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Our House Part Two


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Hi, Marisa...


With hubby's line of work I never wanted a day to come where I would ever think "I should have..."



Well, I have the baby 9 patch (with 4 inch squares) half done. Once it's finished I may stick to knitting for a while. My right hand, wrist and base of thumb aren't happy with me - I think the other day I braced myself with my thumb outstretched and hurt it. It's not horrible at all, but acts up if I hook too much.

Yesterday I was making squares, knitting a little, then went to attaching squares. Alternating crafts definitely seems to help.:yes


Not too busy a day today - food store run and tonight a "Baby Sprinkle"...being held across the street. Sprinkle is what the neighbor is calling it since the expectant mom has a 4 1/2 yo already and we're only getting her one joint gift. I als have that RR I made months back which I'll give her. Every new baby born in the neighborhood gets a special welcome:)

And in thei sneighborhood - any excuse for a party:lol:lol:lol

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Wrennie, WOW! You really inspired Stephanie! Amazing work...:clap I thought I was the only one who used Homespun:lol


Marisa, I think NJ has the cheapest gas prices in the nation...AND we don't have to pump it:D

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(¯`·´¯).·´(¯`·´¯)... Good Morning

..` ·.·´(¯`·´¯).....★。/|\。★


Real quick stop in to say :hi HI


Hubby still doing well!

Michael is hangin' tough... no signs yet of a relapse... Prayers matter! Thank you!!

Patrick had baseball practice last night ... and he said it was a good practice.... he was the only one that hit the fence from batting! :D

David........ that silly little man..... chasing bugs... LOL He wants to be a zoologist.

My mom.. is resting .. and recovering... has a doc appointment today!

My Daughter is making me NUTS.

My grandson is home.. still fighting a fever.... has an ear infection .. and is on breathing treatments for being allergic to cigarette smoke. :sigh

Okay... gotta run.. hubby just walked in and said... do your hair... we're outta here.... lets go have breakfast.

Dont have to tell me twice...

catch up with you all later! :D



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Good morning my friends. It's a lovely sunny day here in north Georgia. Haven't checked the pollen count but the ash trees in front of the house are in bloom so I'm staying inside. I've got a dull ache in my jaw where the tooth was pulled, but other than that it's doing well.


Got to go see my grand kids yesterday!! Of course chains required coming home back over the pass. Whatever..:lol


lights out except that night light..wonder if it's enough to crochet by...

I remember using chains in the snow in Minnesota. It often meant the difference from getting somewhere and not.


Nope. The night light is not enough for me to crochet by. :lol Had to turn on a lamp.

Ever tried the lighted crochet hooks?? I have them..haven't used them in a while, but they're fun - and so lightweight (plastic)

I have a couple of them. They are really helpful when working with really dark colored yarn.

Linda - :drool You should be a food critic with your food wording because now I so want it :yes:rofl At least now the house is clean and done for a bit :yes

Unfortunately, the cleaning isn't done yet. He is saying that he wants to have cleaners come in and clean the house after the tax refund comes in. That means that I have to clean everything beforehand, so he gets a better rate. :sigh There are times when I'd like to kick him.

I can't remember if I told you about my friend at work, Stephanie. The one that just had her bridal shower. Well, when she first started with our company she saw me crocheting and said she couldn't even make a dish cloth because she couldn't make them straight & square. With teasing and encouragement from me I taught her how to do a turn in on itself potholder, no edges to keep straight after all. Then she told me her mom made her nephew a hat and it looked like a big crooked ice cream cone, so I talked her into making a hat to show up her mom.(oops did I say that out loud?!) A million hats and potholders later (OK not a million but lots) She sees a crochet magazine that I got with a bunch of sweaters in it. Now the "I can't crochet straight" girl has made herself a sweater! Out of Homespun even! The bottom edge is a repeat of motifs. It has a hood! It's all her fault that I'm making me a sweater now. Couldn't let my 'student' out do me after all!

