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Bedspread Bonanza


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Hi everyone :waving


Well like Julie ive been away for awhile and am now ready to jump back on the crochet wagon....I have been thinking about making a bedspread for awhile now just got out of the mood to crochet for a bit...now that the holidays are over i cant help but jump back in...Not sure which one to do yet so im off to look at patterns...i have 3 days left right???


I will just have to take one for the team and head to the yarn store...sigh...we must do what we must do :hook

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Okay gang, i'm back. I bought Bernats Softee Baby yarn in white & pale blue. It says sport weight but it is pretty thin. I also saw some thread in a size 3 but wow it's not much bigger then the size 10. Hopefully this will work, i'll test it out and let ya'll know. I sure do hope so because it's a little bit more pricey then the WW RH and you get less. I'm hoping it doesn't go into stash mode, lol. :yarn

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Jessi- love your square-- very pretty ! You may as well go with that one since you've got a few started already . Welcome into the BS'er gang .


Darski- thanks for the help in finding the square pattern .


Linda- sorry your Dr appt didnt go as well as hoped. I went last week -- I am the biggest chicken on earth about doctors, so it's always a relief when I'm done for awhile again .

Thanks for the compliments on the color and pattern choice !

Can't wait to see a pic of yours !


Athba- thank you for sharing that. It is a really pretty name. It seems much more HOMEY when we all know each other's names . :)


Shaylen - welcome on in. Pull up a chair and join the rest of the BS-ers .


You guys are giving me a good laugh, trying to choose what colors and patterns and narrowing it down to the last minute. It's gonna be funny watching the mad scramble to have everyone's minds made up by Jan. 1st . :lol


Tab- I'm glad you found some yarn to try out. I am wondering if it might actually go further than the WW yarn would, since it is measured by the ounce, and baby yarn would weigh less, wouldn't that mean it'd go further ? I've always wondered about that . Anyone wanna do an experiment ?


How about....... DARSKI ?

( I just spun the wheel and your name came up )

Would you mind taking a full skein of ww and one of baby yarn , get in your car and hold onto the ends of each, and start driving ...... so we can see which one is LONGER ????

Just in case you are tired of playing Twister with your patterns, this will give you something new to do . :hook

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Darski - If you REALLY want to tie yourself in knots. :devil Leisure Arts has a book of patterns called "AFGHANS on the double" (copyright 1996) which has 52 patterns for afghans crocheted with size N or P hook. You use 2 strands of yarn at the same time, so the afghans are really warm. Because you are using a huge hook though they go pretty fast. The sage green & royal purple 'ghan I'm almost done making (Picture to be posted soon.) is done that way and I've only been working on it for a couple of months. The patterns are all gorgeous, too.:hug

Athba - What a pretty name!:manyheart


Julie - Thanks for the sympathy. It wasn't too bad, and I have been blowing the diet big time the last two weeks.


Linda T:hook

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Anyone wanna do an experiment ?


How about....... DARSKI ?

( I just spun the wheel and your name came up )

Would you mind taking a full skein of ww and one of baby yarn , get in your car and hold onto the ends of each, and start driving ...... so we can see which one is LONGER ????

Just in case you are tired of playing Twister with your patterns, this will give you something new to do . :hook


You know I'm a team player but we have a bit of a problem in that I don't have any baby weight yarn and I don't have a car. :(


gee and it would have been such a good test too :wlol :wlol :wlol :wlol :wlol

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Tab- I'm glad you found some yarn to try out. I am wondering if it might actually go further than the WW yarn would, since it is measured by the ounce, and baby yarn would weigh less, wouldn't that mean it'd go further ? I've always wondered about that . Anyone wanna do an experiment ?


*DOH* I didn't think of it like that or lets just say I didn't think at all, lol. :blush The paper doesn't say how many yards but i'm pretty sure you're right. :yes


I have started my motif and have made it to round 10. So far so good but we'll see how it holds up after the rest of the rounds. I probably won't post a pic. until morning due to lack of light and this way it gives me time to finish it. :D

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thank you julie and linda :)


i`m now turning to julies situation after she has choosen her afghan i`m in her place thinking for jumping from patturn to other

i planed to by yarn today but i didn`t get out today badley and the yarns in my room all are cottons or non-enough for ghan :(


i`m confused about what to do :\

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How about....... DARSKI ?

( I just spun the wheel and your name came up )

Would you mind taking a full skein of ww and one of baby yarn , get in your car and hold onto the ends of each, and start driving ...... so we can see which one is LONGER ????

Just in case you are tired of playing Twister with your patterns, this will give you something new to do . :hook


:rofl You are too funny. I think since you came up with this great plan it would only be right for you to give it a go. :devil Plus you heard her, she doesn't have a car. I'm safe because I don't have a license or know how to drive for that matter. :P


:cheer Come on Julie! Let us know what you come up with. :devil

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Goooodddddd Mooorrrnnninggg Everybody. Its a wonder I could sleep with you lot all typing away in here.:lol


Wow its hard to keep up with everything in here.


Julie - I like the pattern and colors you have chosen. Wow more little squares that will certainly keep you busy. I cant wait to see how it will look.


Darski - The Wheel lattice pattern is great are you going to do that one.


Tabby - Im glad you have found the pattern and wool, I hope it works out. Its annoying when you want to do a pattern and it wont work. Is this going to be for your bedroom.


