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Our House Part Two


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Hi all,

It' s the weekend!!! Pouring rain when I left work and it was in the 70's--I'll take it- we needed the rain- and it's supposed to done by tomorrow. Temps going to creep back up with the humidity- but it IS summer so guess there's not too much to do about it. I would love to have spring/fall weather year round, though!


Cindy- good luck this weekend. I'm not sure how many rows it is- I've got a lot more to do, though! Each row is 132 stitches. I do know that each time I finish a row, I do enjoy marking another one off on the pattern! It starts with 16 rows of knit stitch and then gets into the pattern which is called rows 1-18. I typed it out with each row instead of leaving it as is where it said repeat pattern (rows 1-18) 11 times more. Repeat rows 1-12 once more. Knit 16 rows for border. In essence, a lot more knitting left to do!


Marlene- Glad to hear Maya didn't have a reaction to the bee sting!!!


Marisa- Hope the headache doesn't return --have fun at the pitch and stitch--sounds like a ton of fun!


Mary, Linda, Val, and crew- thinking of all of you!!!


Have a good night!

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Hi Ladies,


Judy, Lovely face cloth you knitted. I like how the pattern worked out.


Marisa, Hope your headache stays away so you can enjoy your day tomorrow, which sounds like a lot of fun. Maya didn't have any reactions from the bee sting.


Joanne, I hope the rain stops and you can enjoy a nice weekend.


Today after paying some bills. I braved it out and took Maya, Payton, and Jocelyn to 5 garage sales. Tomorrow they have garage sales around the lake and some had there's today. The girls each got a beanie baby and a barbie. Payton got a package with 3 hot wheels in it. I think they all match a racing car. Each car in his package or any package they were selling had a number on the car. And he found another car at another sale. I found 5 tops that I plan to take and leave in Texas. I plan on going in the morning to.

My neck is giving me lots of pain tonight. I'm going to put the hand massager on it after I put some heat on it. I think I'm going to have to change or buy me a high back chair to sit in on the deck. I was sitting in a short back one watching the kids play in the lake this afternoon and I think that is what has aggravated it.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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Good Morning!


Just getting ready to go out and get some errands done, but figured I'd pop in here first while waiting for DH to finish getting ready. Who said women take longer to get ready? :lol


Marlene- Great score at the garage sales. Have fun today!


Cindy- Thinking of you today :hug


Humid and overcast here- not sure we'll be going in the pool--but you never know what the afternoon will bring!


Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!

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Hi House. :manyheart   Today was UHaul day.  An old friend of ours drove the truck with DH and I drove my SUV, we loaded up and came back to  Fort Worth.  Then we unloaded and took the truck back - a very long 6 hours in 100* heat. :whew At least, I shouldn't have to make that drive again except for Dad's probate in a few weeks. 


Cindy ~ Thinking of you this weekend. :hug   Your roses are gorgeous! 


Marisa ~ I hope your headache is gone by now and that you're having a great weekend!


Marlene ~ The garage sale weekend sounds fun!  I hope you're feeling better today. :)


Joanne ~ I don't blame you for postponing working on Ryan's blanket!  Enjoy your weekend. :yes


Sherry ~ I heard you're having even hotter temps than we are!  Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 80's with a chance of rain - keeping fingers crossed. :lol


Hi to the rest of the house, too.  Better get some laundry started and maybe fit in some crocheting, too.  :yes



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Good morning,


Mary- Oh what a day you had---and in 100 degree heat no less!! Hope today is a calmer day and that you get a little R&R!


Spent a good part of the afternoon and evening with DD and boys-it was a soupy, rainy day--all the torrential downpours did nothing to take away any of the humidity---it's really yucky!!  This morning I'm going to clean up the family room to prepare for the party- and seriously go through the yarn stash--yesterday DH said- your hobby is buying yarn....I said no, my hobby is using the yarn to crochet and knit-----and I'm just making sure that when (and if ) I ever retire, I won't have to worry about not having any yarn to keep up with my hobbies!


