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Our House Part Two


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Linda - I'm glad John decided not to leave yesterday, so you could do some planning! I seem to be in the scarf making mode, too. :hook


Marisa - Have a great weekend with your family! I love to grow herbs in pots - especially mint! It takes over the world. :lol


Toni - Oh, that is wonderful news about your DD coming! Our DD's job was in Birmingham for two years after college and we made that drive every 2 or 3 months...it's hard to be far away from them. :yes


Kiyo - Great pictures! I hope you feel better very soon. :hug


Tam - Take care of yourself and keeping fingers crossed that your headache goes away quickly. :hug


Dusti - Is the flooding a lot better? I know it's hard when your DH is gone for so long...but it sure sounds like you and the girls have fun and keep busy!


Hi to those I've missed, too!

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Tam, hope you're feeling better. When you say dd and kids packed up and left does that mean for the afternoon or did they move? Praying it's the latter.


Kiyo, glad you found out what was causing your distress.


Judy, that is a gorgeous tote! What color are you making next? :lol


Mary, my dd has been working long hours, 7 days a week. She said she's going to get a day off a week and it will be spent here. She doesn't like that it's been so long since she's been here. That she "misses her mommie" from someone who will be 45 in June :rofl


Got the frog tapester for my mom done and took pictures. Just need to upload them before I can share. Furple blankies and my bed all fresh and clean, dusting done and vacuuming done and I'm tired out. Need to do bathroom next but think I'll crochet some. There's always tomorrow, after Trade Day since we're leaving here between 8-8:30 in the morning.


Okay, back to either :crocheting which I want to do and the bathroom, which I don't. Wonder which one will win out?


:heart and :hug :hug TTYL

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Thanks, ladies!

Toni, you're a hoot!:lol

I have a bag of grannies here waiting for me to weave in their ends so I can finish attaching them. I also have untouched saltines - for another blankie. May not get to those this time around...have to see.

My shawl kit is coming in a day or so...and I want to be ready:hook

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Hello everyone. good day at work today, but kind of slow, so it went really slowly.


Dh went to Sam's club today, and they told him that if he got a Sam's credit card and spent $100, he would get $40 off, so he spent $103, and got the stuff for $63. This is amazing for him, he doesn't usually worry about getting bargains. Anyhow, he is very proud of himself and told me about it twice already.


Judy, your tote is really beautiful. Looking forward to seeing that shawl too. I love all those delicate lacy knit shawls that are so popular these days, and I think your crocheted one will be right up there with those. I haven't found a lot of really pretty crocheted patterns that give the same effect.


Tam, and Kiyo, hope both of you feel better soon. Kiyo, I've heard that cranberry juice is good for urinary tract infections. Something about making the urine slightly acidic, I think.


Toni, its so great that you will be seeing your daughter a little more often. Guess we never grow out of our need for mom!


I started this hat yesterday. It will get donated somewhere, hopefully to Kiyo, if I manage to get enough done to make it worth mailing to her.

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Cindy, glad you had a good day at work. I love that hat!!! Will have to add it to my WIM's that will take me a lifetime to make :yes TYFS


The dd that's coming is my youngest and although we've butted heads over the grandson many times over the years, we are still extremely close. She was in military and away for so many years, she doesn't like to be far or away long now. That's why she moved here last year, to be closer to me :lol It took her 3 years to get here after I did, but she got here!


Judy, :crocheting won out :hook Working on my ggd's halter top. I am absolutely LOVING the lace weight cotton yarn I got from Knit Picks for this top. It is so soft and lightweight and will be perfect for the hot FL summers! I may have to get some to make a pair of socks out of!


Time to feed the screaming stomach something to shut it up. TTYL

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Hi, gals.

Kiyo and Tam....feel better, my friends:hug:manyheart


I have 2 rounds to work for the tote....will post a pic later.

