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Our House Part Two


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Evening everyone, it's a beautiful day today, but I couldn't enjoy it because I had to do some major food shopping. I started on the stash buster tote and I most say I'm enjoying working on it and I like how fast it seem to work up. Last night after my grand darlings went home all I could do was clean up for the next day and fall in my bed to sleep. I didn't even have anytime to read my NOOK book, maybe tonight since today was a much easier day since it was just me and the baby.:think


Hi Joanne - :cheer your right we all need hugs here's one for you :hug:hug:hug OOOopppppsss a couple of HUGS :lol:lol


Marisa - so sorry to hear about Mary's mom, sending healing prayers her way :manyheart


Cindy - I also had a hard time finding clothes that wasn't gear toward the younger women, but I did find some, but it did take time. I'm glad to hear that you did get out for some you time. Take care. :hug


Linda - Yucky real book worms??????? I didn't know book worms were real, O silly me :lol:lol


Judy - a new fur baby, how nice :manyheart


Well got to run now the lil one is getting into everything now Hugs to the House :hug:hug:hug

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...because Heidi came home today and will be keeping me busy!

8 weeks old today, a GSD...and she's a love! Sparkie has been great with her, too!!

Oh, Judy! She's such a cutey!

Linda ~ That is so exciting! We are only about 150 miles from Killeen!


They are keeping Zoe until they find what is wrong. :( Initial exam didn't find anything, so they're doing bloodwork and putting her on an IV for now.

Yay! Then we can get together and meet each other in person!

Linda - Yucky real book worms??????? I didn't know book worms were real, O silly me :lol:lol

Yup, real, live, wriggly, little, white things not much more than a third of an inch long. I'd never seen any before either, but there was no doubt about what they were eating.

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Hidey- ho---or should I say "Heidi" Ho in honor of Judy's new furbaby!!! Beautiful GSD, Judy- I know you must be in 7th heaven and I can' believe you kept this a secret!!!


Linda- I didn't know there were real bookworms- yuck!!! You have a good plan in place to get your stuff ready for the move- without too much pressure. Hope all went well at Kim's appt. When is the move to TX planned for? How neat that you won't be too far from Mary!


Cheeria- Glad you are enjoying the stash buster tote- and I hope you get some me time again soon.


Cindy- That's about what I spent on the dress I got for my DD's wedding- wouldn't spend it usually so I can see why it didn't come home with you!! Hope the day spent with your was a good reprieve from everything else!!!


Kiyo and Wrennie-Have fun at the weddings you are going to this weekend!


Thinking of everyone else and hope you have a great night!

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Hey Ladies :hi


I'm going to be quick. Wanted to let you know that Mary and her mom left the hospital around 6 :eek All the testing came back ok :think so no real answers. I went to boscov's by myself and the guy let me sign us all in :yay


I stopped at Joann's to pick up fabric to line the 2 SB totes I'm giving my mom and aunt for mother's day :xfin I can always finish them at my parents house if I need to and I think they'll probably get finished in the car on saturday. But I do need to have the linings sewn together because my mom doesn't own a sewing maching :eek


I think that's about it here.


Judy - beautiful new little fur baby :manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


Joanne, My hand is getting a little bit better, but is still very weak. Jocelyn picked out a new swimsuit and Payton wanted one to. I told him it was part of his birthday gift and he was okay with that. We went to 2 stores and I wanted the 3rd one but the kids weren't up for it. Paytons soccer game was challengeing for his team. The other team was bigger and more aggressive and kept Paytons team on there toes. Which is good for them. Payton's team lost but because they are so young they don't keep score.

Beautiful bag!


Judy, I usually keep my hook in a sleeve that I keep my pattern in but for some reason I didn't. But I've added another round. I think 2 more than I may be done. We"ll see when I get there. Beautiful GSD!


Linda, Beautiful shawl and RR. Nice color blending on the rr. A nice reward for yourself for all your hard work. Live bookworms :eek! My nephew is stationed at Ft.Hood right by Killeen. He's been there a couple of years now.


Tam, Good luck to hubby with his round of chemo. Happy Belated birthday to Patrick! 6'1" at his age, wow!


Wrennie, Hows your shoulder today? Be sure and give it some r&r. I to am enjoying reading about all the birds.


Julie, Glad you had a fun day with Cam. He sure does love his games and your a good sport and play with him. Thanks to you and Marisa for letting us know about Toni.


Cindy, Keeping your Mom in my prayers! Take care of yourself to. I have a hard time finding my style of clothes to.


