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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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katy sorry for the loss of your friend :hug:hug and I really feel for the family having to have the services during this brutally cold spell as it probably stops some from attending.


A big congrats to yarn_monkey on her tote. That's another one of "us" that's been added to the group.


JustAddGlitter my best advice is to keep actively participating here at the 'ville. Mary Jo is always watching, be it posts to her tote threads, show and tell posts, swaps, etc. and it is totally okay to "wish" for one when the RAOK wish lists go up.


Angel that was a beautiful cardigan. Which size did you wind up making for your sister? I know you said she was acting silly but I thought she just looked like she was having a good time modeling it. Good luck on your interview.

I made 2X-3X. I think she was acting silly because I told her I wouldn't take posing pictures earlier that day. We had a get-together, and too many people were making that yucky duck face. I walked away and told them I would only take candid photos. I love the photos too because you could tell she was having fun.

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hi all, yes, cold is right, we might not even reach a high mind you, of zero tomorrow, wind chills expected to the 30's below zero! well, that will ground me tomorrow, but thursday, we may reach 22,  so Ill wait one more day to mail out what I have ready to mail out, lol


Good Luck Maria, got our fingers crossed!!!


Thanks for the kind words, it was a memorial service today inside, no grave side planned, apparently, creamation, so it was at least not as cold for all attending, if we would have had to go to the cemetary as well, thank goodness, but she is gone to a far better place, and is not sick anymore


how many of us have a mary jo tote, Ill start a list,


ME, lol













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I have a Mary Jo tote too. I have an afghan in progress in mine right now.


Today ended up being very busy but I feel like I accomplished things and feel pretty good but tired. I worked, then did grocery shopping at Walmart. Came home and put everything away, did a load of laundry, balanced the check book and paid bills, I didn't stop to fix dinner until 7:30pm. I plan to be in bed very soon.


Good night.

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So many on this cal have one of Mary Jo's totes, several past participants along with many current participants: segi1974, craziebunny, mom w/a motif, pat54, bgs,kidget29, teakaycee, TurtleLvr, moomoo, imanurse55, kuddlekubs, grannyannie, Nicolep, evelyn, tonyal, cshort, Immafreak, jessicali, pineknott, Skoggy, katyallen8090, lil_mama06,hhensler, owlvamp, AngelRoseLite, sopo, yarn_monkey

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Hi Everyone! Brrrr, it's cold!  Hope you're all hookin away and staying warm!  I'm trying to get a hat finished for tomorrow morning.  Yes,  I have to fight those bitter below zero temps to go to a doctor's appt.  Gosh I wish that I could postpone it, but I need to go to this one.  Hubby will make sure the car is nice and toasty for me at least, lol.


Katy, I'm so sorry to read about your friend.  Sending you a big hug across the internet and my deepest sympathies. On a brighter note, I see that you are asking who has one of MaryJo's totes.  You can add me to the list!  Yes, I am another one in this group that is a proud owner of one of those beautiful totes.  Mine is always full of one projects or another. Never very far from me either.


Congrats to yarnmonkey for receiving this month's tote!!!


Take care everyone.  Be careful in this cold!  (((hugs)))

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Mine is currently holding a knitting project (GASP!).  i haven't found the perfect fabric to line it with.  I love my bag!  I've gotten many compliments and inquiries about it.  I love telling them that a very special lady on Crochetville thought me worthy of receiving one of her superb monthly totes.  I love it!


Today I learned how to interview!  My SIL's friend had me go to her office at her new job, and she spent three hours explaining what to do and what to avoid, and she mock interviewed me twice.  Being at the office, it felt so real.  I was actually nervous.  By the end of it, I came out so ready for the real thing.  I owe her a big thank-you gift.  I told her I'm having her and her family over for dinner when I get the job, but I am going to make something for her too.  I just haven't decided what to make yet.


Wow, what a long list of friendshipghan members there!  Mary Jo is one wonderful person :)


Thanks for the encouragement, Katie.  I am so ready to get it over with.  I pray I get the job.