Thanks sweetie :hug

Stashbuster tote in Dark Orchid and Bernat's Spring(I think) Lilac

~*~*~*~*~LOVE IT~*~*~*~*~

Linda - I'm glad John decided not to leave yesterday, so you could do some planning! I seem to be in the scarf making mode, too. :hook


Marisa - Have a great weekend with your family! I love to grow herbs in pots - especially mint! It takes over the world. :lol


Toni - Oh, that is wonderful news about your DD coming! Our DD's job was in Birmingham for two years after college and we made that drive every 2 or 3 months...it's hard to be far away from them. :yes


Kiyo - Great pictures! I hope you feel better very soon. :hug


Tam - Take care of yourself and keeping fingers crossed that your headache goes away quickly. :hug


Dusti - Is the flooding a lot better? I know it's hard when your DH is gone for so long...but it sure sounds like you and the girls have fun and keep busy!


Hi to those I've missed, too!

Thanks hon!!!! :hug

Tam, hope you're feeling better. When you say dd and kids packed up and left does that mean for the afternoon or did they move? Praying it's the latter.


Kiyo, glad you found out what was causing your distress.


Judy, that is a gorgeous tote! What color are you making next? :lol


Mary, my dd has been working long hours, 7 days a week. She said she's going to get a day off a week and it will be spent here. She doesn't like that it's been so long since she's been here. That she "misses her mommie" from someone who will be 45 in June :rofl


Got the frog tapester for my mom done and took pictures. Just need to upload them before I can share. Furple blankies and my bed all fresh and clean, dusting done and vacuuming done and I'm tired out. Need to do bathroom next but think I'll crochet some. There's always tomorrow, after Trade Day since we're leaving here between 8-8:30 in the morning.


Okay, back to either :crocheting which I want to do and the bathroom, which I don't. Wonder which one will win out?


:heart and :hug :hug TTYL

Oh... how I wish they were gone forever............. :sigh.... they are just gone for the weekend! :( and because my head hurts so bad... I cant even enjoy it.


Hello everyone. good day at work today, but kind of slow, so it went really slowly.


Dh went to Sam's club today, and they told him that if he got a Sam's credit card and spent $100, he would get $40 off, so he spent $103, and got the stuff for $63. This is amazing for him, he doesn't usually worry about getting bargains. Anyhow, he is very proud of himself and told me about it twice already.


Judy, your tote is really beautiful. Looking forward to seeing that shawl too. I love all those delicate lacy knit shawls that are so popular these days, and I think your crocheted one will be right up there with those. I haven't found a lot of really pretty crocheted patterns that give the same effect.


Tam, and Kiyo, hope both of you feel better soon. Kiyo, I've heard that cranberry juice is good for urinary tract infections. Something about making the urine slightly acidic, I think.


Toni, its so great that you will be seeing your daughter a little more often. Guess we never grow out of our need for mom!


I started this hat yesterday. It will get donated somewhere, hopefully to Kiyo, if I manage to get enough done to make it worth mailing to her.

Thanks sweetie......

And yes... Cranberry juice is the think to be drinking for UTI/kidney infections!!! Feel Better Kiyo






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:yay Welcome to the weekend!:cheer:clap:cheer


I'm so happy that the work week is over!!!


Judy- Love the tote!!!:manyheart


Cindy- :lol wonder how many more times your DH has told you about his great deal at Sam's? :lol:lol Do you have to work this weekend?


Tammy- So sorry about the headache!! Too bad she is only gone for the weekend! :( Hopefully, the headache goes away soon so you can enjoy your house for the weekend with your family. How's DH feeling- still doing good? And Michael?


Toni- :crocheting would definitely win out over cleaning the bathroom:yes- And I'm like you- I AM the cleaning lady! And I had this idea that I would get a head start tonight for my weekly Saturday ritual of cleaning and then I thought to myself- ARE YOU CRAZY????:lol The weekend is here, time to relax tonight- and start the day fresh tomorrow to do the cleaning! Also want to make a run to Delicious Orchards early in the morning tomorrow- it'll probably be packed! Have fun at the trade show tomorrow!!