Marisa, Keeping Mary's Mom in my prayers. Nice purses, the one on the left is my favorite. Have fun on the wine tour next weekend. There was a couple that got some wine from a winery down by us in Texas. She brought it over to the club house to open it and all of us ladies wanted the bottle. It was a black or very dark bottle with a white label on it with a cowboy hat on it (the hat looked like a stetson hat which is very expensive). The wine is quite expensive especially if you only want the bottle like we did. It cost 20.00 a bottle. But they are making a peach so next year I will probably look for it or go to the winery and get it as I want that bottle. I want to put a small Christmas lights in it and use it for a night light.


LeAnna, Prayers for you and hubby! Sorry for the loss of your bil.


Dusti, Pretty colors your using for the baby blanket. Your supper sounded yummy!


Mary2, :clap more bunnies! Beautiful tote!


Kiyo, Sorry your honey isn't able to come now. Glad your friends are there to fill the void. Have a fun time with them!


Mary1, Hope Zoe will be okay! Glad you were able to spend time with Luke.


Cheeria, Nice to see you posting again. I'm going to start my statch buster with cotton yarn soon.


DD called this afternoon she was on her way to pick Maya up from daycare. She is sick again. She has a follow up appt thursday with the doctor. She got sick again tonight so I will getting up and be on the road at 6. I'm going to make her I've told her a couple of times now to write everything down that she eats and drinks and have daycare do it to. Maybe she has an allergy we don't know about. I had to do it with DD and she was allergic to milk, but she was much younger than Maya.

I'm off to bed so I get up soon. Have a good hump day everyone!

And here is a hug for everyone:hug!

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Well ladies, it's late and I'm heading upstairs. I opted to make the linings for both bags, so that's done and out of the way :yay The 2nd bag needs to be finished and then to stitch both linings in :D Now I'm super tired but since the computer was still up, figured I'd say good night and let you know the coffee pot is set :coffee


Marlene - I hope they figure out why Maya keeps getting sick and keeping a food diary is a great idea :yes


Nite all :c9

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these totes of Sue's are addicting... My name is Mary and I am a Sue tote addict :lol:lol:lol This one is...#12 :D:cheer

Hi Mary!!! heheheheee

Well it was a pretty successful week of baby bunnies! Some frustrations, but over all not bad. Lots of new kids in the barn. No I have no idea :think how many :eek ..and probably don't want to know either :rofl

Oh My... congrats!

Sorry for the losses many are going through. Hugs for healing from the hurt.


Good morning ladies :hi


I'm up a little earlier than usual for a tues. Mary called me this morning and was at the hospital with her mom who had a mini stroke last night not long after we got back from boscovs. Mary had just gotten home and her Aunt called her saying her mom woke up coughing and with slurred speech, so Mary left right back out to go take her to the hospital. By the time they got there she was doing better already, but already has alot of health issues and they pretty much took her right in. She text me 3x last night but I never heard it. They done lots of tests and so far saying everything looks pretty good. Please keep her in your prayers :hug :hug :hug

Oh sweetie... sending prayers!!!!

Mary2 - :yay for bunnies :clap


Joanne - I ended up missing dwts and I didn't get it on the dvr either :( I just didn't order them in importance correctly for this week to make sure I got it, my fault :shrug I started the SB tote for my Aunt last night with black as the main color and a bright rainbow-y one with pinks and blues for the contrast....I like how it's working up already :yes


Mary1 - I hope Zoe is feeling better today :hug How is our little Luke doing?


Good morning, my friends. My goal on the sorting of boxes is 1 each evening during the week and 4 each day on the weekends that I have off (zero when I'm on 24hrs with Kim). At that rate I'll get done well in advance of the deadline, which will minimize the hecticness that will happen as the time gets closer and closer to move day. We are thinking that we will build a rather small one bedroom house for me on the property, so that I can have my own place for all my books, crafts, pictures, etc., and John and Kim can have privacy when I'm not needed, which would be good for all of us. We pretty much have that now with me having the downstairs as my space.

you know... I have really wanted a small place built on our land for me! I think it would be so fun! I could teach classes there.. it would be a neat guest place for hubby's folks when they come to visit.... etc.

You hear about bookworms that eat books, but I'd never seen any until last night. The box I opened had little bitty white worms that were eating the ever living daylights out of one of the textbooks in that box. YUCK!!!!:yuck It more or less grossed me out. Needless to say that book and another one immediately went into the trash.

Ummmm!!!!! YUCK!!!!

I need to get to work on John and my hats for the Kentucky Derby party, which is Saturday. Over the weekend John soaked, cooked, and bleached the dear antlers that are going on his hat. And I decided which hat and which decorations I'll be using on mine. Rosie's John is going to drill holes in the skull of the antlers so I can sew them onto a camoflage hat for John. I'll get pictures taken as they get finished up.


Kim has a doctor appointment this afternoon so today will be a bit more hectic than usual. I've got one the end of the week, too.