Oh, and she's not bald, her hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail under that hood. :rofl

Good for her and for you.

I'm working on the sleeves too. One I got a bit confused if I lost count, so I'm finishing the second one, being very careful to keep count. Then I'll compare, if they look the same I'll just finish the one I got confused on and pretend I didn't.

Good luck and hope that you can pretend you didn't. You'd probably be the only one to know that they don't match anyway.

Mine is a chocolate brown cardigan, no hood. No motifs, done in a sportweight yarn. It's going to be nice & warm (when I finish it in August! :rofl )

:lol :lol :lol



(¯`·´¯).·´(¯`·´¯)... Good Morning

..` ·.·´(¯`·´¯).....★。/|\。★


Real quick stop in to say :hi HI



Hubby still doing well!

Michael is hangin' tough... no signs yet of a relapse... Prayers matter! Thank you!!

Patrick had baseball practice last night ... and he said it was a good practice.... he was the only one that hit the fence from batting! :D

David........ that silly little man..... chasing bugs... LOL He wants to be a zoologist.

My mom.. is resting .. and recovering... has a doc appointment today!

My Daughter is making me NUTS.

My grandson is home.. still fighting a fever.... has an ear infection .. and is on breathing treatments for being allergic to cigarette smoke. :sigh


Okay... gotta run.. hubby just walked in and said... do your hair... we're outta here.... lets go have breakfast.

Dont have to tell me twice...

catch up with you all later! :D







Have a wonderful breakfast. Glad to hear that your family are doing well healthwise. Good luck with daughter. You may have to give her a deadline for moving out. I had to do that with my son at one time. He wasn't a happy camper, but it had to be done.


:hug :hug :hug to all of you. Catch you all tomorrow if not before. :manyheart

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Got to go see my grand kids yesterday!! Of course chains required coming home back over the pass. Whatever..:lol


lights out except that night light..wonder if it's enough to crochet by...




Mary----was that over Snowqualamie? I had trucks stuck because of the avalanche! It wasn't a good deal! 4 of them coming back down to Utah from up there!

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Good Morning, everyone. :) I can't believe my last post was on Monday! The week hasn't been so good on the family front and DH and I are both exhausted. We'll have Little Guy for the weekend starting tomorrow and today is cleaning, laundry and shopping so I'll be ready to play!:lol


Thank you for the sweet comments on Luke's pictures. :manyheart I still have to get the others from DH's camera. :think


Kiyo ~ Loved the pictures! I'm so glad you all had such a good time at Riverdance. :yes


Wrennie ~ Yay for being such a great teacher.:hook Your friend's sweater is wonderful and can't wait to see yours, too.


Better get back to work...before I run out out of steam. :wink

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Howdy all

I thought I posted this morning but guess I didnt . Had my mind on other stuff needing done --went to the bank to ask some questions about home improvement loans, yada,yada.. nothing done yet on it because we dont have the items all totaled up yet to know what to ask for . Just asking questions regarding payoff time, monthly amount due,etc ..

Then went to the home improvement store ....a little overwhelming trying to decide on stuff,but I got a good start at least --some ideas on what I want the finished outside to look like. Still kicking around a couple color ideas,so nothing is yet officially decided .


Sorry I'm a scatterbrain today and cant remember who all said what ... so will just say howdy to all of you .

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Hi, Mary1, Jules and everyone!


Jules, I find that keeping track of everything is hard....which is why I have paper and pen in every room:lol


BBL! The Yankees won!!:clap

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Back from town and doctor office. White cells are down again, so back on goes mask and gloves :sigh At least had one weekend of feeling "normal". Today a lady in line at Wally World asked me what was wrong with me. She was nice about it, but that's why I hate the mask and gloves. Oh, well, it's just hard to accesorize them :rofl


Hello all,


First day back at work- and wow was I busy- lots of meetings- had a 1:1 with my director- then another meeting and then another this afternoon-but it's good- and she knows that I have alot to catch up on since I've been away from the dept for almost 2 years! It was kind of like the first day on a new job- exciting and overwhelming at the same time.


