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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Well sheesh. I was sort of in limbo land lol. I somehow got unplugged from the wall so iPad wasn't charge so sorry about that Gus then when it was up to 50per ent I tried it out and couldn't get to the ville. I dunno weird. Then I had trouble with yahoo mail which I will Che k again shortly.


First I'm gonna change up my password. I will come back if and when I figure this out ok.

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Yeah it just didn't want me to change my password I guess I will try again tomorrow. I got something from a FGM that I posted on the thankyou thread. So pretty go see it. Thank you whoever you mighty be.



Well stump is still there driveway isn't done been kind of a. Crappy day all around you know.


So I'm going to call it a night and retire to a hot shower and some t.v I guess. See you all In The am I hope lol. Take care. Hope the storms are out of the way for you all!! Asphalt won't be here tomorrow. Supposed to rain so well oh well. See you tomorrow. lol. Not looking forward to not parking in the drive for 24 hours anyway lol. Love to all.

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Was very hot out yesterday. Did a few dishes, load of laundry and a couple other odds and ends then came back intowork after a nap. Going to vacuum today and maybe make the bed, scoop cat pans then sleep, and drop off/pick up little Tribble from school. I think he has a soccer game Saturday then may go out and get a couple of geocaches. Maybe. LOL cause I have to come into work Saturday night. My schedule for the this week really was terrible.


Haven't done any crocheting this week. I finished up and shipped the plush ponies I made and then took a small break to read a book and learn a couple things.


Have a good day all!!

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Good Morning

Debated going back to sleep,up at 6 laid there till 6:50,I guess I remembered the fuzzy feeling I feel when I go back to sleep

more yard work awaits me,will try and get out early,its still mild,humidity hasn't crept up yet.

have a wondeful day,give someone a smile,they may need it more than you know.

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More heat and humidity today.  Everything seems to be at a stand still with this weather, even the lizards.


If anyone watched some of the Football game last night in Miami, you can see what it is like.  Even the people in the stands were sweating.  They showed one little kid, that looked like he had a bucket of water dumped over his head.


:yay  :cheer  :clap  :yay  :cheer  :clap   The shawl/scarf is DONE.  I just have to fix the first row and it will be posted.


I am putting the needles away and getting out my hooks.


Have a fun day today.

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Hi all.


Wow Tampa that poor kid lol. Football fans will endure mostly anything to watch their games lol


PIneknot don't do too much as to make yourself sickly.


Daphne so . Sorry your schedule is t good I. Glad you took , little nap at least.


Hi Carol and SNowbear and Bgs. Hope all is well. You too Lacey Jess and Katiebug. And all else I misses end lol.

Up I will pick up the hooks again too when this heat and humidity go away for good. Are you going to post a pic of your shawl for us Mary Jo???

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Jok I'm here what did I miss finally got the iPad going and changed my password so. Thata all I can do. Still not on with the desk top to the ville. Is it necessary to change the ville password on the desk top too??? I haven't done that yet anyone know. Shouldn't be neccessay but I have no idea so.


Ok well later than I am usually on so signi g off for now!! Night all hope to see you at morrow. Lol⭐

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Katy your password is the same to log into the ville regardless of whether you sign on via multiple computers tablets or phones. Sounds like you need to contact Amy about being blocked on your pc.

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Good morning! The weather has been so humid and oppressive, that my house is damp even with the air going, so I haven't done much hook work-my yarn and hands feel sticky!


The humidity has taken a tool on many seniors around here, so work has been busy and we've been running ragged with the ambulance.


Today is cleaning day, and I'm starting to get the kids ready for the start of school in a week and a half.


Have a wonderful day!

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I wanted to let everyone know my Brother in law came home from the hospital. He is doing better. Now he can even drive his Mother to the hair dresser every Thurs. He still gotta go to dialysis. 3 days in a week. The DR apparently got this disease under control now. John surprised us all. By coming home. Now driving by his self. Wow! The prayers was answered. Thanks everyone. Mostly I praise the LORD!

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Snowbear so glad to hear about your BIL.  It is always good to have some good news.


Got up late this morning, went to the store before it got to hot.


Owlvamp hope things are getting better.


Just bought a t from Café Press.  I could not resist.  It says "I could be crocheting now, but the couch ate my hook".  Every time I read this I crack up, cause it is always happening to me.


Tampa Guy took pictures of the scarf/shawl and the tote this morning, he is tweaking them now.  He said the scarf is pretty, but it has to many holes to be warm.  :rolleyes  :rofl 

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BGs Oh I contacted her last eve so she knows I noticed my ip addy changed again so that is probably it. But see I'm not panicking yet l?




Oh had to laugh too at that mj always the case as for the shawl. All I can say to Tampa guy is big sigh see what we women do for fashions sake who cares if is isn't warmI. it looks dang good on me!!!! Lol ca t wait to see the pics.


Pine knot hello to you and good news at last snow bear!! ROSIE. Well hello there stranger. Glad to see your post and welcome back our square friend


sounds like live has been rolling along for you !

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Oh wow Tampa!! You actually made that?? Well it is just stunning nice job!!

I wonder if you or if one could adapt that to crochet that is really super love it and the olors against the white and are so contrasting it's just so classy!! Like I say I haven't knit for years and years and even when I did I didn't do any fancy stuff like this!! I love it. I'll wait on the tote I wanna see that too i!!! good job too Tampa guy well except for the too holey comment LOL points for that' minimal but points for pics and general support ranks very high mister!! Great job.i

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When I get the time, I am going to try a small swatch to see if I can do it in Crochet.  I have an idea, but not quite sure if it will work.


Yeah he is a big supporter of my work.  When he sees me making something, he ask who is it for. :lol 

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Hi ya sure got warm agAgain this aft. Central has come on Several times this aft we ha ve been not using that. Very much I n The last few days but are today. S


I want to change up my bedding this eve in The hopes that I'll sleep better tonight lol usually does help somehow that and the fact I never took any nap today lol



So winding down another day It's quiet and cooling down now out there handy thinks the days of high temps an higher humidity are just about over for the season.


I'm bored and don't have anything to do so now what?? Well I will think of something I guess have a good

One and all. Till later!,

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Snowbear that is great news about your bil


Mary Jo alright you got it done. Did you wrap up in it to see how it felt and looked to you? Tampa Guy's comment was funny but I would be more afraid of killing myself with it as I am a klutz not at all graceful. I would be getting caught on all sorts of stuff with those holes.


Katy glad you are not panicking. So glad you got your tablet when you did.


We have had jello air all day. Lots of rain last night with flash flooding in the streets in the city.

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Love the Japanese Weave Wrap. I also love the colors you choose.


Things are what they are here. I just take one day at a time and plug forward as much as I can. I am going way slower than a turtle's pace.


I have been fighting a migraine for 4 days now. I can't even go outside for the light just triggers it something awful. I don't know why. I was getting better but now it has reversed much much much terrible. I keep my house like a cave and bedroom has black curtains and black bags on the Windows. I much rather walk around in the dark. When I have to go outside I know I am already doomed. Crazy but life I guess and no medicine so far has helped.

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