Beautiful tote, Mary! :clap :clap :clap Congratulations on all the new baby bunnies! Sounds like they are healthy which is very good. :manyheart


Nice that you got time with Luke, but sad that Zoe is sick. :hug Hope it's nothing serious and that the vet can get her feeling well again very quickly. :hug


:hug :hug Prayers for Mary's mom heading her way. :hug :hug


Your new tote sounds lovely.







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I went shopping this morning, but didn't buy anything. I tried on a lot of stuff, but the only thing I liked a lot was a dress that was $158. That seemed a little steep for a dress that was really not much more than a glorified t-shirt. The vast majority of the summer clothes that I saw were geared toward teens and 20 somethings. Very youthful and bare. even dd who often wants me to dress youthfully felt that most of the things we saw were inappropriate.

Boy Howdy... isnt this the truth! Its so tough anymore to find clothes I find appropriate for me to wear!

I am planning to finish my crocheted hat this afternoon, and maybe my stashbuster tote. Both are close to finished, but, as is usual for me, as soon as the finish is in sight, I loose interest and look for something new to start.


...because Heidi came home today and will be keeping me busy!:woo........... how exciting!!! Congrats!

8 weeks old today, a GSD...and she's a love! Sparkie has been great with her, too!!


Evening everyone, it's a beautiful day today, but I couldn't enjoy it because I had to do some major food shopping. I started on the stash buster tote and I most say I'm enjoying working on it and I like how fast it seem to work up. Last night after my grand darlings went home all I could do was clean up for the next day and fall in my bed to sleep. I didn't even have anytime to read my NOOK book, maybe tonight since today was a much easier day since it was just me and the baby.:think

LOL... you're hooked too.........:hook Those Stash Buster Totes are really cool!

Hi Joanne - :cheer your right we all need hugs here's one for you :hug:hug:hug OOOopppppsss a couple of HUGS :lol:lol


Marisa - so sorry to hear about Mary's mom, sending healing prayers her way :manyheart


Cindy - I also had a hard time finding clothes that wasn't gear toward the younger women, but I did find some, but it did take time. I'm glad to hear that you did get out for some you time. Take care. :hug


Linda - Yucky real book worms??????? I didn't know book worms were real, O silly me :lol:lol


Judy - a new fur baby, how nice :manyheart


Well got to run now the lil one is getting into everything now Hugs to the House :hug:hug:hug








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Good morning housemates :coffee


Nothing new since late last night :lol I slept well, but it could've been longer since morning came too early today :lol I'm heading to the Phillies game tonight so won't be back until tomorrow morning.

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Happy Hump Day!!!


Marlene- I sure hope that they figure out what's ailing Maya- and I agree, I think a food diary is an excellent idea!!! You sure are keeping busy~


Marisa- Have fun at the game (and hope that the rain stays away tonight) It's pretty grey and dreary here this morning with rain in the forecast- hopefully it comes and goes by tonight!!!

Oh, and thanks for having the coffee ready this morning!!!


Judy- How did Heidi do last night with her first night in her home? Did you get much sleep? I know you must be on cloud 9- the smile on your face says it all!


Mary2- You are a tote making machine!! I just saw #13 on the Tote addicts CAL!!! You are the queen of the tote making!!!


Dusti- I was wondering how things are in MO- are you having any flooding because of what they did with the dam on the Mississippi River?


I just have the handles to do on my #5 tote. I have to pick up DH from the airport tonight at 8- and will probably just go there from work and wait. Since I have to work till 5:30 it doesn't make sense to come home which is in the opposite direction of the airport! So, like Marisa, I may not be back on till tomorrow morning.


Thinking of all of you and sending hugs!!

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Good morning, my friends. My goal on the sorting of boxes is 1 each evening during the week and 4 each day on the weekends that I have off (zero when I'm on 24hrs with Kim). At that rate I'll get done well in advance of the deadline, which will minimize the hecticness that will happen as the time gets closer and closer to move day.

Good plan. Moving is hectic enough!



Hi Wrennie!



Hi, Mary! Yup, the real thing. John and Kim's daughter-in-law is stationed at the arny base in Killeen, Texas, which is where their son works. They have two children which John sees several times a year when he is there on business trips, but Kim only gets to see the grandkids about once a year. John really wants to be closer to them so that Kim can see them grow up. Jonathan, their son, just bought a parcel of land about 20 -30 miles away in the foothills and they are building a house on it for themselves, there is a prefab house on the property that John and Kim will have, Shannon's mom will have a house there, and I will have a small house, too. Our own little extended family division. There is lots of wildlife on the acreage for John to hunt as it's wooded.

You'll have your own village! :lol


...because Heidi came home today and will be keeping me busy!

