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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Can someone send me a little fall weather? The news reported a cold front coming which will drop our temps from the 90s to the 80s, some cold front. It seems that summer temps have hung around a little longer than usual this year, I don't like it cold but a little cooler would be nice. I finished the angel wings last night :clap . Now I have Tinkerbell fabric for an outfit for my granddaughter and then on to Christmas outfits and pajamas. In between that I'm finishing a preemie afghan and starting a shawl for myself.

Dragnlady, I didn't realize I sent you the same square, sorry, guess I should check my pics of squares before I send them.

Hope everyone is having a good day and feeling good.

Don't be sorry I love the square. It is very pretty.

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Good morning you all. Hope your day is filled with sunshine. Here it's raining cats and dogs. Makes it hard to take the dogs potty. Some dont mind and others do.

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Kuddles, I will send it to you next week, and absolutely don't  have to send me anything, I was just going to pack it in a goodwill box,but thought maybe someone here could use it, and thought of you, and your bags, lol (im not sure where i put it, but it's here, somewhere, ill look) Idon't know much about fabric, but I think its cotton......

You are a doll my dear! Thank you soooooo much! Or should I say sew much?


You brightened my day!




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Good morning Owlvamp and Kuddlekubs and others who follow

the rain hasn't made it to us yet,there was fog in some places

we will be in the process of bringing in our plants,before the Thurs./Fri. frost

its about one week earlier than we usually bring them in.most times its the morning of the 31st.

Car is still in the shop,darn it that they sent him the wrong part

:D  :D  :cheer  :cheer

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Good morning! We have a rather chilly morning here in Southern Illinois--it's just under 40* right now. We get to "dress down" today in St. Louis Cardinals spirit wear (for Game 1 of the World Series) so at least that makes up for our temperatures! Hope everyone has a great day, and GO CARDS!!! :)

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Morning everyone.


Good morning you all. Hope your day is filled with sunshine. Here it's raining cats and dogs. Makes it hard to take the dogs potty. Some dont mind and others do.

Rained here last night. My dogs hate to go potty in the rain. they have to be forced off the porch then the sit in the rain on the sidewalk and look pityful at you. And I think you know if you would go out and go pee you would get less wet then sitting there having a battle of wills

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Well that's sad they didn't include us on the yarn sell. I would of loved to gone to .. LOL


If no one takes you up on the offer katy I will. I use all different colors and sizes.

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good afternoon all !


working on some crochet purse/tote/bingo bag thingies lol

going to take them to the flea market and see if i cant sell a few :)

Would love to see them. Hope you sell lots...

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OHHHH I came home from work and made some Home Made beef stew and biscuits.. YUM. Then it was off to church. just got home a little bit ago.

If you guys remember i told you about when me and hubby seperated he was seeing someone else and she got pregnant...


Well we got DNA results today....  we have a new 1 1/2 yr old baby girl now. Now to see how quick we can do something to get to see her.  All I can say right now is Lord knows what he is doing and I am just along for the ride.


13 more 6 in squares and I will be all done

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Good morning everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful day and get lots done.

Those of you not feeling well I hope you get to feeling better and come back to us.

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Today a state person comes to check the books to make sure my former boss really should have been let go. He should and they will say it but I was told to be around in case he wants to talk to me. Uh, I'm the lowly secretary, leave me alone! LOL


I'll be glad when it is over.....


Cold again today, weather man said the temps are more like late November! What??


I keep trying to crochet every evening after Kiddles goes to bed and I have my 40 minutes alone before my bed time but Lucky has decided he should be on my lap so I can't crochet!


Gotta get ready, have a great day all,


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Good morning everyone!


It's a half day for school here and tomorrow is a teacher planning day which makes for a couple of easier days so I can get caught up on some paper work and filing. I took the angel wings to church last night and now have to make one more set, one of the kids is a football player and needs bigger wings so I will be stopping at Joanns on my way home today. Then home to bake some pumpkin bread to share with friends at work tomorrow. And I really need to mop floors but we'll see how that goes, I got to bed later than usual last night and didn't sleep well so I'm dragging a bit today. Ok, enough rambling, Have a great day everyone.

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Pumpkin bread sounds awesome. I make it twice a year and that's it. At thanksgiving time and christmas time. Everyone loves it so I don't know why I don't make it any other time but I don't. My youngest daughter is into baking so this year we might do a lot of cookies and things and just might send it off to the foster kids party. I sure don't need it all around the house. I always make the grandchildren a plate up and they just love it.

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Its a hard choice between Pumpkin bread or sweet potato bread

Rene' has a standing order from hubby's boss for 4-6 sweet potato breads at the holidays

still brisk here,almost coat weather,the leaves are starting to turn their beautiful Fall colors

everyone have a great day and pass along a smile,someone you see,might just need one :D

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Hello Everyone!  Thank you all for your prayers, they worked.  the infection has just about gone away on it's own and I am starting to feel better!  Woot! 

Dragnlady, I see you've been rec'ing some beautiful squares! 

cshort, ugh, I don't sew, but can't imagine how frustrated you must feel with those wings, lol. (((hugs)))

Katie, I love Homespun.  As a matter of fact I'm covered with an afghan I made with it a few years ago.  It stays on my couch and gets a lot of use!  it's held up well thru the wash/dryer. I've also made shawls, scarves, hats with it but have given them away.

Kuddles, snow? ugh, no! I'm not ready, lol.  We are having the cold weather this week though, but I hope it holds off.

Viking, wtg on the race. I always wanted to do a walk/run.  Who knows, maybe someday I'll get out of this wheelchair and get it done.  Your never too old, right, lol.

Well, I know I'm forgetting someone.  I'm so sorry.  Need to work on the memory.  Take care all and keep those hooks flying!

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Hello Everyone!  Thank you all for your prayers, they worked.  the infection has just about gone away on it's own and I am starting to feel better!  Woot! 

Dragnlady, I see you've been rec'ing some beautiful squares! 

cshort, ugh, I don't sew, but can't imagine how frustrated you must feel with those wings, lol. (((hugs)))

Katie, I love Homespun.  As a matter of fact I'm covered with an afghan I made with it a few years ago.  It stays on my couch and gets a lot of use!  it's held up well thru the wash/dryer. I've also made shawls, scarves, hats with it but have given them away.

Kuddles, snow? ugh, no! I'm not ready, lol.  We are having the cold weather this week though, but I hope it holds off.

Viking, wtg on the race. I always wanted to do a walk/run.  Who knows, maybe someday I'll get out of this wheelchair and get it done.  Your never too old, right, lol.

Well, I know I'm forgetting someone.  I'm so sorry.  Need to work on the memory.  Take care all and keep those hooks flying!

wonderful news Annie,hope you continue to feel better as days go by
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