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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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I understand about the pillow thing my Tank got one off the couch and Harlie cam along and pulled the stuffing out of it and they both were having a jolly good time. Oh I could just hur------------them. But instead send no and took it away. They both looked at me like what did I do ... Oh well that's why we love them so much. They are to darn cute.

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oh and blacklight is a new color of red heart yarn, here's a link, nothing like what you expect it to look like, lol



:manyheart I love it! I need lots of this yarn in my life! :D I reckon it would look great using one of the "window" patterns, like the ones Sonsuray has designed.


I hope everyone is well. I'm waiting to hear if mandymae has received her squares yet to complete her afghan. I'm making a huge effort to make some more squares. I've got so much going on recently and my relationship is on its last legs. Over time I have been woren down and down and down. I have even been quite behind in making squares for my own group as well. Makes me quite upset really. This group will always be my first CAL-love and I feel like I have been letting you all down. :(

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ello all!

my poor attempt at an enlish accent maybe, or did I jut forget the h, lol  My grandmum, whom was English, and came over on a boat long long ago when she herself was a child,  used to have the weirdest words for things, we just got used to it, like bumper shoot, for umbrella, and jumper for sweater! I still use those words, lol it rubbed off on me I guess, and grandmum lived with us since probably i was born!!

HAHA  Fanny Pack............  It is not the same in American english As in English lol

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Hi, Squares! The Squaredom has been so chatty of late! I've enjoyed just reading along. I got really sick the last 2 or 3 days. I lost count. I'm getting out of bed today for Pageant of the Masters. I refuse to miss it. I'm not as congested and wheezy as I had been. I'm dreading going to the park for my goddaughter's birthday party tomorrow. The sun makes me feel worse. I am taking my beach chair and big sun umbrella. My appearance will be for only about an hour. Then I'm coming back to see if I can pick up the hook again.


:manyheart I love it! I need lots of this yarn in my life! :D I reckon it would look great using one of the "window" patterns, like the ones Sonsuray has designed.


I hope everyone is well. I'm waiting to hear if mandymae has received her squares yet to complete her afghan. I'm making a huge effort to make some more squares. I've got so much going on recently and my relationship is on its last legs. Over time I have been woren down and down and down. I have even been quite behind in making squares for my own group as well. Makes me quite upset really. This group will always be my first CAL-love and I feel like I have been letting you all down. :(

Aww, Skoggy, we are for you for moral support. I've been there as I'm sure a few of us have too. You have a bright future ahead of you, maybe not as you had originally imagined it, but only good things can come to special people like you. I'm very happy for you at the way your fledgling group has grown. Congratulations! :hug
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:manyheart I love it! I need lots of this yarn in my life! :D I reckon it would look great using one of the "window" patterns, like the ones Sonsuray has designed.


I hope everyone is well. I'm waiting to hear if mandymae has received her squares yet to complete her afghan. I'm making a huge effort to make some more squares. I've got so much going on recently and my relationship is on its last legs. Over time I have been woren down and down and down. I have even been quite behind in making squares for my own group as well. Makes me quite upset really. This group will always be my first CAL-love and I feel like I have been letting you all down. :(


I have not yet received anything, but I'll be sure to post as soon as they arrive!

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Back again!  Ohhh, the blacklight yarn looks nice!  You're right Pineknott, many possibilities with this one!


Dragnlady, wtg on teaching yourself filet crochet!



Becca, did you have your ice cream yet? Lol!


Hi smith, buy anything on QVC? :D



Kuddles, how was the fair?  Our churches have gone more towards putting on chicken dinners or ham and beans, some do spaghetti.  They might have a craft fair around the holidays, but they aren't very big.  It's really sad.

Katie, looking forward to seeing your friendship ghan finished!!! Sorry your not a millionare, maybe next time.  Keep digging, lol.



vikingrunnergirl, ummm men...they should know better!  my dh tries every once in a while too. grrrr, he knows what gets my dander up, lol. Don't touch my stuff! :lol



Who was talking about dogs and pillows? Juno usually runs and hides when we come in the room that's how we know she's been up to something, lol, like going in the trash! She's just so darn cute it's hard to stay mad at her.



Skoggy, you're not letting anyone down.  You've got your hands full.  Go at your own pace and it will all work out.  I read that your little one was sick.  I hope she is feeling better and I hope you can get some rest soon too.  Goodness knows when our babies are sick, mama never gets any sleep.



