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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Thanks bgs, coulnd't have said it any better,  :ty



I pm'd you Yarnscrapper, and glad to have you join, even if you aren't collecting squares now, you might still get a few birthday wishes in your birth month, if you join in!!    the rest, bgs spelled it out  pretty well, so hope to hear from you soon!!!!!!!!!! :welcome

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Thank you ladies for the warm welcome.   I'm happy to be back.


It will be nice to work on squares because I've had some blocks regarding making afghans but I find smaller projects easier to do these days.  I think part of the reason is that one of, well actually two of my cats ate some yarn two years ago around Thanksgiving and one of them ended up having to have surgery to get about a foot and a half of yarn removed from his intestine.  It was quite a scary time.  The other one that ate the yarn was under the weather for a day (we were so worried that he would have to have surgery too) but then he started eating and pooped out the yarn.   It was the most thankful we've ever been for cat poop. LOL


Anyhow, because of Alexander eating the yarn and having the surgery, I now have to be extra, extra cautious with my yarn and crocheted things.  So if anyone receives a square that's half chewed, you'll know Alley was near it.  Just kidding, LOL, although the last afghan I made, he did bite a chunk out of it and I had to frog and redo part of it.  


In spite of the challenges, I've managed to make several hats and scarves over the last few months.  


I hope everyone is having a good day.  We ended up having an unexpected day off so I am enjoying that very much.  


I edited to include a pic of my three boys.  The black is Alexander who had the surgery, the black & white is Henry who ate the yarn but was okay and the tabby is Seymour who apparently didn't eat yarn :)


Rotten kitties but so stinkin cute! I've lived with two and they were never the problem, it was always my parents' dog! She's the jealous type. We came home one day and she had torn all my dad's girlfriend's yarn and the afghan she was working on to pieces and had them all knotted all over the living room... She's the one posted a few pages back, the chihuahua mutt. I'm glad they came out of their culinary adventure unscathed (even if it was eventually)! I don't mind a little kitty slobber on my squares. Just gives them a story!  :lol


attachicon.gif100_2339.jpgHere is that baby ghan i was working on, turned out good, was easy, quick, and looks very nice, oh, and i made a hat for baby to go with it, lol  here is the link in the appropriate thread for you. 

 and Im sure you all have seen my Max, but here he is again, when he first came to us out of the blue!!



i have only one cat at the moment now, and my doggie,  but if i am meant to have another, he or she , will find us....lol


Aww sweet Max! He's adorable! My uncle had one that looked like him... he wasn't a very nice cat though. He'd look all cutesy and trick you into petting him so he could attack you. We weren't friends! Lol! 


Hi everyone,

I am new to this thread, however, I have been lurking for a couple of weeks. I am not collecting squares at this time, but I would love to help others make their squares. May I join pretty please??? 




Welcome yarnscrapper!!  :hug


Not much to report again today... working on my hot pads and my rainbow ripple. This most recent hot pad has made me more angry than the last one. I figured it out but it's in timeout for the moment until I can handle looking at it again.  :reyes Spent far more time between lunch and Costco than I had planned so I didn't get into the craft room while there was still daylight so hopefully tomorrow. And there might be a little bit of Peanut time if I'm lucky!  :D


I hope everyone has a good Saturday! I'll be back tomorrow!  :)

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aren'twe about due another Peanut pic ourselves??/We need our peanut fix, (chanting)


I just got all my Christmas pictures uploaded, as a matter of fact!  :D I only took 149... LOL! 



Peanut and my grandmother. She was feeding him Cool Whip, as if you couldn't tell! 



It's hard being so cute! 



On the ride-on elephant I got him. He hasn't figure out how to scoot on it yet, but he loves the noises the buttons make!


