafts...it makes me so happy to know that I've got a really good shot at passing this skill set down to my girls...I just love the tradition of it...



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So cute! Then again, I think everything a kid does is adorable. My youngest used to bug my DH while he would play video games at that age so he always pretended to plug in an extra controller so she could play. Only recently has she taken an interest in mommy's crocheting stuff. Always nice to the wee ones take an interest and hopefully become members of our CA group (Crocheter's Anon).


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Yah I think its pretty cool also. I really want to teach him to crochet when he gets a little bit older. I had noticed Tristan trying to stick a hook in my crochet when I'm doing it before but I just kind of figured he was trying to poke things, never occurred to me that he has seen me do it so much that he probably wanted to do what I was doing.


I crochet while nursing him and he LOVES to lean his head back against the yarn thats coming from the ball and feel it sliding against his head (Does murder on my tension though lol)


I captured a few minutes of it on video last night also. About an hour later he was sitting on the floor below me being so incredibly quiet and I couldnt quite see what he was up to so I looked and he was crocheting again LOL


My hubby thought it was really cute too, first thing he said was "You gotta get a picture of that and post it on that board of yours" =)

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That is too cute!!

My daughter (10) has just started to crochet. She can make a chain the length of the house! I think it is so important to pass it on (if they are interested) I bought her a sewing machine for Christmas so she would have her own. She had it set up and had sewn 2 pillows by 7:00 a.m.!



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that is so cute. I have a few pictures of Savie doing that to when she was about that age. I walked away to get something out of the fridge and she had climbed into my chair and was trying really hard to crochet :lol :lol . I just love it.

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My daughter expressed interest at 2years old but it took me until she turned 11 to have the patience to teach her. and I came up with a great teacing tool.. I had her sit on my lap and held her hands while I crocheted a chain and it worked now she can single crochet she has made numerous scarves as gifts.

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My dd is almost 4 and bugs me constantly to crochet, she also loves to do crafts with me. I'm just wondering when it comes time to teach her should I teach her right handed or left since she seems to be a leftie :) she'll probably be one of those that is left handed but crochets right handed.:lol

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