Have a good night.  I'm learning to go to bed at decent hours.  I need to be ready for my new schedule.





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I love my tote and treasure it dearly. 


Did you ever have one of those days you want to just run to your momma, get a hug, curl up and cry in her lap? 


I need a mommy. :(

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No it wasn't cancelled.  I just didn't go.  I live a lot farther away than the rest of them, close enough that I can make it in to things but not close enough to always make it easy to get there.  I try to go because I always think this will be the last time we get together.  It's been 17 years since the hospital closed and everyone has dispersed.  Then each year fewer and fewer people show up and several have lost their husbands.  If we would have gone I wouldn't have enjoyed it as the whole time I would have been worried about the drive back home but I am still bummed out none the less. 

Oh I just didn't read it right. Maybe you can schedule just one more for everyone when weather is a little better. I know you wanted to be there but it's not worth the risk either. It would be so hard focusing on the fun to be had when you're worried about  making it home safely. 


BRR ITS COLD HERE!! im bout sick of this already, lol, after Christmas is over, I prefer winter gone too, ha!


nothing else much to report, trying to keep warmie, and that is hard as doggie seems to want in and out a  bunch, she usually hates cold weather, but whatever!


ill talk to you all later, till then, be warm, keep well, stay safe  We were going to a visitation this evening, but the streets are refroze from yesterday and overnight, and its just too cold  out.. You rememer the lady I know that was old, and was going into a nursing home and her daughter had the garage sale at the mom's house here, which is where my friend got all that yarn from for me, since I was down with the old ankle injury, so it was the mom's yarn, well, the mom died late last week, and her services are tomorrow, but visitation was to be tonight, but I won't be making it, I will however try to post on the site the daughter told me about for her mom, but It's just not feasible to go tonight. So,gotta go and post there, take care all, till later. RIP Louise


Katie, I'm so sorry about your friend!  :hug It's not much comfort, but at least she isn't sick anymore. Thinking of you and her family! 


And thank you for posting all the preferences again... I never even considered them going down when birthdays got posted! 


Mine is currently holding a knitting project (GASP!).  i haven't found the perfect fabric to line it with.  I love my bag!  I've gotten many compliments and inquiries about it.  I love telling them that a very special lady on Crochetville thought me worthy of receiving one of her superb monthly totes.  I love it!


Today I learned how to interview!  My SIL's friend had me go to her office at her new job, and she spent three hours explaining what to do and what to avoid, and she mock interviewed me twice.  Being at the office, it felt so real.  I was actually nervous.  By the end of it, I came out so ready for the real thing.  I owe her a big thank-you gift.  I told her I'm having her and her family over for dinner when I get the job, but I am going to make something for her too.  I just haven't decided what to make yet.


Wow, what a long list of friendshipghan members there!  Mary Jo is one wonderful person 


Thanks for the encouragement, Katie.  I am so ready to get it over with.  I pray I get the job.


Have a good night.  I'm learning to go to bed at decent hours.  I need to be ready for my new schedule.




I want to line mine too! I'd be devastated if it stretched out! I'll have to start the hunt for the perfect fabric this week! And your sweater is beautiful!  :yes Oh and good luck with your interview!!!  :hug


I love my tote and treasure it dearly. 


Did you ever have one of those days you want to just run to your momma, get a hug, curl up and cry in her lap? 


I need a mommy. 


I think I need a mommy more often now that she isn't around! I hate those days! I'll send you a virtual hug from Virginia though!!  :hug  :hug


Whew! Made it home after a 7 hour drive and I may or may not have been speeding just a little tiny bit in order to get here to my tote!  :reyes  We did have a really good visit with my dad though and he promises to visit here in a few weeks to see Peanut! 


And I know I promised corgi pictures but I haven't gotten everything uploaded from my camera yet, so the good ones will come tomorrow hopefully. I do have one though, even if it's not a very good quality picture... 



Sammy is one of the two sisters and see decided that across my chest and up in my face was the best place to fall asleep! She fell asleep there 2 different nights. Clearly I wasn't complaining!  :D


And another furball plus some hooky goodness... 



