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Join the Crochet Olympics

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Is anyone else going to have a few little filler projects to work on every now and then to jazz things up? Or am I the only one who has issues working on the same thing?


I'm always switching projects. For the Olympics I'm making several scarves, so I'll be moving from one "event" to another. If I get to bored doing that then I'll pick up one of my other projects. Staying sane is important... even during the Olympics!

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Are you guys going to join the Flickr photo thing? If crocheters are welcome I think it's a cool thing to share. Bringing knitters & crocheters together for a cool yarn event!


I am so excited about starting my project :hook ...the time is ticking by slowly lol! Almost 4 hrs left to go here in EST.


Good Luck to everyone! And remember like katchkan said...pace yourself! Have fun!

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I am sooo anxious about this I cannot wait!


So are the opening ceremonies at 2pm EST or some other 2pm time? I have my hook, my yarn, my pattern and an energy drink! I'm READY!




Hey Donnalynn - the Olympics Opening Ceremony officially starts at 8pm Central European Time (CET), which is 2pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). So, 2pm EST. :hook

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I signed up for the flicker photo. It's supposed to be for both the knitting and crochet.

I feel ready for this.

Didn't crochet one thing yesterday so I am itching to get a hook in my hand......:hook

Have a few chores and errands this morning then it's CROCHET Time......:hook

To all fellow competitors. I wish you a smooth hook and no tangles. We are a TEAM :hug Pace yourself and crochet your best.........GO Team GO .............. :cheer

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I had a wacky thought on the drive in this morning - I was thinking about bumber stickers & how I never put one on my car. So what WOULD I put on my car? Then it popped in my head -


I'm an Olympic Hooker!




I cracked myself UP! LOL

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I had a wacky thought on the drive in this morning - I was thinking about bumber stickers & how I never put one on my car. So what WOULD I put on my car? Then it popped in my head -


I'm an Olympic Hooker!




I cracked myself UP! LOL


Count me in for one of those!!!! That's GREAT!

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I want to join but dont know what i should crochet. any suggestions?


Well, this is just a guess from your nick, but you like thread right? How about one of the more challenging doilies that you've put off making? Not that I know you've put off making one, but come on - it's human nature right? ;)

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I had a wacky thought on the drive in this morning - I was thinking about bumber stickers & how I never put one on my car. So what WOULD I put on my car? Then it popped in my head -


I'm an Olympic Hooker!




I cracked myself UP! LOL







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I had a wacky thought on the drive in this morning - I was thinking about bumber stickers & how I never put one on my car. So what WOULD I put on my car? Then it popped in my head -


I'm an Olympic Hooker!




I cracked myself UP! LOL


:rofl:rofl:rofl That's one of the best bumper sticker ideas I've ever heard!

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I am ready but sadly the 2 TV chanels I get are not carrying the Olympics. Boohoo!! I hope I am not disqualified. Actually the only"sports" I get is basketball sat and smackdown wresling on Fri nights. Oh well I will still work those sq for charity until the end of the olympics!!!!

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I had a wacky thought on the drive in this morning - I was thinking about bumber stickers & how I never put one on my car. So what WOULD I put on my car? Then it popped in my head -


I'm an Olympic Hooker!




I cracked myself UP! LOL


:lol Anna, you're so bad...love it...

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Kazily -- if you make that Olympic Hooker button or blinkie can i have it for my blog?? that's too funny LOL



My bag of yarn is staring at me and driving me nuts!! lol i'm excited to start this, 2pm est is 12 pm here....right now it is 8:14 am....counting the minutes :flower

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Anna, that's great! :lol


Can I borrow that? I want to make a button or blinkie for it lol



Kazily - go for it. I was hoping one of you button makers would grab the idea and run with it. :)


I'll definitely but THAT button on my blog too. LOL

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The Knitting Olympics have an article about them in the Portland Oregonian: here


I will be vain enough to admit I hope a newspaper report contacts me/us. But I'm not getting my hopes up. This is all fun and it's the challenge of the project & encouraging our fellow Yarn-letes on that make this so much fun. :hook

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It has been fun reading about everyone's excitement regarding this. I'm glad I'm not alone. My family thinks I'm weird for sure!


Mayberry Girl.....join us, please. Just pick something you think you'd like to try and go for it. Surely you've got some yarn stashed somewhere hehehe.:hook

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It came,it came..:cheer:cheer I allmost hugged the fedex guy,now i can start on time.


My daughter-in-law looked in the box and said AHH..the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.:eek i looked in the box and thought WHAT WAS I THINKING :eek:think My dear hubby just shook his head and went to get a cup of coffee,So i did the only normal thing a woman could do I STUCK MY TOUGE OUT AT THEM,and then called my sister (sissie44)for moral support,Made me even more determend to reach for the gold.





Senso thread is wonderful. I made a bag out of it, and I love it.

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