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Bedspread Bonanza


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Ok guys, here's the second square beside the first. This will be all I have to show now. I need to make lots more squares to fill in the 3rd block .





Carmela -

I don't blame you for liking to hear your husband's accent. I love listening to the English people talk . Beautiful .

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Can I ask how old you are ? It made me laugh the way you worded marriage-- kinda like LIFE IS GRAVE ?

Does that mean you think it will be SCAREY to be married ? Is it ok if I ask you questions about it ? I'm not too familiar with the marriage ceremonies in your country . Do you wear a fancy dress and have a pretty cake and flowers ?

Are your marriages like here, where YOU choose who you marry, or do they have arranged marriages over there and your parents choose your partner ?

And do most people get married at a certain age, or just whenever they want to ?


I've been married ALMOST 30 years and I haven't gotten scared YET . ( My husband might have a different opinion. I probably scare him spitless because I talk to him til his ears fall off .) It's really not scarey to be married . It takes many adjustments in the beginning to learn how to live with another person ,then once you have kids, things are adjusting again, so there are a few humps to get over . I think we are about over all of them at this point and on level ground . either that, or we are just NUMB at this point . :D





i`ll be 20 at the 14of April next year

in our country there are two parts

one chooses the partner sence they are children because they are cousens

the other part they just have many options which means the girl can meat the man in her family house with them to see if he fits her or not until she chooses the right man

we have wedding party not really matter if in the same day of getting marreid

you get marreid in the churge but we have religous man that set between the bride father and the groom with witness of men from both families and we get marreid :):cheer

if the bride wants party she can do it any time if she don`t want its ok

we have tradetional cermonies and we got your cermoneis in the cake cutting , drinking juice, and throwing th flower boque for the lucky one who well get marreid after the bride


for me i want small wedding because its enough for me to be with the man i love and we grew together :):manyheart

i`m not scared of marreige but peaple think in marreige i`ll be stuck in cooking , raising children, doing what your huesband ask you for ....etc



i loooooooooooove your squares

go on in the great work:hug

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Would ya'll mind much if I joined in to this CAL, I just started a string crochet bedspread the other day and found this today. From what I have read in the beginning not all are using string but ww. I used string crochet years ago, but have been finding it difficult, so I increased the hook to a 0 and doubled the string one white and one sage green. The motif is coming out double the size, but it is easier for me to do now. With the holidays and now new years with my TD B'day in the middle of all that, I haven't really got much of it done.

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Welcome Tracy


Jump right in..the more the marrier.Please show us photos of your squares.



finish what in your hands then think of something else :)

<<< look who`s talking hahahahahahaha


Im tring really hard,but Julie justs keeps finding all these pretty things...its her fault!!!

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Thank You so much everyone! :ghug

Julie~Your ghan is coming along gorgeously, the colors are very pretty. I looked for a rose color in baby yarn but they only had pink, so I went with the pale blue. To answer your question about the joining......my ghan joins as you go but I can't join the filler until I have 4 together. That'll take forever since 1 motif takes ALL day. I did do a filler motif up until the last round when it joins & it's really speedy and small. Thankfully they don't take as long as the BIG motif.

Theresa~You are way better then me to brave a bedspread in thread. I hope you find the time to join us. I'm sure i'll still be here snailing along, lol. I doubt i'll get one motif done a day since I do have other things I have to get done around here and i'm sure my monsters want to eat too, lol. :lol I also have a Prairie Star to get moving soon so i'll be busy on this for awhile i'm sure. :yes

Shaylen~That is a beautiful tablecloth. You go girl. :cheer

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Welcome on in, Tracey. Pull you up a lawn chair ,but be careful if you use the old green one. It has a bum leg and might fall out from under you .

We'd love to have another BS-er . I think we are gathering up a mighty good group of BS'ers myself. !


Athba- thanks for sharing a few of your traditions with us. I never knew much about weddings in Kuwait . It isn't so bad being married, like I said, it's just some adjustments in the beginning .You'll do fine ,and yes, I hate to tell you, but you probably will have to do some cooking and laundry. That kinda comes with the job description. At least it does in my house. If my husband cooked, we'd have Pop-Tarts COLD 3 times a day ,or maybe Cheerios for a special treat .


Thanks for the compliments, guys. This is gonna be a LONG one, isn't it ? LOTS of work to do to finish one of these ! :hook

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Hello Everyone,


I've just spent the last half hour or so catching up on everyone's posts. You guys are a laugh riot (lol :lol)!! I'm sitting here in front of my PC laughing out loud (:yes)! Good thing my DH is out playing golf (:)) - although he's kinda used to me after 36 years of marriage (:manyheart)!


Anyhow, I'm still trying to decide: I really like the "Elegance" BS that Darski suggested. Then I like the "Spiral" one () but it reads like it's fairly complicated and I don't want "complicated" foir this project. And then I looked at two of the new crochet books I just bought (don't ask - :D) - and saw some other ones that I like. I'll make a decision (:think) but there are just so many beautiful choices (:eek )!


Meanwhile, I have a problem that I hope you can help with: I still cannot see all the pictures that are being posted (:(). I've checked my browser (Firefox values and the settings in my other software (e.g., SpySweeper, Zone Alarm) and everything looks OK. But obviously, something's not set right. Not seeing all the photos is incredibly frustrating (:(). I know everyone's setup is different, but do all of you share any commonalities, do you think? For example, should I use Internet Explorer instead of Firefox, for example?