I'll have a bunch next week too. Sister wants me to bring my camera and just take a bunch of pictures of Peanut being a goof. She may need to twist my arm...  ;)

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our first cat looked like Max,he adored me,but he just tolerated everyone else,and he absolutely hated Bill's sister for some reason,any time they were down the cat would sneak in the room and tear up something of Sheila's,funny the cat never bothered anyone else s things only hers,gee could the cat get the vibe that she was a difficlult person to be around,hmmmmmmm?


that same cat,whenever he heard the sewing machine going would run and get on my lap,you realize how hard it is to sew with a 12 lb. cat on you lap,made trying to sew a little difficult,when I really wanted to get some sewing done,I had to close the bedroom door,then all I would hear is crying and howling to let him in.

he never bothered the machine,just liked the ryhthem of going up and down on my lap,lol

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Tribble79, are solid color grannies ok? I have white and black in my stash. I'll check regarding the blue.


Howieann, I'm sure I have rainbow colors!! One of my favs.


How do I get your addresses? Does katyallen8090 sent that info to me?


I'm excited to hook!!! :yay  :elle



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Tribble79, are solid color grannies ok? I have white and black in my stash. I'll check regarding the blue.


Howieann, I'm sure I have rainbow colors!! One of my favs.


How do I get your addresses? Does katyallen8090 sent that info to me?


I'm excited to hook!!! :yay  :elle



you pm the person you want to send to, for their address

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attachicon.gif100_2339.jpgHere is that baby ghan i was working on, turned out good, was easy, quick, and looks very nice, oh, and i made a hat for baby to go with it, lol  here is the link in the appropriate thread for you. 

 and Im sure you all have seen my Max, but here he is again, when he first came to us out of the blue!!



i have only one cat at the moment now, and my doggie,  but if i am meant to have another, he or she , will find us....lol

Aw, what a cutie!  I love him.  His face looks like Seymour's.   :)

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I don't know how you all handle the cold weather, I've been is south Florida a long time and anything below 60 is too cold.


Those are cute kitties, one of my cats loves to eat yarn, thread, string and anything like string so I have to be very careful too. My other cat could care less about yarn and thread but will chew on my sewing machine if I leave it uncovered. 


I tried eating real food at lunch today and it irritated my mouth a little so I had ice cream for dinner tonight. I have a baptism to go to tomorrow for a little girl I know and then I hope to spend the afternoon in my sewing room.


Guess that's about it for me. Have a good night.

LOL on your kitty chewing the sewing machine.  Our black and white, Henry, used to love plastic.  He destroyed our plastic vertical blinds.  


I hope your mouth feels better soon.  I had a toothache last June and boy was it agony.  I was eating only mashed cauliflower (I'm a low carber) and yogurt with fruit jelly for a few days.  I apparently bit the inside of my mouth yesterday and it's a bit painful but luckily I can eat.    

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Hello everyone.


I had a nice day out. Went to a baptism and then we all went to lunch so I was able to see my daughter and son-in-law who I haven't seen for a couple of weeks and probably won't see again for at least 3 weeks. Then my daughter, son-in-law and I went to Joann's so my daughter could get fabric for me to make her Valentine's themed scrub tops and decided we might as well get some for St. Pat's day while we were there.


Welcome to the group yarnscrapper.


Enjoy your evening everyone.

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Tribble79, are solid color grannies ok? I have white and black in my stash. I'll check regarding the blue.


Howieann, I'm sure I have rainbow colors!! One of my favs.


How do I get your addresses? Does katyallen8090 sent that info to me?


I'm excited to hook!!! :yay  :elle




I was wondering the same thing... I seem to have lost my black...  :reyes


I got to visit Peanut for a little bit today. I picked up Sister and his dad watched him while we ran some errands. I found a couple fun things at Target and we decided we had the time to try the secondhand store for kids' clothes and Penney's because Peanut has decided that he won't stay still long enough to get snaps done up on his pajamas so Sister wanted zippers. Apparently they're very hard to find! We found one pair at Penney's though, thank goodness. I'll have to keep my eyes open for more. She doesn't want to spend a lot on them obviously because he's growing like a weed! That's what makes it the hardest in finding them. 