HAHA  Fanny Pack............  It is not the same in American english As in English lol

not even gonna go there! :lol


Hi, Squares! The Squaredom has been so chatty of late! I've enjoyed just reading along. I got really sick the last 2 or 3 days. I lost count. I'm getting out of bed today for Pageant of the Masters. I refuse to miss it. I'm not as congested and wheezy as I had been. I'm dreading going to the park for my goddaughter's birthday party tomorrow. The sun makes me feel worse. I am taking my beach chair and big sun umbrella. My appearance will be for only about an hour. Then I'm coming back to see if I can pick up the hook again.

Aww, Skoggy, we are for you for moral support. I've been there as I'm sure a few of us have too. You have a bright future ahead of you, maybe not as you had originally imagined it, but only good things can come to special people like you. I'm very happy for you at the way your fledgling group has grown. Congratulations! :hug

Hope your feeling better real soon!  Ditto what you said to Skoggy!

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xdfjjrrjrtu6rrrrrlh.././//....p[l;'    Awww look, my baby cat just walked across the keyboard to write you all a message! 

In case any of you don't speak cat I believe it says Morning Squares!!  :cheer


I slept for TEN hours!! Ok so I had to resort to medication to get me to sleep but YAY!!!!!!  :woo  

I hope my fellow non-sleepers managed to get some decent rest last night, it sure does make such a difference. 


Skoggy - oh sweetie, it really does sound like a difficult time right now, I'm sending you thoughts of love and support as we all are, if there's anything I can do or you need to talk I'm here. 


AngelRoseLite - I really hope you feel better soon and that the Pageant and birthday party don't take it out of you too much and that you make a full recovery soon.


GrannyAnnie - I certainly did have my ice cream! Good old Ben and his mate Jerry were great company as always! trouble is its all gone now, and I'm not feeling up to a trip to the shops at the moment... will have to see if OH is feeling generous enough to pop over to the local store later! I hope you're well today. 


Katie - I am so excited to see this finished blanket (it still feels weird to me to call them 'ghans!) 

I have a lovely little pile of squares in my yarn basket that is growing nicely, can't wait to send them and bring a smile to everyone's faces :)

And bummer you're not a millionaire just yet! At least your garden will stay healthy (and look pretty) though!!  


My little bit of news for today - I can see the kittens moving inside mummy cat's tummy!!!! She is very big now bless her, shouldn't be long until I get to meet them!! 


Have a wonderful Sunday everyone x

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:manyheart I love it! I need lots of this yarn in my life! :D I reckon it would look great using one of the "window" patterns, like the ones Sonsuray has designed.


I hope everyone is well. I'm waiting to hear if mandymae has received her squares yet to complete her afghan. I'm making a huge effort to make some more squares. I've got so much going on recently and my relationship is on its last legs. Over time I have been woren down and down and down. I have even been quite behind in making squares for my own group as well. Makes me quite upset really. This group will always be my first CAL-love and I feel like I have been letting you all down. :(

Hugs to you! We will always be here for you!


Hi, Squares! The Squaredom has been so chatty of late! I've enjoyed just reading along. I got really sick the last 2 or 3 days.

Feel better !!!


Kuddles, how was the fair?  Our churches have gone more towards putting on chicken dinners or ham and beans, some do spaghetti.  They might have a craft fair around the holidays, but they aren't very big.  It's really sad.

Katie, looking forward to seeing your friendship ghan finished!!! Sorry your not a millionare, maybe next time.  Keep digging, lol.

Well it was a bit of a bust! Just a few rides, a few food booths and not much else! As is the 'custom' around here, Catholic church carnivals are really more for selling alcohol and listening to a band while more is consumed and late nite craziness ensues........since I don't drink at all, doesn't appeal. So she got a snowcone, played two games then we went to the nearby Joanns and Half Price Books where I got a yarn I hadn't seen yet with 50-% coupons and Kiddles got some clearance chapter books at 50 cents each! So we made it good anyway!!!


