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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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II think your prices sandra are fine. I love the little bags did you fahion those yousef they sre just to cool. I made and gave to my brunch girls those once. I only tied mine up in a matching ribbon and passed the m o

out but the little bags are so perfect for a craft fair nice job.


I had to laugh when one of the gals called them coasters. I even included a small sample bottle Travel size i guess of Tone facial or Dove facial clenser with them but she still called them coasters. I Did,nt have the heart to correct her but one of the other gals did lol.

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ELliot yes i remember the name. . I can say nothing about bed posts etc though lol. As iam sure i didnt see it. Well went tp the bread store it is a Rottella's bakery and we only like that kind of bread we usually get Vienna or sometimes Twist and they have the most delish raisin/cinnamon bread in the world and their loaves are huge. We stock up and throw a few in the freezer.

Then i came home and a color book i ordered fro Dover books wS here so i looked through that gonna be fun looks like a good on

for calm lol a zen one!

MY daughte was in a candy swap a little bit back her swap partner was from the uk anyway she was to send i thin it was 15 dollars worth of candy she likes and her partner the same. Sh receceived ed a lot of uk goodies and her partner the same in US candy. What a cute and fun idea huh!!! She as i have stated before not a huge candy fan. BUt she did like some of it i. her Partner also was thrilled with her box. Too!!



I smell something cooking so handyman has atarted supper prep i guess we usually try to eat around,jeapardy time lol and then are done by news time. Haha all for now i'll go and help a bit. Till later. Enjoy your aft eveening!!

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Just a quick check in, I have been sick with this summer cold again and haven't been on the internet in days. Just letting everyone know.....

Have a wonderful night.

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Sandra liked your scrubbies and the bag. It seemed like you priced them at a polnt where they should sell ok. Show us the bags you are sewing if you get a chance. I love seeing all the things people make crochet or not.


Katy yes we can use the mower. I think the guys were thinking they might have to haul it back wait for the piece put it on and bring it back. Thats when I said if they would get the part and pay for it we would pick it up and put it on ourself. Its just undo 4 bolts that are easy to get to remove broken part put on new one and then put the 4 bolts back. Looks like it should be fairly easy but sometimes looks can be deceiving. You know coasters would probably come to my mind first if I just saw the scrubbies by themselves.


Tribble hope you get better soon.

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TampaDoll, welcome! It's nice to have you here. I love the clothing you make and one day I want to try my hand at using thread. I've never crocheted with thread I am sure it's a bit different. What type of thread do you use/recommend? Do you always use cotton yarn for your totes? Do you also use cotton for your graphghans? Just curious, plus I adore the yarn my crochetville bag is made from. It doesn't collect all the doggie hair that my other yarn items do.


Owlvamp, those pillows are adorable! Love that turquoise colored yarn you are dying. great job - it looks pretty. I love the face scrubbies, they look really great and I imagine they will sell fine for those prices.


Katy, I have always wanted to do a craft booth, but never get things completed to sell. I also love to customize My Little Ponies and they have pony shows where they sell those also, but again never seem to have ponies to sell.


It's crazy the money some people seem to have. I have no idea where they get it.


I hate dust, and I swear our house is the dustiest house ever... If you miss a couple days and don't dust you can seriously write your name in the dust that has collected. How in the world does this happen? I hate it, but I also hate dusting so, it's dusty here.


Pineknott, It's supposed to start raining here again tonight and rain until next Tuesday :( What with the dogs running in and out it's going to be another mess!


 bgs - glad you go your mower fixed, and glad they didn't argue about the mistake they made with breaking the top. Glad that you had a nice luch.



ImmaFreak, Baby Jade is so cute - getting big.


Katiebug, glad to see you found the thread.



Little Tribble's last day of kindergarten was today. He graduated on Monday and it went so well. They had an awards ceremony today in the classroom and since I had to work last night and tonight plus with being ill, and we had the crew working inside the house today, Mr Tribble and I weren't able to go. He was really upset and crying when we picked him up from school because we missed it. I felt terrible! He got the class comedian award. He is pretty funny.


I have spent so much time in bed in the last week I havn't even thought about working on any crochet, or been online. I havn't felt like doing a thing but sleep. Bah. I think I am slowly getting better though, thank goodness. If I wasn't so stubborn, probably should have went to the dr.


Not doing a lot this week either. Little Tribble is having his baseball pictures taken tomorrow, so I am sure that that will be awesome. He is a decent little baseball player. He should be as Mr Tribble and all the in-laws played baseball or softball thorough highschool and into college. We have to get his catching the ball in the air improved. But this is his first year so I am sure it will.


