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Our House Part Two


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Great news on the bunny prizes ! Do you get ribbons or trophies or both ?And what all do they judge them on,I'm not very familiar with it. I know they have animal judging at our county fair,but dont know what they use to judge them either .



There is a written standard the describes what each breed should look like from color, fur and body type.


There are ribbons and trophies usually for the big wins. Sometimes even some cash, but not often lol. There are always ribbons, but unless they are for a big win (like a best in show) I don't normally get them.

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Hi Ladies!!


Can i join back in...its taken months and 4 trips to the hospital to figure out all that was wrong and to get my meds right(to high,to low,allergic to one,total body lock up)and i still have an off day here and there...but im so much better then i was...I'm just working on one thing right now so i don't stress myself out.I'm going back to the beginning when i first met you ladies and am making a Grandmothers Flower Garden with a hexagon that i made up.


Missed you Ladies :hug

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Good morning Glories!!!:flower


Welcome back home Shay!!! Good to see you and glad that things seem to be settling back down for you!! Wow- what a weekend- two of our friends are now back home!!! I'll bet the Grandmothers flower garden is going to be gorgeous. And remember, we all love pics!!!


Cindy- I'm glad that your 12 hour day went by ok and that you had fun! Bet you slept well last night- or at least I hope you did. Praying that things work out today for your MIL. We are supposed to hit high 70's today- and then chance of T-showers this evening- tomorrow temps only high 50's. It would be nice if we could settle somewhere in the 60's low 70's.


Judy- Forgot to comment on what a great pic that is of you and Mallomar! Did you watch the game? Not a good night for Yankee fans, but I'm sure my DD was on:c9 at the game last night- that's my consolation- that she was there and saw her team win!


Cheeria- thinking of you- hope all is going well with your grandbabies and your weaving!


Julie- I'll be looking forward to pics :photoof your embroidery project!


Linda- Was John satisfied with the condition of the house when he came home last night? Hope the jaw is back to normal.


Wrennie- Did you remember to take in your bird feeders last night?


Marisa- Hope you have a good Monday at work- and that you had a fabulous Sunday and good drive home last night.


Tab- How's things with you and the boys? How's your classes coming along?


Dusti- I just read that there was another 7.1 aftershock in Japan- continued prayers and positive thoughts that your host family will be located! Also for ALL the folks in Japan- not what they needed- another earthquake!


Tammy- Hoping that today finds Ken remaining fever free! How's Michael doing? And how are YOU doing? Love that tote you tested for Sue.


Toni- Did you finish the tote you are testing? Hope your body is less "barky" today!


Marlene- Thinking about you and wondering if you are back home in Michigan and how Maya is doing.


Mary1- Did you have another wonderful day with Luke yesterday? Has he gone back home or is he with you for another day?


LeAnna- How's things on the island these days?


Time for me to get ready for another day in Paradise. Have a wonderful Monday, all and I'll see you later!:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


:welcome BACK Dusti and Shay!!!!! :hug :hug :hug You both were missed :yes


I tossed and turned all night and didn't get much sleep :( But, had a great weekend with my parents....I love going to visit them, it always seems like nothing else in the world exists when I'm there :think Yesterday I picked up a map of Pittsburgh and have it taped to a big board and am going to mark it up to see where the chiro's are located and for the 2 biggest insurances....that way I can try to figure out where a GOOD spot would be :think UPMC and BC/BS are the 2 biggest insurances there and UPMC will only allow a handful per area to be in network so I definitely want to be somewhere that I'll get approved :yes So today I'm going to print off the directory for chiros (at work :devil ) I also finished the baby blanket and will post a pic tomorrow. Sixers game tonight, so won't be back until the morning. Gotta run to get ready and still have time to make bfast before heading out to work :sigh


Judy - very cute pic with mallomar :manyheart


Tam - :yay for ken and the fever and eating all day :lol Continued prayers :hug


Cindy - how's MIL doing?

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Wrennie, critters in trash = no fun! Around here it could be a raccoon, bear or coyote. One of the joys of living in the country.

Sounds like we have the same sort of neighborhood.


