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Finally Finished Scarf


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Mornin' y'all! I've finally finished a scarf!!!!:yay I think I have too many things going on at once, and it seems to take forever to finish anything. Anybody else with that problem???

Anyways, here it is:






Tha scarf was a gift, and it's from the booklet In Style Scarves. I used Sinfonia for the first time. Next, I'll be using the Sinfonia to make the Spider Web skirt for my DD.


Thanks for looking!!!:)

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How neat ...... love the many stitches and colors. You finished the scarf .......no matter how long it took. It will be a treasure that will last for a long time.

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How neat ...... love the many stitches and colors. You finished the scarf .......no matter how long it took. It will be a treasure that will last for a long time.


Thanks! Actually, it was a gift for someone else!

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Hi Debi,


I love your scarf! I have THAT pattern book and you've just given me the incentive to take it on (soooon!). YOU ARE NOT ALONE... I've got a bizzilion projects going simultaneously, and you are right, it seems it takes forever to finish ANYTHING. But, when I get tired or bored with one project, I just switch to another current WIP. Keeps things fresh and interesting. Crocheting, especially the same stitch over and over, gets monotonous. I found my lastest bag project to be that way, what with only sc and hdc throughout. Still, I stuck with it and finished it fast 'cause I wanted to see RESULTS. I'm so happy I did.



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Gee that is snazzy. I have never seen the book, but if that one is any thing to go by they must be all very different!

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Wow, that's great! I love the color variation. Does the book have a lot of other neat patterns in it? And I assume it's both knit and crochet stuff?



It's all crochet!!!:hook ( 12 patterns ) Can you believe that? There are several patterns that I want to use. I think the book was a good purchase.:)

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Hi Debi,


You did a great job on the scarf. I especially love the colors. They are very unique together, and the stitching detail and flower really set it off. Your friend will love it. And your friends here at Crochetville always love seeing your projects too! Great scarf! :hook:cheer:clap

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Love the colors and the design. I have about 20 projects going right now. Actually, that's probably a low estimate. I usually making an item and it sits there for a while until I get around to sewing it together and putting finishing touches on it.

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