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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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you have such cute names for your cats sharon, when i read Seymour, I heard the song Suddenly Seymour playing in my head, lol I like that song!! he he he.


well got out a bit today, bought some yarn, 5 or 6 RHSS of colors that i haven't had for  bit, so that is nice, got a couple more things at the walmart, and then headed home, this head cold got worse overnight last night, so I got some cold tabs, and they are helping, but they make me tired, just took a dose, so probably willbe heading off to lie and watch some tv, fall asleep,an out for the night, so everyone have a good night, those of you in Upper state New York,are getting quite some snow, so be careful!!

I've never heard of that song.  I'll have to check it out!  Definitely looking forward to hearing that. Maybe I can sing it to him along with the songs I make up for him.  LOL . 


Oh fun on buying yarn.   I have to start using some of my collection before buying more.  I have a huge pile in bags in the basement in addition to all of the containers full of yarn.  LOL.   


I hope you feel better soon.  We've been taking Lysine for colds for a few years now and it seems to work well.  We used to take those Germ Defense tabs and they worked well too but were very expensive so switched to Lysine and it's worked.   It works on URIs for cats too.   



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The picture of the kitties made me think of our cat... Henry is so like our Leifr! I'm sharing a pic; you can't see as easily from a front view, but I really thought it could have been Leif curled up there!



What a handsome boy.  He's such an original with that face.   

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the song is from Little Shop Of Horrors lol I have that on cd, so I will play that movie again one day soon...


Feed me, Seymour!!!  :rofl


My sister was in that play in high school and the little plants were hand puppets. She was the baby Audrey II.  :)

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hi everyone


well, how is everyone doing today, cold here today, but tomorrow now, will be at least freezing or above, so they say... \


Does anyone remember the yo yo ring i posted, well I had added to it over the months, and had a lot off them already m ade, so i sorted through them, and then made some more that i really liked the color , and put a second round on them, isn't that a grannys daughter, anyway, then was stumped for a whole day, thinking what I should do with them now....


Tried everything in stash to see what would go well, and finally, just today, decided to use a sunflower color to tie them all together, so round three in progress, then I might stop there, should make them about 5 inches, and commence putting them together for a baby ghan, or keep it for adding to it when I make more yoyos, lol im not sure even now, but it will tell me when it is ready to be a done project, they always do!!


So have been working on that off and on all day, and basically not doing much else, lol i am feeling better however, with the cold issue, as im not sneezing so much, or stuffed up as much, so that is good,baby steps, lol


I guess thats about it for me for now, but i will be back later on... take care all.

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oh, and i may have to quit the stashbusting thread, I cannot wrap my brain around the scoring, negatives and postives always stumped me in school too, but try as I might, Im not getting it, I think I have a brain block, lol

First of all, associating a minus with yarn used,  fairly a simple thing right,i mean,you are using it,and won't have it anymore, right,  but that apparently is not how it is done...


Yarn used, is a plus somehow, and yarn bought is a minus, WHAT?? and you know, that will never be a minus to me, no matter how many math classes i attend, and then, dealing with the subtracting the plus from the minus, and carrying that over to the year to date total, nope, not happening....


Best I can say, Ill stay in, and let everyone know what I have used, and what I have bought, if someone else does the dang math, cause and i can't stress this enough, Its not coming to me, lol


So, mona over at that thread is so patient with me, lol,. and i hate to bother her every time I post, and I feel so dumb you know, sigh........thank goodness, the actual art of the craft, does :bang n't run in the negatives, lol or I would probably not be able to crochet eiether!!!!!!! grrrrrrr Im mad at myself!! :help

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viking, cute kitty and I can just see little viking with sleeping with the one glove on.  Sorry about the frozen pipes.  


Sharbysyd I take lysine for colds too.  I originally started taking it to clear up fever blisters or cold sores.  It works great for that.  .  


yarn-monkey Peanut is so cute.  I can't believe its time to start planning his birthday party.  Love the picture of him with your grandma.


katy sorry you have a cold and I love the Mrs Grass chicken noodle soup too.  I sometimes check in on the stashbusting thread.  What you have to understand is the goal is to use up the yarn you have laying around the house so using up yarn is the good thing therefore the positive number. On the flip side since I have so much yarn laying around here buying more is a bad thing as I really have too much already so the minus points.  I should really do that cal but I am not into keeping track of things like that. You on the other hand are really good at keeping your yarn in check ( I have seen the scrap afghans you have made for charity along with all the other things you make--you just seel all those balls and have at it)


sopo, I am glad you gave him the walker bag when you did as it did give him some joy even if it was during his final days  For some reason I just can't seem to get started on making baby things other than a afghan.  Even then I make them big so that they can be used as the baby grows up. For the NICU the hats would need to be so small.  I guess that's part of my problem is figuring out the size they should be.