8 weeks old today, a GSD...and she's a love! Sparkie has been great with her, too!!


*pet,pet,pet* Good puppy!


They are keeping Zoe until they find what is wrong. :( Initial exam didn't find anything, so they're doing bloodwork and putting her on an IV for now.

Feel better Zoe! *pet,pet*


Kiyo and Wrennie-Have fun at the weddings you are going to this weekend!

OK, But just cause you said to. :lol


Wrennie, Hows your shoulder today? Be sure and give it some r&r. I to am enjoying reading about all the birds.

It hurt at the end of the work day yesterday so I loaded it up with sore muscle cream last night and it seems ok now. We'll see how long that lasts.


As for birs, heres a couple of my encounters,


My Goldfinch Story:

One day in the summer a couple of years ago, I had a finch feeder hanging on a 2 armed shepherds hook. The finch would perch on top of the hooks and wait for an empty perch. I look out, and theres a male goldfinch hanging upside down from the center of the hook, where the 2 arms meet. Well, they will hang upside down to eat, but he didn't look right. I walked over to the feeder and all the other finch flew away! He flapped his wings but his little leg was stuck! So I held him for support with one hand and tried to remove the second arm with my other hand. No good, it was rusted solid!! I give a light push/pull to see if his leg will just slide out, nope. I was so scared of breaking it or worse. So I try smacking it from underneath to get it to let go. (the arm not the bird) It wont budge. Now I'm standing there, smacking the hook, holding the poor little bird, crying, praying to God, mother earth, any deity that will listen to freaking HELP ME!

Another smack, and.......... *gasp* he was FREE! Yay! Huge relief! I looked him over, no apparent break or cut on his leg. I gave him a little pet, told him he's ok now and let him fly off.

Then I go looking for rope, or string or something to wrap around the arm in the nook, so no one elses leg can get caught. I was NOT going through that again! I get it all wrapped up. Came back out to watch at the hook, and this little yellow dart came from the tree across the yard right at me. I watch, thinking he's going to the food, nope, he's making a bee line straight towards my head!! (eek!) about a foot or two away he makes a hard left and lands in the tree next to me, he sits there looking at me chattering. Can this be the bird I just helped?? Then he goes to the hook. perches on top, holds out his right leg, looks at me, still chattering, looks at his leg, at the crook where he was stuck and back at me and stops 'talking'. Holy Crap! He just came back and said thank you! Truly one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had, and one I will never forget.


My (Sad) Chickadee story;

One summer I went out and a deedee (my nickname for chickadees) landed on a piece of driftwood we have near our picnic table, whistling a sad tune, just a few feet from me & Marton. I asked him/her whats wrong? He sounded so sad. A few seconds later he flew to the bird house across the yard and came back carrying something. He dropped it & it landed at our feet. It was a dead chick ! He then went back to his sad song, looking from us to the baby. (Who says birds are dumb.) The poor little guy was in mourning and telling us all about it.

When I found the dead warbler on the road last week, as i was walking back to the house a chickadee was in the tree where we hang the feeders, I looked up at him and he 'chee, cheed' that same sad song.

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Good morning, housemates. It's sunny today after a super cloudy day yesterday that finished with thunder and a long soaking rain. It's also much chillier than yesterday. At least Kim and I don't have to go out today.


Last night I went over to Rosie's and we pinned the quilt sandwich together for the Challenge quilt. Unfortunately, I have to undo and redo part of what I did last night, as there is a wrinkle in the material on the bottom side that just won't do. Oh well, at least it's just part of it that needs redoing and not the whole thing. Then I can start in on the sewing again.


Linda- I didn't know there were real bookworms- yuck!!! You have a good plan in place to get your stuff ready for the move- without too much pressure. Hope all went well at Kim's appt. When is the move to TX planned for? How neat that you won't be too far from Mary!

Kim's appointment went very well. She was having her yearly checkup with the dermatologist to make sure none of her dark moles are turning nasty. We were in and out in 30 minutes with an all clear report. Don't have to go back for a year.

Linda, Beautiful shawl and RR. Nice color blending on the rr. A nice reward for yourself for all your hard work. Live bookworms :eek! My nephew is stationed at Ft.Hood right by Killeen. He's been there a couple of years now.

Fort Hood is a huge base.

Have fun on the wine tour next weekend. There was a couple that got some wine from a winery down by us in Texas. She brought it over to the club house to open it and all of us ladies wanted the bottle. It was a black or very dark bottle with a white label on it with a cowboy hat on it (the hat looked like a stetson hat which is very expensive). The wine is quite expensive especially if you only want the bottle like we did. It cost 20.00 a bottle. But they are making a peach so next year I will probably look for it or go to the winery and get it as I want that bottle. I want to put a small Christmas lights in it and use it for a night light.