Well, I think I may as well fill up the coffee and get started!!


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning. Condo clean out went better than I expected, except that the air conditioning was broken, and it was a super hot day. One of my nephews is getting married and he offered to buy most of the furniture, so that saved us a lot of work. My sister will go back and pack up the remaining small things, and donate them.


Mary, your day sounds really hectic. Hope you get a chance to relax today.

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Hi all,

Marisa- hope you had a great time at Stitch n'pitch today! How was the weather in Pitt? It was hot/humid here.


Cindy- Glad that things went well yesterday and that's great that your nephew is purchasing lots of the furniture.


I got my family room all cleaned up- and when DD came over she was very impressed. Lots of room now in the family room!!! I organized all the yarn in bins by type of yarn- and moved it out to the garage. I bagged up all my scraps and also bagged up some yarn that I'll probably never use. Will think on it, but will probably end up donating it. We went swimming this afternoon- Ryan had a ball in the pool!!! I'm so happy that he loves the water!!!


Off to go read or crochet for a bit before calling it the end of another weekend.

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Hi Ladies,


Joanne, Sorry your weekend was such a rainy one. Way to go getting your yarn all organized. It's fun playing with the grandkids in the water.


Judy, How will you take care of that mold?


Mary, What a job you guys had in that heat. I hope the rest of your weekend was relaxing.


Cindy, That's nice your nephew is buying the furniture. Glad things went better than you expected. To bad the air was broke though and it was so hot.



Yesterday I went to the garage sales. I bought a monitor for my laptop. The screen went in mine. I got a good deal on it, have to see if it works but it should. If it is broke and they sold that way it will be sitting on there porch. I'm always been leary on things like that as I bought something once and it didn't work.  I bought a picture frame because it would the pics I have of DS with the kids and one of each of them. It was three pictures in it and it turns out they are three covered bridges here in Michigan. So I don't think I will be using for what I bought it for. We just lost a covered bridge due to a fire last weekend. I don't know if it is one of the ones in the pictures or not. I have to research and find out.

Today we had my Dad's family reunion. We had 41 people there. My great aunt who will be 94 in November wasn't able to be there. She has had a stroke and it effected her left side and she isn't able to walk. I will have to make it a point to go see her. She is in a nursing home about 30 minutes away. After the reunion broke up a lot of my family came to are place and swam. It was really nice having them here.

I'm asking for prayers are neighbors grandson was playing in a baseball tournament and was hit in the eye with a baseball. He went to a hospital in Lansing, and they released him and told him to get a hotel for the night (he lives in Grand Rapids) and go to University of Michigan hospital. I don't know any details to how serious things are but I'm sure it is very serious being the eye. I don't understand why the Lansing hospital wouldn't keep him or send him by ambulance to the UofM. That don't make any sense to me. He was in for surgery at 11:30 when his Dad called his Grandpa (our neighbor) and when I checked with him at 5 he hadn't called back yet.

I hope everyone had a great day!

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Hi, my friends..


Marlene, the mold will probably die out this week, I'm guessing, anyway, since there will be no rain due for several days and it will be in the 90's again. And the poor little boy! Scary when the eye is involved....good thoughts and prayers for him.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


The weekend was a good one.  Friday was a relaxing night at home since I had to be up early to volunteer for the Epilepsy Walk/Run.  I then had a couple pateints after that and can't remember what I did in the afternoon, but went with some friends to a board game night.  Sunday was stitch n pitch with the Pirates, but we lost :(  I came home with 6 skeins of yarn and 2 sets of bamboo knittign needles!  I helped Steph with her cooking and then watched some TV to wind down :)


Judy - It's been humid here too and we also have some mold/moss growing on our dirt!


Joanne - WTG with Ryan's blanket and organizing your yarn!  It was hot yesterday, but not unbearable, however today is another story, it's sooo stuffy outside!


