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Fun crochet story

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So I commute to work on the subway everyday and one day about a month ago an older woman approached me (I was crocheting of course) and asked about what I was making. She then asked if I could make a shawl for her. It ended up that she lives in my town and we continued talking on the bus (which comes after the subway, long commute!)


So I made the shawl for her, she agreed to pay, and a couple of weeks ago her son came to pick it up and I heard her husband was in the hospital so that's why she couldn't come as well. This Sunday I received a call from her and she said she wanted to cook me some Indian food (they are Indian). So last night I went to her house and she made the most amazing spread of Indian food, so many dishes! It was amazing and I just felt all warm and fuzzy inside knowing I did something for her and she enjoyed it enough to want to share some of her culture with me. She also wants another shawl too!


So that's my warm fuzzy story. There are still nice and friendly people out there who are willing to pay for a handmade item and then in addition invite a stranger into their home to give something in return! :manyheart

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