Have a great night all! Talk to everyone tomorrow.




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Sandra liked your scrubbies and the bag. It seemed like you priced them at a polnt where they should sell ok. Show us the bags you are sewing if you get a chance. I love seeing all the things people make crochet or not.


Katy yes we can use the mower. I think the guys were thinking they might have to haul it back wait for the piece put it on and bring it back. Thats when I said if they would get the part and pay for it we would pick it up and put it on ourself. Its just undo 4 bolts that are easy to get to remove broken part put on new one and then put the 4 bolts back. Looks like it should be fairly easy but sometimes looks can be deceiving. You know coasters would probably come to my mind first if I just saw the scrubbies by themselves.


Tribble hope you get better soon.

 Thanks bgs!!

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TRibble so sorry to hear youve been ill. Hope you get better soon aww poor little trib im sorry you coulnt attend. He will or is probably by now over it and you will get over missing it too just takes us longer i am afraid.


We are not as resilliant as they seem to be at that age.


CArol you sound a little tired or not youself. Everything ok?? Scool is out soon so you will get more rest so hang in there!!Hope Mary Jos hockey team is winning! LInda how is son i. Law doing today,any better??

HOpefully alll our members that need healing will soon get better.


DId the urgent care say what kind of spider bit you snowbear cause boy you sur have a lot of poisonous ones indiginnous to you state. I hate spiders. Nuff said! I dont know what they do good i could sure live without them in the ecosystem! THat too goes for all bugs and


rodents! In my own opinion!

Never been a fan! LOL. KAtiebug how is all going at your house? Everyone all healthy and such? GOod to see you too Lacey and baby jade! She looks perfect in pink!


Well ladies no aord on my desktop. I am sure they have diagnosed it as video card and have ordered the part and havent told me as to surprise me but im dying to know what it was, is it fixed and how much lol. You will know when i know to be sure.


All for now i guess did i forget anyone! Hope not. I will catch you all tomorrow tomorrow i love ya tommorow your only a wake up away!! ❤have a super spectaculor day!!

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Tribble sorry you had to miss the little guys graduation. Dh and I were just discussing how they now have so many grad ceremonies---preschool, kindergarten, junior high or middleschool whichever they are calling it now and then highschool. Back when we went it was just highschool grad. There is no way my mom and dad would have been able to get off work for all the ceremonies they have now times 4 as I have 3 sisters. Its going to be a lot of fun watching those baseball games. I hear you on the dust. I can dust and in just a few hours swipe my finger and there is already a fine layer. We get a lot of dust from the road. It is horrible. Anymore it seems like the county puts gravel dust down instead of gravel and there is more traffic. If it was just a cold the rest probably did you more good than a visit to the dr. Working those evening or night shifts are really hard especially if they are long and you are always changing or dont have a constant sleep schedule.

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Hi all. Quick check in, haven't gotten much done with my yarn yet today, but I've been cleaning and doing laundry and baby sitting for a friend of mine, so it seems to have been a productive day :)


I hope you get better soon Tribble and Snowbear! :hug s for you both!


I hope everyone else is doing great too! I'm off to change my laundry over again, maybe get some yarning done since just about everything else is pretty much done already! Haves great night all! :ghug

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Tribble sorry you had to miss the little guys graduation. Dh and I were just discussing how they now have so many grad ceremonies---preschool, kindergarten, junior high or middleschool whichever they are calling it now and then highschool. Back when we went it was just highschool grad. There is no way my mom and dad would have been able to get off work for all the ceremonies they have now times 4 as I have 3 sisters. Its going to be a lot of fun watching those baseball games. I hear you on the dust. I can dust and in just a few hours swipe my finger and there is already a fine layer. We get a lot of dust from the road. It is horrible. Anymore it seems like the county puts gravel dust down instead of gravel and there is more traffic. If it was just a cold the rest probably did you more good than a visit to the dr. Working those evening or night shifts are really hard especially if they are long and you are always changing or dont have a constant sleep schedule.


I actually got to go to his graduation ceremony. It was his awards program the following day that I missed. He seems to have forgot about it for now, but I felt really bad that he was so upset. Yes the baseball games are fun. I really should be used to the night shift by now, I've done it for about 16 years - lol. Yes, my sleep schedule is horrible and I can pretty much sleep anywhere at anytime. going to go to bed as soon as I get home this morning. Have a good day all!

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Tribble79 do you have patterns for the My little Ponies? I made a couple quilts with my little Ponies for the fabric. I just love them and wold be awesome to make the Ponies to give with them.


