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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Dragnlady you have my prayers



the ground is soooooo saturated here,we  really don't need anymore winds

first they said we may see the sun saturday,now they are pushing it to early next week

see y'all in the morning sometime.

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Hi All! Have been laying low, per my usual lately.  I did have company on Sunday.  My 2 sons and their families visited, so I got to see all 5 grandkids and we had a small birthday party for 2 of the girls.  It was a wonderful day and needless to say I was worn out when they left, lol.    I hope you are all well and staying busy.  I think I read that Kiddles has her Halloween costume picked out, a 70's girl?  sounds cute!!!  Dragnlady, I have your squares ready, I just need to get them to the PO.  And yes Katy, I am a baglady too!!! Ok, that's it for me for tonight.  Take care everyone.  I'll try to get back tomorrow.  (((hugs)))

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Good morning!


dragnlady prayers said.....


Ann, so nice to hear from you! Hope you are feeling better!


Everyone else, hi! A weird day and weekend...pick up kiddles at noon, we eat at Wendy's for lunch (our new tradition on half days), home to do more tidying up before we get mom tomorrow, etc. Then the weekend......I hope it goes well! My mother is not the warmest of people but KIddles is SO excited for her visit!


Need to get ready for work. Have a great day all!



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Hi all!
Sorry I've been a bit absent lately. I've just started studying towards a degree (started last Saturday), had a few orders for items as well. I haven't even been active in my own square group for a little bit. Real life is just catching up with me at the moment.


I hope everyone is well.


I'm in the process of planning a Worldwide event and a Crafters Network. I thought, whilst I can't find a job why not make work for myself. :D

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Hi to all, read all the posts and nice to see some of you back to posting!


Hi Cshort, dragnlady5, what a good idea, to start now with the ghan, so you'll know at the end of the month!!

Hi Pineknott, thanks for the list, a lot of us have gotten a mary jo tote from this thread!


Hi Ann, hope you are feeling stronger, and glad you enjoyed your visit with family.

Kuddles, everything will be fine, kids have a way of warming people up!

Viking, how is the little one now....

Maria, Skoggy, glad to see your posts...


Still no Becca,,,hope all is well, if you are lurking out there becca, give us a heads up!


who'd I miss, hi to sandra, and bgs, and anyone i missed, cause  if i go to another page to look, Ill lose this post, lol


Nothing much here going on, been busy, I guess, did manage to celebrate yarn day though, with you guessed it, a few skeins of yarn!!


Hope all is well in your parts of the world, and will catch you all a bit later...Take care!

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I would never have imagined you could freeze cabbage! How about that?


Kuddles, somehow my brain mashed "condo" and "arrival" together and decided you were prepping for a carnival... almost disappointing to have the real sentence parse. :lol


Dragnlady, that sounds like quite a situation. Hoping the best for you over here. :hug


Skoggy, I remember you telling us you were accepted to a program now! Yep, you're going to be plenty busy for a while...!


Little guy was doing better today, thanks for asking Katie. :) Driving me a bit crazy, but before stories tonight he snuggled up on my lap to watch Moon Mater (a Pixar Cars short), holding his newly repaired Lego space shuttle, and it was so sweet.... My little bear!


Another week over, everyone! We all survived it. :lol Here's hoping good for all for next week! :D

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the rain has stopped,just misting now,patiently waiting for some sunshine

got all my squares done,tidyied up,then come to find out,I have no darn puffies to put said squares in,so I'll be going to Walmart tomorrow for those,our local post office are closed Saturdays,and then the holiday Monday,so Tuesday it is for mailing.

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I hate federal holidays on payday week!  Our direct deposits take place on Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays.  Arrrgh!  There, it's out.  Whew!


I can hardly wait to see who will be next to receive Mary Jo's tote.  Exciting!  Hopefully we keep a streak going ;)


I'm supposed to make three headbands, and I just can't seem to be motivated.  Any free patterns you kind ladies can recommend that you've made and know to fit a newborn? 