I started another Interlocking hot pad last night and I screwed something up and the pattern never came through so I had to  :frog  the whole thing and I'm going to start over tonight. I never did finish the dark blue rows on my rainbow ripple the other evening so I should have time to at least get that done tonight. I need to get more work done on this stashbusting thing!! 


Tomorrow I'm seriously finding that black yarn!!  :lol Nothing else planned, so probably dishes and we'll go from there! i can always find something that needs done. And then put it off with a little  :yarn  and  :hook  Lol!

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ah, well, peanut if possible, is getting cuter and cuter every time we get to see him!! That elephant is adorable too, where ever did you find that!!

I just got all my Christmas pictures uploaded, as a matter of fact!  :D I only took 149... LOL! 



Peanut and my grandmother. She was feeding him Cool Whip, as if you couldn't tell! 



It's hard being so cute! 


attachicon.gif2014-12-26 16.31.34.jpg

On the ride-on elephant I got him. He hasn't figure out how to scoot on it yet, but he loves the noises the buttons make!


I'll have a bunch next week too. Sister wants me to bring my camera and just take a bunch of pictures of Peanut being a goof. She may need to twist my arm...  ;)

I hear that owlvamp.


Yes, i know all to well vet Bills are expensive.. I try really hard to stay away.

ya just pm your chosen recipient, like pineknott said, nothing to it!!

We're excited to have you join as well!!


Tribble79, are solid color grannies ok? I have white and black in my stash. I'll check regarding the blue.


Howieann, I'm sure I have rainbow colors!! One of my favs.


How do I get your addresses? Does katyallen8090 sent that info to me?


I'm excited to hook!!! :yay  :elle




Thanks sharon, lol, he is a character I tell ya, he's 3 now, and filled out quite a bit, lol, but still he never lost his kitten curiosity yet, lol probably never will.. Max is sticktly an inside cat. like all my cats have been.. He is very smart, never have seen a cat as smart as he is, lol chew yarn, no mama, just play with it, chewing it wouldn't sit well in my tummy!!

Aw, what a cutie!  I love him.  His face looks like Seymour's.   :)

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you have such cute names for your cats sharon, when i read Seymour, I heard the song Suddenly Seymour playing in my head, lol I like that song!! he he he.


well got out a bit today, bought some yarn, 5 or 6 RHSS of colors that i haven't had for  bit, so that is nice, got a couple more things at the walmart, and then headed home, this head cold got worse overnight last night, so I got some cold tabs, and they are helping, but they make me tired, just took a dose, so probably willbe heading off to lie and watch some tv, fall asleep,an out for the night, so everyone have a good night, those of you in Upper state New York,are getting quite some snow, so be careful!!

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Evening all! Or good night.... I don't think I'll be able to remember everything I wanted to say. Do we ever?


Katie, your ocean ghan is so pretty! I agree, those squares are gorgeous; couldn't have been more complementary if it was planned out. Just wonderful!


Tribble, I think, posted about starting the MLP - I have a pattern and some yarn for one and my fingers are itching to start it now that that quilt is FINALLY out of the way, but I keep saying no, there are some other presents you need to finish first! Work on those! One is a pair of fingerless gloves for the little guy. I finished one and showed it to him, and now I'm going to have to convince him to take it off so I can make the mate and be sure they match! (They're Iron Man gloves, so he's super excited about them. He's sleeping with the one on right now!)


It is bloody cold here; we've got a heat pump too.... Ours is air. Wish I had a ground-based one, they're supposed to be much more efficient! (Since ground temperature stays more consistent than air temp.) The pipes to our kitchen sink froze Thursday night - not fun!! The plumber came over Friday morning to try to help us out; we opened the attic up and cranked the heat way up (oh, our electric bill this month will be a nightmare...  :cry ), he even said to open the cupboards along the line to let the heat get to it that way. The part that froze is in an outside wall so there was no getting to it to wrap it, or run electric along it or anything.... Fortunately when I got home from work Friday the increased heat and the sun outside had done the trick and we had water. So now we're leaving a trickle going so it doesn't happen again! (We're pretty sure last year the faucet was leaking and that's why it didn't freeze then... made us think we didn't have to worry about it this year!)


