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Our House Part Two


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Hi House! Been a very quiet day for me today. Baked some shortcake so I could have it with strawberries, worked on :turtle heads and legs for the tapesters I've been asked to make, and just sort of putzed around the house. Time got away from me, that's for sure.

Supposed to get possible severe storms tonight. Sure hope not. Had enough rain, thunder, lightening and pea sized hail for the day, thank you very much.

Back to making :turtle legs :lol

Depending on weather, I may or may NOT be back later. May be glued to weather on TV, PC and weather radio.


here ae the two pairs of baby booties I made today. The purple ones are knit, and the green ones are crocheted.

The knit ones are supposed to be preemie sized, ADORABLE and I don't think the knitted cuff is to tall at all!


Good morning!


Toni- Glad to hear that the chemo went well. Sorry to hear you are getting bad weather which will postpone your trek to HL! Enjoy your weekend!


When she called at 8:10am, I answered the phone with "we're not going anywhere today" as the lightening cracked and thunder boomed and rain came down in buckets :lol Her answer was no, of course.


Good morning, Gang! I got the dogs both out and back in again before it started to rain this morning. It didn't last long enough to do much good I'm afraid, but I'm hoping we'll get some more before the day's over.

It was all HERE! It stormed and stormed and stormed some more and was dark as night most of the day. Supposed to get more later that's possibly severe.




Here are Joanne, Marisa's Mary, Marisa and me. Love the photo! Everyone looks like they are having a great time![/QUOTE]


Shower is over, clean up is done, and it all went well. The bride to be, (nephews fiancee), really got some wonderful gifts. We had tons of food left over though. My sister in law invited us over for dinner tonight, and I offered to bring my leftovers. I have a lot of dessert leftover, and also veggies and dip.


My nephew, who is getting married, invited dh and me over to see their new home this afternoon, so we are going to stop by there, before we go to bil and sil's house. They bought a small farm, since my nephew loves to grow things, with an old farmhouse on it, that they are fixing up.


The farmhouse and small farm sound wonderful. Can't think of a better way to start a life together.

Sounds like the shower was a huge success![/QUOTE]


Hi all,

We had a great meet-up and as Judy was going to take a pic of us, a very nice lady offered to take one of the four of us! The time together just flew by. I then went to the outlets with Marisa and Mary- and Marisa's friend Kathy met us there. I got some good deals, but the best was a pair of Lee Jeans marked down to 7.99 and then 50% off that!!! I left the three of them and headed home- and they had some more shopping to do!


Shopping and bargains and meetups, boy what a perfect day you had!


I did some of my cleaning so it's not all left for tomorrow.


Toni- How are you feeling today?


Feeling good today, just lazy because of the darkness and the rain.

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Hey ladies :hi


I just got home!!!! :eek We had a great time at the meetup :yes I just love hanging out with you ladies :hug Mary had a ball as well :lol And yep, Joanne tackled the mall with us :lol after taking her on the 'sightseeing' tour of Elizabeth anyway :lol (sorry again) But, once we finally got there and into the same parking area, Kathy was just walking past my car so it worked out perfectly in the end. (Kathy's my friend from chiro school that I visit in Newark) Anyhow, we did find some good deals, but Joanne got the best one of the day!!!! I found some work out pants (I think we all got them actually :think) and a pocketbook that's really cute :manyheart Before we left we ate at Chili's and hit the road. On the way back Mary and I stopped at ACM so I could get another skein of the green for my baby blanket......they didn't have it!!! :eek So, I'll have to try somewhere else tomorrow :devil I did however pick up the stoppers for the top of my knitting needles, since Mary kindly reminded me while we were there that I needed them :lol