Yes, I did the bag myself. It really isn't hard at all. If you want it I'll write the pattern up. Just let me know. You could do it in your sleep and I'm sure someone else has done one. I thought for some reason you made a little bag and I kept invisioning in my mind what I wanted and so I made it. It came out exactly how I wanted it to. That almost never happens. But like I said it's not hard.


Thank you ! For the nice compliments. I'm never good with prices and most people want it so cheap it isn't worth making. If I don't sell them then they will be Christmas presents. Does anyone know what colors sell best?


Snowbear and Tribble79 I hope you both feel better.

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Everyone seems to be getting sick, it is not so bad hiding in the house.  Tribble79 and SnowBear I do hope you get better real soon.


TampaDoll, welcome! It's nice to have you here. I love the clothing you make and one day I want to try my hand at using thread. I've never crocheted with thread I am sure it's a bit different. What type of thread do you use/recommend? Do you always use cotton yarn for your totes? Do you also use cotton for your graphghans? Just curious, plus I adore the yarn my crochetville bag is made from. It doesn't collect all the doggie hair that my other yarn items do.


If you are just starting out with thread I would start with size 3.  It is almost like sports weight yarn.  Then to size 5 which is like fine or fingering yarn.  Finally on to size 10, which is what I use, depending on the pattern.


The tote is P&C or S&C or Bernat cotton yarn.  It is really versatile.  Just throw it in the washer and the dryer.  Just make sure till it is washed a couple of times, that you put it in with the dark cloths.


Any afghan/graph ghan I use regular acrylic yarn.  The one for my BIL is Red Heart Soft.  I have thought about it, but not tried cotton for an afghan yet.  Great idea for a kids woobie/lovie.


My lawn people came yesterday and no only cut my grass, but cut my phone and inter net cable also.  I was on a neighbor's phone last night calling the cable company, trying to get someone out.  I need the phone, for emergencies.  Well, I was to late calling last night, but they were here at 8AM.  We are now back and in a couple of days, someone will come and bury the cable, right now it is sitting on the top of the ground.


Well, I am off to see what is going on and try not to get into trouble.



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The air is still but very steamy out today. We had storms last night and more are on the way. Looks like some could roll in any time. Ran up town to do a few errands. I cant tell you how nice it is to be able to get groceries there again. Ran into some friends at the store----we are all walking around marveling at shelves stocked with groceries.


Sandra I dont know about others but I would want white light or pastels for face scrubbies. Since I work with cotton I know some of the dark colors and especially red has a tendency to run. I wouldnt want to use those on my face.


pineknott and I thought I was the only one that had posts that disappeared.


Tribble glad you made it for the grad ceremony looks like they would have done the awards then.

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Hey everyone, I am feeling better. Spider bite is healing up, good. I am happy to be back. I wanted to tell everyone thanks for caring and praying for me. And I like to tell everyone HI :waving . It is good to have you all in my life.  Thanks., Arlene :ghug

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I'm so glad you are feeling better Arlene. That is kind of scarey that a spider could do that to us sheesh!


HAve you done anything with plastic canvas yet or plaaning to sson. I would like to see if and when you get to some projects with it!


I used to maqke cube kleenes box covers out of canvas and yarn i have so me pics somewhere i will see if i can dig them up on this I-pad hehe.

Other wise they are in my phobucket in my signature i think i will look.


YEa ther are one or two i. The album stuff i made on page 3 maybe. They were fun.

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Thank you Katie.  I am planning on doing plastic canvas work  later. Right now I am crocheting Christmas present for Grand Kids. Got my crochet mermaid done. She is cute. How do I post it on here and I will show everyone a pic.

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Happy Friday! :dance Well kind of..... tomorrow is a planning day for teachers and Monday is a holiday so I decided to take tomorrow off and have an extra long weekend, so today was like my Friday for work. We have 2 more weeks of school but only 4 days with students each week and then I will be free for the summer! I am more than ready for the break. I'm spending part of tomorrow with my youngest daughter and granddaughter and then heading out to spend the weekend with my oldest daughter and her family. I was planning to do some sewing tonight but the power was out when I got home so I'm doing some smocking. The power just came back on, hooray! Ok, I guess thats enough rambling, have a great evening everyone.

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Hi all. Day is almost done. We have some rain here and tornado warnings earlier a couple counties away. We are now just gettin rain and thunder so that ok

Been sort of lazy today but did get the laundry done and spper out of th way


OTher than that nothing going on much. We had,the yard mowed yesterday ans so the rain will do te flowers and vegies andgrass some good. some good.

YOu have that much of school left Carol?? I think

here I think are out or very close to it!.

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