The picture of the kitties made me think of our cat... Henry is so like our Leifr! I'm sharing a pic; you can't see as easily from a front view, but I really thought it could have been Leif curled up there!


Stay warm, everyone! More cold ahead, it seems! :wbrr  Oh - and I know I'm late to the party, but I'm pledging a square each to our birthday squares this month. Working on one right now!


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Where do these posts go?!  I'm getting pretty tired of writing a post to everyone only to have it disappear.


Ok, start over..............


Hello everyone!

Loved seeing pics of all the naughty adorable kitties!  I have been very lucky.  None of mine (we only have 2 now, but had six at one time) ever took an interest in my yarn.

Katie, your blankets are beautiful and I love those pot sitters!

Welcome to our newest members, Sharon and Yarnscrapper!

Ohhh, loved seeing our little Peanut!  He's getting so big.  That elephant is adorable!  Love the hot pad.  Interlocking crochet looks so interesting.  I have enough on my plate right now though.  It'll have to get added to the "things I want to do" list, lol.

Stay warm everyone.  We have more cold, icy weather moving in tomorrow.  Just in time for my ride to the center for my weekly visit!  Oh Yay! Lol! 

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Hi everyone. I hope you are all staying warm. I went to church this morning and then to Joann's to look for a fabric that the sales lady at the other Joann's told us about yesterday but they were out of it, I found it at the one near my house. I also found some new Disney fabrics, I think my grandson is going to like his birthday presents. Tomorrow it is back to work and then to the post office to mail puffies for our birthday girls.

Hope everyone has a great evening.

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We've had super cold and snowy weather lately. Alicia had 2 days off school last week because of the wind chill. Today it got almost to freezing, so it was a heat wave. :)


Sami spent a week sick and now it seems like Alicia and I are trying to catch it. Blah!

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Hi all. I made myself go to church and then found out one of our members passed away. I felt so bad. for the past year, I kept thinking I wanted to make him a walker bag but just kept putting it off thinking it was a silly idea. Well, I finally made it for him for Christmas. He was so happy, hugged me and now he's gone. :(   Don't put off things. You never know when it's too late.


I am making NICU hats for a hospital close by. Have to sit at a car dealership tomorrow for recall repairs so have packed my Mary Jo Pumpkin Pie tote to the brim with leftover yarn balls to take with me. Instead of just basic beanies, I'm trying to make tiny character hats such as minions, mickey mouse, owls, etc for the little ones. I've got a few squares worked up as well and will get more asap to send out to the birthday girls. 


Your kitty pics make me miss mine. It's hard to be catless after having them and raising them for so many years. I love the pics though. Give them hugs for me. 

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hello all!


Good to hear from you viking, missed ya, hi sopo, ann, and holly, and all the others i forgot already, lol


Today was warmer, almost freezing here too, holly, and the sun was out almost all day! that always helps make it seem warmer, even if it isn't quite as warm as you would like it to be..


all the kitties are so adorable, and each one's own personality comes out in the pics too!!

oooh, handyman just brought me back a bowl of freshly popped corn, what a nice little treat,,,


My appetite hasn't been too great what with this cold, so he said, you gotta feed a cold, starve a fever, is that right or wrong, lol I dunno. Tastes good though, so, Im gonna eat some!


I know about those frozen pipes, each winter, handyman gets at least, oh I dunno, 5 calls for frozen somethings or another. sometimes it is easy to fix, sometimes not you know. We keep two electric heaters in the shed, just in case, lol but so far, we have been ok, but others around us, not so lucky.