Marisa- Safe travels tonight- and it will only be the three 1/2 of us here on Easter- my DH and my youngest DD (and my grandson-to-be:lol) Her DH has to work, my DD doesn't come home Easter from Boston and still not sure what middle DD and her BF are doing- I extended the invite if they want to come- I don't make a big deal over Easter. When my DD's were younger, Easter was always the holiday that it was just US- and we went out for Easter brunch.


Kiyo- Sure hope you are feeling better- and yup, I agree, cranberry juice!!! Bet Aree can't wait to use her new Easter bag!!


Linda- How are you two girls doing? What treats did you get?


Mary2- Wonder if the :rabbit:rabbit:rabbit have arrived?


Mary1- Did you get to do anything fun for you today? Is Luke and family coming over this weekend?


Marlene- Hope that Maya is feeling better. Have fun this weekend with your family!


Well, off to get something to eat- leftover smorgasbord it is tonight and then we'll settle in with the Yankees and I'm hoping to finish my tote. I still can't believe how early I fell asleep last night and didn't get any :crocheting done!


May stop in later ---if not, see you all in the AM!!!


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:yay Joanne is off work and ready to play! :hug And, I did work on the toddler halter top instead of bathroom. :lol Decided the bathroom could wait until tomorrow when I get back from Trade Day. Need to bake some pumpkin cranberry bread too. Youngest is coming and LOVES it.


Truck racing coming on tonight, so need to get my shower and get ready to sit and watch the race and crochet.


Y'all have a great night and will talk to you sometime tomorrow! :hug

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Dh went to Sam's club today, and they told him that if he got a Sam's credit card and spent $100, he would get $40 off, so he spent $103, and got the stuff for $63. This is amazing for him, he doesn't usually worry about getting bargains. Anyhow, he is very proud of himself and told me about it twice already.

Aren't they funny? If we went on like that we'd hear about it :lol:lol But that was really wise of him to do that.

Judy, your tote is really beautiful. Looking forward to seeing that shawl too. I love all those delicate lacy knit shawls that are so popular these days, and I think your crocheted one will be right up there with those. I haven't found a lot of really pretty crocheted patterns that give the same effect.I know - the knit shawls all look so pretty, but I would never finish one. I'm lucky I manage a few rows now and then on the scrunchable scarf:lol This pattern has been on my drooling list for months....



I started this hat yesterday. It will get donated somewhere, hopefully to Kiyo, if I manage to get enough done to make it worth mailing to her.

That's a beautiful pattern - and crocheted! I know you'll get ti done in no time...:yes

Judy- Love the tote!!!:manyheart



want to make a run to Delicious Orchards early in the morning tomorrow- it'll probably be packed! Don't get run over at the orchards tomorrow!:eek

Well, Yankees are rained out...we watched a bit of the new, modern Sherlock Holmes ...then hubby got a phone call. We'll watch the rest tomorrow. I love this BBC production! I also got lots of ends on the GSs woven in while it was on:lol

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We have stuff to do in the morning so I won't be on till later in the day....

I wish you all a good night and a good weekend.

Hugs to everyone:manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


Boy I don't know where the day went but it is almost over. Didn't sleep well last night Jocelyn got sick and I had clean up to do. She is better today. I think she did an over load on cheetos. So no cheetos today.

I had bedding to do and beds to make. Kids are bathed and showered. We are as packed up for the trip to my house as I can be until just before we leave for Payton's soccer game in the morning.

