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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Good morning!


Had fun with Mom yesterday, Kiddles is still over the moon! Today: we will go over to the local diner for breakfast.....then we'll see! I'm thinking thrift stores for some fun.....


Have a great day all!


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Thanks Maria, that about says it all, thanks for stepping in sweetie!!!


Haven't heard from GoldenHawkWIng, but hope to soon!!

:welcome  GoldenHawkWing!  Two posts above your post is katyallen8090's post.  She's the moderator here.  I think that's her title.  Anyway, click on her avatar and then click on the button that says "Send Me a Message."  She will need to know what your square preferences are as well as your mailing address.  Specify square size, the color(s) you want, and any other preferences you may have.  For an idea, go to the first post on the first page in this thread and see what others have listed as their preferences.  After you message Katie, she will add you to the roster on the first post.  

Ha ha, I knew that saying greens would get YOUR attention Viking! lol happy snowflaking!!!! and thanks to sandra for sharing the pattern! Ive yet to make any, but will one of these days,,,,,


Hullo, n00bs! :waving Mmm, greens... :hook


I just finished my first granny star from the pattern owlvamp shared a dozen or so pages ago! I did use the Patons Metallic (in silver) and it looks awesome. I want to make a bunch now; just trying to decide what exactly to do with them. Garland? Matching ornament set? Lamp shade? (No, really - I need a new lampshade for the one by my side of the bed. Found a demo for making one out of crochet motifs, too...) Don't know yet. But I definitely have to make more with this yarn! :)

Ditto Owlvamp!


Welcome to all the newbies! You will love it here !

Ohh sounds like a good time was had by all, and thrift stores,,,,,,yay!!


Good morning!


Had fun with Mom yesterday, Kiddles is still over the moon! Today: we will go over to the local diner for breakfast.....then we'll see! I'm thinking thrift stores for some fun.....


Have a great day all!


Congratz!!!!!!!!! Bandmom!!!!


Good Morning.  Band scored a Gold rating at Our first ISSMA (Indiana state school marching association) Competition yesterday. next week we move on to regional comps. 

Hope all is well this morning. I have to work. :(


In other news, just been hibernating this weekend, daughter was down sick, so ran some meds over to her, but didn't breathe in, lol I don't need viral bronchitis!!!!


Made a roast today, pork roast, smells like it's almost done, will have that later, as HandyDanMan is working on a neighbors at least till dark...Maybe I will make gravy, and have hot roast pork samiches, lol


Oh, and yesterday, I did make a cherry pie, so we will have that as well for desert.... It doesn't last too long around here, I am lucky to get one piece, lol


Nothing else new, just got done cleaning the craft room, vaccuming and such, seems lately, EVERYONE wants to be in mama's room, with mama........sigh......... what to do, the two kitties just sleep, and doggie, has taken her duties to guard mama and the house seriously, and I can hardly be out of her sight lately.... She's just doing her job, she's a herder by nature, and likes everyone in the same room, where she can watch and guard us all, lol Gotta love er!!


She has always tried to herd the kitties,,, and sometimes believe it or not, they let her, lol


nothing much else new, can't think of anything to work on, got the two afghans ready for november delivery to two neighbors, and a donation box for the shelter of hats, and scarves, but that is about all i have done recently..


oh, there's the oven timer, roast is ready to come out, check with all a bit later!!!!!!!!!

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Hey All! My name is Missy and I think I've found a new home right here in Crochetville! I sent katy all my preferences and info, to be posted when she can. I'm gonna start making squares tonight, right after I fill out a profile. WOOHOO!!!

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Good morning!


Welcome to the New Squares!


Well we DID do several thrift stores yesterday with Mom. I found one vintage crochet book that had never been used and a booklet of crochet as well! A few mysteries for $1 each.....mom found a few books to take back. She is who taught me to love mysteries! Kiddles got a couple new to her shirts.


Fun day! Now just waiting till we leave for the train. Then Kiddles and I will have the rest of the day to recooperate!


Oh and Lucky is in love with my mother! He would go home with her!


Have a great day all!


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Hi, everyone! I'm a little late to the game responding to some reported posts, since I was away at the Knit and Crochet Show for over a week and a half.