That wine bottle sounds really special.

DD called this afternoon she was on her way to pick Maya up from daycare. She is sick again. She has a follow up appt thursday with the doctor. She got sick again tonight so I will getting up and be on the road at 6. I'm going to make her I've told her a couple of times now to write everything down that she eats and drinks and have daycare do it to. Maybe she has an allergy we don't know about. I had to do it with DD and she was allergic to milk, but she was much younger than Maya.

Oh, dear! My daughter had/has lactose intolerance, but it showed up as soon as she went from breast milk to cow's milk. Another problem that is hard to diagnose is gluten intolerance. It's found in wheat, oats, and rye and is also in modified food starch. I'm not sure of all the symptoms in children, but common ones are bloating, nasty gas, and abdominal pain.

Good morning housemates :coffee


Nothing new since late last night :lol I slept well, but it could've been longer since morning came too early today :lol I'm heading to the Phillies game tonight so won't be back until tomorrow morning.

Have a wonderful time at the game.

Good plan. Moving is hectic enough!

Boy, is that ever the truth! And we haven't even started on all of John and Kim's stuff.

You'll have your own village! :lol

That we will.

As for birds, here's a couple of my encounters,


My Goldfinch Story:

One day in the summer a couple of years ago, I had a finch feeder hanging on a 2 armed shepherds hook. The finch would perch on top of the hooks and wait for an empty perch. I look out, and theres a male goldfinch hanging upside down from the center of the hook, where the 2 arms meet. Well, they will hang upside down to eat, but he didn't look right. I walked over to the feeder and all the other finch flew away! He flapped his wings but his little leg was stuck! So I held him for support with one hand and tried to remove the second arm with my other hand. No good, it was rusted solid!! I give a light push/pull to see if his leg will just slide out, nope. I was so scared of breaking it or worse. So I try smacking it from underneath to get it to let go. (the arm not the bird) It wont budge. Now I'm standing there, smacking the hook, holding the poor little bird, crying, praying to God, mother earth, any deity that will listen to freaking HELP ME!

Another smack, and.......... *gasp* he was FREE! Yay! Huge relief! I looked him over, no apparent break or cut on his leg. I gave him a little pet, told him he's ok now and let him fly off.

Then I go looking for rope, or string or something to wrap around the arm in the nook, so no one elses leg can get caught. I was NOT going through that again! I get it all wrapped up. Came back out to watch at the hook, and this little yellow dart came from the tree across the yard right at me. I watch, thinking he's going to the food, nope, he's making a bee line straight towards my head!! (eek!) about a foot or two away he makes a hard left and lands in the tree next to me, he sits there looking at me chattering. Can this be the bird I just helped?? Then he goes to the hook. perches on top, holds out his right leg, looks at me, still chattering, looks at his leg, at the crook where he was stuck and back at me and stops 'talking'. Holy Crap! He just came back and said thank you! Truly one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had, and one I will never forget.

That is so cool!

My (Sad) Chickadee story;

One summer I went out and a deedee (my nickname for chickadees) landed on a piece of driftwood we have near our picnic table, whistling a sad tune, just a few feet from me & Marton. I asked him/her whats wrong? He sounded so sad. A few seconds later he flew to the bird house across the yard and came back carrying something. He dropped it & it landed at our feet. It was a dead chick ! He then went back to his sad song, looking from us to the baby. (Who says birds are dumb.) The poor little guy was in mourning and telling us all about it.


When I found the dead warbler on the road last week, as i was walking back to the house a chickadee was in the tree where we hang the feeders, I looked up at him and he 'chee, cheed' that same sad song.

Oh, wow. We don't give animals and birds nearly enough credit for their intelligence.

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Hello, Friends!!

Time just gets away from me, and then I am embarrassed to pop back in here quickly. You know me, I am never brief :blush, but I'll do my best, as I have a hundred-and-one things I want to accomplish before we go to my parents' house for the weekend. Temps have been in the high 40s and low 50s, which is not fabulous, but I am learning to work with it :rainbow.

Yesterday, I was just antsy and could not settle on anything in particular that I wanted to do in the house. I put on my work clothes and spent a few hours out in the yard cleaning up the rhubarb beds, the raised gardens around our well and the apple trees, I tried to pull up the old hollyhock stalks, but they were tougher than me and will have to wait for DH to tackle with his muscle. I hung a couple of loads of laundry out on the lines, so our sheets and towels were fresh and wind-blown, again. By the time I got cleaned up and ate a bite of lunch, it was time to run to town to pick up the girls from school. Today, I would like to gather and wrap Mother's Day presents for my mum, MIL and gramma. I need to plan menus for this weekend and then do our grocery shopping with a crew in mind (My mum's birthday is on Saturday, so I am cooking dinner for a bunch of the relatives that night, and I will do a brunch with my brother's family for Mum on Sunday morning, before we drive home. It sure is nice my parents do not mind when I take over their kitchen during every visit :lol.) Tomorrow, I will pack for everyone, and I hope to work some crochet-time into the mix. I think it is do-able :yes.