Wrennie- Did you remember to take in your bird feeders last night?

Yup. Don't want to encourage unwanted visitors.


Judy what a pretty grand-kitty!


Its suppose to be in the mid 70*s here today. 20* warmer than 'normal' then back to the lower 60*s tomorrow. I'll just call today a tease. If it was a weekend town would be full of motorcycles. I wonder how many will be out today.:think

Marton wanted to go fishing yesterday. He tried to shovel for worms and found ice right under the surface. No worms yet. He says he's going to get worms at the store tonight, maybe we can have trout for dinner.

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Good morning house!! Have my :coffee and just checking in before logging on to work.


Cindy, continued prayers for your MIL.


Shaylen, welcome back!


Joanne, yesterday was just what I needed, a total day of rest. The tote isn't finished but it's on the final rows and strap. So close, yet so far away. :lol


Hope your day in Paradise is a good one :hug


Marisa, the map and marking out where the chiro's are is a great idea! Sorry you didn't sleep well, but happy you enjoyed your visit!


Wrennie, since we both live in the mountains, I'm not surprised our neighborhoods are about the same :yes Trout sounds really, really good. Hope you got to have one.


Well, time for me to log on to work. Will TTYL and have a great day everyone!

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'morning, peeps!


Welcome back, Dusti! Love the picture of all you ladies.


Mary 2, congrats! Bunny shows sound like the cat show I saw yesterday...I was totally confused.:lol


And TY for the comments on the picture. Mallomar has as sweet a disposition as you could hope for i a kitty. She came right out to greet us when we walked in...let herself be held - and never once put her claws out.:D



Hi Ladies!!


Can i join back in...its taken months and 4 trips to the hospital to figure out all that was wrong and to get my meds right(to high,to low,allergic to one,total body lock up)and i still have an off day here and there...but im so much better then i was...I'm just working on one thing right now so i don't stress myself out.I'm going back to the beginning when i first met you ladies and am making a Grandmothers Flower Garden with a hexagon that i made up.


Missed you Ladies :hug

Glad you're a bit better; it's so good to see you back - looking forward to pics of your WIP!

Judy- Forgot to comment on what a great pic that is of you and Mallomar! Did you watch the game? Not a good night for Yankee fans, but I'm sure my DD was on:c9 at the game last night- that's my consolation- that she was there and saw her team win!

Went to sleep after the 6th inning:blush I was wiped out!


HAve a good day. See you all later today.

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HiYa ladies


Hope all are doing well today !



Of course, you are welcome back ! Sure hope they got your meds and health all figured out now so you can feel good again .

I love the Grandma's flower garden pattern. I made one a few years back .It turned out so pretty ,as I bet yours will too !

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Good morning everyone.

Welcome back Shay. Glad they have your meds worked out.


I have a busy week ahead. I have today off, but its my second grandsons 4th birthday so we will be going over there for dinner tonight. Meanwhile laundry is going, and I ought to get up and do some cleaning.

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Good morning, my friends. It's overcast at this point in the day. Possible rain in the forecast, too. It's going to be a normal, busy Monday here. I read a wonderful book over the weekend, Only Love by Erich Segal, author of Love Story. It's totally different from the first book, but a completely awesome book. The ending had me in tears. On a scale of 1 - 5 it's a 6.


I got everything shipshape before John got home. I took a 4 hour nap in the afternoon, which really helped and went to bed early, too. Feeling much more rested today.


I worked on my RR last night while watching TV. I'm down to the last 7 rows. I ran out of the light gray with one point to go, but luckily had another skein on hand from another project that never got off the ground so didn't have to get more.


Quick stop in-

Finished my nursing CEU's!!!:yay Glad that is done!!! Also got the laundry done at the same time!

Linda- :eek that stinks about what happened to John! Literally!!!:lol Hope you don't have too much to clean up before he gets home!

Yay for completeing your CEUs! :clap :clap :clap John and Mark didn't actually get sprayed by a skunk, they just didn't shoot anything at all. :lol :lol

Joanne, I caught one small bass, a good sized brim and a fingerling catfish.


