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Our House Part Two


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Any EASY way to do it for someone with no sewing machine,and even less sewing ability ?

My friend used to make all her quilts, no machine. She never thought it was hard I don't think. I'll have to see if she'll stop by & tell you......


I finished a lapghan (Grannies thread) and am going to slow down my hook time - fingers are hurting....


But here's the lapghan!

Very nice!


Good evening ladies :hi


I made it through the day :clap:yay Definitely feeling better....not great, but better :yes


Wrennie - I sure am on the mend and plan to keep an easy weekend :yes If I were you, I'd do 3 more posts quickly just to make the 1000 :devil:lol

Glad you're feeling better.

I tried, had about 9 when I noticed, couldn't quite pull it off yesterday. Today is a sure thing tho'. :yes


DD had her ultrasound today and the baby is DEFINITELY a boy!!! Clear as can be!!! (and you know what I'm talking about:lol)

Years ago my friend Sherrie was told definitely a boy when she was expecting. Well Ginger is most definitely not a boy!


] [/color]

CLEANING :think what's the definition of that :lol


c l ean in g' date=' uh... I don't know that word :think


We walked around the yard last night and looked at the gardens. Geez those weeds are quick to perk up with a couple warm days!

I [i'] did[/i] see some tulip and daffodils starting to poke through now that the snow banks have mostly melted off! :yay

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A bright sunny morning, peeps!:)


Joanne, my neighbor became a grandmother last Fall and the ultrasound showed a DEFINITE boy...he was *ahem* doing something that showed everything very clearly:lol


Just remembered


Today is the LAST DAY OF WINTER!!!:clap:yay:dance


Tomorrow is the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!:yay:dance:applause:tup:garden:sun:yay



CU all later...we're running out this morning on a some errands.

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Good Morning....

Just wanted to pop in and say :hi HI

Boys and I will be leaving soon to go visit hubby.

Then there is a school event tonight to raise

money for the booster club... I think I may take the boys

just because they need some "fun/sillyness" this


Ken is on his way for a CT scan now to see if the spots

on his lungs are getting better or hopefully gone. So

Prayers are very much welcome!

love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







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Morning everyone! I'm moving slowly this morning. Had the windows that will open, opened yesterday and then someone decided to burn. Between the pollen and the smoke, finally had to close windows because I was choking, have scratchy throat this morning.


Toni I filled that coffee maker up as much as I can. Hopefully there is a cup left for you in the morning.


Yes, there was :coffee this morning! :clap:clap Thank you for making a big pot!

Working on a baby blanket for a gal that works at the subway in town. She was carrying twins but lost one. They will do c-section on the other in a few weeks. It will be a preemie so making a little blanket. Boy it sure seems small.


Sad she lost the one. Prayers that the remaining does ok.


Have a good day tomorrow everyone!


Good morning,

Thanks for setting up the coffee Mary2- it is good as always! I'll try not to drink too many cups so as to save some for Toni! Good luck at the rabbit show today!!!


Appreciate your saving me some. Really need it this morning!


Toni- I don't know what it is about this site that sometimes you type a long message and go to post and Poof!:2magic it's gone! Happened to all of us at one time or another I think! I know I always click on the "remember me" box when I log in- because if you don't someone told me your session times out- but even still, I've lost long posts!


I do the "remember me" too and STILL lose long posts. Maybe I need to make more posts and shorter one's :D



BBL ---



Good Morning....

Just wanted to pop in and say :hi HI

Boys and I will be leaving soon to go visit hubby.

Then there is a school event tonight to raise

money for the booster club... I think I may take the boys

just because they need some "fun/sillyness" this


Ken is on his way for a CT scan now to see if the spots

on his lungs are getting better or hopefully gone. So

Prayers are very much welcome!


love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Fun and silliness sound like what not only the boys, but the mom needs too!!!

As always :heart, :hug :hug :hug and :angel :angel :angel are being sent your way along with lots of prayers.






Well, I'm off to get more :coffee and watch the racing. Then need to wash my and furples bedding and log on to work for a couple of hours.