I got a text from SD today wanting to talk to her Dad (she doesn't have calling on her cell phone or long distance at home). He wasn't answering the phone so I called her to see if she needed something. She said her Mom has bone cancer. She had breast cancer a few years ago (not sure how long ago). Her doctor wanted her to take some pills to stop her estrogen and to do Chemo and she chose to do neither. She was told she only had a 3% chance of getting cancer again so she didn't do it. I believe if you get cancer once you will have it again. Everyone I know who has had it has had it more then once if they lived through it. She's been having back pain for a couple of years (she was a factory worker) and she finally decided to get it checked as she can't get around very well. The mri showed a herinated disc and something else. The doctor said no surgery until this is checked out. So know she has to go have a bone scan. She has it in a lot of places. The doctor said he is surprised she isn't in more pain than she is. Hubby's ex and I don't get along but I did tell her I would pray for her Mom and ask you ladies to pray for her.

SD is an only child. Hubby lost a son when he was 7 in a car accident.

I lost an Aunt to bone cancer and cervical cancer so I know what she is going to go through. And losing a parent if that happens from this won't be easy for her.

Easter is DD's birthday so when she called tonight I talked to Maya and asked her about making Mommy a cake. So we will do that sunday morning. She'll be 33. Wish I was 33 again. I don't want to get any older I want to stay right at this age 54.

Before I lose this I'm going to post it.

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Joanne, I have this weekend off. I was supposed to work next weekend, but I ended up being scheduled Monday and Friday instead, (which is fine with me), since there were enough nurses on those days already.

It's supposed to be nice weather tomorrow, so Dh and I are going to go to Lake Michigan and walk around. Of course if the forecast is wrong, we'll stay home.


Judy, I'd never finish a knit shawl either, but I do think they are beautiful.


Good night everyone.

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Cindy- I hope you get some nice weather so you can take the walk by Lake Michigan. Our forecast is for rain - chance of rain 100% so it looks like I'll be inside cleaning and then crocheting the day away! Hope we don't get into a pattern of rain on the weekends when I'm off work!!!


Judy- DH was watching a BBC show on PBS- I was downstairs watching some basketball- Knicks vs Celtics- and the Knicks are losing terribly! So now I'm going to go upstairs and maybe read a bit before calling it a night. I'm on the handles of the stash buster tote so it'll be done tomorrow. Just like last night- I'm all of a sudden getting very tired!


Maya- Have fun this weekend- and I'm sure Maya will love baking with her grandma!! Keeping DH's ex in my prayers. Bone cancer can be very painful so I hope she'll be kept comfortable. It will be hard for your SD so keeping her in my prayers too.


Tammy - Positive thoughts for a much better day tomorrow!!!!


Night all!

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It's me again. lol


Julie, We will have some cake for you sunday. It will be cherry chip and white frosting.


Marisa, Have a safe trip to your parents. Have a fun weekend! Will any of your cousins becoming for dinner.


Joanne, Have a nice relaxing weekend! Iam listening to the Tigers playing baseball over the radio. They are winning right now 6-3 bottom of the 7th inning.


Judy, Beautiful bag!


Tam, I hope your headache went away and you can enjoy your home and family this weekend.


Mary2, Is peter cotton tail came yet?


Mary1, Driving home really made my neck tender, but it seems to be okay now. I drove the car and hubby drove the rv. I do have a bit of improvement. I can feel more scrubbing when I was my hair. Which just devoloped this week. My hand is still really weak though. I have doubled up on the finger and hand exercise amounts and I think that it is helping.

At pt they had me do 10 of everything and I'm doing 20.


Toni, Glad your DD is coming and lives close enough to come? Have fun at the trade show.


Cindy, :clap for your hubby getting a good bargin.


Kiyo, Hope your feeling better soon. My sister use to get uti's alot until she started drinking cranberry juice.


Linda, :clap another girls weekend! Have fun! We know you two will.


Dusti, What are you and the girls doing for Easter? Do you have family close by that you will be with since DH is gone? It sounds like he has an interesting job. I have a bil who is an engineer and has worked for Chrysler, Ford and GM and back at Chrysler again. He has traved all over the world for them. You should see the woodwork he does. It is beautiful! Just like it came out of the finest furniture stores.