Marlene - Sounds like you made out pretty good at the garage sales!  I hope your neck is feeling better :hug


Mary - Glad to hear that everything worked out with the UHaul moving. 


Cindy - I bet you're glad the condo cleaning is done.

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Hi, Marisa!! It sounds like your practice is coming along great!  DS was over yesterday and his practice is booming. It's been a great help that he can shoot his own digital x-rays instead of sending people out.


Off I go for the night. Have a good one, my friends/

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Hi, all.  I didn't wash away with the rain yet.  :P  We had 21 days with rain every day by midweek last week.  I think we have had one day where there was no rain since then, but I'm not sure.  Sometimes it's light and just a little, but more often it's been multiple bouts of heavy, pouring rain.  At least, the grass is really green. 


Saturday I was super busy at work.  Didn't even have a chance at a swallow of water for several hours.  And no chance to sit down until about 5:30.  But, busy is good.  One gal bought 8 of our summer dresses, some for herself and some for her sister.


I'm starting to get things together for the trip to Iowa.  I leave on Friday.  There is an extended family reunion on my dad's side of the family on Saturday and Sunday.  If I remember right, this one marks the 125th year since my great-grandfather arrived in Iowa from England.  He arrived in the midst of the worst snow storm on record.  100 years later we celebrated during the worst drought on record.  :lol   He was one of 13 children and had six of his own, many of which had large families, too.  Any way I've got a ton of cousins there most of whom I haven't seen in years, so it will be fun to catch up on what's going on with them.

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Your roses are beautiful, Cindy.


Mary ~ That's an adorable picture of Luke and Zach and a lovely RR, too.


Marlene ~ Great garage sale buys.


Oh, dear,  mold growing in the yards!  The weather for the last year has been truly weird!  All over!

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Hi Ladies,


It's hot here and suppose to get up to 92 for the next few days. The news said Dallas was only in the 70's today. We shouldn't be hotter than them. I've did some laundry and some cleaning. The power out but came right back on. I was glad of that.

There isn't much news on the neighbors grandson except he was to go home today. He will have to stay at a 45 degree angle and return to UofM to see the doctor friday. They don't about his vision yet and he may still have a broken bone. They don't know what was done in surgery (they meaning grandparents). Sally said we just don't know much.


Linda, Have a great time at your reunion. Are reunion was are 86th one. The sad thing is out of 41 only 6 of them weren't from my family. I don't know what we can do to get the youngers ones to come. It's like there parents pass away or move away and they don't come no more and there are a lot of them that are local.


Marisa, That is a nice bag to get from stitch and pitch.


Judy, Good for DS's business booming.


I hope everyone is staying cool. Have a nice night everyone!

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Hi everyone. As Marlene says, it is HOT here! Work was super busy again today. We always have a few really sick patients, but we've had a lot more than usual lately. I only had one patient, but she kept me hopping.


Linda, that is an awful lot of rain. Hopefully the store stays busier for you. Maybe not quite as busy as Saturday, though.

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Good morning friends. I'm up early because I am on call for work. It is really hot and humid here already. I let the dog out and got blasted with hot, wet air. I'm thankful for air conditioning.


I think I'm going to do some sewing today. I have some mending to do, and I have been thinking of trying my hand at some pillowcase dresses for charity. I brought a few vintage pillowcases home from my folks place. I haven't had a good look at them yet though, so I'm not sure if they will be suitable. However, pillowcases are easy to sew, and I certainly have enough fabric here to sew some.


Well, off to get coffee, the pot just beeped, so it's ready.

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Hi everyone.  Sorry to have been mia again...not enough hours in the day lately.  Yes, we're on our third day of record setting low temps and rain, too!  It hasn't been above 70 since Sunday a.m., but the 100's will be back soon...it's been wonderful, though.


DD, her DH and the boys were here Sunday.  We grilled burgers and Luke and I went for a walk in the rain - we splashed in every puddle and he was so cute. :lol  Yesterday I drove DH to and from the train and tried to catch up on some things in between.  Today I willl be staying with Luke and Zach while DD goes to two appts.  :whew


Take care and have a great Tuesday, ladies. :manyheart

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Hi, Mary, Linda and Marlene!


