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Who are you people!?

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You all are my friends! :U The majority of the time I just say 'my friend' but depending on the conversation I might specify an online friend who lives here or there. DH of course knows allllllllllllll about Crochetville (more than he probably wanted to know about it :wink) but nobody in my family crochets for more than a project every year or so.


That's pretty much it for me.

Since I have been on the 'net FOREVER (asin pre internet explorer- yes I used to be THAT geeky) and still chat with people I have known from beta testing games and such pre-crochetville I will sometimes say online friends or crochet friends.

the friend being the main word there.

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My response is to say I learned it from a friend online. My hubby understands since both of us are such computer geeks. We both work out of the house and he has his sites and I have mine. We sit next to each other while we work. I pepper work with Chrochetville. I AM SOOO LUCKY!

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Just yesterday at thanksgiving I was telling some family members about this forum. LOL then I had to explain to some of them what a 'forum' is.


I actually met my boyfriend on a messageboard....one that was music related. He lived in N.C. I was in CA, he came to visit me one day about 3 years ago and he never left. :P


we are actually very happy, but sometimes it is a little strange telling people that I met my BF on the 'internet'. If you dont explain to some people about forums and messageboards, they figure that we met in some dirty XXX chatroom or something :lol


I LOVE this forum. You guys are so great and I get so much inspiration from seeing projects and designs. Also, I dont really know anyone else who crochets, so many of my questions are answered here. :manyheart



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I have had the same problem before. I run a group on Yahoo for Siberian Huskies. We have all been "together" for about 4 maybe 5 years and I consider each and every one of them my friends. I'm thankful that I have found this group so I can make new friends and learning more about a craft I love.

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I usually refer to Crochetville as my "crochet group" because I got tired of trying to explain it to people. This is how I found out that one of my friends is a closet crocheter (she wouldn't talk about it because she thought people would think she's old-fashioned).:lol Now we talk about it all the time and exchange patterns constantly. I still haven't talked her into joining C'ville though... but I will.:devil

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Well, first off, most of my if not all my family knows about Crochetville.;)


I have given up trying to explain what we have here, so I just say my on line friends.:ccompute


The hubby knows, cause he comes on Crochetville and checks out what is being done and many a times I hear him laughing. :lol He is also my enabler. When I have to buy yarn he has me buy extra. (Love him to Pieces for that).:hug


I tried showing this sight to my sil this week and she said that is nice.




So just explain we are friends or pen pals and leave it at that. :ghug


Only those in the know, know who we are and what we are about.:devil

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I was showing a family member some things on this site on Thanksgiving and my sister said "Anyone who sees that you were online today is going to think you are sad and have no "real" friends!" :rolleyes

I told her I wasn't really worried about that. I didn't bother explaining, I just sighed and continued what I was doing. As far as I am concerned, she's sad for not appreciating crochet like we do! :manyheart

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How about "Cyber Buddies"

I too have a problem explaining this place to others because most people have a warped idea of the people you "Meet" on a Chat board.

Some think it a bit wierd that I even bother about people who are so far away but to me it is called the "World Wide Web" for a reason so I just make the best of what is available.

Now, if I HAD to put up a picture of ME, I might hesitate to ever come back on here.:grandma (This is my picture but get rid of the bun)

I have made a wonderful, life-long friend from a message board so I am VERY glad I found the WWW.

:kettle Put the kettle on and have a cup of coffee together.

Have fun Ladies & Gentlemen.


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My totally understanding and encouraging DH calls you my crocheting-buddies, which I love. He also asks what's going on and sympathizes and empathizes when I tell him. I am so lucky in so many ways...:c9

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Well - dh thought I was really weird for years (I've been part of a group of moms that met via the internet for almost 6 years now) ... I think those people started being real *for him* when one of them - in Missouri - ordered us supper in RHODE ISLAND using her credit card because she knew I'd had a bad day (was pregnant with my youngest and had terrible migraines until the last month) - he was floored when food just showed up at our door with a little note that said "dinner's on me, with love from Josie". He's a computer guy, so he's familiar with it, he just hadn't made any of the people he'd met "real". Now, he accepts that one of my best friends is someone I met online and that if anything ever happens to me or the kids, she's one of the first people I want called.