Linda, darn, they are coming home early! Just don't overdo it trying to get everything "perfect" Hope your allergies are doing better. Rain in forecast for tomorrow, should help knock it down again.

The fish sound yummy. The pollen count yesterday was 2,790, but it's better today. Just 1,169. :lol:lol

Rabbits did well at the show! A couple of BOB (best of breed) is always nice!

Congratulations! :cheer :cheer :cheer

Hi, Honey, I'm hooooome :flower


Oh my goodness, have I ever missed All of You!!!!!!!! :manyheart

The girls and I had a GRAND time in Hawaii. Who wouldn't, right? And, if we didn't, it would probably be our own fault in such a beautiful place...:lol Anyway, we were warned, and even more aware of the tsunami headed our way than last year's. Gee, two tsunamis in two years while we were there...coincidence??? :think We were fine on our end of the island, and while we were prepared to evacuate, it was not necessary. My heart still hurts for all of those people devastated by the earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear situation in Japan. I have been in contact with over a dozen former classmates and friends living in Japan, but I have not been able to reach one of my host families, yet :cry We lived in the prefecture that was hit, dead-on, by the tsunami. And, although we were in a village up in the mountainous region, I am not sure if our home was spared. I have not been able to find them among the lists of people staying at near-by shelters, I have not heard from them either by e-mail or postal mail, and I pray they are safe, if without electricity and technology. I hold out hope that I hear from them with every mail delivery :worried


Whew, enough of that chatter. The girls and I arrived home on a Friday night, and they, seamlessly, jumped right back into the swing of school on Monday morning. All of us traveled well and did not even catch a cough or sore throat on the flights home. Three days after we had returned, my land-line telephone service was abruptly interrupted. After multiple calls to the service line, and 8 days without a phone or Internet, I was told that the problem was in the phone company's equipment, that it was most likely caused by mice in a box, and that the technician could not get out to the box, because it was under three feet of water in a farmer's field. "When the water-level drops, we can get out to the box and repair the wires. 'Til then, can you have some patience." Where we live, we are in a flood plain, and it is rather common to have deep water in the fields until the beginning of June.:thair "No, I am sorry. I cannot wait three months for my service to be restored." It took 15 days, but I, finally, have Internet and telephone service, again. Country living at its finest :ohdear Have any of you seen the news stories out of Fargo, ND with the sandbagging and third year in-a-row of record flood levels? Well, we live a good ways north of there, but our land is affected by the level of water flowing through that Red River of the North. Hence, when Fargo floods, we are under water, too. Yes, our roads have been closed, and the ditches are filled to capacity, but we are holding our own. Our house is dry. The sump pump is working steadily. The girls are giddy about playing in the deep water in the yard. And, the roads are really okay for us to drive on and get to town, but they are a bit damp and squishy in places. It's spring :P Temps are starting to warm up. As of yet, it still drops below freezing overnight, and the flood waters ice over at night. Today, it is in the 40s and pouring rain. More water is not what we needed, but this is the first moisture we have had that was not snow, so....that's progress, right?! I have seen one robin. No daffodils or tulips peeking up near the house, yet, but they might make an appearance by the end of the month. All's good, here. Here is a quick peek of my mom, the girls and me on Waikiki Beach [ATTACH]37746[/ATTACH]


'Til tomorrow -- Take care :manyheart

Welcome back!!!! We've missed you! Glad that you weren't effects by the tsunami. Hope you hear from your host family soon. That's a wonderful picture of the four of you on the beach. Hope that the waters go down soon.

☃ღೋ .......... Update .........☃ღೋ


I am so sorry.. I have been so frazzled with everything .. I honestly forgot to come post an update on hubby!


God Bless all of you for all your love ... support and prayers!

Hubby's temp finally broke!!!!!!!!!

He's feeling good... not tired anymore.

He's been eating all afternoon.... LOL


I love you guys!!!!!!




Yay!!! Hope the doctor visit today goes well.

Hi, ladies!

The cat show was fun - disorganized to me, since it's not something I'm used to, but fun! Love the HUGE Maine coon cats! We saw one that looked a lot like DS's cat, Mallomar.

