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Our House Part Two


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Good morning, peeps!


Has anyone seen Linda?:think

I hope everything is ok. I remember they had a power outage - but then it came back the same day....

So far we havent seen her or the children all weekend. Hmmm... is it bad that I'm happy about that?







Not bad at all!:D


Got some of my seeds planted today. Then went rollerskating with my Divorce Care group. Had a great time! Took a bit for the muscles to remember how to skate! 15 years ago we went as a family 2-3 times a week, then ended up working at the rink too! My kids were a bunch of "rink rats". First time around I wasn't sure I was going to make it. 20 minutes later just cruisin' around the rink!

Haven't done that since I was a teen. I was pretty good at it, though, considering I've always been known as a klutz:lol I even went ice skating on our honeymoon - back in the dark ages:lol It's all such fun.

It seems like the list of what we used to do gets longer each year, doesn't it?

Luke's party was wonderful - lots of friends and family and Luke decided it was the day to stop crawling all together...he walked everywhere!

Oh, that must have been so exciting!!! He wanted to show everyone! Did you get a picture..or two??:)

We had a guy come in to do some measuring ,take notes, etc on several projects needing done on our house ,so as soon as we get his completed workup sheet, we need to go take out a home improvement loan to get it all done .

It'll feel great when the projects are done! We have a bunch of windows to replace...and the master bath needs a major reno....:P

One day....:lol


Marisa, in answer to your question: I knitted more rows on my scrunchable scarf (LOVE the look of it - TY Cindy, for the link!) and made more squares while watching the Yankees. I also made a new recipe from this site http://happyhousewifeproject.com/

...my young neighbor is a fantastic cook and baker - I think she's going to be the next Martha Stewart! Hubby, who doesn't like parsley, really liked this dish! I didn't tell him there was parsley in it...LOL

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。☆。*。☆。Good Morning House 。☆。*。☆。


Mary2 ……Thank you so much for closing up! The fresh coffee this morning is Wonderful!!! Gosh it sounds like you had a really fun weekend! J


Mary1…… Good Morning to you too dear!

Well.. you did a fine job “opening up”!! Oooooh… hope the weather clears up for ya today!


Morning Miss Julie………Good to see you sweetie! :hug


Marisa…….. :yay… good for you on the sweater work! Its gonna be so neat!

Thank you so much for the extra prayers for Michael. He ended up staying home from school today… :sigh. Cough.. Stuffy… L


Joanne………..Thank you for the prayers for Michael! Double dose of VitC for him… lots of tea.. cucumbers and high protein foods for him today!


Toni………Thanks so much sweetie for all your love and support … And prayers!!! I never knew a person could be so exhausted. My joy of my daughter not being home came to an end last night at midnight as she banged around coming in the house with her 3 little ones. Woke everyone up… :sigh And apparently she doesn’t work today… they are all still asleep.


Okay… off to read more posts.. and emails… and then crochet and tend to my little man today! Poor Michael!

Catch up more later! Love you guys! :hug



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Thanks so much you guys for all the love... support and prayers! You have no idea how much that means to me!




Ken is doing good... numbers are doing well!

Michael has been off the meds for 10 days now and he's doing good! Ken took Michael to baseball practice this morning... they are having a great time!

I have a cousin that just had a pacemaker/defibulater put in a few weeks back. She's doing well.

My mom just went in on Thursday to have surgery to remove a 10lb tumor from one of her ovaries. So healing prayers for her are welcome!

My daughter is still here... she got her tax money yesterday in her account... Ken is going to have another heart to heart with her!!!


Me? I'm pooped!!! I have such a headache! I mean I have lived with headaches most of my life.. but lately... Wow! OUCH!


Okay... need to help little one for a few with homework... we were out late last night to a track meet for Patrick... so today is homework day!





:hug :hug :hug Your whole family is in my thoughts and prayers, Tammy. :hug :hug :hug

Hi group, sorry I've been MIA but I'm taking a navajo weaving class that is consuming my time as well as my thoughts. It look simple to weave navajo style, but the whole process of getting everything right just to weave take time and deep concentration to learn. All is well with me and I'm happy with myself and those around me. I'm sitting here waiting for my friend from college to arrive so we can go out to dinner. I haven't seen her in months for she live 4 hours away in PA. Hope everyone in the group is well and happy. Ta\slk to you all soon for this class was 5 consective Sunday's, which Sunday class number 3 is coming up. Miss you all. Sending Hugs to the group. :hug:hug

Can't wait to see you beautiful creation.

