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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Just wanted to share..... This is a blanket I just did for my niece.  She's headed off to college next month.  Hope it's ok to share.




Sorry I haven't been stopping by very much these past few days. I've been working on job applications, and when I'm not doing that, I'm crocheting baby items! I finished a blanket for my cousin on Saturday, and I started another baby blanket that I intend to sell. Keeping busy, for sure!

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Beautiful pics!  I have been reading all the posts in between running around and cooking all day and then running around again.  Pics are my favorite part of this thread.  So much talent!  Okay, actually, my favorite part is first the people and then the pics said people post.  Sheesh.  It's time for bed!


Thanks for sharing your kitchen pics, Katie.  It's looking fabulous!  The squares are lovely.  


Have a good night, everyone :)

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Hi ya, just checking in!!!!! LQQKING for more eye candy, he he he, it's addictive!!! I agree with maria, the people come first, the eyecandy second! lol but a wonderful Perk of posting, thank goodness it is so easy to post a pic here at the ville, it's not,in some other places, lol     


Nother hot one, but not as bad as yesterday, gotta forge the heat though this evening, and go pick some dead heads out of my flowers, I miracle growed them last week, and they are huge now, lol yay......a bright burst of yellow for the HUGE marigolds, and the the Salmon Pinks of the Impatients!!! Lovey...Pink and yellow do go so well together!!!!!!!!!!!! They say when trying to chose colors that go together, look to nature....The beautiful blues, and greens in a peacocks tale for instance, or the greys, soft whites, and browns of the wolfs coat. Look to nature to chose the colors of your next piece!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta an idea!!!!! might start a new thread for it, he he he, stay tuned!

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Hi all, just checking in. I've been MIA again, I know. There's been so much going on since I've had Jazzie that it's unreal. I've moved back to my moms until we find an apartment. And then I found out that I have a non-melanoma form of skin cancer. Had that lazered off yesterday. Hopefully it won't come back, but there's a good chance it will. I'll deal with that later if it happens. Other than that, things are pretty good, I'm still crocheting :) working on a purse right now. When it's finished, I'll post a pic of it, it's going to be flowers! :D


I hope all are well, and I've missed you all!

:hug s for everyone!!!

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Hi Everyone!  We're having another hazy,hot day.  I've just been taking it easy, working on squares for the mysteryghan cal that I'm way behind on.  I'm supposed to be putting it together and I'm still working on wk 3! UGH!  Oh well, I'll get it done, slow and steady right, lol. Julie Yeager's ghans are beautiful though so I really want to get this done!  Anyone else here in her mysteryghan cal?  Thanks everyone also for the hugs for my bad news yesterday.  It still hurts to talk/think about it, but it's a bit better.  I got a call from an attorney telling me that a dear friend of the family had passed away about a month ago.  She was elderly and didn't have any kids/close family so no one thought to let me know.  I just feel so sad.  She was such a nice lady. 

Anyone play Pogo? Boy am I having a hard time getting this weeks badges!  I thought I'd play to relax today in between crocheting squares, but I ended up more frustrated! :lol

Hi ya, just checking in!!!!! LQQKING for more eye candy, he he he, it's addictive!!! I agree with maria, the people come first, the eyecandy second! lol but a wonderful Perk of posting, thank goodness it is so easy to post a pic here at the ville, it's not,in some other places, lol     


Nother hot one, but not as bad as yesterday, gotta forge the heat though this evening, and go pick some dead heads out of my flowers, I miracle growed them last week, and they are huge now, lol yay......a bright burst of yellow for the HUGE marigolds, and the the Salmon Pinks of the Impatients!!! Lovey...Pink and yellow do go so well together!!!!!!!!!!!! They say when trying to chose colors that go together, look to nature....The beautiful blues, and greens in a peacocks tale for instance, or the greys, soft whites, and browns of the wolfs coat. Look to nature to chose the colors of your next piece!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta an idea!!!!! might start a new thread for it, he he he, stay tuned!