Here's a pic of me and my grandkitty

Gorgeous picture of you and your grandkitty.

Yes. I'll I have to do is finish something so that I can take a picture and post it! :hook

We like progress pictures, too. It doesn't have to be finished to post a picture.

Hi Ladies!!


Can i join back in...its taken months and 4 trips to the hospital to figure out all that was wrong and to get my meds right(to high,to low,allergic to one,total body lock up)and i still have an off day here and there...but im so much better then i was...I'm just working on one thing right now so i don't stress myself out.I'm going back to the beginning when i first met you ladies and am making a Grandmothers Flower Garden with a hexagon that i made up.


Missed you Ladies :hug

We've missed you. Hope the changes in meds continue to help. Can't wait to see pictures of the Flower Garden 'ghan.

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(¯`·´¯).·´(¯`·´¯)... Good Morning House

..` ·.·´(¯`·´¯).....★。/|\。★


I want to THANK YOU so much for all your love .. support and prayers!!

Hubby is still holding a normal temp.. and feeling really good this morning!

Love you guys bunches!!!

Welcome Home Shay!!!!!!!! :hug

aww Judy... your grandkitty is so sweet!!!

Toni........ hows that tote coming along... :D

okay... catch up more later.... need to get more coffee and crochet!

working another Stash Buster Tote.... :hook



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Good morning, Friends :hi The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and the water needs to start evaporating around here. Yesterday, I showed a pic of us enjoying the beach. Here is another one of the girls enjoying our current 'water-front property' :Ppost-20536-135897647988_thumb.jpg Ai-yi-yi! They, honestly, love any and all sorts of water. When they came in from riding their snow tubes through the flooded yard and trying to surf on their rigid sleds, I had quite the time peeling their soggy snowsuits, long underwear, socks and turtlenecks off of them :eek. Can you guess that I had to run an extra load of laundry while they giggled and recounted their fun in the water over cups of cocoa? Kids!!!


BTW -- LOVED your pic of your boys cooling off in the freezer, Tam. That was hilarious. I totally understand how things like that happen in a house with creative kiddos :lol


Joanne ~ Thank you for your prayers for my host family. I am working with a former college-mate to try to track my family down. She is in Japan and working with relief efforts a couple of townships over from where I stayed. There is hope, and with prayer, more families will be reunited, if their nerves can stand the aftershocks. Can you imagine? Anyway, I can feel your excitement about your grandson-to-be. I just love the name 'Ryan,' and it was going to be our baby's middle name, had Annika been a boy :D Two baby boys in the family this summer -- double congratulations. Your hook must be flying to make special blankets for both your DD and your hubby's DD. Baby patterns are addicting. If you give felting a "go" in your free time, I will be here cheering you on, as it is great fun :cheer


Judy ~ Great picture of you with Mallomar! Last I remember reading, your son still had not settled on a name. Sounds like a very sweet kitty.


Tam ~ So glad to hear that Ken's fever finally broke. Did you have enough food in the house to fill his hollow leg? How great it was to read that he was feeling better and hungry. Hope today continues to be good for all of you!


Toni ~ Thank you for the KnitPicks endorsement. I *thought* it might have been you who suggested the site to Kiyo, but I was not sure, so I just kept my mouth shut. Variegated wool is so much fun to felt, and I am amazed at how soft it is, nowadays. Wool mittens my mum made years ago, were not quite so comfortable. I cannot wait to settle on a couple of patterns that I want to make and place an order for yarn. "Congrats!" on reaching 5,000+ posts :yay


Julie ~ Hi, there! Having my two munchkins feels as though it has aged me some days, too :rofl I hope you will be able to show-off some of your lap quilt this week. I'll bet it is beautiful. I am sorry to read that yarn is giving you such fits, but, on the flip-side, having some relief with your new med regimen is encouraging. Hang in there :hug


Mary2 ~ I am learning so much from reading your bunny posts. I am glad you had a good weekend at the show, and I am here to cheer you on as you work towards being certified as a judge.


Cindy ~ You have a good outlook for working through the weekend. I hope MIL's health improves. Your day at home, today, will afford you a bit of a break. Have fun at your grandson's party, tonight? Is there a theme? We just had one for my 3-yr-old nephew with big, yellow construction vehicles, hardhats, and orange cones all over the place :lol -- he was thrilled.