What's up on your end, this nice Wednesday??


Judy ~ Beautiful new pup :dog !! Heidi has just a sweet face. She will, definitely, add some energy to your household.


LeAnna ~ :hug So sorry to hear about your family's loss of your brother-in-law. Have you been able to talk with Hub-E? When will he be returning home? I will be saying prayers for you during this difficult time :hug


Cindy ~ I hope your day away of shopping with DD gave your head and heart a bit of a breather from your parents' and in-laws' health. :hug for you, too. Shopping is so tough, if you do not want skin-tight leggings, body-hugging tangs or revealing tops, I agree :yes Maybe the dress that caught your eye will go on a super-duper sale, and you can treat yourself to something pretty for a "steal." Hope today is okay for you.


Linda ~ What great progress it sounds as though you are making in the weeding-out, paring-down process. Wow!! It's good you have a plan, but I worry about you over-doing it. Like a bunch of the others, here, I did not know 'bookworms' were real, little critters. I would have been squeamish about opening the next few books, that's for sure. I hope those are the last of the bug-variety that you ever see. You mentioned having a lot of quilting to do on your Challenge quilt -- do you even have a place on which to lay it out, anymore? :cheer:cheer Good luck. I love the sounds of the 'family compound,' when you move over to Texas :yes That will be so nice for Kim to be able to see more of her grandchildren and watch them grow-up.


Marlene ~ I do hope the food journal will be able to pin-point "something" that is bothering little Maya. Poor Dear. Do her symptoms go away as the day progresses, or do they just flatten her out for a couple of days at a time? Glad you got to enjoy Payton's soccer game the other day.


Joanne ~ I like the looks of your Stashbuster bag. Looks as though Sue has another addict :wink Isn't the Mississippi flooding sad? I actually live in Minnesota, about 80 miles from the headwater of the Mississippi River, but nowhere near that situation in Missouri :whew. Our yard is starting to dry up, nicely. It sure took awhile :P The girls can still find standing water in which to stamp and dig, so they are happy, but I am itching to see some flowers, to plant my strawberries, and get a start on the hydrangeas and zinnia gardens. Come on, Spring...where are you??:rose I hope your DH's trip is smooth, and that you get in some :crocheting time, while you wait for him at the airport.


Wrennie ~ I am learning so much about the birdies from reading your posts. You are just a wealth of information. I felt sad about the chickadee in mourning, too. At least s/he had a sympathetic ear, when your heard the mournful tune.


Marisa ~ Wow, talk about releasing a patient from the hospital quickly. I am glad to hear Mary's mom did not have additional health issues created by the stroke, but, yikes :eek, how quickly her health fluctuates. Glad Boscov's was kind enough to let you get all three cards stamped on your visit. What is next week's deal for visiting all three times this week? Way to go on finishing the lining for your totes, already -- you are speedy :sew I hope you will be able to take a pic before you give them away to your mom and aunt. Your SIL is going to love the Granny Go-Round, I can hardly wait for her to get it :hyper


Mary2 ~ :clap on the new bunnies. You are just going-to-town with the Stashbuster pattern. Way to go :h5 All of your combinations have been beautiful.


Kiyo ~ I am glad that your friend's visit from Australia has been so enjoyable. I wish your Hunny was coming out for a visit, but Memorial Day will be here, before you know it.



Mary ~ How is Zoe this morning? Has the vet been able to find anything? Lucky you got to spend time with Master Luke. "Of course he is the brightest little 1-year-old," he has you, your DH and your wonderful DD and son-in-law to love him. He is one of the luckiest little boys, I believe :yes


Cheeria ~ Morning :hi Is this your day with both boys? Is it nice enough to take them out for a walk with the stroller? What colors did you choose for your 1st Stashbuster Tote? If the other ladies' success is anything to go by, this will not be your last of that pattern :rofl


Thinking of everyone and sending :hug.

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A quick flyby! Baby is napping in the cordoned off kitchen:lol


They are keeping Zoe until they find what is wrong. :( Initial exam didn't find anything, so they're doing bloodwork and putting her on an IV for now.

Oh, you must be so worried! I hope it's nothing very serious....:hug:manyheart:hug


I was beyond exhausted last night....the car ride to PA plus hopping outside with Heidi lots of times after we got home. I think she's still looking for her siblings and momma.