I heard back from my sister about the office I had her check out today and it sounds like she took some very copious notes :yes We were both in the car when we were talking about it, but it sounded like she covered it all from memory with me. My biggest concern is she said it's small and the exercise room is tiny....no way to fit my elliiptical. So that's a MAJOR concern for me since I want built in room for my practice to grow. I have no intentions of getting my practice going and then have to move in the future because I outgrow my space :think That's the first big strike and the second big strike is that the current doc is not in network with UPMC, which is a huge insurance out there, because he was denied based on zoning :( My sister feels that would cut out a good 30% or so of the population and that the majority of people are about 50/50 with blue cross/blue shield and UPMC at about a total of 60% with the other 40% being all mixed up. I totally trust her judgement on that and agree that I need to be in network for both of those companies. She's a pharmacist so is well aware of the major insurances :yes


OK, what else :think


Judy- that lady got a great pic :yes and the people only complimented me and Mary because we were at the end of the direct line of traffic :lol It was just there in their faces!!!


Wrennie - How was your day? Did you work on anything?


Linda - Glad you got some rain and hope you get more to help that pollen situation and :yay for the turkey and getting to use the feathers too :yes


Mary2 - :yay for working on the doily ghan and your right, sometimes you just know you have to call it a night whether you want to or not :shrug


Cindy - Glad to hear the shower went well :hug Did you get over to see your nephews house? And how's your back today?


Joanne - We had a great time and we're really excited you came shopping with us :yes They were still at that jewlery stand when I got back and probably a good 10 minutes after. I went and got us some drinks while they shopped :lol WTG getting some cleaning done when you got home!!!


Toni - :drool I can taste the shortcake already :drool

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Judy, Marisa, and Joanne ~ It sure sounds like you all had lots of fun today. And congratulations on such a super buy on the pants, Joanne.


Toni, sorry you are getting so many storms today. It's thundering and raining pretty good here right now.


Kim's on her last breathing treatment for the day, then I can pop her into bed. I always like sleeping to the sound of rain on the roof. Somehow it's soothing. At least, as long as it's not too violent. This is just a steady soaking rain. Just what we need.

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Here are Joanne, Marisa's Mary, Marisa and me.


Looks like a great time! Wish I had a group like that to meet with occasionally


Cindy, your family sounds so nice...and starting married life on a farm is my idea of heaven!



yup it is! Dreamed as I was growing up I'd marry a farmer...then I married a carpenter... well after 17 years he said he was tired of being married (at least to me lol) and we were divorced. Married now again (13+ years ago) to a farmer! Now I always dreamed it would be a dairy farm..but I'll take my apple grower and orchard and call it a farm and farmer! :c9

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Glad to see that Marisa and Mary made it home safe and sound!!! You know how us "mom's" worry until we hear our "children" are home!!:lol And Marisa- the jeans fit perfectly!!:yay So I really did get the bargain of the day!!! Where did you get your pocketbook and did Mary get anything at Daffy's?


Linda- Glad to hear that you are getting the rain that you wanted- and hopefully tomorrow the pollen count will be much lower!


I'll be having my Irish Soda Bread in the morning with my coffee- and I can't wait.:drool- Thanks Judy!!!


Coffee pot is all set up- so no worries on that front Mary2!



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Good morning Glories!


Had a good night's sleep and I'm raring to go!


Cheeria- We missed you yesterday- but hope that you had a good time at your church conference!


I'm heading out this morning to see what clearance yarns Michael's has- just because it will bug me if I don't- I honestly do not need any more yarn- BUT.....if there is a deal too good to pass up ........


Off to have my Irish Soda Bread from Judy with another cup of coffee.


Have a wonderful, relaxing Sunday all!!

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'morning, peeps!


Jules, come out, come out wherever you are!


Toni, that weather you and Linda get scares me. Back in the '70's we lived in St. Louis..another land of hail, :storm:hot Spring and summer made me nervous!

Oh Judy, forgot to tell you how great your irish soda bread was :drool :drool

So happy you enjoyed it! And happy you made it home ok. Looks like your sister is one in a million, being able to ferret out any possible problems with a new office the way she has!:yes

Looks like a great time! Wish I had a group like that to meet with occasionally

Do you have a yarn store nearby...if you do, you can put out feelers....




yup it is! Dreamed as I was growing up I'd marry a farmer...then I married a carpenter... well after 17 years he said he was tired of being married (at least to me lol) and we were divorced. Married now again (13+ years ago) to a farmer! Now I always dreamed it would be a dairy farm..but I'll take my apple grower and orchard and call it a farm and farmer! :c9

At least you ended up with the right guy - and right place!