Hi, Shay! I am just getting back into the swing of things around the "House," myself. It is good to see you. Oooh, I cannot wait to see your progress on the Grandmother's Flower Garden afghan. I am not familiar with that pattern, but it sounds cheerful. Have fun with your hook and yarn :hook


Marisa ~ Glad to read that you enjoyed your relaxing weekend at your parents'. That is exactly how I feel, when I go down and visit my folks. With your big map of Pittsburgh on the wall and your list of chiropractor's offices marked-off, it sounds as though you are ready to battle your way towards your goal of your own practice. :cheer:cheer Good luck!! Go for it!! :cheer:cheer


All of my photos from our trip were delivered on Saturday. Today's agenda includes writing on the backs of the photos and arranging them in albums. I have a ham bone and green split peas simmering on the stove for pea soup, so tonight's dinner is going to take care of itself. The bread bowls are already rising on the counter, and I think that is all I am going to do in the kitchen, today. If time allows, I want to finish the second sleeve of my shrug and get that sewn on. I had better get my act together and move away from the computer. Have a great Monday :manyheart

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~~~WELCOME BACK DUSTI~~~ Was thinking it should be time for you to be coming back! :0) I have to go back and catch up on photos and messages. I haven't been on all weekend. Hope you had a wonderful trip!

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Off work, took walk, now catching up here and then nap time and yes, Tam Tote time! I can see light at end of tunnel on this and want to complete it tonight.


Linda, we're under tornado watch, have put car in abandoned building and will take down the hangy stuff on front porch later. Want to give the hummers a chance to eat first :lol


Dusti, love, love, love the photo of the kids in the water. How fun for them. I will keep your host family and all the families in Japan in my prayers.


Yep, I'm guilty as charged and recommended KnitPicks. I love felting, just haven't done any in a bit...hmmm...NOOOOO have to finish Sue's tote, have to finish the tea cozy (Joanne keeps asking about it) and then get back to the diaper bag and changing pad.


Oh, I want to come to your house for dinner! I :manyheart split pea soup!!! YUMMMMMMYYYYY!!!


Well, time to catch up on other things and then my nap and crocheting. I catch up more later this evening.


Love, Hugs and Angels to watch over you all.

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Hi, ladies....


I finished the baby 9 patch. Decided on a simple sc and hdc border so it looks neat...it's in the dryer right now.


it's 83 degrees here.:2eek

...need i say more? We still had the heat on yesterday morning:P


Linda, it looks like a low pollen count is all relative:lol

I'm glad you had a chance to get all rested up before the men get back.:hug


Later, gators.

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Judy, :yay for getting the 9-patch done! I bet it looks great!


I'm taking a break from the tote to have some pizza. My favorite is the Frescetta brick oven mushroom/spinach pizza. It is soooo good.


Next, will feed the furples, get the mail, take down hangy stuff and see what else needs to be picked up. We're under high wind advisories. Then it will be back to work on the tote. When I do a lot of sc, my hands get tired and my one arm will get numb, so I have to take a break.

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Toni, your pizza sounds YUMMO!:D


And here's the 9 patch.

Made with 4 inch squares it came to 35 inches square.

I used 3 different brands of yarn: lavender was Bernat, soft white was RH, and the beige was Caron One pounder in Lace. For the Caron I went down from an H to a G hook to get the same gauge.

I finished it with sc, using hdc where needed to even out the edge.


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Stay safe, Toni :hug Wind advisories are pretty common up here, though the atmosphere is still too cool, yet, for ours to yield tornadoes. It was cute of you to feed the hummingbirds before you collected the feeders this afternoon. I am sure they say, "Thank you."

Thanks for the comments on my girls. The water is deeper in other parts of the yard, but where I took the picture was as deep as I wanted the water to get on me -- I am NOT a fan of soggy britches and socks :P How is your tote testing coming along? Finished, yet? I feel your pain with regards to your tea cozy. You'd like to get it done. It's frustrating and not working out the way you want it too. There are so many other projects you'd rather sink your hook into. Yeah, I get it :yes You will get to it, when the time is right. Come on over for dinner, anytime :drive My pea soup recipe is yummy, and I cannot wait for DH to get home, so that we can eat, tonight.