I heard one of my cousins, she is 6 weeks older than me is going to be a great grandma. I told her daughter to be sure and get a 5 generation picture when the baby is born. My aunt is still alive and she will be a great great grandma. Iam excited for all of them.

Country music show is on so Iam off. I'll chat sometime tomrrow if I can. In case I don't get here Everyone have a Blessed Easter and a wonderful day no matter how your spending it.

My Grandma said if it rain on Easter then 6 more sundays in a row it will rain and it always did.:yes

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Stashbuster tote in Dark Orchid and Bernat's Spring(I think) Lilac

Lovely! :clap :clap

Hi Ladies,I got a text from SD today wanting to talk to her Dad (she doesn't have calling on her cell phone or long distance at home). He wasn't answering the phone so I called her to see if she needed something. She said her Mom has bone cancer. She had breast cancer a few years ago (not sure how long ago). Her doctor wanted her to take some pills to stop her estrogen and to do Chemo and she chose to do neither. She was told she only had a 3% chance of getting cancer again so she didn't do it. I believe if you get cancer once you will have it again. Everyone I know who has had it has had it more then once if they lived through it. She's been having back pain for a couple of years (she was a factory worker) and she finally decided to get it checked as she can't get around very well. The mri showed a herinated disc and something else. The doctor said no surgery until this is checked out. So know she has to go have a bone scan. She has it in a lot of places. The doctor said he is surprised she isn't in more pain than she is. Hubby's ex and I don't get along but I did tell her I would pray for her Mom and ask you ladies to pray for her.

Before I lose this I'm going to post it.

Will keep her in my prayers.


Tammy hoping the headache will be all gone tomorrow so you can enjoy the weekend without your daughter and her family.


Kiyo, cranberry juice changes the ph of your urine and makes it an unfriendly environment for bacteria. We have Kim drinking some everyday. With all the flavors out there now it really isn't half bad.


The scarf is almost done. We had cheese pizza tonight to which I added chopped frest spinach and extra parmesan cheese. Yummy. And we had cherry pie for dessert.


It's been overcast all day and is misting out now and cool. John saw 11 deer, 1 wild boar, and two turkeys today. They are planting corn and soybeans for the deer tomorrow.


Have a good night everyone. :manyheart

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Good evening ladies :hi


I am at my parents :clap My trip was uneventful, which is always good :yes My mom had a piece of tilapia for me when I got here and it was yummy. My aunt made easter pie today, as she does every year on good friday. But, we can't eat meat on good friday so I'm heading over for midnight to have a sliver :drool She makes the best and I'm excited!!!!!!


Wrennie - Thanks, I was trying to explain it to my dad and he was looking at me like I was speaking jibberish :lol He's already gone to bed so I copied down your instructions so I can show him what you were saying :lol


Judy - Gorgeous tote :manyheart and WTG on getting some ends hidden :clap Good luck with your errands in the morning.


Toni - Can't wait to see the halter top and your pumpkin cranberry bread sounds :drool


Linda - Glad to hear there was no damage with the storms and that John made it out safely :yes


Kiyo - As every already said CRANBERRY JUICE!!!!!


Tam - How's that headache doing? :hug


Mary1 - I love having the fresh mint there mostly because I love Mojito's :blush


Cindy - WTG DH :clap:cheer Give him a big :h5 and let him know we're all proud too :yes That hat is gorgeous, what color are you making?


Joanne - Just give my family any reason to get together :lol After all, we're greek and italian :eek


Marlene - How is Jocelyn feeling? Definitely sending prayers out for your dh's ex and sd :hug Easter dinner for us will be a couple aunt and uncles, probably one of my cousins, and a cousin of my mom's sometimes pops up too, she's unredictable, but she's the one that taught me to knit and crochet and gave me the sewing machine :D


OK, I think I've got one more thread to get to, but still have an hour til easter pie :lol

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Okay, need to check a couple of threads and get back to work. The bed won't make itself and the bathroom won't clean itself and I don't have a maid, so it's up to me!