I would be perfectly happy though, to just have  a hot bowl of Mrs. Grass chicken noodle soup, something about that, I know some places don't have it, but we do, and I hope they never get rid of it, cause it is my fav. soup......lol that and Don and MIllie's potato soup, with cheese and bacon bits on the top, ummm........Maybe I am getting better, cause those things sound delish....



But, i don't have any in the house, so will wait till I get some more, maybe tomorrow.... that always feels me better!!


for all those in need of a hug, here ya go! :hug take care till tomorrow.

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Where do these posts go?!  I'm getting pretty tired of writing a post to everyone only to have it disappear.


Ok, start over..............


Hello everyone!

Loved seeing pics of all the naughty adorable kitties!  I have been very lucky.  None of mine (we only have 2 now, but had six at one time) ever took an interest in my yarn.

Katie, your blankets are beautiful and I love those pot sitters!

Welcome to our newest members, Sharon and Yarnscrapper!

Ohhh, loved seeing our little Peanut!  He's getting so big.  That elephant is adorable!  Love the hot pad.  Interlocking crochet looks so interesting.  I have enough on my plate right now though.  It'll have to get added to the "things I want to do" list, lol.

Stay warm everyone.  We have more cold, icy weather moving in tomorrow.  Just in time for my ride to the center for my weekly visit!  Oh Yay! Lol! 


It drives me crazy when that happens! It always says that it's autosaving, but I can't figure out exactly where it goes or how to get it back! Peanut is definitely my little  :sun  and he makes me so happy! I love seeing him get excited to see me. My heart just melts. Interlocking crochet is definitely a challege, but I'm having a lot of fun seeing how the patterns come together and what one little change in stitch placement makes. I'm on hot pad number 3 so far. I want to make some red and green ones for Christmas too. I'll get that next time I see cotton on sale. 


Hi all. I made myself go to church and then found out one of our members passed away. I felt so bad. for the past year, I kept thinking I wanted to make him a walker bag but just kept putting it off thinking it was a silly idea. Well, I finally made it for him for Christmas. He was so happy, hugged me and now he's gone. :(   Don't put off things. You never know when it's too late.


I am making NICU hats for a hospital close by. Have to sit at a car dealership tomorrow for recall repairs so have packed my Mary Jo Pumpkin Pie tote to the brim with leftover yarn balls to take with me. Instead of just basic beanies, I'm trying to make tiny character hats such as minions, mickey mouse, owls, etc for the little ones. I've got a few squares worked up as well and will get more asap to send out to the birthday girls. 


Your kitty pics make me miss mine. It's hard to be catless after having them and raising them for so many years. I love the pics though. Give them hugs for me. 


That is so true!!  :hug I'm glad he got to enjoy his walker bag though. 


Katie, I got the elephant at Walmart. It was on sale, so I jumped on it, and then at Target a week later it was even more on sale there. Sheesh! The way he's on it in the picture he can scoot on it or he can bounce on it. The handle folds underneath of it or he can use it to hold on to and push the whole thing to practice walking. I saw it on a commercial one day during The Price is Right (I love that show! Lol) and had to have it for him. He just loves elephants. Any elephant you show him, he just gets the biggest smile and the happiest eyes! 


Got my dark blue onto the rainbow ripple last night plus a half a hot pad, so it wasn't bad progress, unless you're going by stashbusting score and in that case, I made none.  :P


I never did find the elusive black RHSS... Sister and I have been working on Peanut's first birthday party ideas, it's not till March, but we're trying to get everything planned so we can buy things as they're on sale or with coupons at the craft stores. She found these invitations online somewhere that she loved, but it's one of those things where she's got champagne taste on a beer budget (I can't really talk because I have the same problem!) so I took the image she gave me and got online and tried to make my own. Those daggone things look amazing but they took HOURS! I was going to work on trying to duplicate another she really liked, but she might be stuck with these! Lol! 


Off to work on my hot pad some more. I'm hoping to finish this one tonight at least. And tomorrow I really am going to find that black yarn!!  :yes


Hope everyone had a good weekend!!  :D

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