Sounds like they kept you busy on your first day back! WOW!


Toni- It was good to see your posts and glad that you are ok. Good luck with the blood work- I hope it continues to be on the right track! That's great that you can put your car in the building! Have fun with the testing!!!


Blood work down but that's typical with this. Low one week, critical low the next. I'd rather be testing :D:hug


Got to go see my grand kids yesterday!! Of course chains required coming home back over the pass. Whatever..:lol


:yay on seeing the grandkids, boooooo on having to use chains. Glad you are home safe.[/QUOTE]


Good morning ladies :coffee


Toni -That's awesome to have met sugar ray and held his baby :yes He does seem very nice and fun loving :think Oh, and :yay for being able to park your car under shelter for the storms. I hope your blood work goes well :xfin:hug


Thanks! blood work is weekly for rest of my life. It's up, it's down, it's neutral. No stability yet.

One of the perks of working at a Disney Hotel was that I got to meet a lot of famous people. Some were not so nice, some were like regular folks and just really nice.


I can't wait for warmer weather, maybe this weekend, so I can go for a good long walk. A lady used to walk past my house, had degenerative eye disease, she'd look mostly at her own feet so she wouldn't trip.


:eekThat would be me :lol And steps are treacherous. That's why I'm starting out slowly around the little loop that cars don't really drive on much. Not ready to walk on the road yet.


I can't remember if I told you about my friend at work, Stephanie. The one that just had her bridal shower. Well, when she first started with our company she saw me crocheting and said she couldn't even make a dish cloth because she couldn't make them straight & square. With teasing and encouragement from me I taught her how to do a turn in on itself potholder, no edges to keep straight after all. Then she told me her mom made her nephew a hat and it looked like a big crooked ice cream cone, so I talked her into making a hat to show up her mom.(oops did I say that out loud?!) A million hats and potholders later (OK not a million but lots) She sees a crochet magazine that I got with a bunch of sweaters in it. Now the "I can't crochet straight" girl has made herself a sweater! Out of Homespun even! The bottom edge is a repeat of motifs. It has a hood! It's all her fault that I'm making me a sweater now. Couldn't let my 'student' out do me after all!


You must be one heck of a teacher! WOW!

Oh, and she's not bald, her hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail under that hood. :rofl


I'm working on the sleeves too. One I got a bit confused if I lost count, so I'm finishing the second one, being very careful to keep count. Then I'll compare, if they look the same I'll just finish the one I got confused on and pretend I didn't.


That's what I would do :devil


Hi, Marisa...


With hubby's line of work I never wanted a day to come where I would ever think "I should have..."



Well, I have the baby 9 patch (with 4 inch squares) half done. Once it's finished I may stick to knitting for a while. My right hand, wrist and base of thumb aren't happy with me - I think the other day I braced myself with my thumb outstretched and hurt it. It's not horrible at all, but acts up if I hook too much.

Yesterday I was making squares, knitting a little, then went to attaching squares. Alternating crafts definitely seems to help.:yes


I have occasional problems with my thumbs and I have to wear wrist/hand braces at night time for a few weeks. It sure helps me.


Not too busy a day today - food store run and tonight a "Baby Sprinkle"...being held across the street. Sprinkle is what the neighbor is calling it since the expectant mom has a 4 1/2 yo already and we're only getting her one joint gift. I als have that RR I made months back which I'll give her. Every new baby born in the neighborhood gets a special welcome:)

And in thei sneighborhood - any excuse for a party:lol:lol:lol


Sounds like a neighborhood I would like to live in :yes


Good morning my friends. It's a lovely sunny day here in north Georgia.