And Marisa- the jeans fit perfectly!!:yayYou bought them without trying them on? I can never do that.

I'll be having my Irish Soda Bread in the morning with my coffee- and I can't wait.:drool- Thanks Judy!!!

I hope you like it....:D

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Good morning ladies :hi


:yay Joanne that they fit perfectly :clap I got the pocketbook at Daffy's and Mary got some bras there :D I'll take a pic of the bag later and post it for you and everyone to see :wink


Just a quick stop, I just made up my grocery list and am on my way out the door.....I like to beat the crowd :yes



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Judy- I didn't feel like trying on the jeans- and for 3.99 I wasn't too worried. I was worried they may be too long, but figured I could always make them into capris- or just hem them- Seems that since I've lost weight, the pants I have been buying lately are all the same size so figured I'd just go with it!


BTW- I thoroughly enjoyed the Irish Soda Bread!:manyheart Are you off to the orchards?


Marisa- Can't wait to see the pic of the pocketbook and glad Mary had success with what she needed to get!;)


Off to the store- see you all later



Julie- hope all is well!:hug

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Good morning, my friends. It's still gray and overcast today. It rained a good soaking rain for most of the night and it cool this morning. Don't know if it's done of supposed to continue through today. Kim and I had a good night and are doing well this morning. I still feel like someone smacked me with their fist on my jaw, but it's a little better each day and I'll see the oral surgeon on Tuesday for a checkup. I'm guessing it's worse this time than last time because they had to work harder to get all the roots out.


Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. John will get home sometime this afternoon. When depends on how long they hunt this morning and when they get away to start home.


I've got another scarf half done. And I've almost finished the first layer of batting on the Lake Wallhanging. I still have to go around some of the reeds, but all but one little bit of the trimming is all done. I need batting for the Challenge quilt before I can start that one and maybe for this one. Haven't quite decided that yet.


Catch you all later. :manyheart

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Just a quick check in again....did my grocery shopping, came home and put it all away, showered, and now back out to the sixers game....since it's an early game they'll have a brunch buffet today :drool


I took a pic of the pocketbook, but don't have time to post it now, so will post it later on....it's really cute :yes:D

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Good Morning, House! :)


Meet-up girls ~ Great picture of you all! It sounds like a really fun visit.


Cindy ~ The baby booties are adorable. :c9 Glad the shower went well and l always make too much, too. :lol I hope your back is lots better now.


Linda ~ I love your name for the Challenge quilt! Please SEND RAIN...we've had no measurable precip since that little bit of snow in January!


Wrennie ~ Brrr! I know it's still winter where you are, but you must be ready for warmer days. :yes


Joanne ~ Congratulations on the bargain jeans. :clap I was at Baby Gap a week ago and saw a really cute khaki hat for Luke. There were no tags, but it rang up at 97 cents! It was on clearance from last year - washed great and fits Little Guy. :)


Toni ~ I hope your weather didn't get too bad. :hug


Mary2 ~ An apple orchard must be wonderful - and they smell a lot better than dairy farms. :lol Do you have several varieties?


Hi Julie!


No gardening for me this weekend. :( I woke up yesterday morning at 3 - either food poisoning or a bug of some kind. Almost feeling human now, but slept til 10! It's only in the 40s today, after 2 weeks in the 80s...so crochet time for me this afternoon.:crocheting

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Good afternoon everyone. Lovely sunny day here, but very cold. I'm just hanging around crafting and reading.


I've been knitting on a scarf that I started months ago, and working on the granny stripes that I started even longer ago. I'm reading "Guady Night" by Dorothy Sayers. I've read it before, but it's been quite a few years.


My back is still bothering me, but it's a lot better than is was. I'm planning to go to work tomorrow and see how it goes.

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Hi House!!!:clap It's another rainy day here. It is supposed to clear up after today an dwe can finally start having a spring.


