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Simple Yoyo Square Afghan Along


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How many of you have tons of scraps laying around in a basket ! I know I do!!!! If you crochet as much as me you probably have tons of baskets of scraps!! ... so I am going to try this pattern Simple Yoyo Square I thought it was sooo pretty and easy anyone can do it!


so Speaking of Anyone! who is interested in Joining this Yoyo square along with me? This is my first attempt at starting a crochet along so I hope i'm doing this right!!!


the pattern i'm using is here -



Hope you ladies join me! its going to be lots of fun!!!

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That's a very cute pattern. I've seen it before, and it's the reason I save even my smallest scraps of yarn. One day I will make a yo-yo afghan like this! :)


I can't join the CAL right now though, as I really don't have enough scraps yet by a long shot. :( I only picked my crochet back up about a year ago after stopping for many years.


Good luck with your CAL! I'd imagine that you'll get lots of CAL'ers soon. Especially as Christmas projects get done and all those little scraps gotta go somewhere! :hook

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It's so funny because I was just looking at this square online this morning...I actually started something very similar to this in April, but it's over in the scrapghan CAL,

The pattern I'm doing is one solid piece though, you can check out the link here

I stopped working on mine over the summer because it was just too hot, but am ready to take up working it again...have fun with it...it's tons of ends to weave but I'm in no hurry to finish it up :lol

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Hi Tami,


I have been working on this project here and there and would love to join you on this. I am currently working on several projects (CAL's too) and do tend to suffer from a short attention span, so as long as you're ok with my here and there progress, I'll join you. I aim to put a bunch of yoyo's together to make a decent sized afghan out of this, much in the way she did with her bed sized one. I don't want to make individual blocks. I want mine to be very scrappy as well with no pattern involved. I do like her method for joining these!



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Determined to get rid of all those little balls of yarn, I did this pattern over the summer. I did mine in strips instead of squares & loved the way it turned out. Now, when I have just a bit of yarn leftover from a project, I make a few of the yo yos & stash them away. Figure it will be a good hot weather project again next summer. Have fun!


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I followed her directions for joining, but instead doing 4 rows of 4, then edging, I did 2 rows of 20, edged then joined the strips. Also did one where I joined all yo yos before edging, like her bedspread. I do have a picture. but being a low tech kind of gal, have had trouble posting here.


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I love the idea and you did a wonderful job on your Very Large yo-yoghan! It is beautiful! I might attempt this pattern when I get enough scraps stored up. Also right now I'm trying to ramble my brain on ideas for my first ever swap!

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I don't have tons of scraps, but each time I buy some, I work up a couple of yoyos. I actually started joining some yesterday and they work up really fast. This has to be the all time quickest joining method I've ever used. When the sun comes up later, I'll have to take a pic to share.


Have we lost our leader??? Tami, are you still with us????



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I'm sort of doing this. I have 2 scrap-ghans going. One, of which, is a yo-yo like one.

I have a little over 100 of the yo-yo's done and only been working on them about 2 weeks between other projects. They work up fairly fast.



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Welcome, Craftytoo and Southerncrafter!:D

Glad to have you. I know my afghan will be an ongoing work and I don't expect to have it done next week, but I really enjoy this joining method. I'll be anxious to hear what everyone else has to say about it:yes . I have been meaning to post pictures of what I have so far and have yet to follow through, so hopefully I'll get it done this weekend. I want a really scrappy afghan and lack enough variety of yarns to get that, so I'll be at this for awhile.


What do y'all have planned?:? :? :?

I look forward to hearing from you both:hook

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Thanks Fidgement. Since I have so much scrap yarn, I'm going to try to make the large yoyo afghan, using Chris Simon's pattern. I was looking at the pattern, and did you know that the pattern doesn't tell you to join before fastening off?

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No, I didn't realize that. I too am working on the big one (30 yoyo's) and I'm using white for the joining. I am also following her rule of no black, white, grey, or brown, but if those colors appear in a varigated, I'm allowing that. I really like the look of the large one she did. The block she demonstrates is much too orderly for me, lol:laughroll !



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It will be a long time before I am able to join this one but I have started taking the skeins that dont have much yarn on them and putting them into a ball and placing them in a bag so that part is done at least. Ill pry save this for the hot weather cuz i can just sit and make the yo yo's then when the weather gets cold again start putting together.

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Fidgement - I'm still here in lala land getting yoyo's done but still here lol glad to have ya


Eyrthmother1 - Crafty too - southerncrafter, WElcome aboard glad to have you all here!


For those who cant join us at this current moment! just keep making them yo yos and put them away

they are so easy to do!

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