:eek It wont! No wonder mine aren't done yet!!!


Stashbuster tote in Dark Orchid and Bernat's Spring(I think) Lilac

Ooooh, very pretty!


Wrennie - It sounds like you're ready for Spring and gardening! I love playing in the dirt and planting things...until our 100* summers hit! Congratulations on winning the tote! :clap

Been ready for a while. Woke to rain, a stuffy head due to sinus pressure, and a bleedy nose. I wont be able to get out there if it keeps raining.


I also have untouched saltines - for another blankie. May not get to those this time around...have to see.

Whats a saltine? :think


My aunt made easter pie today, as she does every year on good friday. But, we can't eat meat on good friday so I'm heading over for midnight to have a sliver :drool She makes the best and I'm excited!!!!!!

Whats easter pie?


Wrennie - Thanks, I was trying to explain it to my dad and he was looking at me like I was speaking jibberish :lol He's already gone to bed so I copied down your instructions so I can show him what you were saying :lol

You're welcome!


I woke up too early to a stuffy head, rain, and a bloody nose. Darn weather front! I don't think I'll get to gardening. Most of where I have tooo weed is on a hill so if I do that in the rain I will just be slipping down the hill the whole time. It is easiest to weed right after a rain so maybe later if it lets up.

One of our customers was in yesterday. He's moving to NYC to open up a bakery. He does baking up here now. He's having a yard sale today. I hope he has a garage or tent or something so it isn't rained out. I didn't think to ask him about that yesterday.:blush

Then I'm off to the thrift store. Ya never know what you'll find there. Hopefully some yarn. Not that I need any more but I can't help it, I'm an addict.

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Good morning!

It's a rainy day here too today!:(


Marisa- I was thinking the same thing as Wrennie- What is Easter Pie? I googled it, but seems that there are different variations of it and it's an Italian tradition. I wonder why I don't remember anything about this and my Grandma on my Dad's side was Italian:think Glad you arrived safe and sound- and sure hope you enjoyed your treat at midnight!!


Wrennie- I was thinking the same thing as you about the weeding. i wanted to do a little weeding (most of it was done and already new ones sprouting up and then we wanted to put the mulch down. Guess that is not happening today! Have fun at the thrift store and I sure hope the yard sale goes well for your customer friend.


I slept in - didn't get up till 7:30! I'm not sure I want to trek to the Orchards but one of their pies would be awfully good tomorrow! So maybe I'll just get there for when they open at 10-


Off to start cleaning- and I'll be back later


Oh, Toni- Have fun at the trade show! And Tammy- I hope your headache is gone!!!!

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:hi house!!! Just waiting for my ride to pick me up to go to Trade Day. I'm so looking forward to it.


Will be back later to catch up with everyone! Enjoy your day :hug

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Good Morning! I just came in to log in and discovered I never logged out yesterday. :blush Right after I posted, DH came home early and I completely forgot to check back in. :)


We're going to work in the yard today and gather up things for the garage sale next week. DH is quite the pack rat...we'll see what he's willing to part with. ;)


DD and her DH invited us to Easter brunch at the Fort Worth Club. It's a beautiful old 12 story building downtown and is where we had their wedding reception. They're having a petting zoo in one of the ballrooms! Hopefully, Luke will last for an hour or two. :lol


Off to the yard - Have a good morning, everyone!

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Good morning. It's still overcast here. I don't ache as bad as yesterday, at least not at the moment. We had a good night and the day is off to a good start. Hope everyone has a good day.


Whats a saltine? :think

A saltine is a two-round granny square used to make the lovely quiltghans at The Happy Yellow House site. Most of them use one or two colors, although I have a quiltghan in progress that uses four colors all in one two-round square. Hiding the tails in those is a real PAIN, but the affect is stunning.