Had 3 gorgeous days in a row here in NE AL. Not to hot, not to cold, just right. Night time it's been around freezing or just above.


I have a couple of them. They are really helpful when working with really dark colored yarn.


I was gifted one in the kit swap last year. Kinda kewl to use, like you said, with dark yarn.

Unfortunately, the cleaning isn't done yet. He is saying that he wants to have cleaners come in and clean the house after the tax refund comes in. That means that I have to clean everything beforehand, so he gets a better rate. :sigh There are times when I'd like to kick him.


This would DEFINITELY count as one of those times!!!!! :kick:tryme:box:thair:hug:hug


Good Morning, everyone. :) I can't believe my last post was on Monday! The week hasn't been so good on the family front and DH and I are both exhausted. We'll have Little Guy for the weekend starting tomorrow and today is cleaning, laundry and shopping so I'll be ready to play!:lol


:jumpyayYou will have so much fun with him!


Howdy all


Sorry I'm a scatterbrain today and cant remember who all said what ... so will just say howdy to all of you


I have lists, grocery lists, what project I'm making in what order lists, what I need at Lowe's lists, I do lists. Otherwise, I would be totally lost :eek


Okay, think I've caught up. Had such a nice day out and lunch at Captain D's so won't need anything but snack for dinner tonight. Need to call the mama and then will sit and stitch.

Hugs to all and prayers to all!

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Toni, sending you :hug:hug:hug:hug


...off to change into something less schlubby for the party!


'nite everyone:hug:manyheart

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I can't remember if I told you about my friend at work, Stephanie. The one that just had her bridal shower. Well, when she first started with our company she saw me crocheting and said she couldn't even make a dish cloth because she couldn't make them straight & square. With teasing and encouragement from me I taught her how to do a turn in on itself potholder, no edges to keep straight after all. Then she told me her mom made her nephew a hat and it looked like a big crooked ice cream cone, so I talked her into making a hat to show up her mom.(oops did I say that out loud?!) A million hats and potholders later (OK not a million but lots) She sees a crochet magazine that I got with a bunch of sweaters in it. Now the "I can't crochet straight" girl has made herself a sweater! Out of Homespun even! The bottom edge is a repeat of motifs. It has a hood! It's all her fault that I'm making me a sweater now. Couldn't let my 'student' out do me after all!

Oh, and she's not bald, her hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail under that hood. :rofl

:clapWow that is one amazing sweater!!! Stephanie looks great in the sweater! And to go from I can't crochet straight to that beautiful sweater!!! What a great teacher you are. Please tell her it's amazing!!!

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HI all,

Decided to finally go and get myself the pedicure that I've been wanting- so went straight there after work! It was heavenly!!! I just love the massage chair!! The place where I go got new chairs over the winter- Oh, so nice and I feel so relaxed!!!:c9


Judy- Have fun at the baby sprinkle!!! She is going to love the blanket you are giving her!!! And you are right about the gas- it is cheaper here in NJ, but I still don't like the price of it- it seems you blink and it's up a few more cents!:eek Luckily where my DD lives, there is a gas station a few blocks away where I always fill up before my trek home from Boston- only about 5 cents more than here and they pump the gas too! The only one I've seen up there where they do- so as a Jersey girl who is used to having her gas pumped for her- that's my go -to-station up there!


Marisa- So how did the Phillies do today? Glad that Judy posted that the Yankees won! And can't believe that the Red Sox are winless!!! My DD is having fits! She said thank goodness it's still hockey season too so she's not getting too upset---yet! Hope your day went well at work!


Toni- Sorry to hear about the lab results- but as you say, it's up, it's down, it's neutral---and you always are upbeat:hug- very inspirational! Glad you had a nice meal this afternoon- I just had salad and some tuna and crackers for lunch and then tonight since DH is out, I made waffles and turkey bacon! There's just something about breakfast for dinner that I love!


