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Bedspread Bonanza


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Evening Ladies


I am feeling so much better tonight and feel like im finally able to sit down and get back into it...still a little icky in the belly but so much better...we think it was due to the mold and dust of the basement...we were trying to get it cleaned up and packed for selling and moving..my DH finely called in a guy that had it done in under 2 hours-whew.


So i go to get a photo of my Casablanca to show everyone and my card keeps saying "not intalized" so my DH is going to go get me a new one in the morning...i promise to have a photo up tomorrow.



Well send you a pm to be put on the list.


I would like to thank everyone for caring and wishing me well...it really did make me feel better :ghug

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Good eyes Tracey. Julie has so many CALs going she is probably waiting to get an email from herself. That is what happens when you play with little squares :eek .. I tried to warn youse guys.


Love you dearly Julie. it just struck me as funny is all :wlol

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She should be glad she isn't doing the Blue Star Afghan as well. But hey Darski, your on that CAL as well, So I guess you are going to be having little square spinning over your head as well as the rest of us.

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Shaylen, glad to hear you're doing better! Take it easy and keep away from the mold.


To eveyone else, I'll be out of town for the next five days and will miss this Friday photo day so don't think I'm slacking here. I just won't be here and my BS has to stay home. Its too big to travel with!


See y'all next week and hopefully there will be tons of pictures to catch up on!


Till then, y'all be good and work on those BS's!

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She should be glad she isn't doing the Blue Star Afghan as well. But hey Darski, your on that CAL as well, So I guess you are going to be having little square spinning over your head as well as the rest of us.


No, no I just wear the little skirt on that one :cheer


And I am violating several city by-laws to do so :wlol:rofl

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Athba, I have to find a way to sneak a pick of my mom's blanket on some part of my webpage where she won't see it, so that I can show it to ya'll. It is a basket weave pattern and I am doing it in navy blue.

Forines, We are doing the same pattern. It definitely takes alot of yarn, and I have only made almost six, but the pattern is worthwhile. The color you are using is the exact color my Oma (grandma) used


Good luck with your project. I need to piece what I have together and see how it looks.

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Shay-I'm glad you are on the mend and doing better today.


Fidge- we'll miss you while you're gone, so come in and give us a holler when you get back !


To those of you inquiring - yep, I'm not on my own list -- that's pretty bad when I forget to put myself on there, isn't it ?

I am back to the changing my mind thing again . I don't know what the problem is here, but I seem to be in a crochet slump, which rarely ever happens to me. I seem to have a hard time right now ,finding a pattern and colors that I like well enough to stick with . I was on a roll there for awhile, then POOF ---

I need to go yarn shopping someplace different I think and get some new inspiration from some new colors or something .

This is BAD - to be in such a slump . I think it is lack of something NEW -- our Walmart is pathetic at this point as far as yarn selection goes .

What kind of project can you get excited about when you have the following color choices :

3 skeins of that hideous light yellow that looks like they dropped a vat of gag-green in with it . The color is not YELLOW-- not that really pretty light yellow, this color that makes you think of stomach flu .

1 skein baby pink

2 skeins black

1 skein lime green




I actually hauled the head honcho of Walmart back there today to make him PLEASE order more yarn .



Now, how would YOU answer this one ?



It's a little hard to explain this to a man who probably doesn't know the difference between yarn and a spool of thread. I tried explaining that you need MANY colors and MANY skeins of each color to make big things like afghans .


Anyhow, I need to pull myself out of this slump and find me some PURTY YARN , THEN ,maybe I'll get the inspiration I need to proceed with something . :yes

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Morning, everyone. :) Cold, gray and windy again today, but no rain, sleet, or snow. Yeah! :yay I have a doctor's appointment later this morning, so won't be back 'til this afternoon. Happy crocheting!:hook

Athba - Get Julie your BS information. You aren't on the list yet.

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Juie, how about opening a pattern book, eyes closed, and stabbing a page with your finger?:rofl:laughroll :laughroll


If I were you I REALLY would do that - all kidding aside:manyheart

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yeah to much work but i`ll finish my fiance first then think of the others :clap



i`ll miss you so much :bheart




nice photos




glad to hear you felt better :flower


julie are you saying you baught new yarns and looking for something new to do??:faint:oops

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Hello folks!


I think I might have actually found a square I like! Let me get thru 4 of them, put them together take a pic and show you ok? Then you can tell me if it's work keeping or not.


Athba - congrats on the GREAT grade! AWESOME!


Julie, sent you a PM


Can't wait till FotoFriday!

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Julie, I am praying for you that you will find your groove again. In the mean time, we get the benefit of that creative mind that you have as you lead us into ever more interesting waters of CAL projects. Since I don't work on my BS too often, I can understand how you are feeling. I keep it for visiting a friend and haven't done that for a bit. We are here for you.


BTW, I do love that spread that you were working on. Those colours were just wonderful.


Athba, Way to go girl :cheer congratulations!

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