You all looked like you were having so much fun-great picture!!!!


Cindy-love the booties! Hope your back feels better soon!:hug


Joanne-fabulous find on the jeans-I never try anything on either!:lol


Julie-Hey there!:hug


Thought I'd post a couple of pictures of my family!


That is my very happy 8 month old grandbaby! He is a riot!


The other pic is from my dd's wedding in Oct. Just so you know who is who-from the left: My ex, my oldest son, me, my oldest daughter, her hubby who is holding their baby, my youngest son, my youngest daughter, my dil and the little one in the burgundy dress is my granddaughter (ds and dil)!


Just thought it'd be fun to show you all!


Hope you have a fabulous day!!!!!!:manyheart



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How is everyone today?

Just wanted to pop in real quick and say :hi HI

Been stayin' busy ... testing patterns... keepin' hubby safe and making sure he takes all his meds. Stayin' on top of checking Michaels levels. He had a nice big plate of eggs this morning... (plenty of protein) I'm going to cut him a cucumber here in a few so he can keep those kidneys workin' good!

Sunflower hotpad I'm testing for CroJulee... front .... I have the back to do yet... but this is really neat



Petal 6 point Round Ripple I'm testing for crochetluvknot





catch up more later



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Back from errands--I went to Michael's and they didn't have any great bargains- other than I did get a few Sugar N' creme blue and white twists cotton yarn for 99 cents to make some washcloths for grandson to be. I went to AC Moore before heading into the grocery store and they had the sugar n' creme on sale for 1.09 so I picked up brown, orange and yellow. I found a cute duck baby bib pattern that I want to make.


Groceries are all put away and I'm hoping to relax the rest of the afternoon.


Trish- You and your family are beautiful! And your GS- what a smile!! I love that picture!!!


Cindy- glad to hear your back is starting to feel better. Nothing worse than backache! Enjoy your crafting/reading day.


Julie- Glad you stopped in- and I'll bet you are enjoying your weekend with Cam


Tam- Love the projects- and I just love how you stage all your pictures- so professional! Glad to hear that Michael and DH are doing well. Keeping them in my daily prayers! Hope things are calming down a bit for you- and that DD is starting to act more like an adult.


Linda- Glad to hear that you and Kim are both feeling good- and that you have a nice day planned with your crafting!


Marisa- Hope you are having fun at the game- and YUM- BRUNCH!!!


Off to hook for a bit.

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Hi all,

We had a great meet-up and as Judy was going to take a pic of us, a very nice lady offered to take one of the four of us! The time together just flew by. I then went to the outlets with Marisa and Mary- and Marisa's friend Kathy met us there. I got some good deals, but the best was a pair of Lee Jeans marked down to 7.99 and then 50% off that!!! I left the three of them and headed home- and they had some more shopping to do!


Wow! What a great deal on those jeans! That was nice of a passerby to take the picture for you.


Wrennie- I see you posted a thread about your library fundraiser and some ideas on things to make- How about some book totes? (There's a pattern that Judy posted on the Combo Challenge thread) Washcloths/dishcloths are fast and useful. You had mentioned that people not be thinking of afghans in June, but how about some shawls? Just some ideas that popped into my head.

Oooh, those are good ideas, Why didn't I think of a BOOK tote for a library fair! :rofl


Off to figure out dinner (I think I'm opting for take out tonight)

I just finished putting a pot roast in the crock pot.


