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Very Miffed and Disappointed!

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Okay all, I've very miffed at the moment, and just had to vent somewhere. I bought 2 skeins of RH Holiday Yarn in White/Silver. I'm making a capelet and am now on Row 12 and as I'm crocheting along, I come to a big knot it my yarn! And yup, its a knot alright! Its where the yarn must have broke during the winding or whatever process it goes thru and they've actually tied it into a knot!!! And to make matters worse, its all dirty there in that spot where the break was knotted! I'm just so angry because I'm halfway thru the darn pattern and it was looking soooo good!---and now I have this ugly looking spot right in the middle of my capelet! :angry


Has anyone ever bought a skein and had a knot tied it in where there was a break? Ive never had this happen before. I just thought it was a fuzz ball...the kind you occaisionally run across and can pick out and no harm done. but boy was I wrong!!


I'm tempted to complain to the Manufacturer, but I dont want to come across as a butt-head.


....Anyways, thanks for listening everyone.



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I hate when that happens!! Can you cut it out continue working as if you were starting a new skein? I'm guessing since you mentioned two skeins you expect to have to do that anyway.

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I have a knack for buying the skeins that have that knot in them. Doesn't bother me though because as Julie said, you can just cut it off and pick up again like when you are starting a new skein. I just see it as something that happens while they are making the skeins, and it's just unavoidable. It is annoying though, especially when it is a pattern you know well and you're just crusing along then all of a sudden there's a speed bump - literally! lol

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Yeah, it's happened to me too. It really ticks me off, though, when that happens with an expensive yarn, especially the stuff that only has about 100 yards or so on the skein already! Bad enough the skeins are so skimpy, but to run into a knot in the middle of one of those... :angry


And it seems they always manage to have those knots hidden deep inside the skein, so there's no way of checking before buying. :(

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I know exactly what you mean. I have been making my mother-in-law a shawl for Christmas. I am using Lion Brand Jiffy yarn, and in three out of the four skeins so far (I'm not done with the fourth yet) I have had knots (several per skein) and all kinds of ucky stuff. I did contact the manufacturer, and I have not heard back yet. I was miffed. The yarn was perfect, but the quality of it has left a lot to be desired. I would write. I don't know if you'll hear anything back, but at least you've let them know. Who knows, maybe they'll pass it along to the quality control people, and they can keep an eye out for future problems.

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It happens so often that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. I usually just move on. The thing that really annoyed me was labels that got glued to Homespun. My pet peeve for the day, lol.

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I've been having that same problem lately. It seems like every other skeen is glued to the darn label. Such a pain and when you get it unglued, there is these chuncks still attatched to the yarn. Grrrr.




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It happens so often that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. I usually just move on. The thing that really annoyed me was labels that got glued to Homespun. My pet peeve for the day, lol.


I learned to slide the label around on the skein before purchasing it to avoid that problem. If the wrapper won't rotate all the way around the skein, I won't buy it. Until then, it drove me nuts! Sometimes, just to be sure, I'll even slide several fingers under the wrapper around the join line and from both sides, to make sure nothing's stuck. Only way I know to avoid those, and so far I've been very successful with it.

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thats a great idea goldi:yay :yay


I learned to slide the label around on the skein before purchasing it to avoid that problem. If the wrapper won't rotate all the way around the skein, I won't buy it. Until then, it drove me nuts! Sometimes, just to be sure, I'll even slide several fingers under the wrapper around the join line and from both sides, to make sure nothing's stuck. Only way I know to avoid those, and so far I've been very successful with it.
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Back to the knot problem, I don't know about anyone else but when I have to cut out a knot, I frog back to the end of the row and add on there. I never add on in the middle of my main pattern, seems when I do it always looks a little bulkier and I don't like it.:think

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It happens so often that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. I usually just move on. The thing that really annoyed me was labels that got glued to Homespun. My pet peeve for the day, lol


Homespun is the worst when the glue to stuck to the yarn. I had askein once that the glue some how made it to the middle of the skein. I ended up not being able to use the skein. It had to much glue everywhere.


As far as with the knot I don't mind them all that much. I just untie them and make the end longer for hiding.


What I hate that most is when they don't wind the yarn tight enough or to tight. I think that when the yarn it must have been a brake and instead of knotting it they try to wind the end togetter. This is the worst, when it happens I have to cut like 4 or 5 inches out of the yarn to be albe to make a knot and pick back up my pattern.

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Yeah, it's happened to me too. It really ticks me off, though, when that happens with an expensive yarn, especially the stuff that only has about 100 yards or so on the skein already! Bad enough the skeins are so skimpy, but to run into a knot in the middle of one of those... :angry


And it seems they always manage to have those knots hidden deep inside the skein, so there's no way of checking before buying. :(



I agree, when its the expensive stuff, I get really agitated. but its just a fact of life i think. rarely do i get a skein without atleast one knot. i just cut and tie on like a new skein. i wouldn't complain because 1) it just happens and i dont think there's much that can be done about it and 2) it probably wouldnt make a hill of beans to them anyway. save the energy for more crochet! :)

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This is one reason I rewind every skein of yarn on my ball winder. At least I know what I'm facing, and can plan accordingly. If necessary I make several smaller cakes from the yarn. I've also caught some wool that had been moth eaten! I returned those skeins of course, and am so glad I wasn't mid project when it happened.

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Knots are a bummer. I had been crocheting for a couple of years without ever seeing one, but now it seems like half the yarn I buy has a knot somewhere. Worst one I ever had was in a cone of Sugar 'n' Cream--aside from there being a knot, on the other side of the knot the yarn got super skinny and all shiny and stiff. I ended up having to cut out the knot and about a yard of yarn after it to get rid of the bad spot.

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It happens to the best of us! For me it seems like it's always with Red Heart Super Saver. I'll bet for every 3 skeins that are fine I'll get 1 that has a knot in it. Usually I'm able to work around it as my crocheting is rather loose but sometimes you just have to cut it out and work it like it's a new skein...


I'll have to remember the trick about sliding the label around. I think I hate those "glue" knots worse than other knots!

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I get them all the time-- I was working with some merino yesterday- it was only a 50 gm ball and it had a big knot in the middle- you'd think with the smaller balls or the more expensive ones they'd just scrap that one balls worth. Now my joining technique has got better I'm not so bothered unless its a smaller ball.

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That seems to happen to me all the time and I just hate it.. Maybe you can cut that part out and retie it? Not sure if there is another answer other then starting over... sorry wish I could help.

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Thanks Everyone...After reading all the posts, I'm glad its just not me. I've been fortunate so far that none of the skeins of bought have had knots, up until now, and that really aggravates me. You'd figure the price you have to pay for some of these yarns, that quality control would do a better job of weeding out the "bad" ones or something. I hate to sound like a whiner, but man, this really miffs me big time! :lol


Thanks for listening everyone, and that is a great idea about spinning the label around on the yarn to make for sure its not glued! *Knocking on wood*-I've never came across any skeins like that yet. Now my luck, the next skein I buy will be glued together! I swear there's a black cloud hanging around me lately. :eek:lol



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:thairI have had that sort of problem with Red Heart frequently.:thumbdown I've changed to using Bernat Super Value as my "basic" yarn. It's a lot softer than Red Heart and I've only had 1 single problem. I wrote to Bernat,:nbook sent them the damaged and soiled area and they sent me 3 skeins of free yarn.:manyheart One to replace the one that was damaged and 2 others in colors that were going to be released to the market in the upcoming season! I was very pleased by their response. :2spin

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