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Guest SamplerLady

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Guest SamplerLady



mmouseplus.gifI finished my main project yesterday, then a dishcloth I'd been working on. So, it was time to start a new project. I learned when making socks they are just a tube with a heel added in, I thought, "Aren't mittens just a tube with a thumb added in?" So, here's the reality of that thought.



I started with a circle in hdc, spiraled around. When they were long enough, i.e., they fit up to the base of my thumb, I chained a few stitches and reattached skipping about four of the stitches in the row making a hole that would later become the thumb tube. Then kept going round and round till they covered my hands. Switched to dc did one round around. The fpdc and bpdc alternating for three rows. Finished off. Went back and picked up a stitch at the base of the thumb hole and sc-ed around and around until the thumb was long enough. The started crocheted every two stitches together until it was too tight to continue. Cut a long tail, pulled it into the inside, turned the mitten inside out, sewed the top of the thumb closed, finished off and Bob's you uncle! :rotfl Oh, and this took about three hours from start to finish.



Usual disclaimer: Any similarity to an existing pattern is pure coincidence, nor do I claim this to be an original pattern. It is the product of sitting down and playing with hook and yarn. ;)

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OMG That is sooo cool! I love them I am going to rush out tomorrow night and grab some yarny goodness to make me a pair! Why am I so excited you ask? Because that is the first time I actually understood a mitten pattern!!!!




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That's exactly why I want to find a nice simple fingerless mitten/glove to make for myself (oh yeah and the kid lol) that way I have my fingers when I want 'em, and can pull the flap over to keep said fingers warm. My MIL swears that mittens are much warmer than gloves... so if I could find some nice wool to make for the kid's set (since wool keeps ya warm even if it gets wet... like say playing in the snow???) and an idiot proof pattern....


And I adore those mittens you made SamplerLady, I am in awe that you just sat down and figured it out! I love the colors :)

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Wow, for the first time I'm looking at the directions and thinking....ahhhh, I could make a thumb hole like that, LOL! I might just have to give mittens a whirl as well! Congratulations!

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Guest SamplerLady

mmouseplus.gif :ty:ty ....... :ty very much for all your kind words.


Sometimes "making things up as you go along" just comes from the practice of making things many times, or someone pointing out as was to me when learning to make socks, "they are just a tube with heels added." When one breaks down the item into simple forms, it's easy to see how to put it together. Then one starts embellishing with fancier stitches, cables, color changes, etc. All variations on the same theme!


Here's a fraternal pair for smaller hands. Size was adjusted by making the beginning circle smaller. Or one could use sport yarn and a smaller hook. BTW, doing the whole thing in back loops only makes a much softer, more flexible fabric. littlemittens.jpg


Remember, too, when making a "pair of something" that although they might not match perfectly when laid side by side, when in use, they are a perfect match. Human beings make things with variations in them. Machines make perfectly matching items. So cut yourself some slack and allow there to be the unique things that designate them as "hand made". :sb

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Guest SamplerLady

mmouseplus.gifDot, you're back! So good to see you. :ty for your kind words.


I hope everyone that ever thought they'd like to try mittens will give this a whirl. It is, if nothing else, a good exercise on figuring out how to make something without relying on a designer for a specific pattern. Really gives those old brain muscles a work out! :rofl


I've added a recipe for the flip flop mittens in the area where Marvie asked for help. It's under a Mittens heading next to a grumpy face. I invite everyone to try that one, too, so I can see if what was in my head came out through the keyboard! :D

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, SamplerLady! Despite your disclaimer :wink I have moved this to the Original Patterns fourm. :D! If it were to stay in Current Projects, it would eventually fall off the face of the board :cry because each forum can have a max of 20 pages of topics at ezboard, and the Current Projects forum cycles pretty quickly. :faint

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Guest SamplerLady

mmouseplus.gifThank you, Julie. I appreciate you understanding that some "patterns" come into being from making things over and over and seeing connections.


And of course, there is nothing new under the sun! :D

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<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:purple;">The thought of making mittens has always proved daunting to me, but I'm definately going to have to give it a try now! You explained it so simply that I'm sure I could give it a try lol!


I've got a skein of RH baby clouds just begging to be made into a pair of those cute lil things! <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/heartpump.gif" /></span>

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