I had planned on running to the  PO this  morning but when I got up everything had a thin coating of ice on it so I didn't get out. Its supposed to be really cold in the morning so I probably won't venture out until Wed.  Just got a phone call from my niece who is sitting on the beach in Hawaii.  Sounds like she is having so much fun.  

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We've had super cold and snowy weather lately. Alicia had 2 days off school last week because of the wind chill. Today it got almost to freezing, so it was a heat wave. :)


Sami spent a week sick and now it seems like Alicia and I are trying to catch it. Blah!

I hope everyone is healthy soon and stays healthy.


Hi all. I made myself go to church and then found out one of our members passed away. I felt so bad. for the past year, I kept thinking I wanted to make him a walker bag but just kept putting it off thinking it was a silly idea. Well, I finally made it for him for Christmas. He was so happy, hugged me and now he's gone. :(   Don't put off things. You never know when it's too late.


I am making NICU hats for a hospital close by. Have to sit at a car dealership tomorrow for recall repairs so have packed my Mary Jo Pumpkin Pie tote to the brim with leftover yarn balls to take with me. Instead of just basic beanies, I'm trying to make tiny character hats such as minions, mickey mouse, owls, etc for the little ones. I've got a few squares worked up as well and will get more asap to send out to the birthday girls. 


Your kitty pics make me miss mine. It's hard to be catless after having them and raising them for so many years. I love the pics though. Give them hugs for me. 

Hope you didn't have to spend all day at the dealership.


hello all!


Good to hear from you viking, missed ya, hi sopo, ann, and holly, and all the others i forgot already, lol


Today was warmer, almost freezing here too, holly, and the sun was out almost all day! that always helps make it seem warmer, even if it isn't quite as warm as you would like it to be..


all the kitties are so adorable, and each one's own personality comes out in the pics too!!

oooh, handyman just brought me back a bowl of freshly popped corn, what a nice little treat,,,


My appetite hasn't been too great what with this cold, so he said, you gotta feed a cold, starve a fever, is that right or wrong, lol I dunno. Tastes good though, so, Im gonna eat some!


I know about those frozen pipes, each winter, handyman gets at least, oh I dunno, 5 calls for frozen somethings or another. sometimes it is easy to fix, sometimes not you know. We keep two electric heaters in the shed, just in case, lol but so far, we have been ok, but others around us, not so lucky.


I would be perfectly happy though, to just have  a hot bowl of Mrs. Grass chicken noodle soup, something about that, I know some places don't have it, but we do, and I hope they never get rid of it, cause it is my fav. soup......lol that and Don and MIllie's potato soup, with cheese and bacon bits on the top, ummm........Maybe I am getting better, cause those things sound delish....



But, i don't have any in the house, so will wait till I get some more, maybe tomorrow.... that always feels me better!!


for all those in need of a hug, here ya go! :hug take care till tomorrow.

Hope you're completely over your cold soon. I never remember if its feed a cold or a fever, I just know that in both cases you need lots of fluids.


It drives me crazy when that happens! It always says that it's autosaving, but I can't figure out exactly where it goes or how to get it back! Peanut is definitely my little  :sun  and he makes me so happy! I love seeing him get excited to see me. My heart just melts. Interlocking crochet is definitely a challege, but I'm having a lot of fun seeing how the patterns come together and what one little change in stitch placement makes. I'm on hot pad number 3 so far. I want to make some red and green ones for Christmas too. I'll get that next time I see cotton on sale. 



That is so true!!  :hug I'm glad he got to enjoy his walker bag though. 


Katie, I got the elephant at Walmart. It was on sale, so I jumped on it, and then at Target a week later it was even more on sale there. Sheesh! The way he's on it in the picture he can scoot on it or he can bounce on it. The handle folds underneath of it or he can use it to hold on to and push the whole thing to practice walking. I saw it on a commercial one day during The Price is Right (I love that show! Lol) and had to have it for him. He just loves elephants. Any elephant you show him, he just gets the biggest smile and the happiest eyes! 