Julie- Have fun deciding what color you want to do your house- and the roof- It does get kind of overwhelming- when we decided to re-do our main bathroom I had a hard time finally deciding on what I was going to do. When are you planning to start on the reno's?


Kiyo- Did those 4 truckers get back ok?


Linda- I agree with Toni- now seems like a good time to :bang:tryme:box! What's the point of a cleaning lady if you have to do all the cleaning beforehand:think Hope your afternoon was nice!


Mary- Sorry to hear that you've had some family troubles but nice that you'll have that cutie pie Luke for a couple of days! Enjoy him!


Tammy- Sounds like it's time to give that daughter of yours a deadline to be out! Did you enjoy your breakfast out? Congrats to Patrick- your boys sure do seem to bring you so much joy and happiness and I'm happy to hear that Michael is still holding strong without a relapse!:hug


Hope you all have a good evening and I'll see you in the AM!

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Hey ladies :hi


I had a very long day at work today and was miserable all day :eek


I've decided that I need to spend less evening time here so will be stopping the individual posts for a while, so don't anyone be offended. I need to use the time I spend here towards searching for office space and such. I find that by the time I finish here, I can't sit at the computer any longer :lol Just wanted to give you a heads up so you didn't worry about me at all :yes


That being said, I do need to answer Joanne that the phils won 11-0 :yay


Catch y'all in the AM

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Good luck with the search- and no worries about not being here or individual posts- and thanks for the heads up so we don't worry about you- cause you know we would!!


Happy office searching!!!:hug:hug

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I know you can't believe it-----I have had a hard time with my phone sending photos to my computer email. So I had to send them via Facebook, then it's had issues this morning too, so I still have 1 more to post, whenever it decided to come through!



Thus..........the black, teal, green, purple African Flower motif will be a bag for Aree for Easter instead of a basket w/ annoying plastic grass all over the place. Her Dress is those colors w/ a little white to accent and a little white shrug (I didn't dare try to make one!)

The granny square pink/yellow is the Inga bag for my Mom for Easter, minus the handles. They should be done today and then she has to line it herself!

The rainbow thing is really going to be a sock! lol-----the beginning to my family socks for Christmas in Atlanta.

I did finish Aree's Godmother's Inga bag in blue, yellow and white, that's the photo I can't get to come through.





and.......the last 3 photos!!! This is Mom Aree and I @ Riverdance on Sun----sorry about the one of the 3 of us not being too clear. We had been laughing like no other, we were previously seated in these seats that were MUCH TOO SMALL FOR US!!! we had been laughing soooooo hard we were crying and couldn't talk! And, then we tried sneaking in a quick photo before they turned the lights off on us.


Here's the last bag.


Beautiful bags, and it looks like the two of you are having a wonderful time!

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I can't remember if I told you about my friend at work, Stephanie. The one that just had her bridal shower. Well, when she first started with our company she saw me crocheting and said she couldn't even make a dish cloth because she couldn't make them straight & square. With teasing and encouragement from me I taught her how to do a turn in on itself potholder, no edges to keep straight after all. Then she told me her mom made her nephew a hat and it looked like a big crooked ice cream cone, so I talked her into making a hat to show up her mom.(oops did I say that out loud?!) A million hats and potholders later (OK not a million but lots) She sees a crochet magazine that I got with a bunch of sweaters in it. Now the "I can't crochet straight" girl has made herself a sweater! Out of Homespun even! The bottom edge is a repeat of motifs. It has a hood! It's all her fault that I'm making me a sweater now. Couldn't let my 'student' out do me after all!

Oh, and she's not bald, her hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail under that hood. :rofl


WTG to Stephanie!

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We are home from visiting my parents. We ahd a good visit, but its always nice to get back home.


Instead of taking some of my WIPS with me, I took a Caron pounder and some hooks along. While mom and I sat and visited, I made a baby dress, a baby hat and a pair of baby booties. i also started a preemie blanket. When that is finished, there will still be some of the yarn left over.


