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James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

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I find myself in the way of the double minded man.  :think


My fingers just will not let me 'not crochet' but I am finding it difficult to get interested in stuff to crochet.


Since my illness last summer I can't write (type) out my doll clothes patterns anymore so I have had to give up on that activity. 


I have been making hats lately of course but it is just what I do when I pick up yarn and my hook.


  I have been working on corner to corner ghans and shawls lately as well.  They are quick to make and so pretty but I just can't seem to start another in that vein.


I don't really know why I am posting this other than the fact that the 'Ville is where we all come to cry on shoulders.


I cannot be the first to hit this crocheting but not into crocheting mood.  What do you do in this mode :?



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I totally identify with you! I haven't been excited about a project in a while....not in the mood to concentrate on graph patterns so my hands have been grabbing yarn and either making granny squares for baby blankets to donate or a very, very easy ripple pattern.

Like you, I need to keep my hands busy, so I will crochet mindlessly lots of the time. I have ufo's for shawls....but I need to pay attention to the pattern.


I am a beginning knitter, though....so I know I should be picking up my needles and get back to the scarf I started.


It hard mustering up enough excitement. Btw, I'm 65. That might have something to do with my attitude,....

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Thank you for your reply. 


I am also 65; nearly 66.  I find it hard to believe that age is the villain.  ah well...

it might be in our case.


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If it is age, then turning 64 is not going to help me get back into being excited about crocheting.


I have been making baby hat and booties lately, because I could not get excited about any pattern.


Oh Darski so sorry about not being able to type out your patterns.  I know that is something you love doing.


I am hoping, that I have been crocheting to much and I just have not found the right pattern to excite me.


I just finished knitting a hat and scarf and the scarf seemed to take forever.


This is a good place to vent or look for a sympathic ear when you need one.


I do want to thank you for the patterns you have made, as I have made several and just love the look and ease of them.

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I sure can empathize with your predicament. It may be the "age" thing, in my case anyway (65 in a couple of weeks-can't believe that's happening!). I believe the mind and the body just cannot keep up together. My mind says- I'm younger, my body says- what a fool you are! LOL

I find it helps to motivate me to do and enjoy the different kinds of arts I love in between projects. As soon as I start to get that feeling of dread working on a project or trying to decide what to do next, I include something else, then switch between the two. I enjoy painting, embroidery, crochet, jewelry and sometimes just sketching. Reading has always been a great diversion also. The list used to be even longer. Maybe, if you don't do something such as this already, changing completely different activities once in awhile will entice you often back to the beloved crochet and authoring patterns that you so enjoyed before.

Whatever you do, I hope it turns back into a most satisfying result for yourself.

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I'm in a slump that's lasted a while.  I still come here every day and look at all the eye candy and help out when I can.  I take on smaller projects that I can complete in a few hours or days.


Being up north for this horribly cold winter has my hands hurting.  I don't even want to touch a hook but I still enjoy surfing through different patterns and seeing things that I may want to do when my 'groove' comes back.

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Thank you all for your help.  I don't believe that age has anything to do with it as I know/have known too many women who crocheted and knitted well into their 80's and 90's. 


I keep amassing patterns and stitches just in case the spirit moves me.  :ty  :ghug

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You are not alone.  I think those "slumps" come around for all of us.  I tend to think it is just like life in general........things ebb and then flow.  I agree with all the posts above.  I try to change things once in awhile.  I have taken up beading in the last couple years and like to switch to that in between crochet  projects.  I also am a pattern collector and have more things to make than I could ever get done.lol  

 Age is just a number(I will be 58 next month) and have been through some huge(and I mean HUGE) health issues the last couple of years. Attitude and behavior is my mantra.  Be good to yourself also!

Hang in there!

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Darski, I'm so sorry you are unable to share new design ideas.  I always admired them and knew they were yours by the clever names you gave them before looking at the author.


I'm just a few years behind you, but I think we all go through 'funks' either of the mind (inspiration) or body at one time or another.  I don't have answer (I get them too)  just a :hug

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Creative slumps plague all of us, and I can vouch that it isn't an age thing. I'm in my mid-20's and I have a lot of artistic friends my age sharing tips about how they deal with ruts. =P


I usually treat it like a type of burn out and just wait for it to pass. Take a chance to relax and not push myself since it leads to becoming overly stressed about the situation. (Or find a new project to sidetrack into for a while.) Then later when I'm listening to some music or watching a movie the passion will strike again and I'm back in the saddle.

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I have been working on a baby dress and it seems to be working.  My colour choice may be questioned :wlol but I am getting it done.


Interestingly, I had to go back to my old method of writing out by hand with pencil and paper to get it going.


Dolly things still seem to be out of my league just now but maybe soon.


This slump just went on for so many months that it scared me. Thanks all for your support and encouragement. :ghug

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My grandmother is one who crocheted and knitted into her 90's until her eyes failed her when that happened she lost her will to live.  I think you've just hit a crocheters block as we all do.  You'll bounce back.


I too want to thank you for all the wonderful doll patterns you've designed and shared over the years.  I think there is enough variety to last us all for a long long time. 


Take care and keep on visiting and sharing your thoughts with us.



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These moods come and go with me, also!  :yes  Right now, I have at least a dozen small-medium projects going that I really need to get finished--but I can't seem to stay on one long enough to get it finished!  That happens to me every now and then!  I work on one for a few days--then go to another--then another.  Then one day--something magical happens!  :yay  They all come to a conclusion at the same time!  I just finished a large afghan made of 12" granny squares that was boring me almost to tears!  But I knew I HAD to get it finished, because it was for a customer!  My hands felt like feathers after I made that last stitch!!!!  :2spin  NOW I think I can get some of those other projects done!! :applause

I'll be 70 this September, so I'll blame it on my age, also!  No, wait!  I can't do that! :no  I've always been this way!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I go through times too where I just am not excited about crocheting. I hadn't done a plastic bag project in so long and just lately did two. One wheelchair tote and a recycled plastic baseball cap. I worry about not posting to my blog but sometimes I just like crocheting with regular yarn and don't want to touch the plastic bags.


I'm sadden to hear you can't write up your patterns anymore. I wonder if there is someone you could get to do it for you? Maybe a friend, neighbor or church member. Your patterns were always so wonderful to see and many people have gotten so much joy out of using them.


Hugs to you and I hope you get your crochet mojo back. :hug

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I go through times too where I just am not excited about crocheting. I hadn't done a plastic bag project in so long and just lately did two. One wheelchair tote and a recycled plastic baseball cap. I worry about not posting to my blog but sometimes I just like crocheting with regular yarn and don't want to touch the plastic bags.


I'm sadden to hear you can't write up your patterns anymore. I wonder if there is someone you could get to do it for you? Maybe a friend, neighbor or church member. Your patterns were always so wonderful to see and many people have gotten so much joy out of using them.


Hugs to you and I hope you get your crochet mojo back. :hug



I am happy to report that I was able to create and write a little pattern last week.




it is small but I got it done :sheepjump :sheepjump :sheepjump :sheepjump

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Hi all, i know about slumps, for sure, and as for writing out or typing those patterns, I have a suggestion . Could you possibly use a small hand held tape recorder thing, and dictate the pattern into the recorder, and then send it or give it to someone to type up for you??? I have one of those, somewhere around here, lol but that might work for you, if you can still find them...


As for the slump, seems many of us are or have been in it many times, I just can't seem to think of much else to make, or for whom, that is my problem. I try to donate locally to keep postage down, but honestly, just can't think of much else to make anymore.....sigh, it will return, and I will go on a crochet high for a whlle, im sure, just like always, it will return........



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