I'm cold, and I'm soooo loving it!  Can you believe I woke up in the early predawn hours a couple of days ago, shivering, and I actually laughed and ran to the closet for my big plush acrylic blanket?  Yes, it sounds crazy, but I love this cold weather.


Skoggy, hi!  Dragnlady5, hugs, lots of hugs, many, many hugs!  Kuddles, how is Lucky behaving?  How is Kiddles?  Vikingrunnergirl, I'm so envious of the bliss in your home with a little one.  Yes, I know it's not a piece of cake.  It's something I'll always wish for.  Only God knows why he didn't bless me in that way.  Becca, we miss you!  I do know that you are having some personal issues.  We are here for group hugs :hug  Katie, love reading your posts!  I know I'm missing some fab gals.  Sorry!  Hey, maybe it indicates that our thread here has gotten busier compared to the summer months :D


I made my first flannel crochet-edged blanket!  I'll post pics soon. 


Good night, y'all!

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Good morning everyone. Sorry was so exhausted didn't bet on much yesterday.


I did go get the grand boys and they were so excited too! Two weeks is way to long not seeing them. I can't stand talking on the phone it's just not the same. I will talk to them but rather hug and kiss them.


I just crocheted 5 wash clothes so far. Hopefully today will get to more of them .

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Good morning!


Viking, too funny! A carnival would be much more fun!!!


Angel: Lucky is fine. Just turning 6 months tomorrow but I feel like we've had him for 6 years! Exhausting! Wait till my mother gets here and he has a new person to pet him! He will go bonkers!  Kiddles is just fine thank you!


So hopefully the train will arrive on time......then we will go for a quick lunch, then a bit of shopping (just the usual Target or Walmart run and must buy dog food at Petco) then back home to show mom the condo and the pup!


I'll check in over the weekend......have a good day all!


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hope you have a wonderful visit


Darn rian is hovering over our area...move already,even singing some Annie tunes is not helping

I'm on mil watch this morning,he works 8-1,just hoping for no major drama,I am not as calming an influence on her,like her son is,sigh

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Hello everyone.


I was hoping to spend today sewing, I have 12 sets of wings to get done by Oct. 26. But the cold that everyone has been passing around has finally got me and feel really yucky. I did some sewing this morning but now I'm sitting on the sofa with my yarn and hook and I see a nap in my near future. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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Feel better, cshort!  Feel better everyone not feeling well today.  Have a wonderful weekend.  It's full of playing with yarn for me finally :)


Our humble thread is being featured on the Crochetville Facebook today!  How cool is that!  I hope we get new members.

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wow, maria, im not on facebook, so that is nice to know anyways, well, it worked, as we have one new member!!


please welcome Syrenity... to our group... she is verified, and on the first post of this thread as to her preferences, just a little hint,

she likes greens, ha ha ha, go take a look!!! Welcome Syrenity, glad you found us, we have  a wonderful group of people here, that love making grannys, and love even more making them for someone else, if that is possible, lol....Welcome aboard, hope you enjoy your stay with us!   

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I am new to this.  How does all of this work?  


Thanks :-) 


:welcome  GoldenHawkWing!  Two posts above your post is katyallen8090's post.  She's the moderator here.  I think that's her title.  Anyway, click on her avatar and then click on the button that says "Send Me a Message."  She will need to know what your square preferences are as well as your mailing address.  Specify square size, the color(s) you want, and any other preferences you may have.  For an idea, go to the first post on the first page in this thread and see what others have listed as their preferences.  After you message Katie, she will add you to the roster on the first post.  

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Hullo, n00bs! :waving Mmm, greens... :hook


I just finished my first granny star from the pattern owlvamp shared a dozen or so pages ago! I did use the Patons Metallic (in silver) and it looks awesome. I want to make a bunch now; just trying to decide what exactly to do with them. Garland? Matching ornament set? Lamp shade? (No, really - I need a new lampshade for the one by my side of the bed. Found a demo for making one out of crochet motifs, too...) Don't know yet. But I definitely have to make more with this yarn! :)

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Went to daughters for supper tonight. We had mashed potatoes and hamburger gravy. It was so good. She did make corn on the cob but I couldn't eat any yet.

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