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I love my mom

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Let me start by saying, i love my mom. She sent me 2 big packages in the mail. 1 i got yesterday that was filled with patterns, and a bigger one that came today filled with wonderfull, glorious, magical yarn. Yes ladies i did say yarn. Bamboo yarn, alpaca yarn, crochet thread, cotton yarn, al kinds of yarn. I was down to about 20 used cakes of yarn, now my stash has been replenished. Oh how i love my mom. i was so happy i had to tell someone. My dh thought i was weird. I asked him havnt you seen anyone get excited over yarn before. He answered no, your weird. Dont you all wish you were lucky like me. Lol

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Oh Minx, what a nice Happy Day gift from your Mom! So nice that she understands your passion and knows this box of goodies will give you hours of pleasure.


I miss my Mom, so give yours an extra hug for those of us that can't.

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Oh how I would love that gift!!! Bless your mom.


I got a nice bag of about 5-6 skeins of partially used yarn from my husband's brother-in-law's mother (???) and the wonderful thing about it was that it was some of the very colors I am needing for my hats right now! I got really excited about it!!

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God Bless your mom understanding your passion for crocheting what a great gift. I also miss my mom too as she and I love to crochet and share many things together. Extra hugs for your mom for me too. Thank you for sharing such loving story.

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:)That was a wonderful gesture from your mom. I know from being her swap partner, that your mom is a wonderful, thoughtful person! Just to be thought of for no reason at all is very special indeed. Husbands don't seem to get that.:D

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What a wonderful mother you have. It was my mother and older sister who taught me how to crochet. They are both gone now and have been for a number of years. I sure do miss my crocheting buddies. Give your mother an extra special :hughug for me.

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