Today is going pretty well....and even though it's raining I need to give her a bath this afternoon - she has the smell of horse (or cow) on her. Raised in a barn, it's unavoidable.:lol


The last 3 or 4 dogs have slept with us...and just as they did, except for a bit of chewing on our fingers when she changed position, Heidi slept through the night.:) She's very bright....doing the steps off the side of the house...letting us know when she had to go...she's a doll. Sparkie did the play bow with her this morning, too! When the rain stops we'll le her off leash and let them take off around the yard. She'll go flying, to be sure, but they always bounce right back up.


When things calm down and get more predicatable I'll be back to posting more...and the secret aspect of this: hubby didn't want me to tell before she was in our house...:think

Otherwise I would have spilled the beans 10 days ago when we put a deposit on her:lol

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Good Morning House. :)


Hi to Cheeria! I know you're super busy with the little ones...Sean will be walking in no time - get ready! :lol Have you any time to weave or crochet?


Marisa ~ I hope they find out what's going on with Mary's mom. Please give her our "well wishes." Good luck lining your totes - You can do it! :cheer


Marlene ~ Oh, I'm so sorry Maya is sick.:hug It sounds like a very long day for you, but it will make DD and Maya feel better to have you there! :)


Joanne ~ Wow, you are so speedy making totes! :clap Are you going to line yours?


Wrennie ~ I feel like birds know we care, too - your stories were wonderful to read.:manyheart We have 2 feeders, 3 birdbaths and 2 fountains...my hummers are here in full force now.


Linda ~ It sounds like you're right on track with the quilt! Is the deadline the end of May? :think


Judy ~ How is little Heidi doing? Did she sleep through the night?


Hi to everyone at the House!

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Hi Dusti! Oh, your weekend sounds so fun - filled with family and good food! I hope you get a little warmer weather soon...but doesn't it feel good to be outside? Even an hour in my yard makes me happy. :)


Judy ~ Thanks for the update on Heidi! Being a new mama is full time for a while, isn't it? :manyheart


The vet called about 8 and said Zoe was calm and they're just waiting on 2 more blood tests - so far, nothing abnormal. Keeping my fingers crossed it's nothing more than a hairball ;)...but one didn't show up on the x-ray. They will call back around noon.

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A quick flyby! Baby is napping in the cordoned off kitchen:lol


I was beyond exhausted last night....the car ride to PA plus hopping outside with Heidi lots of times after we got home. I think she's still looking for her siblings and momma.

Today is going pretty well....and even though it's raining I need to give her a bath this afternoon - she has the smell of horse (or cow) on her. Raised in a barn, it's unavoidable.:lol


The last 3 or 4 dogs have slept with us...and just as they did, except for a bit of chewing on our fingers when she changed position, Heidi slept through the night.:) She's very bright....doing the steps off the side of the house...letting us know when she had to go...she's a doll. Sparkie did the play bow with her this morning, too! When the rain stops we'll le her off leash and let them take off around the yard. She'll go flying, to be sure, but they always bounce right back up.


When things calm down and get more predicatable I'll be back to posting more...and the secret aspect of this: hubby didn't want me to tell before she was in our house...:think

Otherwise I would have spilled the beans 10 days ago when we put a deposit on her:lol

Sounds like a good, if tiring, first day. Have fun with your new furbaby.

The vet called about 8 and said Zoe was calm and they're just waiting on 2 more blood tests - so far, nothing abnormal. Keeping my fingers crossed it's nothing more than a hairball ;)...but one didn't show up on the x-ray. They will call back around noon.

Oh, I sure hope it's nothing major. Glad that everything is showing up good so far.


Dusti, hope you have a wonderful weekend with your folks.

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Hello house, I am safe. I have missed my lifeline of online friends. Finally have power, phone and an intenet connection. Devastsation all around me. My church family has taken a hard hit in loss of lives and homes destroyed. Many injured. My heart is breaking.


My daughter, mom, sister and brother are okay. One of the smaller tornadoes dropped down on my brother's property, so he has some minor damage and tree cleanup to do. One of my neighbors cut up the tree that fell in my yard and hauled it away.


Please say a prayer for my mom, she is dying and on top of all the loss and devastation, this is just to much for the mind to comprehend.


The only bright spot is that the dr office where my eye procedure will be done is back open and it will go on as scheduled tomorrow. I pray it's successful and my sight is fully restored.


I will be back sporadically for a while until life settles. My faith is carrying me through.


:hug:heart and :angel for all

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Hello house, I am safe. I have missed my lifeline of online friends. Finally have power, phone and an intenet connection. Devastsation all around me. My church family has taken a hard hit in loss of lives and homes destroyed. Many injured. My heart is breaking.


My daughter, mom, sister and brother are okay. One of the smaller tornadoes dropped down on my brother's property, so he has some minor damage and tree cleanup to do. One of my neighbors cut up the tree that fell in my yard and hauled it away.