Kiyo ~ :hi Let me tell you about catching up on posts :P Wow, were y'all chatty while I was gone. I did see that your Sweetie paid you a visit, and that he will be back, again, in a couple of weeks. That's wonderful for both of you. Hope you had a good weekend, and that you were just busy, not ill since we last heard from you.


Judy ~ Beautiful 9-patch! You blended those colors, varieties of yarns and stitches seamlessly! It's perfect :crocheting


The sunshine held-out all day, so I opened a couple of windows and let some fresh air breathe through the rooms. Ahhhh, I am getting antsy to hang laundry out on my clotheslines on days like this. If I had a pair of hip wading boots, I would probably give it a "go," tomorrow :rofl Alas, I'll hold off until the flood waters recede. The girls had good days at school :yay I thought I could pop in here and say, "Hi," while they are napping.


Hope everyone has a good evening :night

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beautiful day here today, though quite windy. However our wind here seldom to never produces tornados and those kinds of things. It isn't warm by any means, but I'll take the sunshine.


Working on my 3rd stash buster tote of Sue's pattern. I'm having waaay to much fun making these!

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Thanks, Dusti! I'm surprised at how well the colors work together....they were my friend's choice...my style is bright, crayola colors:lol


~hi~ hELLO~~ hey~~ HOWDY!!!

Heeeeelllllooooooo back atya!:D


Mary2, is that bag pattern the one you're testing??


Well, off I go for the night.


Have a good one everybody:hug:manyheart

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*happy Monday my girlies*~*

SUCHHHH a long day......uggggh. My boss is on a cruise for the week, thus----I do his job while he is gone with MY wages, NOT his....Hmmmm how does that work? lol Which means that I accept and reject loads from all of our customers- hauling the food we eat to and from your Krogers, Safeways, etc. We haul a lot of ice cream and dough, donuts, rolls, Cookies, cakes, pies. And......I have to fix any and all problems, as well as assign the loads to the drivers and have them complain. I tell them too bad, put yer big girl/boy undies on and deal with it!!!! They don't like to hear that from me.


23 more days until I see my honey!!!!

I found out on Sat that my great friend from Australia and her little family will be here to visit on the 27th of this month and will be here for 20 days!! She was a foreign exchange student here in 1993 she played volleyball and I played softball, that's where we first met! Became great friends. I am now quickly making her little family hats as it is getting to be winter time there. Her Hubby loves it over here! I wish they were closer! Last time they were here, her Dad here passed on the day after they arrived. Sad deal- this time we are making up for all of that! SOoooo excited to see them and my honey will be here so maybe we can get away for an evening of fun.

I worked on Aree's bag all weekend on and off. and...........I started a BIG DOILY!!! WIth my LITTLE DOILY for accessories!!!WHOOOOOO HOOOOo!!!

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Hi there house :cheer, WOW I haven't been to the house in a while. Of course I have been busy learning navajo weaving, so I haven't done any other crafts besides that. A few days ago my computer had a melt down and we had to load everything up, now everything is back to normal. How is every one doing??????? As for me I'm fine, happy and busy, busy. The grand darlings are growing and into everything. :lol Well here's some HUGS. :hug:hug Hopefully I'll be back in to chat with you all real soon.

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Busy day in the house~ and please forgive me for not posting individuals replies tonight- paradise was very busy today- VERY busy- and we had a new employee who started today and because my manager who was going to take her around and give her the tour of the building- and set her up with her computer, etc, had a family emergency- I stepped in. Naturally, that cut in to the time that I had earmarked for certain things I needed to get done today so I didn't leave work till close to 6.


Luckily we have leftovers for dinner!!! Which is what I'm going to go do now!


I loved the pic of the girls on your "waterfront property" Dusti!!! And your pea soup sound delish!


Hope you all have a good night and I'll be back again early in the AM!!! Hugs to all~~~

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