Got my dark blue onto the rainbow ripple last night plus a half a hot pad, so it wasn't bad progress, unless you're going by stashbusting score and in that case, I made none.  :P


I never did find the elusive black RHSS... Sister and I have been working on Peanut's first birthday party ideas, it's not till March, but we're trying to get everything planned so we can buy things as they're on sale or with coupons at the craft stores. She found these invitations online somewhere that she loved, but it's one of those things where she's got champagne taste on a beer budget (I can't really talk because I have the same problem!) so I took the image she gave me and got online and tried to make my own. Those daggone things look amazing but they took HOURS! I was going to work on trying to duplicate another she really liked, but she might be stuck with these! Lol! 


Off to work on my hot pad some more. I'm hoping to finish this one tonight at least. And tomorrow I really am going to find that black yarn!!  :yes


Hope everyone had a good weekend!!  :D

Birthday planning is sooooo much fun for the little ones.


I've never heard of that song.  I'll have to check it out!  Definitely looking forward to hearing that. Maybe I can sing it to him along with the songs I make up for him.  LOL . 


Oh fun on buying yarn.   I have to start using some of my collection before buying more.  I have a huge pile in bags in the basement in addition to all of the containers full of yarn.  LOL.   


I hope you feel better soon.  We've been taking Lysine for colds for a few years now and it seems to work well.  We used to take those Germ Defense tabs and they worked well too but were very expensive so switched to Lysine and it's worked.   It works on URIs for cats too.   



We're suppose to use yarn before we buy more?


good morning,its grey and rainy here,temps about 40,I think they said we'll have rain all week

It was gray and rainy here today too but our temps were mid 70s.


viking, cute kitty and I can just see little viking with sleeping with the one glove on.  Sorry about the frozen pipes.  


Sharbysyd I take lysine for colds too.  I originally started taking it to clear up fever blisters or cold sores.  It works great for that.  .  


yarn-monkey Peanut is so cute.  I can't believe its time to start planning his birthday party.  Love the picture of him with your grandma.


katy sorry you have a cold and I love the Mrs Grass chicken noodle soup too.  I sometimes check in on the stashbusting thread.  What you have to understand is the goal is to use up the yarn you have laying around the house so using up yarn is the good thing therefore the positive number. On the flip side since I have so much yarn laying around here buying more is a bad thing as I really have too much already so the minus points.  I should really do that cal but I am not into keeping track of things like that. You on the other hand are really good at keeping your yarn in check ( I have seen the scrap afghans you have made for charity along with all the other things you make--you just seel all those balls and have at it)


sopo, I am glad you gave him the walker bag when you did as it did give him some joy even if it was during his final days  For some reason I just can't seem to get started on making baby things other than a afghan.  Even then I make them big so that they can be used as the baby grows up. For the NICU the hats would need to be so small.  I guess that's part of my problem is figuring out the size they should be.


I had planned on running to the  PO this  morning but when I got up everything had a thin coating of ice on it so I didn't get out. Its supposed to be really cold in the morning so I probably won't venture out until Wed.  Just got a phone call from my niece who is sitting on the beach in Hawaii.  Sounds like she is having so much fun.  

Be careful on those icy roads when you do go out.


It was a typical Monday except that one of my aides was out with the flu and the other was in but she wasn't feeling great either. I had one student absent and sent another home with a cough, the mother sent a note telling me the child was sick and that I could call her any time, if you know your child is sick please keep him home :thair  :rant . After work I stopped at the post office and mailed puffies, estimated delivery date is Thursday. Doing some laundry and I need some fiber therapy so I will be sewing tonight. Have a great evening.

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oh, my, i feel like a burden has lifted off my shoulders, the moderator of the thread stashbusting, is helping me with my score, she is a gem, and I feel like I am not going to have that hanging over my head, it made me almost afraid to make, or buy ANYTHING, lol but she is a doll, and is going to help me each time we have to post....Whew!! lol


Yes, I think it too is feed a fever, and starve a cold, never too sure though, and fluids are my main intake these days, lol


Yarnmonkey, you have so much fun doing for peanut, Ilove your enthusiasm !!


Carol, poor dear, just take a deep breath, and retreat to the sewing parlor!!! 


bgs!! omg!! another Mrs. Grass lover, Im thrilled, I thought everyone would say, what's that??? some kind of sea weed soup or soemthing,ha ha ha. it is good good good, i always make two boxes, and cut the water down a bit, so it's nice and noodley, and good!! story coming, wait for it.....