Typically - I refer to people by first name (when I know it). I don't feel an explanation of how I've met them/know them as being necessary - IMO it doesn't make the friends any more or less real, it's just different, and a lot of people (although more do now) just don't understand. The only time I get strange looks is when I go to the post office to mail yet another C'ville package. The lady who is usually in there says, so are you still mailing yarn and stuff? :lol But - that's not so much an internet issue as me being the weird yarn lady. ;)

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I run into this problem on a regular basis. I repeat some advice or antidote from this web site, only to have the person I am telling it to ask me, "where did you hear that?"


I answer, "hmmm, :think a friend told me, no wait, I really don't even know their real name and would not recognize them if I ran into them so friend isn't the right word...a person I talk to on a regular basis, no wait, we don't really talk..." :lol Or I say, "I know the person who wrote this pattern I want to purchase, well sort of know..." I want to watch for a friend on Law and Order...well sort of a friend...


If I try to explain Crochetville to them, they look at me even more blank.


Who are you people!? I cannot be the only one with this problem. What do you call us? I feel like you are all a great big group of friends. :hug


I didn't read through all of the responses to your original post, but I definately know how you feel. I belong to another forum (about horses and horse racing) and I go through the same thing. But now I've gotten to the point where I say "one of my online friends", and if people don't understand that statement then :shrug . And now I've known these people (and have even met a few in person) so long that we call ourselves a family now:manyheart

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As a newbie -- thanks to Crochetville's "crochet buddies," and "online friends." It's great getting to know about you all! :clap


I reallly appreciate the kindness and supportiveness in the posts. :manyheart



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I like the "online friends," I'm going to have to call everyone that...I think it's a real blessing to have the internet and have safe sites like this one and another one I go to, pugvillage.com. Our society is so rushed that it is kind of nice to do something different, stay home. I finished my degree online and became a MT online and I tell you, I have met some really really great people and have personally met a couple of them, too!


I used to think that online friends weren't "real" friends, either, until I met a couple online buddies in person and we had more of a connection than I have with my so called "real friends." LOL. Funny how life works.


This is a really nice place to be!




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I was just discussing this with my husband last night. I am not on any other boards, this is kinda like my first (*blush*), and I am lucky. I have made the most wonderful friends over the past year here. Yes, I am closer to some than others and know more than I probably should about most. What makes this special is that with "real" family and friends, expectations are always high. Here, you can be yourself, no one cares how absolutely horrible you look when you can't sleep at 4:00 AM and are sitting staring at the screen. You can be honest, open and be yourself without any pretenses. No one expects anything except for a "hey, how are you". In all honesty, this is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I think it's made me a better person and allowed me to meet people I never would have ever had a chance to "meet".

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I've participated in various online communities for about 5 years now. I have so many people I consider my friends and I've never even met them! Not to mention the fact that some of my close IRL friends were people I met online.


I know people I'd fly across the country for in the beat of a heart if they needed me, yet I've never met them face to face. :)


Also, in reading some other posts I wanted to add that I think it's also made me a better person, too. I've been able to open up and share more with others, and think I've gained a certain level of self-confidence. I also think it's great for shy people. I tend to be fairly shy and terrible at meeting new people and thus making new friends in person, but somehow there's just nothing to be shy about online, you know? You can feel free to be as open as you want to. I love that.

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Got the "blank stare" at work yesterday! My Holiday exchange gift came in the mail before I left for work, so I was able to wear my new poncho. When I told them it was a Christmas gift from an online friend, they looked at me like I was OD'ing on my meds or something.:lol Guess you just gotta be a part of this community to understand!:manyheart

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