Hello everyone. It is snowing like crazy here, and the ground is already white.

Went to church this morning and planning on a lazy afternoon. Nothing much going on here today.

Oh, NO!!!! :eek MORE SNOW!!!!! :eek Not fair. :no Hope it stops soon and that this is Old Man Winter's last hoorah for the season.

I'm so anxious to see your weaving!

Oh... have fun with your friend my dear! :hug eat something yummy for me! :D



Thank you so much for your love and prayers! :hug

So far we havent seen her or the children all weekend. Hmmm... is it bad that I'm happy about that?







Not bad at all! I'm glad you got some quiet time this weekend.

Good Morning, House! I don't think I've ever "opened up" before. ;)


We're under severe storm warnings, so I'm up keeping an eye on that and I sent DH back to bed.


I hope everyone had a good weekend and I will try and go back and read all the posts I've missed. Luke's party was wonderful - lots of friends and family and Luke decided it was the day to stop crawling all together...he walked everywhere!


Weather permitting, I'll be back later. :manyheart

Hope the bad weather passes you by or al least isn't too bad. Yay for Luke walking everywhere. :clap :clap :clap

We'll be heading out around 8;45 this morning. We'll drop DD off at the "T" and then hit the road for NJ- I'm so glad that we had great weather while we were here- it's going to rain here today- and just checked CT & NJ weather and it's cloudy- chance of precip tonight so the ride home should be ok.


Have a good day and I'll see you all later!

Sounds like you've had a wonderful weekend visit, Joanne. I'm glad.

It'll feel great when the projects are done! We have a bunch of windows to replace...and the master bath needs a major reno....:P

One day....:lol


Marisa, in answer to your question: I knitted more rows on my scrunchable scarf (LOVE the look of it - TY Cindy, for the link!) and made more squares while watching the Yankees. I also made a new recipe from this site http://happyhousewifeproject.com/

...my young neighbor is a fantastic cook and baker - I think she's going to be the next Martha Stewart! Hubby, who doesn't like parsley, really liked this dish! I didn't tell him there was parsley in it...LOL

Sounds like your projects will really spruce up the place, Judy. That sounds like a really yummy recipe, too.


Sorry to MIA this weekend, but John's on another of his kicks that "the house must be spotless at all times with everything neat and nothing out of place anywhere!!!" So I've been cleaning, sorting, rearranging, etc. (alternating with reading when I poop out) for the last couple of days. The guest room is back to being a guest room instead of a sewing room and the office is back to being John's sanctuary only. That means that I won't have access to a computer nearly as much as before, but I'll check in when I can. Hopefully I'll get to check in once a day most days, except on the weekends when he's here. Every now and then he gets ultra controlling and utterly compulsive about stuff and now seems to be one of those times. I think it happens more when he's under lots of pressure at work, which he is right now. This too shall pass.


Hope everyone has a great day and wonderful week. You are all in my thoughts and prayers even when I'm not here. :manyheart

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good morning all from the other coast. Hope you are all out of harms way with what sound like a bunch of storms.


Babies up and walking..what fun!!


Everyone have a good day and a great week!

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Linda, I know how it goes: when guys are under stress they try and control what they CAN...which usually means their environment...

Thanks for checking in!



Well, Sparkie's recheck witht he vet is put off till tomorrow. He's doing good....:)



And this afternoon I'm going to see the new Jane Eyre movie with a couple of girlfriends!:yay

For years I would read that book every year....haven't for a while now....

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good morning all from the other coast. Hope you are all out of harms way with what sound like a bunch of storms.


Babies up and walking..what fun!!


Everyone have a good day and a great week!

You have a good one, too!:hug

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Good Morning House! Looks like another beautiful day here! I'm supposed to be at work, but have had to call in sick the last two days. My joints are all aching and it is difficult to move around. If I don't feel better soon I am going to have to make a Dr. appointment.:( But I am able to sit in my back yard and enjoy the sunshine, it makes me feel better for a while.

Didn't get to see the grandbaby this weekend as I'm not sure if I have a virus and definately don't want to give him anything!:( Am actually getting some crocheting done but I have to take breaks to give my hands a rest.