Linda - Im sorry about your news from your doctor. You will get through it. Dont let it get you down and stay positive. This bedspread cal will take your mind off it.


Q8 - thats a beautiful name Athba.


Has everyone decided on the pattern and colors yet. Can we all post what we are doing or put it in the title so everyone knows what one we have decided to do.


I think we are all doing different ones so it will be great to see pics later on of everyones progress.

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Okay...this is it...REALLY!:devil

No laughing allowed: I REALLY have decided on ONE square! :clap :clap :yay

Wheel Lattice is also the last one I looked at (thanks again, Darski!).

It's pretty, the squares are big (king-size bed here!), and it won't be too bulky to handle when taking it off the bed (I'm recovering from tendon surgery, and this is probably only a hint of what lies in my future:( )

It'll also work well with the odds and ends of colors I'll be using, not to mention the advantage of learning one pattern instead of many.


I LOVE you guys:manyheart


:sher ...Sherlockian

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:rofl...julie you allways were a nut!!!


Ok this is such a hard thing to deside on...King size bed here with HUGE wooden headboard so its got to match.


Ive have found 3 that i would like to do,Painted Daizy,Shells in Song,September Morning...but i like all three of them...sigh...


Do one of you ladies happen know if the Caron One Pound Yarn is soft and easy to work with???

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I know what you mean about the eating --- it's pretty doggone hard this time of year to resist some of the goodies.


Now Darski - if you are a team player --- how about a BIKE ? You could hold onto one thread with each handlebar .


Tabby- I hope your pattern and yarn work out for you. I'll be watching for a photo ~~~ and how's the weather up that way ? I don't have any baby yarn handy, so how about HOOFING IT down the road to see how far the baby yarn would go vs the ww ? It'll give you a little experiment to try . Won't it be fun ?


Hidey Ho Good old Wendy !

This place is hopping today isn't it ? Would YOU like to run our experiment with the yarn ? There's a lot of wide open spaces over there for you to hike around with 2 balls of yarn . It'd be FUN .

( Notice I am trying to talk someone ELSE into doing this )


I definitely like your idea about putting the BS name into our signature line, that will keep them straight . I'll make a separate post about it so everyone will take note .


Athba- you told me to stick with one idea, and I did, so now you have to do it too. You actually have til the 1st to change your mind, so you have a couple days to decide yet .

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Judi -

I'll have my representative stop around so you can sign your name in triplicate on the contract. No changing your mind now !!! If I have to make 17 thousand little squares, then the rest of you have to make at least 10 thousand . :D


Shaylen -

I don't mind being called a NUT at all. I have been called a lot worse. 2 of my favorites were a PIECE OF WORK and a SPACE CADET . Both people calling me these names thought it'd make me mad, but I kinda like them both . :lol

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Okay...this is it...REALLY!:devil

No laughing allowed: I REALLY have decided on ONE square! :clap :clap :yay

Wheel Lattice is also the last one I looked at

I LOVE you guys:manyheart


:sher ...Sherlockian


Ok, the awful truth here... I laughed. :wlol


But I am so proud of you on making your choice. I am really, really, really close to almost deciding for Square Elegance. It will be lovely when done and I bought yarn and have started it... :sigh


Note ... I don't deserve the credit for discovering that square, I just located it

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Wal*Mart to the rescue. :jumpyay I took my apricot colored yarn in and the other two colors will be a rich dark chocolate brown and a warm milk chocolate brown for my striped popcorn BS. It's done with 5 rows of a shell stitch and then one row of popcorn stitches, change color and repeat up through the middle where the pattern of colors reverses. That's all probably clear as mud. :( When I get some done I'll post a picture so you can see what I mean. I have to run finish up the last of my Christmas angel ornaments for a meeting I have tonight. More later.

Linda T :hook

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Since there are several of us in here working together, but we are all making different Bedspreads, how about if each of us post the name and colors of our bedspread along with our Signature down at the bottom, so we can keep track of who is doing what ?


Just post a note of the name in the COLORS you are using if they are available ..


Thanks !

Going to go do mine right now .:)

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It's ok Darski

If you change your mind again, you can. You have a couple days yet to settle on one if you decide this one isn't to your liking . I probably won't change mine though. I now have 57 squares made. A little late for changing the horse in mid-stream . :cowboy

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For those of you that know me ( and now those of you that are just meeting me ) ,I have a rule of thumb:


A busy message board is the sign of a successful CAL . :yes

I just computed out our posts. This CAL has been running for 13 days .We are averaging 39 posts a day .


Pretty doggone good, wouldn't you say?


Keep on typing, guys . :compute:blah:compute:blah


We wouldn't want to slide too far down on the scale in here would we ?

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Julie- I've been so tempted to try the woven blocks one I just don't know what colors, I'm not real good with the colors but still hadn't made a final decision yet on anything but the Trip around the world.


DH wants a quilt for a bedspread so I'm looking in that area now. Hopefully I'll make my mind up by the 1st :)

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It'd be great to have you join me . Mine is in the quilt section and really is not hard at all. The squares whip up really quickly. Now the sewing them together may be a little more of a challenge, but it's perfecty do-able .

All you'd need to decide for this one is actually 2 colors --- white is your main small color ( or off white, aran, something real light and plain), then 2 shades of another color. You could go with 2 blues, 2 greens, 2 purples... lots to choose from .

Let us know what you decide . :)

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