Whilst growing up and in elementary school, I could not get daughter to eat much for breakfast, but knowing that was the most important meal of the day, i finally found a solution....She would eat two things,    blueberry muffins, made from that little blue Jiffy box,       and Mrs. Grass.........many a morning, you would find me out popping in blueberry muffiuns, for her, long before I was even dressed for work!! lol..


Eventually, she got better at eating breakffast foods, but to this day, her favortie breakfast, is blueberry muffins, and or mrs. Grass for breakfast!! lol Lipton is close, but doesn't quite have the same flavor...in fact my older sister lives in montana, and they don't have Mrs. Grass there, so my gift boxes, always come packed with a few Mrs Grass double packs for her, lol She hides them from hubby, they are all hers!!

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I got an awesome package from katieallen for the birthday squares!!! Thank you so much. These are my first afghan friendship afghan. Very excited. Thanks again, they are perfect. Excuse my terrible dark pics my tablet doesnt take very good ones.



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katy I haven't had Mrs Grass for awhile.  Sometimes I go through spells of not finding it and then other times I just forget to look for it.  It is so much better than Lipton,  Love blueberry muffins too.

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katy I was going to offer to help you as well. Basically they give us points for using what's in our stash. And the take away if we go buy new.. So basically we need to use up our stash to stay on the positive side. I will help the best I can.


Good evening all!

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oh, and i may have to quit the stashbusting thread, I cannot wrap my brain around the scoring, negatives and postives always stumped me in school too, but try as I might, Im not getting it, I think I have a brain block, lol

First of all, associating a minus with yarn used,  fairly a simple thing right,i mean,you are using it,and won't have it anymore, right,  but that apparently is not how it is done...


Yarn used, is a plus somehow, and yarn bought is a minus, WHAT?? and you know, that will never be a minus to me, no matter how many math classes i attend, and then, dealing with the subtracting the plus from the minus, and carrying that over to the year to date total, nope, not happening....


Best I can say, Ill stay in, and let everyone know what I have used, and what I have bought, if someone else does the dang math, cause and i can't stress this enough, Its not coming to me, lol


So, mona over at that thread is so patient with me, lol,. and i hate to bother her every time I post, and I feel so dumb you know, sigh........thank goodness, the actual art of the craft, does :bang n't run in the negatives, lol or I would probably not be able to crochet eiether!!!!!!! grrrrrrr Im mad at myself!! :help


I don't remember it being this way when I was in the Stashbusting the last time, but that was probably 2008 or something so it may have changed. Or it could be my memory. Lol I keep having to check the first post to make sure I'm doing it right. The way I'm trying to remember it is that buying yarn is a NEGATIVE thing and using up what I already have is a POSITIVE thing. Thinking about it like that works for me, at least most of the time! If you need any help one week, feel free to PM me too  :)


viking, cute kitty and I can just see little viking with sleeping with the one glove on.  Sorry about the frozen pipes.  


Sharbysyd I take lysine for colds too.  I originally started taking it to clear up fever blisters or cold sores.  It works great for that.  .  


yarn-monkey Peanut is so cute.  I can't believe its time to start planning his birthday party.  Love the picture of him with your grandma.


katy sorry you have a cold and I love the Mrs Grass chicken noodle soup too.  I sometimes check in on the stashbusting thread.  What you have to understand is the goal is to use up the yarn you have laying around the house so using up yarn is the good thing therefore the positive number. On the flip side since I have so much yarn laying around here buying more is a bad thing as I really have too much already so the minus points.  I should really do that cal but I am not into keeping track of things like that. You on the other hand are really good at keeping your yarn in check ( I have seen the scrap afghans you have made for charity along with all the other things you make--you just seel all those balls and have at it)


sopo, I am glad you gave him the walker bag when you did as it did give him some joy even if it was during his final days  For some reason I just can't seem to get started on making baby things other than a afghan.  Even then I make them big so that they can be used as the baby grows up. For the NICU the hats would need to be so small.  I guess that's part of my problem is figuring out the size they should be.


I had planned on running to the  PO this  morning but when I got up everything had a thin coating of ice on it so I didn't get out. Its supposed to be really cold in the morning so I probably won't venture out until Wed.  Just got a phone call from my niece who is sitting on the beach in Hawaii.  Sounds like she is having so much fun.  


I am just in shock that he's about to turn one. Doesn't feel like it can possibly have been that long. I keep thinking he should still be that little tiny baby that I could put in my purse, not this wiggly smiley standing up and trying to talk little boy he's turning into!  :cry He loves our Mawmaw because she spoils him rotten with ice cream and Cool Whip! He's a smart kid. Lol 


I hope everyone is healthy soon and stays healthy.