Hope everyone has a fabulous day!:hug:manyheart





Thank you sweetie!!! all you hugs... love and prayers have meant so much to me!

Well... my gained one step could be another step back. Michael has caught a cold. :sigh. This could set him back into a relapse. So any extra prayers for him would be great!

OH! Poor guy! Extra thoughts coming your way!:hug



she got to go home today! :whew

she's doing well... hangin' tough and resting!

Glad she is doing better!






coffee pot timer set..even put the ground in :rofl

Thanks-having my first cup now!


night light on

big girl panties picked up off the floor :rofl2 in the bathroom


Shades pulled...


Got some of my seeds planted today. Then went rollerskating with my Divorce Care group. Had a great time! Took a bit for the muscles to remember how to skate! 15 years ago we went as a family 2-3 times a week, then ended up working at the rink too! My kids were a bunch of "rink rats". First time around I wasn't sure I was going to make it. 20 minutes later just cruisin' around the rink!

Can't remember the last time I went rollerskating! Sound like fun though.


Hope everyone had a blessed day! See you all tomorrow.


Sweet dreams!


Good Morning, House! I don't think I've ever "opened up" before. ;)


We're under severe storm warnings, so I'm up keeping an eye on that and I sent DH back to bed.

:eekWish I could send you some of our sunshine!


I hope everyone had a good weekend and I will try and go back and read all the posts I've missed. Luke's party was wonderful - lots of friends and family and Luke decided it was the day to stop crawling all together...he walked everywhere!

:cheerSounds like a good time and :clap for walking everywhere!


Weather permitting, I'll be back later. :manyheart


Howdy all


I 've been in here and there to read posts, but am so far behind at this point, I wont even attempt to catch up .


Didnt have Cam on the weekend -- they went to some big indoor waterpark place to spend the weekend,so he wasnt here .


We had a guy come in to do some measuring ,take notes, etc on several projects needing done on our house ,so as soon as we get his completed workup sheet, we need to go take out a home improvement loan to get it all done .

Hope everything is done the way you want it!


Not much else new here .. just really sluggish and lazy ...


Hope everyone is doing well . Pouring rain here today but in the 60's so I'll take it !

Yep, at least it's warmer and rain not snow!

I'll try to jump back on the wagon and get back in the groove in here .


You all have a great day .


Good morning ladies :coffee


My bed was sooo comfy and I didn't want to get out of it this morning :sigh Last night I finished the right panel on my sweater :clap:yay I think the sleeves are up next and then I'll block all the pieces after that :think Still have my crochet baby 9 patch blanket going, but that's more of my take with me project since it's squares. I'm on the last square now and will probably finish it at wednesday's sixer game :lol Then I'll have 3 squares left to border and then sew them alo together and border.

:cheerfor getting so much done!



Well ladies, I'll be back later on tonight.Have a great day!


Good morning!



We'll be heading out around 8;45 this morning. We'll drop DD off at the "T" and then hit the road for NJ- I'm so glad that we had great weather while we were here- it's going to rain here today- and just checked CT & NJ weather and it's cloudy- chance of precip tonight so the ride home should be ok. Have a safe trip home!


Have a good day and I'll see you all later!


Morning :yawn House! Did NOT want to get up this morning. Expecting severe storms later today, oh, joy, NOT :(


Did finish my turtles and another part of the tea cozy yesterday. :yay


:(Sorry about the storms! Hope you stay safe!



Well, time for me to log on to work. Y'all have a good day and I'll talk to you after work!:hug:hug:hug:hug everyone!


Overslept today. Gloomy rainy day out. Makes me tired.:hug


I got really frustrated at my doilyghan, pulled out a couple of rounds to fix mistakes then put it away before I wanted to pull the whole thing out.

Started on mine, but afraid it won't be big enough!:eek

Good thing the library fair isn't until June! :rofl

Probably go back to my sweater today, or the baske I'm doing, even straight rows back & forth. :yes




Sorry to MIA this weekend, but John's on another of his kicks that "the house must be spotless at all times with everything neat and nothing out of place anywhere!!!" So I've been cleaning, sorting, rearranging, etc. (alternating with reading when I poop out) for the last couple of days. The guest room is back to being a guest room instead of a sewing room and the office is back to being John's sanctuary only. That means that I won't have access to a computer nearly as much as before, but I'll check in when I can. Hopefully I'll get to check in once a day most days, except on the weekends when he's here. Every now and then he gets ultra controlling and utterly compulsive about stuff and now seems to be one of those times. I think it happens more when he's under lots of pressure at work, which he is right now. This too shall pass.

