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Our House Part Two


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Hello everyone. I've had a lazy day. I don't feel quite right, not really sick, just kind of queasy and tired. I didn't sleep well last night, which may be the problem.


Sherry, it's nice you get a couple of days off before the business begins at work.


Mary, I'm glad you and dh got a day to spend together. Sounds like some good deals on yarn, (but I am not buying any, (at least I don;t think so!, gotta use some of what I have first.!)


Joanne, how much longer will your dd from Boston be there? Its so nice you can spend some time with all three of them.


Tammy what an honor for Patrick. You have every right to be a proud mom!


Marlene, hope you made it safely to Texas.

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Mary, I ran into Michaels for #10 thread....and almost got sucked in by the sale....but thought better of it since I wasn't sure what colors I might really need.

I felt wierd doing that, but also a bit good:)


Cindy I get queasy when I have a bad night, too. Hopefully after tonight your body will have hit the reset button.:hug


I've been zipping along with the saltine border - I already had a bag full of the color I wanted to use. I may have to add to the pile, but not much, I think.


later, gators!

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Mary - have fun shopping for yarn!! I got a gift card for HL, but I haven't decided what I want to get yet.


Judy - glad you could resist the temptation to by the yarn!


Cindy - Hope you're feeling better. Get some rest.


Well I didn't crochet any today--just read some on a new book and took a nap.


Have a great evening all! Hugs to all.

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just a post of showing off.......................


This is the baseball mound at Standford University where my baby boy pitched these last couple days.



This is my baby Patrick and Stephen Strasburg.... from the Washington Nationals.



I'm so very proud of Patrick!



That is so very awesome, Tammy! :clap:clap:clap

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Hi, everyone. DD and I went to visit my mom, who lives near Ames, IA, after lunch today. She was sooooo surprised to see me. We hadn't warned her we were coming, because we didn't know if the weather would co-operate or not. Spent 2 hours with her and then went over to see one of my brothers who lives about 20 minutes away from mom. Had supper with them and visited for a couple more hours before heading back home. Mom had the quilt that I made her on her bed, the table centerpiece was on display on the wall, and the RR was on the back of her chair. She really appeared to like the lake quilt top and to be pleased that it was inspired by the vacations we took to the lake in the summers when I was growing up. She hugged me very tightly when I got there and when it was time to leave. I'm so glad it worked that we could go out.


Hi House. :) Please know that I'm reading everything - even if it's from my phone at "The Home" where my mom is. The drive is the worst part...no easy way to get there - major traffic all the time. She's not doing well and my dad is failing, but will never admit it. They have been married almost 74 years!


I hope to be home tomorrow and start packing up Christmas things. Take care, everyone. :manyheart

Sorry it's so hard with your folks right now. :hug:hug:hug It's amazing that they have been together that long! Wow! :clap

Not much going on today. Lots of football...and some brain surgeon in TVdom sceduled both the Jets and Giants at the same exact time:P There's going to be lots of flipping channels. I hope the batteries in the remote are fresh:lol


Have a good day!!

Well, not everyone is a fan of both those two particular teams, you know. :lol:lol

Marisa - freezing fog is a heavy fog and the temps are 32 or below--makes for a very slick time. Fortunately they missed that and we got about 1 inch of snow on Friday morning!

That stuff is truly wicked! Glad you missed out on it. :manyheart


Well, I guess I'd better go and back on the afghan for DD. Decided to stay at home today and rest. I'm off tomorrow and Tuesday and then it's back to the very hectic work--January is close out time for the books. I've already had workers asking me when the W2's will be ready!!


Everyone have a wonderful day!!


Hugs to all!

Glad you have a few days off before the craziness of year end starts. :hug

Linda - Your lake quilt progress sounds amazing! I'm glad you will get to see your GS again before you leave. :)


DH and I went to breakfast this morning and then ran a couple errands. I saw in the paper that Joann's has Vanna's yarn on sale for $2.39!! My oldest sister sent me a Joann's gift card for Christmas (we draw names), so it might be a good time to go tomorrow. :D Oh, and Michael's has several yarns 50% off!