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I am using the Firefox 2 and I can see the pics so I don't think that is the problem. unless you want to go and get FF2.0



it would break my heart if I couldn't see the pictures.


does the source of the pictures make a difference? Can you see phototrail(?) but not photobucket or Yahoo and not some other etc?

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Hi Ann

I'm glad we are keeping you rolling on the floor out there . We aim to entertain, along with making a useful item at the same time. We are a multi-talented gang ,if I do say so myself .


As some of the oldsters know ( not OLD AS IN AGE ), but old as in knowing ME ..... I am pretty doggone long-winded and can run on and on about any subject, whether I know anything about it or not.


With that being said - I COULD pretend like I know what's wrong with your computer that it can only see part of the photos, but I really have no clue. I know about as much about computer's INNARDS and how they work as I know about Raising Ostriches for Fun and Profit .


I would say -- YEA, try Internet Explorer . That's what I use . That's the best help I can give you. Maybe someone with more computer knowledge than me ( like a 6-year old ), could give you some better pointers than I can .

Good luck, and I hope you get it figured out . :D

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ARGHHHHHHHHHH...everyone sing with me"SHAY IS STUPID...SHAY IS STUPID":bang:bang


I got all the way to the 5 row of squares before i relized that it looked off....and where was the mistake??? you ask???THE VERY FRIST SQUARE!!!So now i declare myself that stupidest woman on the boards today...had to rib out the whole dand thing :cry


*goes to corner and cries*


Hi hooked...try this...in firefox...go to tools,Options,and then content and see if the load images is checked...if that doest work we will try something esle.



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That is what is missing from this place. We need more 6 year olds. how are we ever going to manage computer probs without a bunch of 6 year olds.


Julie, while you are out testing the yarn lengths, snag us a couple of them thar 6 year olds too. :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

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Poor Shay

Man, that'd be enough to make a preacher cuss. (Please don't BLEEP me , it's just meant as a joke ) .


Darski- I never thought of all the STUFF I'd snag if I did my yarn test. I might get back to the house, not only with the 2 most tangled balls of yarn ever known to man, but probably the following list of items:

A stick

An empty pop can

A Babe Ruth candy wrapper ( I'm lying on this one. I just ATE the BABE RUTH and blamed the wrapper on the YARN .)

A dead bird

A half-eaten hoagie (NOT mine )

A left shoe

An old coat ( with a homeless man attached )

A pet raccoon

A baby rattle ( Tell your kids not to hang their toys out the car window, folks)

a kid's tricycle ..... probably with a kid hanging on for dear life, crying their eyes out because someone is STEALING their bike.

Some part of a deer road kill, I'm not getting close enough to see WHAT part .


By the way, if I DO this experiment, is anyone in the market for the yarn when I get home ?


If you can untangle it, it's yours . :D

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I will post pictures as soon as I get something more done. Not that the motif's are all that big, it is the strin. lol I do have one motif made the way the pattern calls for, but I have a kingsize bed, and honey it would take a good 3 to 4 months to get it done in the smaller motif's. That and the fact that I work 6 days a week from 7:00am to 6:00pm to go home to house that needs cleaning and 2 kids and husband that want food. At least for the most part, my DH and TD help a great bit. My DS just gets confused or gets in the way when it comes to house stuff.

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Would ya'll mind much if I joined in to this CAL, I just started a string crochet bedspread the other day and found this today. From what I have read in the quote]


Welcome Tracy:clap Glad to see another come join in the fun. Just becareful. Whatever you do,,,,,, Don't let Julie know you have a car. She will be requesting that you do her experiment for her. :D

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Darski your so funny:lol


Julie how is the testing going its amazing that you can get any crocheting done while doing this. You are multi talented. Your squares are looking great and the colors really go well together. Is this for your bedroom or are you making it for someone.


Tabby your pattern looks beautiful. Its going to look great once you put it together. It does look time consuming though, I dont know that I would have the patience for it.


Tracey welcome to the group.

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Thanks for the quick responses! Now to answer your questions:

- That "Load images" box is checked in Firefox.

- I can see Shaylen's photo of that lovely claret and tan beginning of her BS, but I can't see what JulieKay posted. What are you two using to post photos?


Maybe I should download Firefox 2? I can try that later this evening or tomorrow. I have logged on to the Ville in IE and tried looking for photos (I was trying everything that night!) - but the results were not any better than with Firefox.


I'll keep working away at this problem and pray that I'm successful. I do enjoy this forum so much though! :hook :hook

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Hey Melissa

Thanks for mentioning that .


Tracey-- got a skein of ww and one of baby yarn ?

Got a car, motor-scooter, or even someone who would pull you in a wagon ?


Wouldja mind doing me a little FAVOR ,please ?:D


Wendy- Yea, I sometimes get wrapped up in here and get very little crocheting accomplished -- which reminds me : it's supper time ,then I gotta watch the news . Then I gotta get some more squares cranked out.


I'll check back in a little later on -- you ladies carry on in here wihout me, I'll be back .:yes

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This is from the photobucket site with an answer to firefox users that cant see images.


First, click Tools, then Options. Once there, click on Content. Make sure that the check box Load Images is checked, and its child box, "for the originating site only" is not checked. Then, click on Exceptions. If there are Photobucket servers listed here, and they say Block, then remove the entries. Then, add the following sites back into the list, under Allow.




I hope this helps you Ann

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Melissa, Okay I won't tell her I have a car. In this experiment, how fast does she need someone to go?? I kindof skipped over a few pages as I am exhausted today, so I didn't read the beginning post for this experiment. Anyway, I don't technically own a car anymore. I have a company car and I think the bossman would a little upset if I damaged it.

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