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2012 Stashbusting CAL


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I didn't get to the library all week and no more library on Sun. until Oct. :(. I can only get here Sat. or after work (weather permitting). I've had to work different hours at the market, kids want time off for proms, graduations, etc. I used 1 skein + 1 ball on another teddy bear (+3). Last Sun. I made 5 good sized plarn balls (-5). I've used 3 so far (+3). I'm going to a concert in Boston tonight, lots of :crocheting time on the bus/train trip. Should use at least 1 1/2 more to finish the tote bag.

WTD: + 1 YTD: + 51

Ellie 13

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No yarn play this week :('


Very busy, very stressful week. Several sudden deaths among the family of friends this week, from someone's father to a 7-year old:worried


My family not directly affected, but several hurting friends.


Also, everyone's financial situation is very precarious in my world (many of yours too I expect). A member of my family who is not used to struggling that way finally acknowledged that was indeed the situation.


A lot of my free time this week went to listening, hugging, and loving those around me. All of this has reminded me to love those we are given while they are with us. We all have to get thru the struggles of life, what is important is how we do so and how we help others who are struggling. (Pardon my soapbox)


WTD = 0 YTD = -38

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Didn't get as much crocheting done as I would have liked this week but that's cause I was busy playing with the grandkids.:lol


wtd +2 ytd +15

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I was hoping that my KnitPicks package would NOT come today, and It didn't! Next week, I may be in the running for Shoot the Moon, but I lucked out today!



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Lots of running this week, but I still managed to end up with a score of:


Week ending 6/16/2012


WTD +7 / YTD -5


Shannart - I did not see a soap box!! :hug You are so right... :manyheart

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Scores for week ending June 16, 2012


Gold Medal Winner: dragonpuck +15

Silver Medal Winner: greyhoundgrandma +8

Bronze Medal Winner: crabby rat +7


Using up that stash:

BigPinkPolkaDot +3

pineknott +3

Cathoms +3

walker1021 +2

marpan79 +2

cshort +2

Ellie 13 +1


Holding steady:

Shannart 0

Izabelka 0

tnkycrochetnut 0


New yarn owners:

CLLinda -1

FrLopLady -17

prettywoman030981 -43


Shoot the Moon Winner: Braxxi -54

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I stopped at Joanns today for some sewing trims and of course the yarn aisle was calling me. Sooo I'm starting the week with -4. Hopefully I'll get enough crocheting done:crocheting:crocheting, and stay out of the stores, to end the week with a positive score.

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:whewJust caught up with a month's worth of posts!


I've had little to no interest in crocheting for the month and a half. I think after two and a half years of stashbusting (okay, so it's more like stashbuilding), I just needed to take a break and do other things.


I fell asleep last night before posting my score, so I'm adding it to this week. I bought 28 skeins of cotton on Friday. What can I say; I was so excited I even wanted to do anything with yarn that I gave myself free rein. :devil


Currently, this week's bar is set at -56. I know I'll finish off a couple of skeins of cotton within the next couple of days, but I seriously doubt I'll make a huge dent in my score by the end of the week.

Happy shopping!



yarn_geek is back! :P

WTD: -56; YTD: -230

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After an extremely busy 2 months, I'm finally back! I sure have missed you guys! And I've missed ring able to crochet! I've tried to find a bit of time over the lt 2 months to crochet, but it just never seemed to work out. So, I'm recommitting to getting some crochet time in this summer. I really need to get busy on working on my fair entry for this year. Since I ended up giving my parents my log cabin afghan as a gift & that was my planned entry, I now have to come up with another one. So,time to get busy!

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My yarn came today. It's too hot to do anything with it. A/c is broke, so I just put it in the closet until it gets fixed.


I'm at a -18 for the week, so far.



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After an extremely busy 2 months, I'm finally back! I sure have missed you guys! And I've missed ring able to crochet! I've tried to find a bit of time over the lt 2 months to crochet, but it just never seemed to work out. So, I'm recommitting to getting some crochet time in this summer. I really need to get busy on working on my fair entry for this year. Since I ended up giving my parents my log cabin afghan as a gift & that was my planned entry, I now have to come up with another one. So,time to get busy!

Welcome back! Good luck with your fair entry. How much time do you have to work on it?

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Haven't touched yarn in days! Way toooooo hot! No a/c. But, hopefully, that will change today or tomorrow. Had to buy a new central unit. Yikes!



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Welcome back! Good luck with your fair entry. How much time do you have to work on it?

Thank you! :hug


They usually have the fair some time in August or September. It can vary a bit each year, but they usually try for mid to late August. I'm having a hard time deciding on colors. I really liked the colors I used for the one I made, but I just done know that I want to make another one using the same colors. Hmm. May have to go yarn shopping this evening while we're out. I'll be near Joann's on Sunday so I may stop in there, too.

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After an extremely busy 2 months, I'm finally back! I sure have missed you guys! And I've missed ring able to crochet! I've tried to find a bit of time over the lt 2 months to crochet, but it just never seemed to work out. So, I'm recommitting to getting some crochet time in this summer. I really need to get busy on working on my fair entry for this year. Since I ended up giving my parents my log cabin afghan as a gift & that was my planned entry, I now have to come up with another one. So,time to get busy!


Welcome back!


My yarn came today. It's too hot to do anything with it. A/c is broke, so I just put it in the closet until it gets fixed.


I'm at a -18 for the week, so far.




I hope your ac is fixed quick.


Walmart is becoming a problem...I found 2 more stowaways in my shopping cart today. But I had a lovely conversation about crafting with the cashier when she asked what the yarn was for.

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