Hey ladies :hi


I just got home!!!! :eek We had a great time at the meetup :yes I just love hanging out with you ladies :hug Mary had a ball as well :lol And yep, Joanne tackled the mall with us :lol after taking her on the 'sightseeing' tour of Elizabeth anyway :lol (sorry again) But, once we finally got there and into the same parking area, Kathy was just walking past my car so it worked out perfectly in the end. (Kathy's my friend from chiro school that I visit in Newark) Anyhow, we did find some good deals, but Joanne got the best one of the day!!!! I found some work out pants (I think we all got them actually :think) and a pocketbook that's really cute :manyheart Before we left we ate at Chili's and hit the road. On the way back Mary and I stopped at ACM so I could get another skein of the green for my baby blanket......they didn't have it!!! :eek So, I'll have to try somewhere else tomorrow :devil I did however pick up the stoppers for the top of my knitting needles, since Mary kindly reminded me while we were there that I needed them :lol


Sounds like you all had fun!:yay


I heard back from my sister about the office I had her check out today and it sounds like she took some very copious notes :yes We were both in the car when we were talking about it, but it sounded like she covered it all from memory with me. My biggest concern is she said it's small and the exercise room is tiny....no way to fit my elliiptical. So that's a MAJOR concern for me since I want built in room for my practice to grow. I have no intentions of getting my practice going and then have to move in the future because I outgrow my space :think That's the first big strike and the second big strike is that the current doc is not in network with UPMC, which is a huge insurance out there, because he was denied based on zoning :( My sister feels that would cut out a good 30% or so of the population and that the majority of people are about 50/50 with blue cross/blue shield and UPMC at about a total of 60% with the other 40% being all mixed up. I totally trust her judgement on that and agree that I need to be in network for both of those companies. She's a pharmacist so is well aware of the major insurances :yes


No you dont want to keep moving around.



Wrennie - How was your day? Did you work on anything?


I started another 9 point RR, maybe for the library. Then I got an off white pounder at JoAnns today to maybe do a doily ghan instead for them.


Looks like a great time! Wish I had a group like that to meet with occasionally


Me too!



yup it is! Dreamed as I was growing up I'd marry a farmer...then I married a carpenter... well after 17 years he said he was tired of being married (at least to me lol) and we were divorced. Married now again (13+ years ago) to a farmer! Now I always dreamed it would be a dairy farm..but I'll take my apple grower and orchard and call it a farm and farmer! :c9

Thats a farmer in my book!


Wrennie ~ Brrr! I know it's still winter where you are, but you must be ready for warmer days. :yes


I've been ready since October :lol


Sunflower hotpad I'm testing for CroJulee... front .... I have the back to do yet... but this is really neat



Petal 6 point Round Ripple I'm testing for crochetluvknot



Very nice work Tam! I love that sunflower!

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Mary1- That's great the deal you got on the hat for Luke! I did well at the Gap Outlet yesterday- and will be making another trip to the outlet to look for some baby things! I love the Gap- and alot of my clothes are from there- all bought on clearance or at the outlet. I do not pay full price for anything!:lol


Wrennie- I'm working on a RR now - started it yesterday at the meet up- for some reason, I have a hard time starting them, so Judy helps me:hug


We have a nice sunny day here today but on the cool side- not spring weather yet!

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:hi everyone! Woke up to storms again this morning and not feeling up to par. :eek Lay in bed watching morning news and Sunday Morning then decided I needed to get up. Was going to work today, but just not up to it. I'll relax and make more :turtle legs. All the heads are made and the tails still need to be made, but they are coming along.

Kiyo, I see you found my first felted purse post, not sure I posted this one, but to date, it's my favorite and I gave it to a swap partner! Have yarn to make one for myself. This is an M. Purdy pattern. Very easy to do.


Hey ladies :hi


I just got home!!!! :eek We had a great time at the meetup :yes I just love hanging out with you ladies :hug OK, what else :think


Glad you got home safe and sound and enjoyed your day so much!


Toni - :drool I can taste the shortcake already :droolItis yummy, but everything out of that cookbook is, it's and Amish Mennonite one I picked up at a restaurant in PA many years ago run by the Mennonites.


Toni, sorry you are getting so many storms today. It's thundering and raining pretty good here right now.


Woke me up with more of the thunder and lightening and rain early, early this morning. That thunder can roll around the mountain tops for a while and long way :lol

Glad you finally got some and it was a good soaking rain.


Good morning Glories!


I'm heading out this morning to see what clearance yarns Michael's has- just because it will bug me if I don't- I honestly do not need any more yarn- BUT.....if there is a deal too good to pass up ........You just never know what will jump into your cart that you didn't know you needed :rofl


'morning, peeps!