:eekSorry that you've been so busy! We'll be here whenever you are able to stop in!:hugHopefully he'll get over his compulsiveness soon.


Hope everyone has a great day and wonderful week. You are all in my thoughts and prayers even when I'm not here. :manyheart

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Well, so much for catching up earlier! :lol Our power was off for quite a while, then I had to shower, buy groceries and I'm waiting for DH to come home so we can drive downtown for his monthly eye appt.


Julie ~ What kind of projects are you all going to have done? We could sure use some updating, but haven't done any planning as of now. I hope Cam had a really fun weekend. :yes


Marisa ~ Great progress on your sweater and baby ghan! :clap Have you heard any more on the office possibilities?


Joanne ~ It sounds like a wonderful weekend. And yes...it's impossible to go shopping without checking childrens' departments, isn't it? :D


Toni ~ Oh, I hope your weather doesn't get too bad. :hug Yay for finishing the little turtle tapesters and adding to your tea cosy! :yay


Wrennie ~ Aww, sorry about the frogging on your doilyghan. :( I'll bet it will go more smoothly after you take a break from it-and we're here to cheer you on! :manyheart


Judy ~ I can't wait to hear about the movie! I too read that book many times. :yes


Trish ~ Feel better soon! :hug


Linda ~ Oh my...sorry about John being on the "warpath" again. Maybe he'll go hunting and forget all about it! :lol I hope your tooth is much better. :yes


Hi to the rest of the House, too. :)

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Here are some Little Guy pictures from Saturday. DH's camera is in his truck and it has most of our pictures on it, so will get those this evening. He loved his big cupcake and DD finally just let him dive in. :lol The outdoor pic is Luke with Gramps before it was time to change clothes. :c9



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HEY GIRLS!!! How are you all? Work has been hectic all day today! Not in a bad way but VERY busy! I can handle that!




I've read through posts----all seems well- Hugs Tam for all your family issues


Marissa---thank you for your help and sounds like all is well is your neck o the woods


Julie----Haaaaaay my girl! Hang in there!


Mary & Mary Hey to you girls as well.


Linda---don't you just "LOVE" men and their moods! UGGGGGh---Offer him some Midol for his cramps. It made J laugh when I said that to him when he was having a "MOOD" ordeal.


Wrennie---LOVE your food explinations from the baby shower





WE ABSOLUTELY LOVED RIVERDANCE last night!!! OMG!!! GOOSE BUMPS!!! Aree lit up when she figured out what we were doing. She didn't find out until we picked up our tickets at WillCall and she read the tickets! It was AWESOME!!


I got Aree her Easter dress on Sat. I am starting her an African Flower Motif bag out of Teal/lime green/purple and black. I PROMISE to get photos of my projects tonight!


Hope all is well---LOVES to you all!

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Well, watches and advisories are out until later tonight. I went out and took down the windchimes and bird house and bells and all the hanging stuff on the front porch. Put all the potted plants under the table on the deck and think I'm ready. May pull my car over into the abandoned building next door, just in case of hail, not sure about that one yet :lol Keep thinking if I get all prepared, it might just go around me!


Here are some Little Guy pictures from Saturday. DH's camera is in his truck and it has most of our pictures on it, so will get those this evening. He loved his big cupcake and DD finally just let him dive in. :lol The outdoor pic is Luke with Gramps before it was time to change clothes. :c9


Love the photos!!! Can just picture him with his big cupcake :D


And sometimes they try to control things that they have absolutely no control over. Like people that they have no authority over. Silly men.


AMEN sometimes that's why I'm glad the only male at my house is a big old bear of a :dog named Rio (my token male) ;)


HEY GIRLS!!! How are you all? Work has been hectic all day today! Not in a bad way but VERY busy! I can handle that!


HiHo Kiyo! Glad it's Monday and you're back with us!!!


WE ABSOLUTELY LOVED RIVERDANCE last night!!! OMG!!! GOOSE BUMPS!!! Aree lit up when she figured out what we were doing. She didn't find out until we picked up our tickets at WillCall and she read the tickets! It was AWESOME!!