Today, not sure. Hotter than they said and I have a lot I could do around the condo so might stay put. Kiddles has become a crabby little girl and most of all, reverting to about a 5 year old since the puppy came to live with us. She already has issues so the puppy made them worse instead of better as I was hoping. This morning my mind is on the fact that this might not have been the best idea and I am not sure about keeping the puppy. Sad since he is a cutie but I have to put Kiddles and our family first. Wish I knew someone who could take him and give him a good home, someone with more time at home to give him what he deserves...Sigh.....


Well, enough of my complaining, have a great day!


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well hi all,

I don't know kuddles, blacklight brought to mind black, greys maybe, some white, ??? but it's really kinda pretty.....


Had a lab once, they are chewers, trust me on that, lost many a table leg, footstool, 20 pound bag of the old style clay cat litter,and a vacuum my dd tried to use to clean it up with, and  shoes too numerous to mention, and assorted other items...... Labs are diggers, chewers, and jumpers, but she loved the water, and us, and we loved her enough to overlook her bad little habits, lol Her big brown eyes, did us in every time we wanted to scold her, but she grew up to be a blessing, and a joy to have, we were very devasted when she died. as we are each time we have lost one of our Furry  family members...


Time for a weather report.....Cooler here today, overcast, chance of rain later on, and for the next coupla days as well!!! wow, nice! lol we need the rain, and the cooler temps are always welcome!


all for now squares, gonna make a batch or two of oatmeal raisin cookies!!!       later squares!!!

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Hello there everyone!  I've had a marvelous day so far today!  My youngest son and his family came out to visit late this morning and although they could only stay for a couple of hours, they were very enjoyable ones.  The girls went for a couple of walks around the property with their pappy and even managed to pick about a pint of blueberries that the birds hadn't got to yet! lol.  End the walk with helping pappy grill up some hot dogs, have a slice of refreshing watermelon and oreo cookies for dessert.  Boy did we see smiles on those little faces!  I also finally remembered to give them the kerchiefs that I made months ago and they loved them!  As a matter of fact Kaylee, the 6yr old, has been asking her mom for one, lol.  Score one for grammy!  Oh!  Our temps have gone down too!  It is still hot, but not stifling hot.  It seems wonderful to have the ac off.  That darn thing makes a racket.  I think that's all my news for today.  I hope you all are having a good Sunday!

xdfjjrrjrtu6rrrrrlh.././//....p[l;'    Awww look, my baby cat just walked across the keyboard to write you all a message! 

In case any of you don't speak cat I believe it says Morning Squares!!  :cheer


I slept for TEN hours!! Ok so I had to resort to medication to get me to sleep but YAY!!!!!!  :woo  

I hope my fellow non-sleepers managed to get some decent rest last night, it sure does make such a difference. 



GrannyAnnie - I certainly did have my ice cream! Good old Ben and his mate Jerry were great company as always! trouble is its all gone now, and I'm not feeling up to a trip to the shops at the moment... will have to see if OH is feeling generous enough to pop over to the local store later! I hope you're well today. 


My little bit of news for today - I can see the kittens moving inside mummy cat's tummy!!!! She is very big now bless her, shouldn't be long until I get to meet them!! 


Have a wonderful Sunday everyone x

Woot!  So happy for you that you got to sleep well!  Doesn't matter if you needed a little extra help, you needed sleep!  My night did not start out well, but I was finally able to fall asleep around 1am and slept thru til 9am!  I see we have mutual friends, Ben and his buddy, Jerry.  Very nice fellas! :lol   Awww, the kitties will be here soon!  I love kittens.


Well it was a bit of a bust! Just a few rides, a few food booths and not much else! As is the 'custom' around here, Catholic church carnivals are really more for selling alcohol and listening to a band while more is consumed and late nite craziness ensues........since I don't drink at all, doesn't appeal. So she got a snowcone, played two games then we went to the nearby Joanns and Half Price Books where I got a yarn I hadn't seen yet with 50-% coupons and Kiddles got some clearance chapter books at 50 cents each! So we made it good anyway!!!


Today, not sure. Hotter than they said and I have a lot I could do around the condo so might stay put. Kiddles has become a crabby little girl and most of all, reverting to about a 5 year old since the puppy came to live with us. She already has issues so the puppy made them worse instead of better as I was hoping. This morning my mind is on the fact that this might not have been the best idea and I am not sure about keeping the puppy. Sad since he is a cutie but I have to put Kiddles and our family first. Wish I knew someone who could take him and give him a good home, someone with more time at home to give him what he deserves...Sigh.....