Toni, that weather you and Linda get scares me. Back in the '70's we lived in St. Louis..another land of hail, :storm:hot Spring and summer made me nervous!


This is way better than hurricanes with tornados embedded in them!!!:eek Only thing I don't like, is if a large gravity wave hits. The first one I experienced here, scared me because I didn't know what it was.


Hi House!!!:clap


Just thought it'd be fun to show you all!


:cheerLove the photos!!! Baby is adorable!


Hope you have a fabulous day!!!!!!:manyheart




How is everyone today?

Just wanted to pop in real quick and say :hi HI

Been stayin' busy ... testing patterns...We can start to call you the queen of testing :lol You do such good work on everything!


catch up more later




Well, that's it for me. Racing getting ready to start and not sure if I'm going to crochet, or just lay on the sofa and watch it.

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Wrennie- I'm working on a RR now - started it yesterday at the meet up- for some reason, I have a hard time starting them, so Judy helps me:hug


We have a nice sunny day here today but on the cool side- not spring weather yet!


What pattern are you using?

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Toni, what's a "gravity wave"???


Joanne, I'm glad you liked the soda bread! And I'mgetting disappointed with Michaels over here in Holmdel - they never seem to have a good selection - or supply - of their sale items. Good luck on the bib - and I hope the RR goes along ok for you now.


Hey guys

I'm out here. Just been a hectic weekend, then we have had Cam here since Friday because Steph is helping her dad move into his new house .

Will jump in when I get the chance .

I know having him over is never a hardship - you're a wonderful grandma:c9



How is everyone today?

Just wanted to pop in real quick and say :hi HI

Been stayin' busy ... testing patterns... keepin' hubby safe and making sure he takes all his meds. Stayin' on top of checking Michaels levels. He had a nice big plate of eggs this morning... (plenty of protein) I'm going to cut him a cucumber here in a few so he can keep those kidneys workin' good!


Sunflower hotpad I'm testing for CroJulee... front .... I have the back to do yet... but this is really neat



Petal 6 point Round Ripple I'm testing for crochetluvknot




catch up more later



Awesome work!


I'm making some gold star squares for a lady who assembles ghans for Heartmade Blessings, and I hope to have at least 3 for her by the time we meet on Wed.

Joanne and Cheeria, she also lives in the Old Bridge area;)

Making meat sauce for pasta today - and no trip to delicious orchards today.....

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Good morning, my friends. It's still gray and overcast today. It rained a good soaking rain for most of the night and it cool this morning. Don't know if it's done of supposed to continue through today. Kim and I had a good night and are doing well this morning. I still feel like someone smacked me with their fist on my jaw, but it's a little better each day and I'll see the oral surgeon on Tuesday for a checkup. I'm guessing it's worse this time than last time because they had to work harder to get all the roots out. :hugHope you feel better!


Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. John will get home sometime this afternoon. When depends on how long they hunt this morning and when they get away to start home.


I've got another scarf half done. And I've almost finished the first layer of batting on the Lake Wallhanging. I still have to go around some of the reeds, but all but one little bit of the trimming is all done. I need batting for the Challenge quilt before I can start that one and maybe for this one. Haven't quite decided that yet.


Catch you all later. :manyheart


Just a quick check in again....did my grocery shopping, came home and put it all away, showered, and now back out to the sixers game....since it's an early game they'll have a brunch buffet today :drool


I took a pic of the pocketbook, but don't have time to post it now, so will post it later on....it's really cute :yes:D

Have fun at the game and enjoy the buffet!


Good Morning, House! :)


Meet-up girls ~ Great picture of you all! It sounds like a really fun visit.


Cindy ~ The baby booties are adorable. :c9 Glad the shower went well and l always make too much, too. :lol I hope your back is lots better now.


Linda ~ I love your name for the Challenge quilt! Please SEND RAIN...we've had no measurable precip since that little bit of snow in January!