I quickly read through all the posts, but I don;t think I will remember everything I wanted to comment on.


Toni, sorry to hear that the WBCs are down again.

Tam, glad hubby and Michael are hanging in there. Hope the DD situation gets straightened out soon, and that your mom and grandson both get well quickly.

Mary, have a good weekend with Luke.

Marisa, good luck with the office hunt.

Joanne, it must be like a new job, going back to your old department, when its been such a long time.

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Mary----was that over Snowqualamie? I had trucks stuck because of the avalanche! It wasn't a good deal! 4 of them coming back down to Utah from up there!


good way of spelling it! Yes it was Snoqualmie. Chains were still required Wednesday morning too. Looking at the pass camera just now it looks lots better.


Wild day today. Packaged up some pet food to ship on Monday. Ran to town to help set up for rabbit show Saturday (yay for local shows!) and a friend that was riding with me was called into work. So I took her there and then went and did errands, bought yarn, did more errands, bought more yarn :lol Great afternoon :hook

Then it wasn't worth going all the way home just to turn around and come back to pick her up after work. So I stopped and bought ...yarn :lol and a crochet hook (I do NOT like the bamboo handle hooks)and sat in the car and started on a 2 color divine hat :crocheting. Got home, had to make dinner and feed the rabbits yet. DH had already eaten leftovers.

Now it's 11:30 and time to turn the heat down, the lights low and snuggle up..in my recliner... this shoulder makes sleeping in bed hard! My Moosie dog doesn't care as long as he is under the blanket.


Night house!

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Good morning!


Cindy- It must be nice to be back home and glad you had a nice visit with your folks. I'm sure the baby dress, booties, hat are lovely- as is all your work! It IS strange being back in the old department- and very much like a new job. I'm trying to catch up on any new policies, etc - luckily my director has been very good about giving me time to re-orient myself!


Mary2- Wow- what a day you had yesterday! Yarn, and then some more yarn and then some more yarn!!! Oh, and mix in a few other things- and then more yarn! Good luck with the rabbit show- and it must be great that it is local this time around!!!!


Judy- Enjoy the Yankee-Red Sox game for me- WHY are they playing at 2:05???? Don't they know there are LOTS of fans who are working at that time?:lol I may catch some of it on the way home in the car. How was the "baby sprinkle" last night?


Marisa- Did you get to do some research on possible office's last night- or realtors?


Tam, Julie, Tab, Mary1, Cheeria, Kiyo, LeAnna, Faille, Marlene, Trish, Wrennie, and anyone else this caffeine -deprived mind may have forgotten- have a wonderful day!

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Now that I've had my caffeine-



Hope your day goes well and that you get some nice weather so you can start to take short walks!!! And I must ask- how is that tea cozy coming along?:lol (probably as far as the RR and the other baby blanket I'm making) What did I do last evening- made another baby washcloth :lol


Linda- I hope that you don't have to do too much cleaning!!! How's the quilt coming along?

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Good morning ladies :hi


I did alot of searching last night, but feel like it led nowhere. I'm going to try to get myself organized while at work today :think:xfin It's really very difficult to search through properties online. I was also looking through job listings, since I'll need somthing in the meantime while getting my office going. However, it has to be something non-chiropractic related to avoid non-compete clauses by working for someone else and openning my own.


Tonight I have a sixer game and will then be heading up to my parents house :yes Mom's going to color my hair tomorrow and hopefully I just get some peace and rest....their house is always good for that :manyheart So, I won't be back until the morning.


Thanks for all your support :ghug I truly love you ladies :manyheart

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Good for her and for you. :yes


Good luck and hope that you can pretend you didn't. You'd probably be the only one to know that they don't match anyway.

Shhhh, they aent exact, but close enough. Time to pretend. Shhhhh.