Oh, I'm sure. I would have been in heaven!


Hope all is well---LOVES to you all!


Mary, Mary1, Cheeria, Linda (hope you don't get the storms), Judy, Julie, everyone I may have missed, have a great afternoon! I may be back later, weather dependant.

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Here are some Little Guy pictures from Saturday. DH's camera is in his truck and it has most of our pictures on it, so will get those this evening. He loved his big cupcake and DD finally just let him dive in. :lol The outdoor pic is Luke with Gramps before it was time to change clothes. :c9

Beautiful pictures, Mary.


My shoulders are really stiff today from moving furniture around. Have more to do this evening, but the heaviest stuff is all done. Brought up a whole armload of clothes to take to GoodWill tomorrow. The socket is doing much better. I get the packing out tomorrow afternoon and probably won't have to have any more put in then. Gave Sweet Pea a bath this afternoon, so that's done for the week. Will be giving Kim her shower in a few minutes.


Just snuck back in to say, Hi. Catch you later today or tomorrow, whichever works out. :manyheart I'm working on the RR and prayer shawl on the crochet front and the lake wallhanging and challenge quilt on the quilting front. :devil

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Hello everyone. Very busy day at work today, and I'm tired. early to bed tonight I think.


We had enough snow to cover everything yesterday. Then we had thunder and lightning, followed by hail. and then heavy rain and lots of wind. Its been quiet today though and it warmed up some (40ish), so the snow is almost gone again.


Tam, glad your mom is home. Hopefully Michael's cold will not cause problems for him. Glad there was a little quiet this weekend too.


Julie, I hope those home repair bills aren't too bad.


Judy, I really like that scrunchable scarf pattern too. I like how it looks and how easy it is.


Linda, glad you were able to check in. Hopefully Johns cleaning mania will pass soon.


Mary, its hard to believe that Luke is already one year old! Thanks for sharing pictures.

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Hi all,

I'm home safe and sound!!! We had rain through Hartford, then just cloudy skies and by the time we hit NJ it was 70 and sunny! I'm sure glad it wasn't raining the whole trip home! I've got everything put away- laundry on- and I ran out to the grocery store to pick up a few things! I think tomorrow I'm going to treat myself to a pedicure since I have one more day off before heading back to Paradise and my "new position" in my "old department"


Tam- Prayers that Michael isn't going to relapse!!!:hug


Toni- I hope that with all the prep you did, the storms go around you- kind of like when you bring an umbrella it doesn't rain!


Linda- Glad that you posted-and sorry that John is being so "controlling" right now! He needs to go hunting again or something! Take it easy tonight and let your back rest up a bit!!! Glad to hear that you jaw is feeling better and that the packing comes out tomorrow!!!


Mary1- The pics of Luke are great and the one of him and Grandpa- melted my heart- I just love the way Luke is looking at him!:manyheart


Trish- Hope the sunshine is doing you good and that the joints start feeling better- I agree- if no improvement, you probably should see the Dr.


Mary2- Hope your day on the other coast is going well!!!


Kiyo- I can only imagine how excited Aree must have been to see Riverdance!! Can't wait to see some pics of your projects!


Judy- How was the Jane Eyre movie? An afternoon with girlfriends at the movies sounds wonderful!!!:yes


Cindy-You sure did have the range of weather- snow, hail, wind, rain and now some warmth- relax tonight and have a good evening!


Time to fold the laundry before the Yankees start!


Have a good evening EVERYONE!!!

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The Jane Eyre movie was wonderful! I've seen 2 other movie versions, so I might have wanted te change one or two things in this one, but it was great. Wonderful shots of the English countryside...Dame Judi Dench as Mrs. Fairfax...which was a surprise to me. I love her!

Makes me want to read the book again - for the umpteenth time.:lol


Kiyo, I can imagine the smile on Aree's face:c9




Here are some Little Guy pictures from Saturday. DH's camera is in his truck and it has most of our pictures on it, so will get those this evening. He loved his big cupcake and DD finally just let him dive in. :lol The outdoor pic is Luke with Gramps before it was time to change clothes. :c9

What wonderful pics! I love the way Luke is looking at G'pa, too:c9

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Hi gang

Gonna try to catch up here a little on posts .



Great news that your mom is doing better, but sorry your son has a cold --hope it doesnt set him off on another rough spell .