It's so true about looking to nature.  That's what I try to do since I'm terrible about matching things.  I'm also partially color blind so I apologize up front to anyone and all now if things are a bit "off".  I try to ask hubby for his opinion if I question a color combo, but he isn't much better than I am, lol.  I'm anxious to find out what you're up to!!!


Hi all, just checking in. I've been MIA again, I know. There's been so much going on since I've had Jazzie that it's unreal. I've moved back to my moms until we find an apartment. And then I found out that I have a non-melanoma form of skin cancer. Had that lazered off yesterday. Hopefully it won't come back, but there's a good chance it will. I'll deal with that later if it happens. Other than that, things are pretty good, I'm still crocheting :) working on a purse right now. When it's finished, I'll post a pic of it, it's going to be flowers! :D

I hope all are well, and I've missed you all!
:hug s for everyone!!!

Good to see you!  Glad that it was non-melanoma.  will pray for it not to return.  I look forward to seeing your purse!

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Hi all, just checking in. I've been MIA again, I know. There's been so much going on since I've had Jazzie that it's unreal. I've moved back to my moms until we find an apartment. And then I found out that I have a non-melanoma form of skin cancer. Had that lazered off yesterday. Hopefully it won't come back, but there's a good chance it will. I'll deal with that later if it happens. Other than that, things are pretty good, I'm still crocheting :) working on a purse right now. When it's finished, I'll post a pic of it, it's going to be flowers! :D


I hope all are well, and I've missed you all!

:hug s for everyone!!!


Hugs to you!


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Hi Everyone!  We're having another hazy,hot day.  I've just been taking it easy, working on squares for the mysteryghan cal that I'm way behind on.  I'm supposed to be putting it together and I'm still working on wk 3! UGH!  Oh well, I'll get it done, slow and steady right, lol. Julie Yeager's ghans are beautiful though so I really want to get this done!  Anyone else here in her mysteryghan cal?  Thanks everyone also for the hugs for my bad news yesterday.  It still hurts to talk/think about it, but it's a bit better.  I got a call from an attorney telling me that a dear friend of the family had passed away about a month ago.  She was elderly and didn't have any kids/close family so no one thought to let me know.  I just feel so sad.  She was such a nice lady. 

Anyone play Pogo? Boy am I having a hard time getting this weeks badges!  I thought I'd play to relax today in between crocheting squares, but I ended up more frustrated! :lol

It's so true about looking to nature.  That's what I try to do since I'm terrible about matching things.  I'm also partially color blind so I apologize up front to anyone and all now if things are a bit "off".  I try to ask hubby for his opinion if I question a color combo, but he isn't much better than I am, lol.  I'm anxious to find out what you're up to!!!


Good to see you!  Glad that it was non-melanoma.  will pray for it not to return.  I look forward to seeing your purse!


Sorry for your loss Ann! Hugs!


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Hi all, just checking in. I've been MIA again, I know. There's been so much going on since I've had Jazzie that it's unreal. I've moved back to my moms until we find an apartment. And then I found out that I have a non-melanoma form of skin cancer. Had that lazered off yesterday. Hopefully it won't come back, but there's a good chance it will. I'll deal with that later if it happens. Other than that, things are pretty good, I'm still crocheting :) working on a purse right now. When it's finished, I'll post a pic of it, it's going to be flowers! :D


I hope all are well, and I've missed you all!

:hug s for everyone!!!

 Glad you stopped by and that it was not melanoma. 


Ann, sorry for your loss. :hug  :hug


Mailed out a package to our current Queen today.

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ann.... :hug  


I've picked up some extra shifts this week, now I know why I never did before! I have one day off and I am going to cherish it, 22 hours in the last 2 days is just way too much work for me! 

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YEAAA!!! Ann made my day!! Looks what I found in my mailbox...aren't they wonderful!!