Oooo! Are you actually going to spend it on some yummy yarn? :D I love getting yummy yarn on sale. :clap


Looking forward to showing off pictures when I get back home. I've taken a LOT of photos while here. And I'm looking forward to seeing DGS before having to fly home. The time is going by sooo fast. DD isn't ready for me to go home and I am and I'm not. It has been so nice being in their lives and being with them, but, oh, this cold, snow, and ice are doing such a number on my joints. I miss the much warmer weather in Georgia. Hopefully I've gotten some nice snow pictures while here at the least. :blush

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Good morning and happy last day of 2012!


Linda- it sounds like you are having such a wonderful time in IA and I'm so happy that you got to see your Mom and your brother. It warmed my heart this morning!:manyheart


Cindy- Hope you got a good night's rest last night and are feeling more like yourself this morning! My DD heads back to Boston today. :( She is taking the 10AM train. It seems like I just picked her up and it's already time for her to return home!


Mary- Have fun if you go to JoAnn's and spend your gift card! I'm going to try really hard to use up some of my stash before submitting to any more yarn purchases. Unless of course I need a certain color or feel the need for a splurge!:lol


Judy- Well the Giants played well and it would have helped if they had played like that the last couple of weeks. So even though they won, they are finished for the season. :( Is it time for baseball yet?:lol


Val- How are you enjoying your book?


Marlene- Thinking of you and hoping you made it safely to TX!


Tam- It's so exciting about Patrick- you must be on :c9!!!


Yesterday we spent the entire day at my DD's house. All three girls were there and it was a delightful day. They wanted to go to the movies, so I offered to babysit Ryan and they all three went together. It's been a while since they had a 'sister-sister' day as they affectionately call it. I'm so happy that all 3 of them have remained close and such good friends. We had pizza last night since DD can't get good pizza in Boston! We all left around 9 last night.


Today, after I drop DD off, I plan to just generally have a nice, relaxing day.


Wishing you all the gift of good health and blessings in the coming year.

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hi, ladies!!


Linda, that was so good you were able to see your mom!! And about the NY football teams....you have to be here, listening to the sports radio shows to understand what we all thought of the TV execs and their scheduling! It's a HUGE market in the Tri-State area.


Joanne, yup - ready for baseball! Do they have the rocking chairs set up int he dugout yet for all the old Yankees?:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


Lots to do today: grocery store; clearing up end of the year files and tax records; starting envelopes for 2013 records; showing hubby how it's all done (he wants to take over so he knows how to do it too)....and some dusting, etc.


Oh - I brought the piano ghan to my goddaughter yesterday. She loved it! Esp when she saw her name and the heart on it!! She already texted me about how she loves it. She's taking it back to college with her. Her parents were amazed at the keyboard....


Off I go!

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Good morning Housemates!


I just lost my post ugh!


Mary - Enjoy shopping for yarn! Continuously lifting you and your family up in prayer.


Joanne - I'm so glad you had this time with your girls and they had time with each other. Yes, I finished the book only to discover that books 2 & 3 are in storage and book 4 is here with me.


Judy - I knew your gd would love it. I'm planning on making one for Christian. He's my best friend's son that majored in music and I think is graduating this year.


Linda - What a sweet gift surprising your mom. It's a blessing to have your mom still here. I'm glad you got to visit with her and your brother.


Marlene - Praying you all made it safely to Texas.


Marisa, Cindy, Sherry & Tam...hope all is well.


Happy New Year's Eve!!!!



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Happy Monday, everyone. :) It's cold and raining - I have to buy some groceries and that may be my outing for the day. Perfect day for a fire and crocheting...maybe this afternoon!


Linda ~ I'm so glad you were able to see your mom and brother. :manyheart I don't think I could take Iowa winters anymore, either. :lol


Judy ~ WTG on getting everything organized! Time for me to do that, too...at least I've bought new calendars and don't have to go searching now. :) I'll bet your goddaughter can't wait to show everyone her afghan!