Wrennie ~ Brrr! I know it's still winter where you are, but you must be ready for warmer days. :yes


Joanne ~ Congratulations on the bargain jeans. :clap I was at Baby Gap a week ago and saw a really cute khaki hat for Luke. There were no tags, but it rang up at 97 cents! It was on clearance from last year - washed great and fits Little Guy. :)


Toni ~ I hope your weather didn't get too bad. :hug


Mary2 ~ An apple orchard must be wonderful - and they smell a lot better than dairy farms. :lol Do you have several varieties?


Hi Julie!


No gardening for me this weekend. :( I woke up yesterday morning at 3 - either food poisoning or a bug of some kind. Almost feeling human now, but slept til 10! It's only in the 40s today, after 2 weeks in the 80s...so crochet time for me this afternoon.:crocheting

:hugFeel better and enjoy your crochet time!



How is everyone today?

Just wanted to pop in real quick and say :hi HI

Been stayin' busy ... testing patterns... keepin' hubby safe and making sure he takes all his meds. Stayin' on top of checking Michaels levels. He had a nice big plate of eggs this morning... (plenty of protein) I'm going to cut him a cucumber here in a few so he can keep those kidneys workin' good! glad everyone is doing better!:hug

Sunflower hotpad I'm testing for CroJulee... front .... I have the back to do yet... but this is really neat



Petal 6 point Round Ripple I'm testing for crochetluvknot





catch up more later



Very pretty patterns!


Back from errands--I went to Michael's and they didn't have any great bargains- other than I did get a few Sugar N' creme blue and white twists cotton yarn for 99 cents to make some washcloths for grandson to be. I went to AC Moore before heading into the grocery store and they had the sugar n' creme on sale for 1.09 so I picked up brown, orange and yellow. I found a cute duck baby bib pattern that I want to make.


Groceries are all put away and I'm hoping to relax the rest of the afternoon.


Trish- You and your family are beautiful! And your GS- what a smile!! I love that picture!!! It's my favorite picture of him! No matter what kind of day I'm having it just puts a smile on my face and makes me feel like everything is going to be ok!


Cindy- glad to hear your back is starting to feel better. Nothing worse than backache! Enjoy your crafting/reading day.


Julie- Glad you stopped in- and I'll bet you are enjoying your weekend with Cam


Tam- Love the projects- and I just love how you stage all your pictures- so professional! Glad to hear that Michael and DH are doing well. Keeping them in my daily prayers! Hope things are calming down a bit for you- and that DD is starting to act more like an adult.


Linda- Glad to hear that you and Kim are both feeling good- and that you have a nice day planned with your crafting!


Marisa- Hope you are having fun at the game- and YUM- BRUNCH!!!


Off to hook for a bit.


Toni, what's a "gravity wave"???


Joanne, I'm glad you liked the soda bread! And I'mgetting disappointed with Michaels over here in Holmdel - they never seem to have a good selection - or supply - of their sale items. Good luck on the bib - and I hope the RR goes along ok for you now.



I know having him over is never a hardship - you're a wonderful grandma:c9

Awesome work!


I'm making some gold star squares for a lady who assembles ghans for Heartmade Blessings, and I hope to have at least 3 for her by the time we meet on Wed.

Joanne and Cheeria, she also lives in the Old Bridge area;)

Making meat sauce for pasta today - and no trip to delicious orchards today.....

sounds like a constructive day!

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:hi everyone! Woke up to storms again this morning and not feeling up to par. :eek Lay in bed watching morning news and Sunday Morning then decided I needed to get up. Was going to work today, but just not up to it. I'll relax and make more :turtle legs. All the heads are made and the tails still need to be made, but they are coming along.


Kiyo, I see you found my first felted purse post, not sure I posted this one, but to date, it's my favorite and I gave it to a swap partner! Have yarn to make one for myself. This is an M. Purdy pattern. Very easy to do.
















Well, that's it for me. Racing getting ready to start and not sure if I'm going to crochet, or just lay on the sofa and watch it.

Very pretty! Enjoy the race. Thanks! He is a handful though!:hug

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