Please say a prayer for my mom, she is dying and on top of all the loss and devastation, this is just to much for the mind to comprehend.


The only bright spot is that the dr office where my eye procedure will be done is back open and it will go on as scheduled tomorrow. I pray it's successful and my sight is fully restored.


I will be back sporadically for a while until life settles. My faith is carrying me through.


:hug:heart and :angel for all

I am so happy to hear from you, Toni! :hug :hug :hug to your family and friends and church. :hug :hug :hug Good luck tomorrow with the eye surgery. :hug :hug :hug

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Hi everyone...I'm still "here" so to speak...Hub-E is still in Illinois. Funeral for his brother is tomorrow...everyone is at the viewing right now.


Meanwhile, my laptop is in a coma...the video chip or whatever it is is fried. There is a possibility that the laptop is under warantee, but I'm prepared for HP to say, "Oh yeah, think again..." It is fixable, but the bill will be about $300.00 if that's the case. However, we were able to save my files and they are being transferred to one of our pc's and we're also getting it wireless ready, so that's something.


Am going to California on Tuesday and will be gone for a week...just won't have my laptop with me...but the more I think about it, the more that might be a good thing...have a real break from the computer...


I hope all of you are doing good...I'm on a computer at the library right now...not a lot of time.


Take care and eventually I'll catch up with you all...

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You have been in my thoughts, Toni, and I will continue to pray for you :hug:hug Such an awful lot of devastation and sadness. I am very glad your downed tree has already been taken care of by your neighbor, and I am thankful the small tornado (is there really such a thing?? They all scare me, I do not care what size they are!) did not do much damage on your brother's property. I will be praying for you through your surgery tomorrow. Is it out-patient type surgery, or will you be in the hospital for a night? We'll be looking forward to hearing that you are back home and recuperating. Here's a few more :hug, Friend, because we missed you!

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A break, away, sounds like the perfect medicine, LeAnna. Hang in there, and we'll be waiting for you, once you get home and your computer issues get fixed :hug Safe travels.

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Hi ladies,


Toni, I'm so glad to hear from you! Glad your family had no more mess than they did from the storms. It's so sad what has happened. I will be praying for you and your Mom. I hope your surgery goes well and you regain your sight. :hug


LeAnna, Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Safe travels to California next week. Sorry your having troubles with your laptop. It's good you can get some stuff off it.


Judy, Glad Heidi had a good night last night.


Mary1, That's great news so far on Zoe!


Dusti, Have a good time at your your parents this weekend. Nice of you take over the kitchen when you go there and give them a break.

Maya's is usually sick for a couple of days. Today her throat is hurting and once in awhile she complains about her belly. No fever and vomiting.


Linda, Glad Kim had a good doctor appt. To bad you have to undo and redo on your quilt.


Wrennie, Thanks for sharing your stories with the birds.


Joanne, Hope you don't have to long of a wait at the airport for DH tonight.


Marisa, :clap for getting your lining done for your bags. Have fun at the ball game tonight.


We got here to DD's bright and early. Maya, DH and I all took a nap today. It was much needed. Were going out for Fajitas tonight. I'll try and get back on later if not I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night everyone!

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Hello house, I am safe. I have missed my lifeline of online friends. Finally have power, phone and an intenet connection. Devastsation all around me. My church family has taken a hard hit in loss of lives and homes destroyed. Many injured. My heart is breaking.


My daughter, mom, sister and brother are okay. One of the smaller tornadoes dropped down on my brother's property, so he has some minor damage and tree cleanup to do. One of my neighbors cut up the tree that fell in my yard and hauled it away.


Please say a prayer for my mom, she is dying and on top of all the loss and devastation, this is just to much for the mind to comprehend.


The only bright spot is that the dr office where my eye procedure will be done is back open and it will go on as scheduled tomorrow. I pray it's successful and my sight is fully restored.


I will be back sporadically for a while until life settles. My faith is carrying me through.


:hug:heart and :angel for all


I was so glad to see your post! :hug May 5th has been on my notepad and was hoping you'd be able to have your eye surgery. So sorry to hear about your mom...it's hard to imagine being so ill and then having the stress of the tornadoes. Take care of yourself :manyheart and we'll be waiting for updates when you're able to check in. :ghug

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Quick fly by--

So happy to hear from Toni!!! Prayers for a very successful eye surgery tomorrow!!! I've missed you and been praying for you!


DH's flight is delayed- darn rain! He called me at 6;30- I was still at work- so I left at 7- got home about 7:30 and now have to head out to the airport!!! No crocheting for me today!!


Will post again in the AM!!! I read all the posts of the day- but no time to respond individually now-

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