I've had to remove several posts from this thread, dated back toward the first of the month, because they were discussing the government shutdown, which unfortunately, is a political topic. Our guidelines state that we don't allow political discussions here, because they frequently end up in arguments and unpleasantness. I didn't see any of that occurring here, and I applaud you all for that. However, I have to apply our forum guidelines equally on every part of the forum.


I'm not sure whether or not people read back in this thread, so you might not have even noticed that some posts had been removed. But in the interest of transparency, I thought it was important to tell you what has happened.


Thanks for understanding that it's nothing personal toward any of you, just an impartial application of our guidelines. :)

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Good Morning. off to work. Was peicing together my 'ghan last night and it is coming along nicely. Well wishes to everyone. HAHA Kuddles maybe you found a new puppy sitter.

If only!


Kuddles how far does your mom live from you?


Good morning everyone!

Three hours south of me! So puppy and grand daughter sitting won't work! Drat!


Mom is already safely back home as is Kiddles and myself. We are pretty worn out from entertaining however while Kiddles is watching a movie, I am doing laundry and cleaning up the place! Not fair!


Well, gotta go keep getting things back in order.


Have a great rest of your day all!


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Hi all, another new member, her name is muttcuts, (Missy) so welcome to our ghan group!! lol Her preferences are posted on the first post of this thread, so please everyone , welcome Missy to the group,!!!



Hey All! My name is Missy and I think I've found a new home right here in Crochetville! I sent katy all my preferences and info, to be posted when she can. I'm gonna start making squares tonight, right after I fill out a profile. WOOHOO!!!

Hi kuddles, well, at least ya know, if ya ever needed a place for Lucky to be for a while, vacations, or somthing else, You know he would be fine with your mom!! Glad it all went so well, and that Kiddles had a blast too.....


Good morning!


Welcome to the New Squares!


Well we DID do several thrift stores yesterday with Mom. I found one vintage crochet book that had never been used and a booklet of crochet as well! A few mysteries for $1 each.....mom found a few books to take back. She is who taught me to love mysteries! Kiddles got a couple new to her shirts.


Fun day! Now just waiting till we leave for the train. Then Kiddles and I will have the rest of the day to recooperate!


Oh and Lucky is in love with my mother! He would go home with her!


Have a great day all!




Thanks to Amy as well, for removing anything posted not following forum rules. Much obliged!


Thanks to both new members for joining, and wishing them a happy, and knowledgable stay here on our thread!!!!!!!!!!!


In other news, rain here, Kuddles, its heading your way, and might even effect Pineknott, so good luck with a couple rain filled, dark, and dank days ahead!! 


Thats it for now, till later!!!!!!

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no no no  don't need any more rain here,it rained,misted,drizzled for 8 straight days,today was the first time I've seen the sun

made my walmart run for puffies( check)now to load them up for tomorrow's postal run.

Gee,I thought it was safe to go to the store and leave mil and sil with Bill,well he heard a commotion and came into the kitchen,to see Jimmy trying to help himself to some bologna,no dumb a--,you haven't been cleared by your Dr. yet,since he had the tube reinserted

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Hello everyone and welcome to our new friends.

As usual I'm trying to catch up. I spent yesterday vegging on the sofa with this nasty cold, didn't sleep well and convinced myself to go to work today, in hindsight I shoud have stayed home. But I'm home now and plan to relax with some crocheting until I fall asleep which will probably be pretty early. Hope everyone is having a great day.

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I've washed yarn (stupid cat peed on a skein I needed) and all the smell came out, but it was a pain to untangle! I washed it in a mesh bad so it could be loose without destroying the washer. I'd be afraid that washing it in a ball or cake would prevent the inside from being cleaned.


I have the same stupid cat problem.  What did you wash yours in?  I soaked it in white vinegar and then washed as normal.

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Good night everyone!


Looks like we didn't get into to much trouble. We all were big girls and handle it well.didn't realize it

Was forum policies. We know now though. Sometimes it's good to have a friendly reminder. I sure don't remember everything.

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Good morning!


The Mom visit is behind us and on to work and school, the 'usual' routine.....


And Katy I was wrong. Now they are saying chance of rain for multiple days! And will turn cooler, more fall like temps! That part is a okay with me! I love fall!


But my allergies do not!


Hope to get back to crocheting !!!


Have a great day!


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