We're frying here in NJ...no rain in almost 2 days. It's supposed to feel like it's 105...I think it's there already...

Anywho, It's supposed to drop to the 80's by Sunday, so as long as the AC holds up and NY doesn't burn out the electrical grid and "borrow" from us, we'll be ok....


We know how busy you are, Mary and Linda - whenever you get a chance to pop in is fine.


Later, gators....

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Good morning friends. I'm up early because I am on call for work. It is really hot and humid here already. I let the dog out and got blasted with hot, wet air. I'm thankful for air conditioning.


I think I'm going to do some sewing today. I have some mending to do, and I have been thinking of trying my hand at some pillowcase dresses for charity. I brought a few vintage pillowcases home from my folks place. I haven't had a good look at them yet though, so I'm not sure if they will be suitable. However, pillowcases are easy to sew, and I certainly have enough fabric here to sew some.Pillowcase dresses?? That's a nice idea, making your own cases, though - now that HL has opened nearby I can see me browsing their huge fabric selection.


Well, off to get coffee, the pot just beeped, so it's ready.

I hope you got to stay in today!

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Good morning/afternoon housemates :hi


Well, I don't have any patients today.  Averie and Sloan are with me though and we just finished watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (#5) and we're going to head back to the house for a bit to babysit Beckett while his mom goes for a pedicure....one of the first real signs she's doing better since having him :)  Then we'll be back here in time for Ingrid to pick them up.


I didn't take notes and am trying to be quick so we can get going, but I'll be back in later when I get back :hug

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Hi Ladies,


It will near the weekend before we cool down a bit. It can't get here soon enough. We did make a trip to the store.

Tomorrow Maya has library day. Today we read 3 library books. One of them was about Michigan and when I went to the inside cover there was a note that the book was donated in memory of one of my Great Aunt's. I thought that was pretty cool.


Cindy, Hope you were able to stay home and get our mending done. Pillowcases would be fun to make. My SIL made a bunch up. She got started and couldn't quit. She made travel size ones.


Mary, Hope you had a fun day with the boys today. Enjoy those cool temps while you have them.


Marisa, A play day with the kids and a baby. Hope you enjoyed it.


Have a nice evening and a great wednesday!

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My computer was acting up last night so finally just gave up on getting back in here.  Today I ran some errands, picked up some meds, got a haircut, and had a pedicure.  It's been in the very high 80's here, but no rain today.  It's calling for higher temps and more rain.  Surprise, surprise!  :P


Talked to DD and she and GS are counting down the days until I arrive.  So am I for that matter.  :D

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and usually July in Oklahoma is 100+ temps with a heat index as well.  Well this week the highs have been in the 70's and 80s!!  And we've gotten lots of rain (and some hail last night, fortunately the van is ok).  I know that the East is getting our hot temps!!  So please be very careful in the heat--drink lots of water and try to stay cool. 

Good Morning Ladies!!  Now the DD is working at HL, I don't have to be at work until 8!!  (Was going in at 7 since she doesn't have a car now).  So glad I don't have to be there from 7 to 5. 


Haven't read the posts will check up on everything later.  I'm sure you've all been busy.


Our weather is sooooo weird!!   It's July


Work is getting worse.  Today has the possibility of being really a bad day.  So I'd appreciate some prayers and good thoughts that this afternoon. 


Missy is doing well.  We've had a few accidents on the carpet but it's expected since she's so young.  She loves to play and even GS is getting braver in touching her.  He gives her kisses on her back LOL.   We did discover she's terrified of thunder (had lots of it last night).  But at least she's small enough to hold and calm her down.


I'm going to post a pic of the afghan I'm working on for my Godson.  It's coming along really good.  I think he'll like it.


All of you have a great day and please stay safe in the heat!  Hugs to all!!

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