Valerie ~ Oh no! I hope you can find the books in storage without too much trouble!? Did you decide on a border for your afghan?


Cindy ~ I hope you're feeling okay today. :manyheart And I don't need anymore yarn right now, either. :lol There are so many patterns I want to make!


Joanne ~ I hope you do get to relax and enjoy your day!


Hi to the rest of the House, too!

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Hi, everyone. We went out for supper and are back home and off the roads. Won't be going out again tonight. I've been doing some spinning today and just enjoying being with DD. Everyone have a good evening.


:party:jumpyay:2snowmanHappy New Year!!! :2snowman:jumpyay:party


See you next year. :lol:lol:lol

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Happy New Year Housemates!

Mary - I haven't decided on a border yet. I didn't even pick up a hook yesterday. I've been flippin through books.


Just dropped of the dnei at work and waiting to drop off dnep at 8:30.


I don't know what I'm doing today!:think:think:think


Have a great day everybody!



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:2magic Happy 2013!


DD is home safe in Boston- and DH and I spent a quiet evening at home! I fell asleep before the 'ball dropped' :lol


I had a nice relaxing day and organized a little bit too. I was going to tackle taking down the Christmas decorations, but opted to wait till the weekend. wanted to enjoy my last 2 days off before going back to work. I started another cowl using some yarn I had bought on Small Business Saturday. This one is for me.


Wishing you all good health and happiness in 2013!!:hug

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Happy 2013! Wishing all of you peace and happiness in the new year. A year filled with friends and family and the joy of being with them and sharing their journey through life. May the sorrows be small ones and just enough to really emphasize the joy of good times. Good health and successes great and small.


A quiet day planned here today. Just enjoying the time with DD. Tomorrow we'll be having lunch with a friend of DD's who I met last time I was here in June. A fellow quilter and crocheter. Then later we will pick up DGS from his dad's house. We haven't had to make an early pickup, so I guess that's a good thing. Not sure. DGS was so worried about messing up while he was there, that it made me want to cry. He's such a good kid. To see him under such stress about a visit to his dad's house makes me both angry and sad.


Hope you all have a wonderful day. Love you all. :manyheart

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:waving Hello there


I decided to finally come out of the shadows and try to "engage" a bit more. I'm still very new to crochet so I am a bit nervous, but new year, new leaves, and all that rigomoroll. ;)


My name is Eleanor but I go by Ellie. I am 28 and mom to 2 beautiful little girls (S is mine; her father passed away. L is my husband's; very ugly situation but an amazing girl that we love on as best we can whenever we are 'allowed' to do so by DH's ex :kick) We have a pooch named Pepper and a hamster named Sid.


So far the main things I've crocheted are just dish cloths and granny squares (I don't know how to connect them so a friend just taught me to make giant ones as an afghan heeheehee)


I hope it's alright if I hang around here with ya'all. :hook


Happy new year!!

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Linda - I'm glad you didn't have to make an early pickup. However, it saddens my heart to know your dgs has to stress before he goes to visit. I'll be praying for him. Have fun with your dd's friend. We miss and love you too. Enjoy the rest of your stay.


Ellie - Welcome! This is the place to be. You don't have to be nervous in the "House." We are family here. We respect one another and share each others pains as well as the joys. We support one another! Hang around and just feel the love flow!


Watching the Georgia Bulldogs and the Nebraska Cornhuskers football game! I'm an Alabama girl living in Georgia. I roll with the Alabama Crimson Tide. However, I'm cheering the Georgia bulldogs since I live here and they're part of the SEC. I have 3 sisters, 2 live in Bama and I live with the other one and her DD, DS and DGD! My sister and I are looking to move back to Bama some time in the near future.


Again, welcome!


Hope the rest of the House is having a great day!

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Welcome, Ellie!:hug

This is the place to be for you...we talk alot, help out if there are crafting questions, etc...and a giant granny square ghan was my very firs tbig project too - many years ago!

Lots of us have pets, too, so there's another bond. I have 2 German shepherds, an adult son out on his own...oh, and my hubby of 45 years:lol


Cindy, enjoy GS's Birthday!!