Well, enough of my complaining, have a great day!


:hug  I'm so sorry that you're having difficulties.  Puppies are a challenge to begin with, but if it is causing problems for your child, then you have a whole different issue to deal with.  We've had labs too and they are the most lovable dogs you can imagine, but, yes, they like to chew, dig, etc.  Usually they are very easy to train though.  Best of luck to you on whatever decision you make.  I know it isn't an easy one :hug


well hi all,

I don't know kuddles, blacklight brought to mind black, greys maybe, some white, ??? but it's really kinda pretty.....


Had a lab once, they are chewers, trust me on that, lost many a table leg, footstool, 20 pound bag of the old style clay cat litter,and a vacuum my dd tried to use to clean it up with, and  shoes too numerous to mention, and assorted other items...... Labs are diggers, chewers, and jumpers, but she loved the water, and us, and we loved her enough to overlook her bad little habits, lol Her big brown eyes, did us in every time we wanted to scold her, but she grew up to be a blessing, and a joy to have, we were very devasted when she died. as we are each time we have lost one of our Furry  family members...


Time for a weather report.....Cooler here today, overcast, chance of rain later on, and for the next coupla days as well!!! wow, nice! lol we need the rain, and the cooler temps are always welcome!


all for now squares, gonna make a batch or two of oatmeal raisin cookies!!!       later squares!!!

Yummy, love oatmeal raisin cookies!  Wish I could still eat them. I can almost smell them baking, lol.

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hi all,

well, cookies were great, got enough dough in the fridge for a whole nother batch or two, too!! They were crispy, yet soft, the way we like um!!


Maybe give it some more time kuddles, you haven't had the doggie very long, but mom knows best and if it is best to find him another home for kiddles sake, I guess you have no choice. I wish I could take him, he is a cutie! My doggie is old,and set in her ways, not sure she would like a newcomer, she tolerates the cats well, but then, she was raised with kitties, so i dunno..My little set of three is plenty for me, and can't imagine trying to house train a puppy. I just got new carpet a year ago, lol


What else, hope you all had a good weekend, rained here for like 10 minutes, after about two hours of THUNDERING, ha ha, passed us over for Iowa, I guess. was looking forward to the rain today too, darn it, can't it just rain, without the threat of hail, and wind, and tornados, sheesh....a good old fashioned summer rain, lol, Once taking a friend of my daughters home after an overnite stay, it was pouring, I had to pull over into a shopping center. couldn't see. So we were all sitting there, and right about 10 foot away, was the biggest rain puddle any o f us had seen, so of course, we all look at each other, jump out of the van, and go splash around in it being silly! Was a good time, and we never thought it out too well, as we had to continue when we were finished, wringing out our clothes, and driving then soaked, lol. Im glad I had the van, as the girls sat in the way back and drip dried!!


as for sleeping, either I do, or i don't. I have nights where Im really tired, but can't sleep. Just one of those things, you know, glad you all got some well needed rest! If you n ap in the day, it is said to ruin your nights sleep, but sometimes, one just can't help it, if one didn't sleep the night before...Six of one, half a dozen of another! That makes me think of donuts.......


I want some crispy creams, lol........maybe tomorrow, Ill go over and get six! or half a dozen! lol

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I hope you figure how what to do with puppy. Unfortunately sometimes these things happen and it isn't best at this time. Maybe later on.

You will know what to do.

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Good morning squares and thanks for your kind words!


After much thinking, I did what I said I would never do, I put Lucky's crate in my bedroom last nite. The biggest issue is barking. Every nite at bedtime, sometimes during the night and always too early. I really think his issue is separation anxiety. Well not a peep last night! So even though I never wanted him in my room, if we can sleep, it is worth it! Whew! He IS such a good and sweet puppy! Maybe if Kiddles gets sleep, her 'issues' won't be so bad! She is mainly extremely jealous right now....


Well a big Happy Birthday to Kiddles! She turns 9 today! Woot!!!!!!!!!!!


Later Squares!


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Hello squares, how we all doing today? 


Kuddles thats great that you've managed to find a way to keep puppy quieter during the night. When we first got our dog two years ago he wasn't allowed on the sofa, wasn't allowed upstairs etc etc... now he sleeps on the sofa if we're downstairs and on the bed (!!!!) when we're upstairs! Sounds awful I know, but he keeps me company bless him. 