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Hi Everyone!  We're having another hazy,hot day.  I've just been taking it easy, working on squares for the mysteryghan cal that I'm way behind on.  I'm supposed to be putting it together and I'm still working on wk 3! UGH!  Oh well, I'll get it done, slow and steady right, lol. Julie Yeager's ghans are beautiful though so I really want to get this done!  Anyone else here in her mysteryghan cal?  Thanks everyone also for the hugs for my bad news yesterday.  It still hurts to talk/think about it, but it's a bit better.  I got a call from an attorney telling me that a dear friend of the family had passed away about a month ago.  She was elderly and didn't have any kids/close family so no one thought to let me know.  I just feel so sad.  She was such a nice lady. 

Anyone play Pogo? Boy am I having a hard time getting this weeks badges!  I thought I'd play to relax today in between crocheting squares, but I ended up more frustrated! :lol

It's so true about looking to nature.  That's what I try to do since I'm terrible about matching things.  I'm also partially color blind so I apologize up front to anyone and all now if things are a bit "off".  I try to ask hubby for his opinion if I question a color combo, but he isn't much better than I am, lol.  I'm anxious to find out what you're up to!!!


Good to see you!  Glad that it was non-melanoma.  will pray for it not to return.  I look forward to seeing your purse!

Lots of hugs for you, Annie.  My condolences.

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Well, I lasted my entire shift (6 hrs), but it was a mistake.  I wasn't so much in pain afterwards as I was completely exhausted.  I came home and slept most of the day.  Went to my Bible Study potluck and came home after and just went to bed.  


Just can't concentrate.  Tried knitting on an oddball blanket for Ravelry.  It was garter stitch, mind you.  I am off by one stitch.  Don't know where it went.  After recounting the stitches, I just frogged it for another day.  FRUSTRATING!!

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I want to thank Pheonsix for the lovely card and three squares that came today.  What a thoughtful thing you did for me.  Thank you.  The squares are really pretty.  Maybe  I can get someone with a digital camera to take a picture of them tomorrow night IF I go  to my knitting group so that I can share them with you all.

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Anyone play Pogo? Boy am I having a hard time getting this weeks badges!  I thought I'd play to relax today in between crocheting squares, but I ended up more frustrated! :lol


I think I used to.  What is the link?  What games do you play on there?  Maybe it will help my concentration.

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Hi all,

Nope Im a yahoo games girl, lol Less hassle, don't have to sign up or register, just play, lol


As for you ann and honex, hope things are going better for y ou today, and continue to improve tomorrow!!

Yes, we'd love to see pix!!

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I got some beautiful squares in the mail today from Phoensix.  Thank you so much!  I will make sure they find an honored place in my friendship 'ghan.  :)  I will also try to get some pictures taken asap because these squares truly deserve to be shown off!!  So pretty and soft.


Thanks again!

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So sorry for your loss, Ann. :hug Such sad news.


I was happy when I got home today, because I saw a package in my mailbox and I've been waiting for a new presser foot for my sewing machine for three weeks now. But then I saw the return address wasn't a business, and I was sad. And then I went, "Wait, this means it's a puffy!" And I "got a smiley!", as the little guy would say. Ann got in a double delivery today - mine is a lily pad!! It's so cute! I almost want to put it in its own separate project, with some more lily pads and a few frogs to play with...! :D  :frog  :frog  No picture yet; I'll try to get one up tomorrow.

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I got a text message from my DD today which read you got more patterns in the mail (granny squares) can I open them and look at them?  So I let her. lol


Thank you Ann for the puffy. My DD thanks u too she is really getting into this.


I will post pictures tomorrow

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Your kitchen turned out lovely. Love the floor .


Wow that is a beautiful afghan.


Lots and lots of pretty blocks.

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Good morning Squares.....


Another long day at work, but then Kiddles and I will visit family Friday and Saturday. Kiddles BD is the 22nd so celebrating hers plus my moms which was Tuesday....


Have a great day!


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I received four beautiful squares from Phoensix yesterday...Her handwork is amazing...WIsh I could post pix as I'm sure you would agree...WIll use them for the corners of my ghan...Thank you sooo much talented lady... :manyheart

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