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Good morning ladies :hi


Have my sheets in the the washer now getting a heavy wash with super hot water :lol Gotta kill my germs :yes I should do regular cleaning, but just am not up to it so will do the bedroom and upstairs bathroom, the 2 places I spent most of my sickly time :think Other than that just do up the laundry and straighten up around. Hoping to feel ok enough to go to the car wash tomorrow since I didn't get to go last week :( Well, I'll definitely go, just probably won't do the whole routine :blush


Mary2 - Good luck with the bunnies and I skipped the coffee this morning, but I think there was enough for the other ladies ;)


Joanne - We are on the laundry wavelength today :lol and :yay for spring....let's hope mother nature got that memo :xfin


Julie - :yay for Cam visiting, do you have any plans for today?


Wrennie - :yay your over 1000 posts now


Judy - I hope your errands go smoothly :hug


Tam - Prayers for Ken's CT scan today and I agree that the boys as well as you need some fun so the fundraiser will do you all some good :yes:hug


Toni - I hope your scratchy throat doesn't linger around :hug

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Cleaning is all done and laundry is all done, folded and put away. :clap I even went outside in the glorious sunshine and finished cleaning out the front flower/plant beds. Some of my perennial flowers are sprouting! They won't be in bloom until May or so, but it sure is nice to see some green!!! I am more than ready for spring!!!:yes


Tammy- Prayers being said that Ken's CT Scan shows improvement! :angelI definitely think your boys and YOU can use some fun and silliness tonight!


Toni- I'm glad you are enjoying the coffee :coffeeand I hope you don't have to work too long today. What were your neighbors burning? Enjoy the races!


Marisa- Yup- laundry day today:wash and it's done! Take it easy today and relax so you can knock all those germs out of your system. Are you still planning on coming next Saturday with Mary?


Wrennie- That was funny about your friends "boy" Ginger! :lolAccording to DD, it is pretty obvious that the little one is a boy! I haven't seen the Ultrasound pics yet for myself- but hopefully will sometime this weekend!


Julie- Did Cam "sleep in" or did your attempt at quiet end up like mine? I woke up DH with MY attempts at being quiet!:eek But he wasn't too upset:whew


Judy- Enjoy the beautiful weather- it's not as warm as yesterday, but it is so nice and sunny! DH and I will be heading out shortly on some errands too!


Thinking of you Mary2 at the bunny show! :rabbit


Marlene- How are things going in TX? Haven't heard from you in a while so I guess you are keeping very busy- when do you head back home?


Dusti- You should be heading home soon from HI, too I think. Can't wait to hear about your time there!


Mary1- How was dinner last night? It is not easy having a family member with Alzheimer's!


Cindy- Did you end up watching a movie or reading last night?


Cheeria- Hope that you have recovered from your illness and that you too will get a chance to enjoy the nice weather today!:sun

Linda- I'll bet you slept in this morning since you have the weekend off:c9What crafting projects will you be working on today?


Tab- How's things in your neck of the woods?


LeAnna- thinking of you and your singing- have fun with it and soon it will be done! How's the new sewing machine? :sew(sorry, forget the name--something bleu)


Enjoy the day everyone!:hug

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Well, sheets are washed and back on the bed, I think I'll do the comforter too, just in case :lol I have my 2nd load of clothes in, but otherwise taking it easy :yes


Joanne - yep, I'm still coming next weekend and will double check with Mary, but I assume since her mom is back home and they just have to monitor her food and liquid intake that she'll still be coming as well. :yay for getting all your work done and :oops for waking up dh :lol

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Forgot to say I love the latest granny-gha. It reminded me of one of the old time ones ! Very cute .


Congrats on getting so far on the baby quilt already !,AND for getting the weekend off . Hpe you enjoy your time .

Hi Mary2

Good luck at the bunny show !

Hi Joanne

Yea, Cam slept right through all the racket I made. He slept til 9 in fact,which is a surprise. He must have been tired. We have played board games ,watched movies ,played video games ... just the regular old stuff. I think he will have to leave this evening because Mike's boy is supposed to come spend the night tonite .

Hi Wrennie

That'd be a great help if your friend stopped in to help me quilt ! And we are seeing signs of spring here too. It has been a beautiful couple of days. It's nippy out,but bright blue sky and sunshine. Looks great !


Yea, I've heard of people who have an ultrasound, buy all of one color item, then end up with a surprisee at the end !