Hope you didn't have to spend all day at the dealership.


Hope you're completely over your cold soon. I never remember if its feed a cold or a fever, I just know that in both cases you need lots of fluids.


Birthday planning is sooooo much fun for the little ones.


We're suppose to use yarn before we buy more?


It was gray and rainy here today too but our temps were mid 70s.


Be careful on those icy roads when you do go out.


It was a typical Monday except that one of my aides was out with the flu and the other was in but she wasn't feeling great either. I had one student absent and sent another home with a cough, the mother sent a note telling me the child was sick and that I could call her any time, if you know your child is sick please keep him home :thair  :rant . After work I stopped at the post office and mailed puffies, estimated delivery date is Thursday. Doing some laundry and I need some fiber therapy so I will be sewing tonight. Have a great evening.


Sister and I are really excited about it! DH thinks we're crazy because he'll only be 1 and can't remember it, but he's a man so he doesn't know. I told him he had a 1st birthday party too but they've gotten bigger because of Pinterest and the internet. Sister may be going a little nuts with it, but she's using the same theme I used for her baby shower, so that helps a lot. She can use things I've already made and ideas I used for food. 



I got an awesome package from katieallen for the birthday squares!!! Thank you so much. These are my first afghan friendship afghan. Very excited. Thanks again, they are perfect. Excuse my terrible dark pics my tablet doesnt take very good ones.


Yay for squares!!  :yay


Well I gave up on finding my black yarn and just bought some on the way home from dinner. Oh well. It'll get used between these squares and the scrap squares I'm making for a granny ghan. Even if I (eventually) find my other skein, black is one of those colors I can always use! 


I finished my third hot pad this afternoon, a little bigger this time because I want them for all different sized casserole dishes. DH said he thinks we have enough now but I reminded him we ran out of dish towels at Christmas trying to compensate for our lack of hot pads, so I'm going to keep on going until I use up all the cotton I bought for this purpose! I didn't realize when I bought them just how much was in each skein and got 2 of each color, so I've got a long ways to go! Good thing I made notes during our Secret Santa because ya'll are libel to wind up with hot pads for your birthdays!  :lol


I also got another color added to my rainbow ripple. Hopefully I'll get the next color on and a set of birthday squares done tonight. I think I have enough time for it. Although it could be wishful thinking!  ;)


Well I'm off to work on squares! Hopefully I'll be PMing for addresses this week! 

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I am making this afghan for an adopted grandmother we have. She has a lot of health issues right now and was told in about 5 years she will be wheelchair bound. She is really upset. Her legs go numb and she falls a lot. I forget all what is wrong but I want to send her apick me upper. So then will go to her soon as it is done.


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Good morning all. Been a busy few days but i had yesterday today and the next 2 days off.  Got the heat figured out in my car finally. $255.oo later.  Been pieceing together the afghan for my nephew. it is comeing along well.


My mom was gonna piece it together while i made the other red ones I need. and i didnt think i was sewing the together in an odd fasion but she just couldnt get the hang of how i was doing it. i guess it is the whole attention to detail thing.I am putting the fronts together and whip stitching the two back loops together so there is like a trench on the front between each square. she doesnt know front from back was just throwing them together and using all four loops

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I got some squares today. Thanks, Katie!


Yay squares!!!  :yay


I am making this afghan for an adopted grandmother we have. She has a lot of health issues right now and was told in about 5 years she will be wheelchair bound. She is really upset. Her legs go numb and she falls a lot. I forget all what is wrong but I want to send her apick me upper. So then will go to her soon as it is done.


That will be a great afghan for her, I'm sure she'll love it! I'm sorry she's dealing with so many health issues.  :(

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Sharbysyd I take lysine for colds too.  I originally started taking it to clear up fever blisters or cold sores.  It works great for that.  .  


Great to meet a fellow lysine user :)  I originally started using it for cold sores too and then someone figured out to use it for colds.  

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Regarding Katie and the Mrs Grass soup, I wonder if it's anything like this soup in a packet that I loved as a kid.  It was called Wylers and it had these thin noodles in it.   I loved that stuff.  I do mostly gluten-free and low-carb now so I don't have those anymore and I think the brand is different but boy were those good.  I sometimes have a bullion in water which mimics the taste of the broth.  Yum.  

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