And happy birthday Kiddles!!


I've enjoyed reading what everyone has been up to, glad we all seem to be getting a bit more sleep. 

Still muggy and hot here, but forecast is for thunderstorms starting later today and going right through until tomorrow night, so hopefully that will crack the humidity. 


Have had an awful morning here, appointment with a very uncaring and frankly rude consultant set me back quite a bit. How do these people work in the medical profession??? Anyway, my friend has been calming me down and giving me lots of hugs. Going to get my hook out now and concentrate on something else. Making squares for you lovelies always makes me feel better. 


Have a lovely Monday everyone  :manyheart

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Just had to share this....If you don't know, I live in a mobile home community...I am not one of the involved citizens (meaning I don't go to community functions as I don't want to get involved in "park politics")...There is one disabled gentleman that I can call a friend...He is my "food fairy" in the sense that he is always bringing me items that he has purchased ie: almond milk... almond butter...L'oreal shampoo...pita bread...fruit spreads...greek yogurt..I could go on and on...He does not have a/c and it is a treat for him to come to my place and watch TV...We have our "date night" on Friday and on Sunday we watch Sunday Mornings and he is usually here for the duration of the day...I fix him a home cooked meal...We laugh a lot about us "sleeping" together...Him on the living room floor and me on the couch...When he came to visit yesterday he told me of a bunch of yarn and some material that had been left in the club house with a "take what you want" sign on them...He advised me to check it out...I went down to see what was what, but due to a function in the clubhouse I quickly returned to my place...Now to make a long story short, this morning I was awakened by a rapping on my door..I stumbled to the door groggily after putting on my robe...There was my friend with a bag of goodies...some fat quarters, some yarn and two plastic shoe boxes...I thanked him, invited him in for coffee, but he left...only to return a half hour later with a big box...Yeppp you guessed it, he took the remainder of the stuff and brought it to me...I can just see the people here wondering where he was going with that huge box on his bike handlebars...

   God has given me an angel in disguise...

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Just had to share this....If you don't know, I live in a mobile home community...I am not one of the involved citizens (meaning I don't go to community functions as I don't want to get involved in "park politics")...There is one disabled gentleman that I can call a friend...He is my "food fairy" in the sense that he is always bringing me items that he has purchased ie: almond milk... almond butter...L'oreal shampoo...pita bread...fruit spreads...greek yogurt..I could go on and on...He does not have a/c and it is a treat for him to come to my place and watch TV...We have our "date night" on Friday and on Sunday we watch Sunday Mornings and he is usually here for the duration of the day...I fix him a home cooked meal...We laugh a lot about us "sleeping" together...Him on the living room floor and me on the couch...When he came to visit yesterday he told me of a bunch of yarn and some material that had been left in the club house with a "take what you want" sign on them...He advised me to check it out...I went down to see what was what, but due to a function in the clubhouse I quickly returned to my place...Now to make a long story short, this morning I was awakened by a rapping on my door..I stumbled to the door groggily after putting on my robe...There was my friend with a bag of goodies...some fat quarters, some yarn and two plastic shoe boxes...I thanked him, invited him in for coffee, but he left...only to return a half hour later with a big box...Yeppp you guessed it, he took the remainder of the stuff and brought it to me...I can just see the people here wondering where he was going with that huge box on his bike handlebars...

   God has given me an angel in disguise...


Wow he sounds lovely and how wonderful of him!!! Glad you have him as a friend!


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Aw I think it is wonderful Estée. He needs a friend just like you do. It's nice what you do for him as well.


Glad you got some comfort with the puppy.

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Oh I'm not even gonna get into this, lol.  Let's just say I have a few totes full of yarn and then some. :yarn


A FEW totes?   That's nothing compared to mine

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this house is over runneth with yarn,my stash and also Rene's

20 copy paper boxes,3 massive totes that hold about 100 skeins,and of course assorted hand totes jammed packed

hubby just shakes his head ,like yesterday when I brought in two new skeins,can't help it,when Walmart gets in new colors.

anyone try blacklight yet?,oh its got lots of possibilties


Ok, you have more than I do.....

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LOL.... I'll tell my dh to stop complaining then!!! 




I am so looking forward to my vacation starting is almost a week!! I"m not going to do anything besides clean and organize but hey....it's work but not work. 

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