Linda, very well said!! I'm glad you're relaxing with DD - may the rest of this New Year be a great one for you!


So...I barely got any hook time in today. I ended up making tapioca pudding and a big batch of oatmeal cookies (with raisins, walnuts and choc chips in them), doing some much neglected cleaning upstairs...and walking Miss Lucy for the first time in days. It wasn't as bitterly cold today.


Off i go. Joanne, Sherry, Mary, Val....everyone.... have a good night my friends:hug

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Hi all,


Welcome, Ellie!!! I am a nurse, work full time, and have 3 adult daughters, a wonderful son-in-law, grandson and grandson #2 on the way in March. My oldest lives in Boston and she was just visiting for a few days. My middle daughter is an artist and she just completed her Masters in Art Education and my youngest is an OR nurse and the mother of my wonderful grandson! She's also the one who is expecting grandson #2.


Linda - Glad you are enjoying your time so much- and that you'll see DGS before you leave.


Val- How did the GA Bulldogs do? I'm partial to the name of their team since my DD has a bulldog named Belle.


Judy- Glad you got a walk in with Lucy- it's supposed to be bitter cold tomorrow.


Cindy- Have fun at GS birthday! We went to a surprise 60th Birthday party for my son-in-law's Dad today. We had lots of fun and he WAS surprised!!


Mary, Marlene, Marisa, Tam- Hope you had a glorious day!

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Happy New Year!!! May this be a wonderful year for all of us!


Welcome to the house Ellie! We look forward to getting to know you.


Joanne - sounds like you've had a wonderful time with all DDs. Enjoy the rest of your time off. I have to go back tomorrow :( So not looking forward to going back.


Hopefully I'll be able to check in more now that the holidays are over and things will get back to normal. I haven't crocheted at all this weekend--but now I've got to get busy on DD's afghan and get it finished! Will try to work on the headbands at work when taking my lunch break. Hopefully they will work up quick and I can have something already for this year's Christmas!!


Have a great evening all! Hugs to all that need them!!

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A New Year.....................



(¯`·´¯).·´(¯`·´¯)... Happy New Year

..` ·.·´(¯`·´¯).....★。/|\。★







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A New Year.....................




(¯`·´¯).·´(¯`·´¯)... Happy New Year

..` ·.·´(¯`·´¯).....★。/|\。★








:cheerHappy New year to you too!:cheer

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Good morning.

Joanne, hope your day goes smoothly, even if its busy.


Ellie, now that I have a bit more time, I'm a wife , mom, grandma, mother in law and an ICU nurse. I work part time. I have two daughters, one of whom is the mother of all four of those boys, and a son and son in law.


I have lots on my to do list today. Laundry and grocery shopping are the two things that really need to happen. I stayed out of the grocery store over the holidays so the cupboard is starting to look kind of bare.


Val, I dug my 63 squares afghan out yesterday, and made another square. I think I have around 32 or 33 squares done now. Still quite a ways to go.

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`*.¸.*´…..Good Morning…..

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)

(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.


Hope everyone has had a nice beginning to the new year!

I'm still on vacation so I'm having a nice start! :)

Yesterday I met up with Sue (aka: TurtleLvr) and Jana (aka: walker1021) for some shopping and lunch. It was alot of fun! We laughed alot and alot of yarn was bought between the three of us! LOL

Sue.... Me.... Jana




Welcome to the House Ellie ..... you'll love hangin' out here! The ladies here are amazing!!!


I managed to get one mitten made yesterday. I've had a pattern in my head for days now and finally am getting it out on my hook!

I'll make the other mitten to finish the pair today.... so I will have a pattern to make more for Christmas gifts for this year.


I also managed to get a total of 12 pair of slippers made before the end of the year. So in just the months of November and December I made a dozen slippers. Wonder how many I'll get done this whole year?! :hook


Pair # 9 & 10



Pair #11 & 12



I do have yarn with me to make a pair while I'm still on vacation ...LOL


Okay.... off to get a coffee refill and make my second mitten. :hook





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