And no, you dont sound bad at all saying you may have your house back and all the extra people moved out. I dont know how you put up with it for that long ! I wouldn've blown long before this !



Hi Miss Mary2

Good for you getting some seeds planted -- that sounds much better than carving pumpkins or osme type of fall or winter project. I for one am ready for some sunshine and green grass !

Skating sounds like so much fun. when we were teens,that was the "in" thing in our area. not a lot of big towns or excitement here,so everyone hung out at the skating rink which is about 30 minutes from us .

I did pretty well back then,but no way would I try it now, with one new knee and one bum knee and i'm not exactly a lightweight anymore -- NOT a pretty picture if I fell down !!!




Hope your storms down there werent too bad. We had thunder and lightning here all day and pouring rain,but it's ok -- at least it isnt cold ,and our weather does this a lot this time of year--

The picture of Luke and Grandpa is priceless !!! Love it ,and your husband is SO cute !!! WOW ..... he reminds me of a cute cowboy --does he ever wear a cowboy hat ?




Hey there young lady -- how are you ? Sounds like you are whipping through lots more projects !! You sure get a lot accomplished ! Cant wait to see your sweater .


Hi Joanne

Yep, it seems strange that others beat you in here today ! Sounds like you had a real good visit and time off . Hope you are home safe and sound by now .


Hi Toni

Hope your storms arent too bad down that way --they had some doozies down south last week,but that wasnt in your area was it ?



Hi Wrennie

Sorry your doilyghan is giving you fits -- put it away for now then maybe you will be in the mood to tackle it later . And I know what you mean about the dreary weather -- just makes you in a dreary mood,doesnt it ?



Hi Jude


Good for you giving the knitting another go. I cant wait to see your scarf !


And as for the house-- we need lots of odds and ends done in here -- we need to get a new bathtub put in, new door put on the downstairs doorway that goes upstairs,since they used to have one here and someone took it out-- we rarely use the upstairs anymore so wanna close it off .

We need our back sliding doors taken out ,and a regular door put in,then walls built to fill in the extra space .

New kitchen window,then outside we need roof,siding,and all new doors and garage door,so look out !!!Big money ahead .

It's all stuff that has needed done for a long time now,we keep talking about it but not doing it,so now is the time .



Sorry to read a few pages later about your girl coming in waking everyone up last night so late. I cannot imagine that here -- between me and Sam,one of us would blow a gasket . Probably ME , he rarely EVER blows a gasket .



sorry to hear you are having some "boss issues" . Too bad he is like that. Would make for some uncomfortable times . You must be much better at holding your tongue than I would be . Dont try to do too much and overdo it -- you will have a bum back from all the lifting and moving .

Hope you are still able to get on the computer when you want to !



We'll be waiting for a review of the movie !



Hi Trish

sorry you arent feeling well. Sure hope the doc can get you fixed up and feeling well again soon .


Hi Miss Kiyo

Did you climb up on stage and Riverdance along with the rest of them ? That would have been great to see them in person ! Bet Aree had such a good time .What color Easter dress did you get her ?

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The Jane Eyre movie was wonderful! I've seen 2 other movie versions, so I might have wanted te change one or two things in this one, but it was great. Wonderful shots of the English countryside...Dame Judi Dench as Mrs. Fairfax...which was a surprise to me. I love her!

Makes me want to read the book again - for the umpteenth time.:lol


Kiyo, I can imagine the smile on Aree's face:c9





What wonderful pics! I love the way Luke is looking at G'pa, too:c9

I love Dame Judi Dench!!! She is one of my fav actresses!!!! This sounds like a movie I have to see!

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Your weather yesterday sounded like ours was on Saturday --very odd -it was like the giant weatherguy in the sky dumped out his bag of weather and one of everything hit --rain,snow,sleet,wind,sun,clouds.hail ... very weird !



Glad you made it home ok !



Glad you enjoyed the movie so much !

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Hey Ladies :hi


I got home from work not too long ago. It wasn't a bad day :yay I'm planning on watching dwts and am going to work on some squares for the comfortghan section. I promised 2 so far....it'll be a nice little break on my projects I think


Joanne - The sweater is really knitting up surprisingly fast and :yay for making it home safely :hug


Toni - I hope the storms pass you by :xfin and :yay for working on the tea cozy :cheer


Wrennie - I know how you feel, sometimes you just have to stop and put it away and do something more mindless for the time being :yes


Judy - Thanks, I still only did the first 2 rows of that scarf because I've been working mostly on the sweater, but it does look like it's goind to be really cute :yes Glad you enjoyed the movie and I hope Sparkie's appt goes well tomorrow :hug


Tam - How's Michael doing this evening? Did Ken have another chat with dd yet?