Hi Tam

Hope you and the kids have fun at the school event ,and especially that the scan turns out well . Take care of yourself and get a little rest if you can . :hug


Hope your throat and coughing are better today after all the smoke and stuff in the air yesterday .


Hope you get some time to rest up and get over your cold .Take it easy a little this weekend if you can .

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Yup, Jules, it's definitely an old time granny ghan!

My nurse friend texted me a pic of one of my ghans laying across the isolette in the NICU...made me so happy:)

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Cleaning is all done and laundry is all done, folded and put away. :clap I even went outside in the glorious sunshine and finished cleaning out the front flower/plant beds. Some of my perennial flowers are sprouting! They won't be in bloom until May or so, but it sure is nice to see some green!!! I am more than ready for spring!!!:yes


Tammy- Prayers being said that Ken's CT Scan shows improvement! :angelI definitely think your boys and YOU can use some fun and silliness tonight!


Toni- I'm glad you are enjoying the coffee :coffeeand I hope you don't have to work too long today. What were your neighbors burning? Enjoy the races!


Marisa- Yup- laundry day today:wash and it's done! Take it easy today and relax so you can knock all those germs out of your system. Are you still planning on coming next Saturday with Mary?


Wrennie- That was funny about your friends "boy" Ginger! :lolAccording to DD, it is pretty obvious that the little one is a boy! I haven't seen the Ultrasound pics yet for myself- but hopefully will sometime this weekend!


Julie- Did Cam "sleep in" or did your attempt at quiet end up like mine? I woke up DH with MY attempts at being quiet!:eek But he wasn't too upset:whew


Judy- Enjoy the beautiful weather- it's not as warm as yesterday, but it is so nice and sunny! DH and I will be heading out shortly on some errands too!


Thinking of you Mary2 at the bunny show! :rabbit


Marlene- How are things going in TX? Haven't heard from you in a while so I guess you are keeping very busy- when do you head back home?


Dusti- You should be heading home soon from HI, too I think. Can't wait to hear about your time there!


Mary1- How was dinner last night? It is not easy having a family member with Alzheimer's!


Cindy- Did you end up watching a movie or reading last night?


Cheeria- Hope that you have recovered from your illness and that you too will get a chance to enjoy the nice weather today!:sun

Linda- I'll bet you slept in this morning since you have the weekend off:c9What crafting projects will you be working on today?


Tab- How's things in your neck of the woods?


LeAnna- thinking of you and your singing- have fun with it and soon it will be done! How's the new sewing machine? :sew(sorry, forget the name--something bleu)


Enjoy the day everyone!:hug


The sewing machine's name is Viveka Bleu. She's a Viking...I looked up both Viking names and Swedish names and came up with Viveka under Swedish girls' names....she's fine...gonna be sewing up a shirt for Hub-E.

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Errands are done- and I did a little more shopping for me- and just finished packing up 15 pair of pants that are too big and will be dropping them off at Goodwill on Monday on the way home from work. Used to be I'd hold on to things--just in case---but I've decided I don't want to grow back into them- so out they go!!!:yes


Haven't done a lick of hooking today- hopefully this evening.


Julie- Sounds like a fun day with Cam! Keep meaning to ask, but forgetting, did you try that other yarn you bought?


Marisa- That's a good idea to wash the comforter too- get ALL those germs out!!! Hope you are having a nice relaxing day- are you watching March Madness? Haven't seen any games today- but tonight that's what we'll be doing.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Have my sheets in the the washer now getting a heavy wash with super hot water :lol Gotta kill my germs :yes


The last of my bedding and the furple beds are in washer and dryer. My bed sprayed with lavendar lysol and the room smells soooo good.

Toni - I hope your scratchy throat doesn't linger around :hug


Thanks for the hugs, it's better this afternoon. I need to wear my mask when I have windows open and when I go out right now. Pollen is just not nice.[/QUOTE]


I even went outside in the glorious sunshine and finished cleaning out the front flower/plant beds. Some of my perennial flowers are sprouting! They won't be in bloom until May or so, but it sure is nice to see some green!!! I am more than ready for spring!!!:yes


Love seeing all the plants come to life in the spring. All the bradford pear trees are in full bloom, the redbuds are about to pop out thier flowers, just love it when the earth wakes up from a long winter's nap!


