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You know you're a crochet addict when...

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You know you're a crochet addict when the most important part of any outing is what WIP you're going to take in the car with you!

Too true. I'm already planning what to take along with me on a two+ week trip this summer. Not worrying about packing clothes - just yarn.


You know you are a crochet addict when: You browse the yarn isles when you know that you do not NEED any more yarn as you have a closet, cupboard, several totes and bags full of yarn...and then..you see another skien of yarn that you must have. So it hops into your cart before you can blink an eye.

No, I don't NEED more yarn, since I already have a stash that I could live off of for likely a year, but what am I supposed to do when it follows me home??! :D

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My problem is that even though I have TONS of stash, I never had just the right type of yarn for a specific project I want to work on. For instance, I have all the yarn to make a nice afghan, but my niece wants one in "Earth Tones" for Christmas. Guess what I don't have in my stash??? :lol Guess what I'm going to have to do??? SHOP!!! :rofl:rofl:rofl

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You know you're a crochet addict when....


....you take clothes out of the suitcase you're packing because you need more room for yarn.


....you can lay hands on your WIP-on-the-go tote in the dark but have to search for your car keys.


Hi my name is Deanna and I'm a yarn addict.:hook

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Hi my name is Kathy and I am an addict!


You know you are an addict when everything is a hiding place. I have yarn "stored" in purses, baskets, totes, boxes (that were bought for Christmas ornaments but got filled with yarn instead) and in the side tables under beds etc.


You know your an addict when your entire book shelf is crochet patterns.


You decorate the living room with crochet hooks and containers containing your crochet supplies (and no one knows that's what they are LOL).


You buy a Nook Color and don't have any books on it.. they are all PDF patterns


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I am coolhockeymom I am an addict


You know you are an crochet addict when you have yarn in every room of the house and need to keep some at your families

you know your in trouble when your hide a bed sofa now just hide WIP.

you know you are a crochet addict when you reward your weight lose in lbs of yarn.

your know you have just started your yarn addiction when your kids tell you "mom you can start a yarn store"

you have to love you addiction when some ask you what you want for a gift and the first thing you saw is a gift card for more craft supplies

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You know your a crochet addict when ...

Your husband starts to notice how many WIPs you have.

Yarn starts showing up in the spare bedroom.

Not enough time in the day.

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You buy a Nook Color and don't have any books on it.. they are all PDF patterns


That's a great idea!! I never thought of that.. :devil

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You know you are an addict when you are constantly replacing the ink cartridges for your printer because of all the crochet patterns that you've been printing and you already have a bookcase filled with binders of patterns...

Not to mention all the crochet books and magazines that you have

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Hi I'm Ellie - I'm an addict.

I have:

A whole shelf on a book case with just crochet books.

3 boxes of crochet magazines (4 + years worth).

More hooks than I will ever use.

2 totes and a trash bag of :yarn (stash).

Gotten up in the night because I dreamed I was :crocheting something and had to sketch/write it down, lest I forget (even started working on one once :lol).


I see myself in all the things others have said here.


Ellie 13

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You know your addicted when you need to build a room onto your house just to hold the crochet related stuff. Seriously, I keep getting rid of some and it still keeps coming back somehow. I don't know how.


When you stop at a yard sale and find crochet related items and it feels like you have won the lottery. LOL.


Currently, there is somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 bags of yarn and thread stuffed in every nook and cranny. Around 16-20 boxes of magazines and books, some are in son's closet, some in hallway, and some in the living room (these are ones I am thinking of getting rid of). LOL. Add to that 2 small boxes of hooks and 4 UFO's.

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You know you're a crochet addict when...


You sit and crochet most of the afternoon, then go on the computer and look at crochet patterns, then check out Crochetville to see if you've missed anything. :wink


You clean out a closet and Surprise! You find some yarn you don't even remember buying. :blush

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You know you are a crochet addict when ~


~Your 7 year old daughter corrects people when they ask 'what are you knitting?" No mommy isn't knitting, she uses a hook, not needles!

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You know you're a crochet addict when,


half your single bed is full of different yarn colour and different hooks ,with your ongoing projects.


when you have yarn in all your drawers and all drawers are open so that you get everything anytime you want :P


well that's me because i'm pretty messy... .lol

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You know you're a crochet addict when...


You sit and crochet most of the afternoon, then go on the computer and look at crochet patterns, then check out Crochetville to see if you've missed anything. :wink


You clean out a closet and Surprise! You find some yarn you don't even remember buying. :blush



you sound like me


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello. My name is Collette. I am a Crochet Addict. I collect yarn, WIPs, hooks, tote bags for my projects, and patterns. My problem is so severe that I just "saved" all 5 pages of this post!!!!:eek

Thank you all for your support!


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You know you're a crochet addict when...


You fall asleep with the yarn and hook in your hand.


DH laughs at you because you're crocheting without looking while watching TV.


You can't wait for the box containing $75 of yarn you purchased over the internet because you don't want to waste time shopping. You'd rather crochet!

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You know you're a crochet addict when you look in the side pocket of your drivers's side car door and realize that you have yarn stuffed in there. This has probably been there for some time, but you just now notice it!

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I know I'm an addict when I spend time thinking what I can make a cap from - my ideas keep me & my husband amused - an eyeball, *s kiss, blueberry, baseball caps, etc.

I know I'm an addict when I take crocheting with me multi-tasking while riding in the car, visiting friends, etc.

I know I'm an addict when there's a huge pile of yarnskeins behind my chair and therefore being in the way. Need to find better storage!

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When you're not allowed in Hobby Lobby unsupervised.


When you have a preferred brand of hook and multiple hooks in each size despite knowing full well you can only work on one thing at a time (and I mean literally one at a time, because goodness knows I've got more than one project going!)


When you buy random skeins of yarn just because they 'feel pretty.'


When you constantly buy more containers for your yarn because it just does not occur to you that you could *twitch* sort through the yarn and actually *twitch* <whispers> get rid of some.


When half your stash is something you bought because it felt/looked pretty and you still have no idea what to do with it.


When you have to buy more yarn for a work in progress because you had the most awesome idea ever and that yarn would just be great for that...

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