Linda - Sorry John's on a rampage and as much as I hate to admit it....I kinda get that way myself when I'm really stressed :eek:blush It doesn't happen very often, but more so when things aren't getting done as they should and typically only at work :think:lol I hope it passes quickly Can't wait to see your rr and shawl


Mary2 - How was your day?


Trish - thanks girl, how's those achey joints doing today?


Mary1 - Luke is such a cutie pie :manyheart How did dh's eye appointment go? Nothing new on the office front. I got info on one an hour away, which is too far I think. And I'm waiting for info on another. Meanwhile I was supposed to search over the weekend for empty office space, but I didn't get to it :( There really was alot to do and I was busy all day sat and sun except for about the last hour of my days when I knitted :think I got sucked into doing my taxes sat which had me sitting at the computer too long to sit any longer doing research and then sun everything needed to get done that didn't get done on saturday while doing my taxes :sigh:shrug Such is life :lol


Faile - Hey there, what's new on your crafting front?


Kiyo - Glad to help and so exciting to hear about Aree's reaction!!!! :yay:woo


Cindy - Get a good night's rest and tomorrow's a new day :hug


It was 78 degrees when I left work tonight at 6:15!!!! Not sure what it got up to during the day, but must've been over 80 :think Even though I don't like the heat, it was a nice change :yes

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Your weather yesterday sounded like ours was on Saturday --very odd -it was like the giant weatherguy in the sky dumped out his bag of weather and one of everything hit --rain,snow,sleet,wind,sun,clouds.hail ... very weird !



Now that is a good way to put it. Everything dumped out at once, except the sun, we didn't see any of that!

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Another Yankee win :clap and nice come back by Kirstie on DWTS!


Marisa- I must say- I enjoyed Hines Ward's dance- even if he is a Pittsburgh Steeler:lol I liked how his fans had the "terrible towels"


See you all in the AM---I've got the coffee set up- so you can have the night off from that job Mary2!;)

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Faile - WTG on your organizing :clap


Joanne - I agree, great comeback for Kirstie. My mom text me to remind me to vote, complete with the phone # and that I needed to do it 10 times!!!!! I'm telling you she's really into Hines apparently :think:rofl


night night ladies :c9

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Good morning!


Rise and Shine! I tried to stay in bed a little while longer since I'm off work today, but I'm wide awake and after about 10 minutes, I decided that I may as well just get up and start the day!


Marisa- That's too funny about your mom telling you to vote 10 times for Hines Ward! I will be shocked if he doesn't stay around for quite a while.


I hope that any of you that experienced some of the severe weather are ok. We are under a severe thunderstorm watch now.


Linda- I read that parts of GA are without power- hope it didn't affect you!


Toni- How'd you fare in AL?


I'm off to grab a cup of coffee and will be back in a while!


Have a great day everyone!

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Morning ladies


I see some of you are keeping up with the DWTS show ! I sure like watching it,especially all the pretty outfits the girls wear .

I have to agreee with you that think the football player is good. It is amazing how much better he has gotten each show. I am always surprised by these big football players that they can be so light on their feet . He seems like such a nice guy too .

I also loved the way they had them choose a song and dance to match --that was neat . Got to learn a little more about some of them .

Poor Kirstie and her partner --falling down like that . I hope it didnt hurt him too badly .

I thought the model girl had a beautiful dress, song and dance-- she really did well last night .

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I'm just trying to wake up here, so having my coffee with you :yes Then I'll be heading up for my workout and I need to stop by the post office on my way to work today to send out a little package to my nephews of eagles and phillies stuff :lol I must have rained pretty hard here last night and I think I even heard some hail that woke me up :think I'll have to look closely at my car when I leave later.


Joanne - So much for sleeping in :shrug Oh well, at least you won't be off schedule to head back to work tomororw. Enjoy your last day off of your long weekend.


Julie - I also enjoy their outfits too on dwts :yes


be back a little later.....

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