Toni- I'm glad you are enjoying the coffee :coffeeand I hope you don't have to work too long today. What were your neighbors burning? Enjoy the races!


Races over and I finished sewing the 3rd panel on the flannelghan. I'm sure the neighbors were burning brush from downed tree limbs and leaves.


Enjoy the day everyone!:hug


It's another beautiful day here. Time to feed the :dog and get myself a pizza in the oven for supper. Portabello mushroom/spinach with white sauce. YUM!



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Julie - Yep, I'm taking it easy....just doing laundry, which I don't find very daunting because I can go at my own pace. My washer/dryer is in my downstairs bathroom, so it's conveniently located :lol I will however try to make it to the car wash tomorrow :think which will be my biggest activity of the weekend :yes Other than that just lazing around.


Joanne - I need to check in with my brackets :eek I didn't look today. I haven't really had the tv on much yet today, ended up sitting and doing some research here, but am about to go sit and finish the show on the dvr that I started at lunchtime :think Then will probably have bball on for the rest of the night :lol


Oh, I found a guy to come out and look at my sewing machine later this week. He comes to me, gives me an estimate and if I accept, he fixes it right then :clap He'll be coming to my work one day this week since that's easier with my work hours :yes I messed around with it a bit, but wasn't able to figure out the problem :shrug Hopefully he knows :xfin

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Boy it must be that time of year again..when I only get on here once or twice a day. Rabbits are all snuggie in their carriers in the truck ready for the show tomorrow. Have to leave here by 5am to get to the show on time. Ugh...

Good luck at the bunny show.

Toni I filled that coffee maker up as much as I can. Hopefully there is a cup left for you in the morning.


Working on a baby blanket for a gal that works at the subway in town. She was carrying twins but lost one. They will do c-section on the other in a few weeks. It will be a preemie so making a little blanket. Boy it sure seems small.

Hope this one is just fine.

Have a good day tomorrow everyone!



Good Morning....

Just wanted to pop in and say :hi HI

Boys and I will be leaving soon to go visit hubby.

Then there is a school event tonight to raise

money for the booster club... I think I may take the boys

just because they need some "fun/sillyness" this


Ken is on his way for a CT scan now to see if the spots

on his lungs are getting better or hopefully gone. So

Prayers are very much welcome!


love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



╚══════════════☃ღೋ════════════════╝:heart :mug

:hug :hug :hug Praying for Ken to show improvement. Definitely sound like you and the younger boys need a night out to have fun. :hug :hug :hug


I slept in this morning. Woke up at 9:00 and went to the bathroom, took my morning pills, and crawled back in bed and slept until noon. Went to JoAnne Fabric in the afternoon and then to WalMart for meds. I've got corned beef cooking for supper and house smells heavenly. About time to prep the veggies....

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Hello everyone. Not a lot to say here. I slept very poorly last night, so I was tired today, and spent much of the day reading. I did manage to sew together the knitt4ed scarecrow my mom made me. She made the pieces, and gave them to me. I still need to embroider a face on him.


Its cold here, but its been a really nice sunny day.

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It got up to 85* today. It was wonderful!


The corned beef and veggies turned out really, really well.


It got up to 78 here and was wonderful.


Corned beef and veggies is one of my most favorite dishes! YUM!


Hello everyone. Not a lot to say here. I slept very poorly last night, so I was tired today, and spent much of the day reading. I did manage to sew together the knitt4ed scarecrow my mom made me. She made the pieces, and gave them to me. I still need to embroider a face on him.


Its cold here, but its been a really nice sunny day.


I didn't sleep well either and am really, really tired now because I also didn't get a nap.


I can handle cold better when the sun is out. Just seems better somehow and less cold :lol


That's it for me tonight. 3rd panel is on the flannelghan and started the 4th one tonight.