This is my parents dog, Desi. She's a chihuahua mutt. She saw me crocheting on the couch and just couldn't stand it. Up she came, knocked everything out of my hands and settled in!  :lol  I wasn't complaining here either! Lol! 


I hope everyone had a good start to their week! I'm glad to be back from an actual computer and able to check in every night again!  :yes

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i love the puppies!! one gal that i doggie sat for, Lilly, is a mini fox terrier, and she has those sweet eyes, too, and very much personality, I will have to go visit her and her mom now, lol need me a small doggie fix!!



well, new day is right sopo, you seem better today, good job! And Hi ya lacey, haven't heard much from you so glad to see your post, how are things going??


Viking is still mia for a bit, no need to worry yet, but soon, me thinks, lol\


nothing much here to report, dang cold out today, hardly reaching a high, of are you ready,    3      to the good side though, as we stayed minus all night long...Shiver me TImbers, huh...


tomorrow will be better, hopefully, and i will get out and mail a couple things, so that's good....


Truly a masterpiece of color, moods, and whispers of soft ocean breezes and warm sand beneath my feet!

Presenting Ocean sand and sea ghan, thank you all, this is your work, and it turned out beautiful!!


Oh, pics, i have pics too, my ocean ghan, and my latest, a baby ghan for charity....This is my ocean colors friendship ghan, made here, by you folks, thanks to all that contributed, I used all that was sent me but one, as I tried to get them all in, and a couple sent three, and I managed to use two of them, with one left over, but it's fine, it will work somewhere else!!



The other pics of the ghan, i made using up multiple smaller balls of baby yarn, just so I could use a lot of that up., and started out with Oh, Id say at least 25 balls, used up at least well, over half of them, probably bout 16, and a pic of the larger balls that I have left as well, whew, those balls went fast, and will probably benefit me in the stashbuster count for the week, although, not sure how I count them, Linda, does minus mean ones i used, or is that plus,    see, im confused, lol


Oh, Ill list that thread for you...one sec.here it is, posted on the stashbusting thread..Post number 44

and this is what I started out with, i took out the fuller skeins, for another project later this month, but I really ran through some balls!!


post-40621-0-81737000-1420662514_thumb.jpg       post-40621-0-18688000-1420662709_thumb.jpg

 the balls, and the squares i made before I started counting, ha ha, there were probably 25 or so, and I only  have these few left over! wow! This ghan was double stranded baby yarn left over balls!

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i know a gal, lives in the local nursing home, and when i visit her, she relfects back to the days when she ws young, growing up on the beaches of  California, and This, although I love it dearly, will make her heart sing for sure as it reminds her of those sights and smells, and the mood that is California beaches... I know, she will treasure it.....

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Katie you are such a doer. lol LOVE that ocean ghan... hmmmm. lol 

and the pastel blocks are so pretty. 


I just got a surprise. One of the ladies on my crochet fb page wrote me and said she had something for me. I ran in to meet her and she had found a crocheted tote at a thrift store, made of plastic bags and thought of me. Was so nice of her and gave me a smile. 


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Katie you are such a doer. lol LOVE that ocean ghan... hmmmm. lol 

and the pastel blocks are so pretty. 


I just got a surprise. One of the ladies on my crochet fb page wrote me and said she had something for me. I ran in to meet her and she had found a crocheted tote at a thrift store, made of plastic bags and thought of me. Was so nice of her and gave me a smile. 

what a nice surprise for you,my daughter has one,also found at a thrift store,those things are strong and durable

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Hi everyone!


Katie, your afghans are beautiful and I know they will be appreciated and loved.


Sopo, that is a cute bag.


Well I broke another tooth and had to go to the dentist this afternoon and have it removed, if this keeps up I'm going to be gumming my food. So I am not feeling the best, I ate some applesauce and took a pain pill and antibiotic a little while ago, I think the pain is starting to ease. I plan to relax a bit and hopefully sleep well tonight.


Have a good night everyone.

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