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My stash...EXPOSED!!


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I think I may officially be a yarn hoarder :eek I brought all my yarn up from the basement this morning and laid it out (the boyfriend was gone today, so I knew I wouldn't get caught :devil ) and this is what happened!! I'm able to fit it in 2 boxes, which isn't so bad, it just looks MUCH bigger when it's all laid out :blush I'm going to have to get working on some things so that I can hopefully get it down to only 1 box before we have to move at the end of August and my dirty little secret will have to come out!! :lol


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When Jim rolls his eyes at me over yarn I tell him, Those are afghans waiting to be assembled!" lol. He is pretty good to me. He tells me I am one tote away from being a hoader...

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I think I may officially be a yarn hoarder :eek I brought all my yarn up from the basement this morning and laid it out (the boyfriend was gone today, so I knew I wouldn't get caught :devil ) and this is what happened!! I'm able to fit it in 2 boxes, which isn't so bad, it just looks MUCH bigger when it's all laid out :blush I'm going to have to get working on some things so that I can hopefully get it down to only 1 box before we have to move at the end of August and my dirty little secret will have to come out!! :lol


I think your number of boxes has to be at least in the double digits before you start to worry about having too much! Thats what i tell myself anyhow! Of course we might just need bigger boxes:devil

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Haha I couldn't bring myself to get rid of my small stash before the move from Sweden to the UK so it was mailed to my Mums address! Now, however, its getting rather large and getting bigger as the months go by! I will say one thing though, if I lived in America with a Walmart near me selling Red Heart SS, my stash would be HUGE!!!! :D (Jealous, very jealous :lol)

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I think your number of boxes has to be at least in the double digits before you start to worry about having too much! Thats what i tell myself anyhow! Of course we might just need bigger boxes:devil


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9......... :eek oh no :blush:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl I stopped counting now...

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My stash takes up half of my walk in closet (on shelves, mind you!!), overflows onto the floor of the closet, four plastic containers under the bed and boxes and bags of yarn along two of the four bedroom walls.

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My stash takes up half of my walk in closet (on shelves, mind you!!), overflows onto the floor of the closet, four plastic containers under the bed and boxes and bags of yarn along two of the four bedroom walls.



We are soul sisters!

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"I will say one thing though, if I lived in America with a Walmart near me selling Red Heart SS, my stash would be HUGE!!!! (Jealous, very jealous ) "


Skoggy I second that!!!


My stash has taken over virtually every room in my house including the 2 attics. I am trying to curtail my yarn buying but to no avail - think I have an addiction and need some sort of therapy!

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LOL 2 boxes is nothing...I have 6 ( 16 x 16 ) boxes full yet sorted by type (baby yarn/nice acrylic yarn/crap nasty acrylic/cotton/SCRAP BALLS plus 6 pull out containers and small shelf in the closet (I have those one pounder skeins there I only have 8) but there's 2 people using this yarn Right now I am scrap crocheting

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"I will say one thing though, if I lived in America with a Walmart near me selling Red Heart SS, my stash would be HUGE!!!! (Jealous, very jealous ) "


Skoggy I second that!!!


My stash has taken over virtually every room in my house including the 2 attics. I am trying to curtail my yarn buying but to no avail - think I have an addiction and need some sort of therapy!


Two attics! I think you have moved from stash, to "yarn collection" status, and are approaching "yarn museum":hook

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I'm so jealous! In a good way though! My stash is pretty big but most of it are small balls that I'm currently thinking of either making into a scrap granny or squares for the friendship CAL... or both!

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One closet is nothing but cotton yarn, along with 2 boxes of over flow.

Another closet is sportsweight and ww yarn along with 3 2-tier carts. So hang in there.

I like the affghans waiting to be assembled. Luckly, I have Tampa Guy and he is always asking if I need more.:hook

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My friends know that if they are trying to get me out of the house and I am a tad grumpy, that all they need to do is dangle a trip to a yarn shop in my face and my mood is instantly changed!

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Haha I couldn't bring myself to get rid of my small stash before the move from Sweden to the UK so it was mailed to my Mums address! Now, however, its getting rather large and getting bigger as the months go by! I will say one thing though, if I lived in America with a Walmart near me selling Red Heart SS, my stash would be HUGE!!!! :D (Jealous, very jealous :lol)


I find that hitting the charity shops are sometimes a goldmine for scoring vintage Red Heart and other yarns too. Have you had much luck at such places in finding decent priced vintage yarns to satisfy your craving for acquiring?

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One closet is nothing but cotton yarn, along with 2 boxes of over flow.


Another closet is sportsweight and ww yarn along with 3 2-tier carts. So hang in there.


I like the affghans waiting to be assembled. Luckly, I have Tampa Guy and he is always asking if I need more.:hook


You always seem to be the voice of encouragement Tampa Doll when one worried they may have gone off the deep end in their crochet manias and desires for yarns!:cheer

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I feel both better and inadequate in my piddly little stash! I have 2 underbed boxes and a decent sized rubbermaid tote full of 'future projects'.


And I just bought 10 skeins of Bernat Boa yarn for a Christmas present.


But I've promised to use up the majority of my stash before buying any more skeins.


It's a good thing that my sister (she's also my room-mate) is understanding if I occassionally 'fall off the wagon!'

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My stash has out grown the house. I have boxes in the shed and in the garage. I don't have any room for more boxes so I have started using the suitcases. Now I have to unpack before I can pack for a trip.

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I used to have 11 tubs full 2 and a half years ago. Used all but the novelty, cotton thread and sport....Now I am down to 4 (it was 3 until last month when a friend found a yard sale with an enormous tub full of skeins.....and picked it all up for me.

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Now we are getting in the ballpark with my stash. I wish I had a camera.




Originally Posted by LegalWoman17

My stash takes up half of my walk in closet (on shelves, mind you!!), overflows onto the floor of the closet, four plastic containers under the bed and boxes and bags of yarn along two of the four bedroom walls.


We are soul sisters!

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