Everyone, sleep good and sweet dreams. I'll be here tomorrow sometime. Sister will pick me up to go to church with her and the mama and then out to eat. :hug:hug

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Sounds like we all had fairly relaxing days :think


Well, I finished the back piece of my sweater :clap So I have a pic of that to share....as well as a pic of the belle scarf I made last weekend when I was in Pitt :D I'll wait until tomorrow to start a front panel of the sweater and think I will finish up the square that I have in progress for the baby 9 patch that I've been working on at the sixers games (no home games this past week so it's been a little neglected :( ) Then I will read for the remainder of the night until I head to bed. Have the Pitt basketball game on now with :xfin it's a close one.



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That scarf is really, really pretty. *drool* Could you tell me where to find the pattern?



Here is the link to the scarf....it's a lion brand pattern and worked up quickly with the homespun :yes





Well, once again I sat here doing some research so now am beat and won't get any reading in again :( good night and I'll see y'all in the morning :c9

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Hi house, busy, busy me. I couldn't sleep in this morning had tons of laundry to do, then food shopping. This evening my DD and SIL and my lil grand darlings took me to Red Lobster to celebrate my birthday. It was real nice and I received a dozen yellow, pinkish roses, a Visa gift card from my DD and SIL and my lil grand darlings gave me a starbucks card and two birthday scratch off. It was very nice and I even decided to have one fancy drink. I'm back to working on my doily ghan but I was a little upset for I lost my favorite hook with the bamboo handle. After church tomorrow I'm going to run up to AC Moore to see if I can replace it. I hope everyone in the house is doing well and I'm so sorry I haven't been around much but now that my 9 soon to be 10 month old grand darling is crawling around and standing up I have to keep my eyes on him so he don't get into things he's not suppose to get into. :P I have something funny to share with the group, one of my husband's aide came in on Friday and she have wrap a scarf around her head and knotted it into a type of bun shaped in the back of her head, well when Jaedon who is 3 years old seen her he ask her "Why do you have a fish on your head", we all looked at him and burst out laughing. He said grandma she have a fish on her head. :lol:lol I wonder where little chidren come up with the cutest things to say. :think Night house. :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning and HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!!!:flower


Funny that it was actually warmer on the last day of winter than it is going to be today for the First Day of Spring! But it's here, it's really here- SPRING!!!!:cheer:yay


CHEERIA-:bday:cake:birthday Sorry it's late- but it sounds like you had a wonderful birthday celebration!!! Hope you can find the bamboo handled hook at ACM today- did you get your 50% off coupon?


Marisa- The sweater is coming out great! And I like your Belle scarf- It IS quick and easy to do- I love mine!


Off to get my coffee. I guess Mary2 got in late or is still at the bunny show- so I'm going to make enough coffee for all!


See you later!

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Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart


Cheeria ~ Happy Birthday a little late! :birthdayIt sounds like you had a really nice evening with your family. I hope you can find a hook that you like!


Marisa ~ Love the scarf and your sweater is going to be lovely. :clap So glad you're able to take it easy this weekend. :hug


Hi to everyone at the House! I woke up early and have been catching up with you all. This is a full tilt yard weekend for DH and I...it feels wonderful! It's still a bit early to plant tender annuals, but I'm adding ferns to one shady area and we planted another Japanese Maple yesterday.


Have a good Sunday, everyone. :)

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Sounds like we all had fairly relaxing days :think


Well, I finished the back piece of my sweater :clap So I have a pic of that to share....as well as a pic of the belle scarf I made last weekend when I was in Pitt :D I'll wait until tomorrow to start a front panel of the sweater and think I will finish up the square that I have in progress for the baby 9 patch that I've been working on at the sixers games (no home games this past week so it's been a little neglected :( ) Then I will read for the remainder of the night until I head to bed. Have the Pitt basketball game on now with :xfin it's a close one.

Nice work, love the scarf, and you are making amazing progress on the sweater. )That's the one you are knitting, right?)

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Good morning. It's a cold and gloomy first day of spring here. I'm hoping it doesn't rain, because I am marinating chicken for dinner, and I'd planned for dh to put it on the grill.


Happy belated birthday, Cheeria, sounds like you had a good day. And yes, "Kids say the Darndest Things", (those who are a little more -"ahem" mature among us might remember Art Linkletter's books of that name.) It's really true too.


I'm thinking that I need to start a new project. (none of my WIps is calling very loudly.....) I'm just not sure what I want to do.


Hope everyone has a good day.

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