You're welcome!


I woke up too early to a stuffy head, rain, and a bloody nose. Darn weather front! I don't think I'll get to gardening. Most of where I have tooo weed is on a hill so if I do that in the rain I will just be slipping down the hill the whole time. It is easiest to weed right after a rain so maybe later if it lets up.

One of our customers was in yesterday. He's moving to NYC to open up a bakery. He does baking up here now. He's having a yard sale today. I hope he has a garage or tent or something so it isn't rained out. I didn't think to ask him about that yesterday.:blush

Then I'm off to the thrift store. Ya never know what you'll find there. Hopefully some yarn. Not that I need any more but I can't help it, I'm an addict.

Hope your feel better soon. It rained here in the night/early morning, too. Ground is wet and so is the deck.

Catch you all later. :manyheart

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Good morning!

It's a rainy day here too today!:(


Marisa- I was thinking the same thing as Wrennie- What is Easter Pie? I googled it, but seems that there are different variations of it and it's an Italian tradition. I wonder why I don't remember anything about this and my Grandma on my Dad's side was Italian:think Glad you arrived safe and sound- and sure hope you enjoyed your treat at midnight!!


Wrennie- I was thinking the same thing as you about the weeding. i wanted to do a little weeding (most of it was done and already new ones sprouting up and then we wanted to put the mulch down. Guess that is not happening today! Have fun at the thrift store and I sure hope the yard sale goes well for your customer friend.


I slept in - didn't get up till 7:30! I'm not sure I want to trek to the Orchards but one of their pies would be awfully good tomorrow! So maybe I'll just get there for when they open at 10-


Off to start cleaning- and I'll be back later


Oh, Toni- Have fun at the trade show! And Tammy- I hope your headache is gone!!!!


I got a couple of sweaters at the thrift store and 3 hanging bud vase/ rooting 'jars' that need wire or chain to hang with, some buttons, a bar of soap and a little vase with birds& flowers on it thats going in my 'extras' box for swaps.


:hi house!!! Just waiting for my ride to pick me up to go to Trade Day. I'm so looking forward to it.


Will be back later to catch up with everyone! Enjoy your day :hug

Have fun!!


I thought that might be what a saltine was, a small square, but I wasn't sure. I'll have to go look at that thread.


I got some hats finished up to send to Kiyo. Oh, shoot, I forgot to take a picture of the scarves. These are quick which is a nice way to break it up between lapghans etc.


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Wrennie- the hats are so cute and that's great that you got some good bargains at the thrift store.


Linda- Happy to hear that your day was off to a good start!!! Hopefully it is continuing that way.


We opted not to go to Delicious Orchards and instead went to Battleview Orchards- which is closer to some other stores we needed to go to. We bought a sugar free Peach pie (for DH) and a Strawberry Rhubarb pie for DD and I (which I will give her to take home to share the rest with her DH who has to work tomorrow). Also got some fruits and veggies (and I had a hot cider donut- YUMMY)We then went to the CTS (Christmas tree store), Target, Walmart, Loews and Staples. I did get some cleaning done- the important stuff- the bathrooms and kitchen- and now the laundry is on.



Hoping to sit for a spell shortly- will watch the Rangers game and cheer them on for my SIL who is working! The Rangers are his favorite hockey team and I'm afraid that as much as my DD and I want their baby to be a Devils fan, my SIL and his Dad and two brothers are Rangers fans so we may be outnumbered!


Hope you are all having a good day!

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Hey ladies :hi


I had my easter pie last night and it was wonderful :yes It's a filling mixture of eggs, ham, pepperoni, sausage, and a few cheeses inside a pie crust :drool


Today I worked on my map and got it finished :clap:yay Now I have to try to narrow down the different areas and check out the demographics :yes


Great hats Wrennie :manyheart Another question on the parsley because I don't want to go back, but did you say to pinch of the shoot and it'll keep growing/coming back?

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