Wrennie ~ Yay for being such a great teacher.:hook Your friend's sweater is wonderful and can't wait to see yours, too.

I think she knew more than she realized. Thanks tho'.


... the mask and gloves. Oh, well, it's just hard to accesorize them :rofl


:rofl :rofl :rofl

:clapWow that is one amazing sweater!!! Stephanie looks great in the sweater! And to go from I can't crochet straight to that beautiful sweater!!! What a great teacher you are. Please tell her it's amazing!!!

I will!!:D


HI all,

Decided to finally go and get myself the pedicure that I've been wanting- so went straight there after work! It was heavenly!!! I just love the massage chair!! The place where I go got new chairs over the winter- Oh, so nice and I feel so relaxed!!!:c9

OOOh a massage chair!:c9


WTG to Stephanie!


Good morning ladies :hi


I did alot of searching last night, but feel like it led nowhere. I'm going to try to get myself organized while at work today :think:xfin It's really very difficult to search through properties online. I was also looking through job listings, since I'll need somthing in the meantime while getting my office going. However, it has to be something non-chiropractic related to avoid non-compete clauses by working for someone else and openning my own.


Tonight I have a sixer game and will then be heading up to my parents house :yes Mom's going to color my hair tomorrow and hopefully I just get some peace and rest....their house is always good for that :manyheart So, I won't be back until the morning.


Thanks for all your support :ghug I truly love you ladies :manyheart

Best of luck in finding a space! When you find just the right spot you will know it. If your gut says eh, not so much.... run away!

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Morning all



Good luck in your search for the perfect office. I bet you will find one soon that suits and will have great success with it !



Are you getting used to being back at your old/new job ?



Glad you had a nice few days away ! Is your back behaving better now ?



Hope your WBC count gets straightened out again soon. no fun being sick. The lady in the store was rude. I talk to strangers in stores all the time, but would never ask anything like that to someone. not polite at all .



Glad to hear that at least some things in your life are going better. sure hope the rest gets better too . Good of your husband to get you out of the house for a bit -- it probably helped to get away from it all for awhile .



Have a great time with Luke. Cam will be here Sunday I think. Mike's boy will be there this weekend so Cam will be playing with him,but I think he leaves Sunday,so he will be here with us that day .



Whatcha working on now ? You probably mentioned it recently but I am scatterbrained and dont remember much sometimes .



Sounds like you had quite a few good yarn stops the other day ! should keep you occupied for a bit anyhow !



Forgot to say that is neat that you helped get this other girl into crocheting,and look what she is making now ! Great job .


Well, my brain has stalled out,so will just say hello to all the rest of you .Wondering about LeAnna, Tab, Dusti(vacation should be done soon ??? , Cheeria ,although she does stop in ,she is probably pretty busy with the 2 babies to keep up with ,Val .... trying to remember to name all the ones we dont see as often .Hope all are doing well.


To answer a couple questions that some of you have asked :

The nebulizer/new meds are helping somewhat . My breathing is better than before. not where I'd like it to be, but at least these meds dont have any nasty side effects..mostly just a constant headache,but it's not bad, just bothersome,but it's manageable . Anyhow, I feel a little better .Have had to use the Albuterol a few times this week,but not every day .


Also, the house colors-- although I'm not a huge BLUE fan ,I am thinking of possibly a chocolate brown for the house with a colonial blue for the shutters . Trying to choose something other than green,which I love, but the house has been green forever. I remember driving by this house 30 years ago and it was green then, so it's time to pick something different and not matching any of the neighbors .


Also, I did try using the mask the other day to crochet,and had a full blown asthma attack that evening.My hands were bright red and swelled, eyes were burning .... just something in the stuff that drives me batty ,so I have to officially give up on yarn,so back to my embroidery. Not my favorite hobby,but I need something to do with my hands .


We are supposed to have high 70's on the weekend ! Cannot wait ! I think it is supposed to rain a lot,but at least it'll be warm .

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